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Fantasy Hunters of Vernae


Life was absolutely boring without alcohol, Aztaron had to admit it right then and there. It was a boring life within the weapon and it had been so long since a hunter had come around for her. She couldn't even remember the taste of even the lowest quality booze she's encountered. She swore to herself that if any hunter were to come around she'd take whatever deal they throw at her if it meant getting wasted, clubbing, and waking up the next morning to get shit faced all over again. It was odd to be a raging alcoholic of a Vernae but that's exactly who she was. "99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer!~ Take one down, pass it around now you have no more and you're trapped within a weapon!" Aztaron began to shameless cry, finding it hard to cry comfortably. If she cried, she'd have a bottle in her hand. When she wanted to feel better, she'd be cuddling two bottles.

That's when Clark appeared right before her, like a miracle sent from the god of booze she prayed to every night before clubbing. "Booze god, you haven't forsaken me after all!" Aztaron rushed Clark's person, shaking him violently while screaming. The Vernae had temporarily lost her mind. "You're here to make a contract with me right?! Make your demands, I don't give a shit if I'm honest. I demand possession of the body every night for clubbing and a stock of alcohol. Vodka or shitty beer I don't care, I'm so damn desperate." This was when she began shaking hard enough to possibly give Clark intense whiplash. "GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" ( GingerBread GingerBread )
Well then.

This was a novel experience. Turning his legs so it wasn't just his upper body that twisted, he stared into the Vernae's face. Understanding instinctively that not responding would be death he did so immediately, "I wish to learn about a certain woman." He recalled the woman with the limp, "One who limps and lacks an arm. Then after that, a journey across this world. One to learn about a mysterious group of people; Women. And as such, I have three requests" He emphasized the nature of his words, "First, become my shield, utilizing your powers to protect me from danger and allowing me to do so as well. Second, discuss any plans you have or wish to create with me. Finally... converse with me once per day, whether for more serious matters or to learn something from me or allow me to learn from you."

To be honest, Miguel had been quite freaked out by the sinking into his shadow maneuver but he regained his cool and hoped that those terms he made up on the spot would be accepted and he wouldn't be killed painfully and horribly. His blue eyes calmly looked into the Vernae's glowing crimson pinprick of what, he could only assume would be its eye. Now, he just needed to see his endless narcissism could carry him through. Smirking his confidence slowly flooded back as he tried to beat back the lingering fear. ( Light Light )

The small Vernae stared back up at Ethan, refraining from blinking even once. The Hearthborne held eye contact with the male for what could have been a full minute. That's when Hadakushus moved his mouth and allowed words to come out. The only issue with this was the fact that his voice was deeper than most all humans can achieve. "Why must you stare at me like this, child. Do you quarrel, shall I go draw my long sword? I'd rather drive a dagger through my heart than concede my love of Juliet to you. This is why I quoth the raven, Nevermore." Hadakushus had a previous literature buff for a partner, which caused him to habitually project random pieces from stories he's heard. "Do you wish to form a contract? State your claim before I cut you up and stick you under the floorboards. May your heart beat courageously after I do so." There were absolutely no floorboards but Hadakushus said this anyways. "Upset me and you shall take the path less traveled. El oh El, ex dee." Hadakushus also managed to remember text messages as well. "Angry emoji. Impatient Emoji....flirty emoji." ( ebb ebb )

The giant Lightborne didn't find it hard to hear the human, especially since no words could be lost within this room. It was their combined soul after all but he doubted that this human would understand this. It was a slow process but Serviath managed to bend over and extend his hand for Mason to stand on. Serviath clearly wanted to bring the human up to his level so he'd feel more comfortable. "I am Serviath, your future partner. I am pleased to meet someone such as yourself. I accept your terms with one condition of my own. I wish to see a world at peace. At least for one day, that is my condition. I will fight with you to achieve this dream and protect those in need alongside you. Is there anything else you'd like to say to me?" ( Skaggon Skaggon )


Wiltrunt wasn't obligated to respond to this human, she failed to say anything of use or anything within his interests. Wiltrunt backed away from Irene and simply stared at her. This would be a waiting game until the moment she died it seemed. He'd be returned to the shelves and eventually another hunter would come around. This cycle would continue to repeat itself and Wiltrunt had no issue with it. He did wonder though, of all the other Vernae in the room, which were chosen as well? "Tell me human, how many were with you?" ( Skaggon Skaggon )
Mason climbed onto the massive creatures hand. "Well, then Serviath I promise I will do my best to make your condition come true as long as I live. You definitely don't seem to be the type that wants to deceive me. Let's do our best to make this work." He gave Serviath a grin and waited for the contract to be finished. "Oh, how do I know what your special attributes are? Do I have to find it out or is there a training thing?" He was ready for the contract to be formed and to return to the others.

Irene was satisfied with his response. She refused to have a weak Vernae but she still did not want to give in to this creature. "Does it matter? I didn't bother counting and vaguely remember a female who arrived before I did. Naturally, she amounted to nothing and I stopped paying attention. I simply grabbed the weapon that called out to me and it happened to be you." She continues to glare but she was slowly growing intrigued by this creature. He truly did not care for her life nor waiting for a new host. "Honestly I was surprised the promise of power and future freedom didn't allure you. I guess it's good you don't just back down. You have earned the status of acquaintance. So tell me this. What is it you want?" Wiltrunt surprised her. He reminded her of herself and did not want to lose the chance to be matched with a vernae that looked like it wanted power.

Hiro was quite respectful and Avulvador had a deep appreciation for this. Last time he received a partner that didn't get along with his peaceful ideals. This one on the other hand seemed agreeable. Avulvador made sure to bow back in the same fashion, returning his gesture. "Hiro, it is a great pleasure to meet you. I am Avulvador, your future partner. I also look forward to working with you as well. Please, state your conditions first. I consider you to be a guest so it's only customary that I treat guests with the utmost respect. This is what I've learned from my previous partner at least." Avulvador had an angelic voice and a calm posture. So far, the two of them seemed to share a kind wavelength.

Admittedly, all this Vernae wished to do is cure it's hungry curiosity about this world. For the most part this humans requests were fairly easy. Along the way, Vutcio would learn a lot about the world since knowledge seemed to be a large portion of Miguel's request. This human would do nicely, women were a foreign entity to Vutcio as well. "I cannot help it, I agree. I thirst, for knowledge as well. I am eager, you must return. The contract, it has been made. To transform, you must snap with intent." Instantly their souls became one and Miguel learned everything he needed to know about Vutcio. In return, Vutcio had access to all of his thoughts and memories. Miguel was mentally sent back to his own body and the contract had been complete. Within his mind, he could still hear Vutcio. "Let us go, our journey must begin." ( Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide )
As the lady in front of him finished.. listing her requests, Clark let out an awkward chuckle as he pushed her away from him, giving himself some distance from the.. crazy woman grabbing him. "I'm glad we're in my.. soul? Otherwise I'd be quite shaken" He cleared his throat and thought about the woman demands. "I, um.. I'm not really a big fan of drinking. I did a lot of it on my eighteenth. Woke up with a hell of a hangover the next day, let me tell you. It was awful. I, uh swore off the stuff that day, figured it wasn't worth the hangover" Clark smiled at the woman apologetically, she seemed desperate to get drunk, almost like she'd gone mad from not having a drink in so long. Though he supposed if he was trapped in a weapon for ages without stuff that he liked he go crazy..

"I don't really want much from this myself, just you know, you not trying to steal my body or force me to do anything I don't want to. And being able to use your powers.. I guess" Clark fiddled with his hands as he thought about anything else he might want to add to this contract. "And I guess help using all of your stuff.. I don't really have a clue what I'm doing" Clark chuckled before extending his hand out for her to shake. "I'm Clark by the way" With his other hand Clark scratched the back of his head. "And I don't want to be rude, but is there any other deal you wanna make other than drinking all the time? I'd rather I didn't have to do that, or deal with the aftermath, you know.. hangover and such" Clark hoped the woman wasn't about to snap and just try to take his body by force, because he turned down her only request.

Light Light
Hiro beamed at the tall Vernae. Unlike what he initially thought, Avulvador didn't seem intimidating at all. In fact, his angelic voice and extremely respectful demeanor made him more like a cool business partner than a terrifying alien monster. He wondered what kind of partner Avulvador once had if he was willing to treat them as a guest. "Thank you for your hospitality! As for our contract, all I ask is that you lend me your power when I need it. I promise to only use it to protect others and the two of us, and I'll ask for your input before attempting a transformation." Hiro broke eye contact to think. It was strange speaking to such an abnormal being almost like they were a human. He wondered what type of Vernae everyone else was getting, and hoped their combined powers would be able to save that poor girl. Remembering the urgent task at hand, Hiro returned to the conversation. "By the way, can you tell me about yourself and your abilities before we finalize the contract?"
Light Light

The giant shook it's head, giving off a brief chuckle at his partner's mistake. Serviath seemed to have a very light New Zealand accent. "All knowledge that you'll need to know will be transferred over once the contract is formed buddy. Don't worry a hair on your head about it. Just know that the requirement to summon me is to whistle." The contract ended up completing once Serviath finished his sentence. Mason instantly learned of all the information he needed about Serviath while the giant learned all about Mason. Mason ended up back in his physical body within the cave with a shield and a newfound partner. The would on his body ended up healing and closing up. ( Skaggon Skaggon )


Wiltrunt let out a slightly menacing laugh as his eyes seemed to glow brighter. It was only now that this human was interested in what he wanted from this contracted, what he wanted from the world. "I wish for unlimited power, power no other Vernae can achieve. I want this world and my world to burn and I wish to watch as those who are beneath me perish slowly, grasping at my feet and begging for mercy. I wish to be the last thing they see within their pathetic life as I take whats dearest from them. That is what I desire and I don't wish to do this as someones pet."
During his study of the Vernae, he’d come across images of towering beasts and monsters the size of skyscrapers. As Ethan momentarily lost himself in the abysmal, unblinking shiny eyes of the Vernae, he wondered what this meant for his future. It felt as though he was falling into the unwavering glossy orbs. With his eyes growing gradually too dry to bear, he broke the spell by blinking. The notes also warned of potential abilities not matching the outward appearance, but he wasn’t sure how he’d stand against acid spitting goliaths with only a small fox in tow. He felt himself warm.

Hey, it’s pretty cute.

When the Vernae spoke, he almost choked. The voice was deeper than the marianas trench, rumbling from the dainty mouth.

"Do you wish to form a contract? State your claim before I cut you up and stick you under the floorboards. May your heart beat courageously after I do so."

Snapped back to reality, the rosy glow that was metaphorically building around the Vernae was shattered. Once, a year ago, he’d been forced to a conflict resolution workshop because an ex thought he didn’t listen well enough. Remembering a handful of things he was supposed to have learned, Ethan fixed his face into a pleasant expression.

Still bent at the waist, he spoke with a labored calm. “Look. I have agendas. You have agendas. It would be stupid to pretend that’s not true, yeah?” Feeling like rushing the conversation would be bad, he seated himself carefully on the floor. Ethan had his fair share of arguments throughout his lifetime. The late nights of drunk calls and untapped drama meant he felt in his element when he was trying to argue his point. “When I,” he met his hands together, pointing them at his chest “have something that threatens my adgenja, we take take of it. I get to maintain my life. Seems pretty fair.” Searching for the right words, he repeatedly ran his fingers through his hair. “But you’re… important too. If you need to, uh… catch fish or whatever it is that’s important to you, I get it. That’s valid. We can talk about that and get you what you want. But-” growing cautious of accidentally throwing his life away, he backtracked slightly. “I still want, need, to know that you’re not going to throw us into some tricky shit. I still want the say. At this point you’re gaining more than you’re losing. Trust me that I’m going to respect your, uh, you time” he paused to suck in a breath “but we’re not going on a murder spree just because you’re in the mood for one. I have my own reputation and I don't want my friends cutting me out because I set someone on fire.” He felt as if he needed to boil down to the point.

“We don’t have to be at odds. We can find our common goals and achieve that. Help each other out.” It felt almost as disingenuous as it did a year ago, but still did hold some truth. Ethan silently prayed that the unreadable creature would receive the offer well. He was playing nice after all. In domestic arguments, he’d always experienced better results with calm language, but he wasn’t sure this fell into the same category. Ethan’s alternate style of arguing featured rude names, yelling, and copious amounts of tea being spilled. “We have the joint control, but I have the ability to step in with additional influence if and only if things get out of control. If we’re sharing an existence we’ve gotta learn how to compromise.” Having major couples therapy flashback, be chewed the inside of his mouth and waited for a reply.

Light Light
The words of the odd bishop echoed in her mind as Claire approached Zack Kingsley's underground base: "Within you all lies the innate power of service; you can bring prosperity to the world through your actions. The secret to salvation lies in the Vernae!" Claire was intrigued by the Vernae for a long time. She did not have to be told that they were divine beings sent from God, that in their realm lies mysteries and miracles that can save humanity. But she never imagined that she would have a real opportunity to reach for this wealth of blessings with her own hands. In some way or another, the old hunter in disguise had learned of her interest in the Vernae and sought to lend her the tools and the information that would allow her to investigate them. Once she was given her badge as a rite of passage into the underground base in the Amazon Rainforest, it was only a matter of time before she would obtain the power to establish true justice.

Unfortunately, her long flight was delayed, and Claire arrived at her destination rather late. However, that didn't stop her from getting stunned by the sight of the base. Produced by a Vernae, the base of operations for the Hunter's Organization was truly magical, yet it was no surprise that a divine being had the ability to create such a splendid place. Claire could only imagine the miracles that would be born if humanity would only fully harness the powers of the Vernae. But, ever balanced, their world was fundamentally flawed and filled with countless sins, and Claire was forced to witness a sinful act on the very day of her uprising.

For, the moment she entered into the cave she was instructed to go towards, the vile body of a woman suddenly produced quite a good amount of gore, and then proceeded to burst into flames. This alone was enough to stagger Claire, but she was truly enraged by the woman's actions directly following the scene. The damned woman, presumably in the form of her Vernae, simply stole away her fellow hunter and flew off. Naturally, Claire was aware of the everlasting cycle of evil; she knew that despite the potential blessings bestowed upon men by the Vernae, there would always be agents of darkness among them. She acknowledged that every innocent soul would have their appointed place in heaven, and that every death was a fair and merciful act following God's unconditionally righteous doctrine. Even so, she could not accept this atrocity that occurred before her. This condemnable heretic exploited the power gained from God's own angels, and used it to cause the suffering of her fellow man!

Claire turned desperately towards the others in the room. "So selfish... Why is everyone focused on themselves?! The poor woman needs help, use your powers only for her assistance!" However, the path to salvation is often hindered by solitude, and whether or not her call to arms was heeded in the full extent of its urgency, Claire acted immediately. She scanned the weapons scattered throughout the room, keenly aware of the items she had the most and least experience with. However, this wasn't the deciding factor; she instead acted upon instinct alone, and her intuition called her to a magnificent bow. The white bow was wreathed in ornamental gold, and although it was quite large, it was hardly overwhelming for her to hold in her hands. The mystical weapon was paired with a quiver filled with countless arrows, and Claire drew one of them while bracing herself for what was to come. Without hesitation, thinking only of the innocent life of the captive girl, she grit her teeth and stabbed an arrow straight through her hand. Her outstretched right hand, lying face-down on the table before her, grew wet with her hot blood, and the searing pain made her cry out in agonizing moans. She pulled the arrow back out of her hand with just as little hesitation, and she held her trembling right hand above the bow. Blood dripped onto the weapon, and before long the pain was gone.

Claire collected her composure, but nearly dropped onto the ground in her sudden shock; before her stood an enormous, fantastical creature who she could only assume was the Vernae that existed within this weapon.

Rather than dwelling on the beauty of the beast that stood before her, Claire was able to calmly state her terms. "Divine creature of God, I pray to you! So that I might overshadow the darkness of humanity with the light of Heaven, so that I might spread peace, justice, and Providence throughout the world; so that I might punish Satan's disdainful dogs with divine intervention; so that I might heal the suffering, bring aid to the poor, and spread blessings to the deprived - all I ask is that you lend me your strength, if only temporarily, to achieve my goals! My only desire is to extract the best from both your world and from mine; if I can control your holy strength during my times of need, I can reach ideal results in this pursuit. With these terms, will you accept me as your lifelong partner?"

Light Light
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Miguel nodded as he felt the dampness return to his skin as the underground rain forest surrounded him again. Glancing at the old man he gave a smug grin tapping the ground with the cane. He glanced around to the others, to see many of them not in full consciousness. 'Does a contract usually take longer than what it took us to reach an agreement?' Miguel asked Vutcio as he leaned on the cane, tapping his index finger against the silver beak of the crow. His other hand went to his white dress shirt which he straightened as his eyes flicked around the cave. He was concerned though, to say the least. For adolescents to hold power like this, it was quite the scary thought. Perhaps with this power, he could take more than just himself when everything inevitably starts to go wrong.

Light Light
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The giant shook it's head, giving off a brief chuckle at his partner's mistake. Serviath seemed to have a very light New Zealand accent. "All knowledge that you'll need to know will be transferred over once the contract is formed buddy. Don't worry a hair on your head about it. Just know that the requirement to summon me is to whistle." The contract ended up completing once Serviath finished his sentence. Mason instantly learned of all the information he needed about Serviath while the giant learned all about Mason. Mason ended up back in his physical body within the cave with a shield and a newfound partner. The would on his body ended up healing and closing up. ( Skaggon Skaggon )


Wiltrunt let out a slightly menacing laugh as his eyes seemed to glow brighter. It was only now that this human was interested in what he wanted from this contracted, what he wanted from the world. "I wish for unlimited power, power no other Vernae can achieve. I want this world and my world to burn and I wish to watch as those who are beneath me perish slowly, grasping at my feet and begging for mercy. I wish to be the last thing they see within their pathetic life as I take whats dearest from them. That is what I desire and I don't wish to do this as someones pet."
Mason now knew what he had to do. He turned to the group to see how many have yet to make a contract, or who were still making theirs. He sat down and waited for the group to be downe. Mason wanted to go and find the girl that went missing but for more than one reason he held himself back. One was his new found power being rather difficult and two he was nervous just thinking of talking to the others. He knew nothing about them and he arrived late. He looked at his shield and dropped it. The shield fell for a half an inch before disappearing. He decided he would bring it back later.if he needed it. He thought back to his he newfound powers and the problems they posed. He would like to leave so he could go get used to his powers but someone was in danger and might need his help. All he could do was wait for the group.

Mason decided to sit outside and wait for everyone to finish. It was cooler outside than inside and the scenery was nice. He chose a flat rock to sit on and wait. He was told all he needed to do was whistle but he hyped that mean that he could whistle without summoning the behemoth that was his vernae. He was going to miss whistling.

Irene was surprised with what Wiltrunt wanted. She assumed that vernae wanted to take over the bodies of their hosts but this seemed reasonable. She hated backing down but she was not prideful enough to never change her mind. They shared the same goal and all he wanted was not to be a treated as a pet. To her, this was rather reasonable. She shrugged her shoulders. "Ok, I can agree to that. Next time just say so. W both want to see every living being below our feet and rather then a pet I'll give you the exclusive title of being my acquaintance and maybe one day I'll see you as a partner but for now, we both have a common goal and I doubt any of the spineless bugs in the cave will agree to such extreme length. So how about that? We both get what we want and when I add to my collection you will have supreme command of all other vernae we conquer. You and I can go places." She was excitedto get this started. She had prepared herself to encounter a vernae that sought to violate her and use her body however they want but this was more than reasonable. It felt more like a symbiotic relationship.

The dragon looked down at who was supposed to be his new partner, he didn't like what he saw. He felt humiliated because of the age of his partner, he was above this. Based off of his previous experiences, he deserved someone of heroic status. He doubted that she could even speak properly. "I demand more from this contract. I want a greater say in what happens to you and I. I am old and I hold great wisdom. You'll require my senior opinion to survive the life of a hunter. I only wish for a bigger cut for our own safety." ( Deathpelt Deathpelt )

She didn't like the way this was going, he didn't seem likely to let her get away with booze runs. If he doesn't allow her to have her booze then she'd rather stay here within the weapon. "Look, you sound cool and all but I have to have booze. It's literally how my abilities work, they don't activate without it. I'll let you have whatever you want in this contract man, really, just please let me have nights at the club at least four times a seven day week and we have a deal." Aztaron began showing off her puppy eyes to Clark. If this didn't work he was either into guys or she was getting ugly. ( GingerBread GingerBread )
From that white space which a hulking white behemoth stood before him, Lars recalled. He recalled how one day he had been private messaged directly on his forum account by 'God Out Of The Machine'. He was challenged by him to go to Brazil and search for an underground jungle which was going to be a 'Spring of Vernae'. Then he was called out directly. Deciding losing his only job would be less of a price to pay than going to Brazil so he went ahead and booked a flight there. After a week or so he was approached by a man who was willing to show him the way to the cave. Well, not willing but more 'Come with me if you want to live.' Except the man was threatening him so not like that at all.

Anyways that's how he found himself in a cave. How he got into the expanse was another story. Rather embarrassing anyways. It started when the girl burst into flames and he promptly screamed and tripped into the wall with the weapons, cutting himself on some sort of axe.

That was how Lars found himself in front of some sort of yeti wolf several times larger than him. Legs shaking his mouth opened and closed as he gaped like a fish.( Light Light )
Savva Wolfe

As soon as that dragon spoke, Savva knew he was going to be one of those grumpy old guys. Immediately she rolled her eyes at the oversized lizard, if he wasn't going to respect her, she was not going to respect him. "Ok friend, look I know that I may not be the best at every thing, but I should have as much respect from you as you have from me. So lets up the deal a little bit, since you want bit more I can give you that, you may control my body when we are in immediate danger, that way our safety would be protected. Also I appreciate your wisdom, but lets get real you've probably been in that sword for a pretty long time, do you even know what an iPhone is? When it comes to the present I may have a bit more knowledge then you." She Looked up fiercely at the large creature, and awaited his response.

Light Light
Clark pursed his lips, as he thought over The Vernae's offer. He had no frame of reference of what deals the Vernae's were likely to offer, or what people got from their deals in the past. Though so far, his deal with this girl was seeming pretty good. Sure he'd have to allow her to drink regularly, which he'd hadn't done in what felt like ages. But technically he wouldn't be the one drinking. Clark wondered how it'd work if she got drunk once she was in control of his... their body or just how it'd work in general, would he have to watch everything, or he just be able to.. sleep? Clark realised he'd been lost in his thoughts for quite a while, figuring that it wouldn't be that bad of a thing, he gave Aztaron his answer. "Sure, It's a deal" Clark stuck out his hand for her to shake. "Just try not to have too much.." Clark figured that might not be a option since she-.. they'd need it for their powers. So he quickly added "..if you can"

Light Light

The Lightborne seemed to like the partner he had at the moment. He seemed to share the same ideals he did when it came to how power should be used for oneself and others. "There is no need to discuss such matters. Once the contract is made, we shall learn everything we need to know about one another. Everything will be laid out perfectly for you to understand. I shall be able to communicate with you mentally. If you ever have the urge to transform, call out my name and it shall occur. I wish you luck in your future endeavors." The contract was complete and hiro learned all that he needed to know about Avulvador. His mind was sent back to his body within the cave and Avulvador began to speak in his head. "Where shall we go first?" ( Reis Reis )


The small Heartborne continued to stare at Ethan for what could have been a whole 8 minutes. "Human," again with the deep voice, "You strike a fine deal. I agree to these terms, they're quite simple...like you, semi-colon three. To transform into my superior meat-bag you must recite the entire Skyrim soundtrack or call out a meme. Yes, this is do-able, I like this. I can always peer into your thoughts and access your memories. You will have the ability to learn about my powers. Now, let us finalize the contract and connect! Peach emoji, eggplant emoji...bow chika wow wow." With that, the contract was complete and Ethan was sent back to his physical body. "Now prettyboi626, take us to the nearest phone store. I require a phone of my own for...research. Yes I accessed your memories of your old club totally-not a penguin for potential copy-right purposes, account." ( ebb ebb )


The stallion was much like Claire, righteous to the highest degree. So righteous, it's responsible for countless Darkborne deaths within the past. Taeyogus was far from sane when it came to his ideals, much like a crusader. Anyone or thing that seemed to be even slightly off his moral code had to be purified. Murder was wrong in the eyes of Taeyogus. Though in his eyes, ending the lives of sinners was only purification for them and the world. If he vaporizes them then they're free from their own evil nature and could become a shinning entity of righteousness within the afterlife. "Young girl, I understand your holy plight. I shall join hands with you immediately to purify this world of evildoers any way possible. Let us purge this universe, completely. 'Purify, Taeyogus' is all you must say to transform into my figure. All that you will need to know of me shall fill your mind once our contract is made." Instantly Taeyogus made the deal to answer the call for justice. Claire was sent back to her human body, Taeyogus made no hesitation in communicating with her. "Hurry my partner, we must enact justice!" ( Sacrosanctus Sacrosanctus )


"Time with contracts, much longer. Compatible, surprisingly we were. Your actions, what shall they be? I await, yes, I await your decision." The Vernae seemed to be stirring within his mind, searching for any useful memories that Miguel may have. "Finalized contracts, you can see them. They're everywhere, aura stems. Hunters, they've finished after you. I must ask, question. Curvy woman, why are you touching her that way in memory?" ( Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide )


Irene suddenly wanted to make a deal even though the Darkborne already made up his mind. They seemed to be stubborn on both ends but came to an agreement on one thing. The fact that everything should grovel at their feet. If they both craved power, Wiltrunt felt like it might be enough to form a mutual contract. I shall give you all the power you need, if I feel like it because I am not your pet. Another condition is that I expect results. In a months time, if I don't see a good sign of my goal being possible, I shall revoke all given power until a sign comes around. Do we have a deal?" ( Skaggon Skaggon )


This human was a coward, the complete opposite of Grizzius and his hot-headed nature. Whenever Grizzius set his mind on something or whenever he was furious, there was nothing that could scare him off. This man would literally take that nature and reputation and spit all over it while using his body. The Vernae would not have this at all, this man could die in here for all he cared. Grizzius would rather die himself than look like this oaf. "Go to the opposite side of this room and die. I have no interest in making any form of a contract with the likes of you. I don't make agreements with cowards." Grizzius balled up and got ready to take a really long nap. Of all the people that could swing by, he got this one. The Heartborne began to grunt in rhythm. These grunts were actually Grizzius laughing at the situation. ( Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide )


"Your challenge of knowledge is trivial, of course I know what an Iphone is. Your insistence that a mobile device has weight in a test of knowledge concerns me. Do you have memories of what really happened at the assassination of Julius Ceasar? Do you know what battle tactics used in real warfare worked and failed? Do you what inspired real enlightenment? No, of course you don't because you weren't around at the time." Of course Avdagron wasn't as well, he had only come to the human world 300 years ago. He had just heard about things like these from previous partners. He just had to bluff because he'd be damned before he takes orders from what could be considered an unborn child compared to him and his age. ( Deathpelt Deathpelt )


"Of course I wont drink too much, I'm not insane after all!" Clark would be in on a terrible lifestyle of just drinking. Worst case scenario she'd just have to cut out his liver for his regeneration to grant him a new one if she sends him near death's door with the amount she drinks. That didn't matter anyways, she had a contract and that meant no more boredom. No more boredom meant clubbing and becoming eternally wasted! "I can't wait to see this partnership through with you Clark. If you ever need to transform just click your heels together once, I love that scene. Anyways, everything that you'll need to know will be transferred into your head. I'll be contacting you, buh-bye!" Clark was sent back to his physical body and Aztaron was happy she'd never have to be sober again in her life. ( GingerBread GingerBread )
Savva Wolfe

Savva sighed once, she could see that this wouldn't be the easiest to accomplish, I mean he is a dragon, that probably lived hundreds of years, but she wasn't about to give up just yet, I mean who was the one who cut herself with the weapon? SHE DID, more respect please? "Ok, Ok, I get it you where here for hundreds of years, and are... ancient. But honestly I did make it to you here you know? And if your wondering I am the youngest, but at least I didn't DIE trying to get here OK???" Savva paused briefly to look into the large dragon's eyes. "And its not like a coward in front of you, or ran around screaming, which is better then some other people that would have seen a giant dragon in this time? OK? So I'll repeat my contract to you. You will have control over me when in immediate danger, and will be able to access my thoughts, memories and everything about me. You get about 45% of control over me, and I get your abilities to transform, and regenerate." Savva stopped for a few seconds to let it sink into the dragon's brain what she had just said, and waited patiently for his answer.

The Lightborne seemed to like the partner he had at the moment. He seemed to share the same ideals he did when it came to how power should be used for oneself and others. "There is no need to discuss such matters. Once the contract is made, we shall learn everything we need to know about one another. Everything will be laid out perfectly for you to understand. I shall be able to communicate with you mentally. If you ever have the urge to transform, call out my name and it shall occur. I wish you luck in your future endeavors." The contract was complete and hiro learned all that he needed to know about Avulvador. His mind was sent back to his body within the cave and Avulvador began to speak in his head. "Where shall we go first?" ( Reis Reis )


The small Heartborne continued to stare at Ethan for what could have been a whole 8 minutes. "Human," again with the deep voice, "You strike a fine deal. I agree to these terms, they're quite simple...like you, semi-colon three. To transform into my superior meat-bag you must recite the entire Skyrim soundtrack or call out a meme. Yes, this is do-able, I like this. I can always peer into your thoughts and access your memories. You will have the ability to learn about my powers. Now, let us finalize the contract and connect! Peach emoji, eggplant emoji...bow chika wow wow." With that, the contract was complete and Ethan was sent back to his physical body. "Now prettyboi626, take us to the nearest phone store. I require a phone of my own for...research. Yes I accessed your memories of your old club totally-not a penguin for potential copy-right purposes, account." ( ebb ebb )


The stallion was much like Claire, righteous to the highest degree. So righteous, it's responsible for countless Darkborne deaths within the past. Taeyogus was far from sane when it came to his ideals, much like a crusader. Anyone or thing that seemed to be even slightly off his moral code had to be purified. Murder was wrong in the eyes of Taeyogus. Though in his eyes, ending the lives of sinners was only purification for them and the world. If he vaporizes them then they're free from their own evil nature and could become a shinning entity of righteousness within the afterlife. "Young girl, I understand your holy plight. I shall join hands with you immediately to purify this world of evildoers any way possible. Let us purge this universe, completely. 'Purify, Taeyogus' is all you must say to transform into my figure. All that you will need to know of me shall fill your mind once our contract is made." Instantly Taeyogus made the deal to answer the call for justice. Claire was sent back to her human body, Taeyogus made no hesitation in communicating with her. "Hurry my partner, we must enact justice!" ( Sacrosanctus Sacrosanctus )


"Time with contracts, much longer. Compatible, surprisingly we were. Your actions, what shall they be? I await, yes, I await your decision." The Vernae seemed to be stirring within his mind, searching for any useful memories that Miguel may have. "Finalized contracts, you can see them. They're everywhere, aura stems. Hunters, they've finished after you. I must ask, question. Curvy woman, why are you touching her that way in memory?" ( Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide )


Irene suddenly wanted to make a deal even though the Darkborne already made up his mind. They seemed to be stubborn on both ends but came to an agreement on one thing. The fact that everything should grovel at their feet. If they both craved power, Wiltrunt felt like it might be enough to form a mutual contract. I shall give you all the power you need, if I feel like it because I am not your pet. Another condition is that I expect results. In a months time, if I don't see a good sign of my goal being possible, I shall revoke all given power until a sign comes around. Do we have a deal?" ( Skaggon Skaggon )


This human was a coward, the complete opposite of Grizzius and his hot-headed nature. Whenever Grizzius set his mind on something or whenever he was furious, there was nothing that could scare him off. This man would literally take that nature and reputation and spit all over it while using his body. The Vernae would not have this at all, this man could die in here for all he cared. Grizzius would rather die himself than look like this oaf. "Go to the opposite side of this room and die. I have no interest in making any form of a contract with the likes of you. I don't make agreements with cowards." Grizzius balled up and got ready to take a really long nap. Of all the people that could swing by, he got this one. The Heartborne began to grunt in rhythm. These grunts were actually Grizzius laughing at the situation. ( Love of Cyanide Love of Cyanide )


"Your challenge of knowledge is trivial, of course I know what an Iphone is. Your insistence that a mobile device has weight in a test of knowledge concerns me. Do you have memories of what really happened at the assassination of Julius Ceasar? Do you know what battle tactics used in real warfare worked and failed? Do you what inspired real enlightenment? No, of course you don't because you weren't around at the time." Of course Avdagron wasn't as well, he had only come to the human world 300 years ago. He had just heard about things like these from previous partners. He just had to bluff because he'd be damned before he takes orders from what could be considered an unborn child compared to him and his age. ( Deathpelt Deathpelt )


"Of course I wont drink too much, I'm not insane after all!" Clark would be in on a terrible lifestyle of just drinking. Worst case scenario she'd just have to cut out his liver for his regeneration to grant him a new one if she sends him near death's door with the amount she drinks. That didn't matter anyways, she had a contract and that meant no more boredom. No more boredom meant clubbing and becoming eternally wasted! "I can't wait to see this partnership through with you Clark. If you ever need to transform just click your heels together once, I love that scene. Anyways, everything that you'll need to know will be transferred into your head. I'll be contacting you, buh-bye!" Clark was sent back to his physical body and Aztaron was happy she'd never have to be sober again in her life. ( GingerBread GingerBread )
Irene shrugged. "You don't need the monthly quota because I had already decided to be bloodthirsty and I think we both know that if I need the power you wouldn't have much of a choice because then we both would end up losing. But sure this seems fair we both get what we want and I doubt you'll find a better candidate anytime this century." She offered her hand to shake his. "Are we done here? I would rather this ended quickly before any of the other decide to pull something while my body can't move." She was also tired of talking to Wiltrunt and wanted to go read in the beautiful scenery outside of the cave. She had no idea she was moved.

This blasted child was far too bold for her age, it irked the dragon beyond belief. He didn’t like the terms of this contract but with her underdeveloped brain this would be the best he could get. It couldn’t be helped, he’d just have to wait for someone older to kill her off and make a contract with him. I’m fact, he was hoping her death would occur within the week. “Fine, I agree to these terms.” He would sabotage her. “To transform, just clap three times.” He’ll leave her to die when she needed him most. “You’ll learn of my abilities once the contract forms.” It was a cruel thing to do but the moment she got here, she was already dead. Savva was mentally sent back to her body and the contract was complete. ( Deathpelt Deathpelt )


The Darkborne grunted in response to her beginning sentences. She was oddly over-confident for how underwhelming she was. “You have a month to show results, remember that.” He looked down at her outstretched, grunting once more. “I don’t shake hands, I just end things as they are. To transform just smirk, you’ll learn all about my powers once the contract is formed.” Suddenly, Irene was taken back to her regular body, in the arms of Axlethia flying above tall trees. “Ah, so you’ve finally woken up. Let’s get straight to the point here, shall we? I’d like to discuss a certain deal.” ( Skaggon Skaggon )
When Clark was sent back to his physical body, the first thing he did was look around to see who else had finished their contracts. He wasn't sure where to go himself, and didn't really want to go off on his own. He doubted that many other people would deal with... whatever he was defined as now. Having someone in your head who wants to drink most of the time would probably put a strain on any new friendships he tried to make. So he figured it would probably be easier to make friends with the people here, since they'd 'get' what he's going through. Not only that, because he wanted to know how everyone got on with their contracts, see where he stood with his, in terms of how good it was.

Clark noticed that a few people were just coming back to their bodies from their contracts. The main two that he clocked were Hiro and Ethan, since he'd already learned both their names and knew them both only slightly more than anyone else here. Clark pushed himself up from the floor where he was sat, and walked closer to Hiro and Ethan. "Hey. Ethan, Hiro. You guys finished with your contacts? How'd they go? Mine was quite.. short" He wasn't sure if he wanted to be the one to bring up Daniella being.. taken by her Vernae, since he wasn't sure if they should help her, or even if they really could. Not that he wouldn't, but it seemed dangerous and they were just beginners. So he decided to just stay quiet on the subject. He'd go with everyone else if they wanted to go, but he wasn't about to be the one to suggest it.

Light Light ebb ebb Reis Reis
Miguel's brow rose upwards as Vutcio spoke, his tanned finger still tapping the silver beak of the cane, while his eyes flickered around the room, finding one more person return to being. "Maria? If you speak of Maria then she was a wonderful woman. Her mysteries were extensive, like how she was a part of the military before retiring to Italy!." Putting a hand to his chest Miguel took a step as he continued, " He shook his head as he spoke his thoughts out loud and proud, bringing up memories of her. Miguel hummed glancing around, 'If what you've told me is correct, I can find and contract more Vernae correct, friend?'.

Lars, on the other hand, wasn't faring as well as his Vernae completely dismissed him. Pushing up his glasses shakily he glanced around the expanse to try and find something, anything but found nothing but himself and the now grunting Vernae. Stepping back Lars bit his lip trying to think of anything. While he was already sick of being here he felt this could be a chance to change. As he stepped back, Lars stepped forward two strides, "No, I-I nee- M-m-my name is Lars Mikkel. I-I-I-If you're just going to lay there g-grunting then tell me your name." Gaining just the slightest bit of confidence at the thought of that kid doing this, he blurted this out, regretting it afterwards.

Light Light
Savva Wolfe

Savva was back in the cave where she had always been, however she could almost feel something crawling in her mind. She never really liked lizards that much, and this one was no different. Serisouly, in his age did respect even exist? Savva decided that maybe it be best to ignore him for a bit, just until he actually regained his brain.

Savva looked around the cave. Most of the people had already finished their contracts, and where starting to wake up form their mindful experience. She sighed and wondered if anyone else had gotten a respectful, less old vernal. She chuckled a bit at the dragon's face and how sometimes he seemed rather dumbfounded. She also hoped that sooner or later she would catch another vernal, because if this is what she'd have to deal with day after day she might as well die.

Even though however she waited to see if the dragon had talked to her any, probably not. "I hope he isn't nocturnal, gosh I'd go insane from lack of sleep." She snickered to herself, while waiting for everyone to I don't know, come together?

Light Light

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