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Fandom hunter x hunter

'There, that's done with.' Conner thought to himself as he cleaned his blade on the creature. Hoping that that was all that would jump out at him, Conner continues on the path, sword out and ready. Hoping was good and all, but being prepared was better. Lucky for him though, he was able to get to the end destination without anymore monsters leaping out.

(OOC) There, making it easy on your tired brain. Now go sleep.
Around a bend about 7 meters away was a pack of the same beast that attacked Conny, all of them very hungry. 
(Gonna go get some sleep now soz every body)
"Son of a..." Conner trailed off as he sheathed his single handed katana and took the big on off his back. He would make this as fast as he could. Waiting for the first one to get close enough, Conner swings sideways and hits it in the side, stopping at about it's belly button. Twisting around, he rips his katana out of the first one and buries it in the second one, cleaving into it's shoulder. Two down, five left. Charging the final group, he quickly dispatches two more before being hit. It was a glancing blow to his side, his armor protecting him from the worst of it. Once more striking out, he kills the one that hit him and promptly got his sword stuck. Letting go of it, he pulls out his single handed sword and pivots on his foot in time to block one of the last two creatures furious beating with his shield. Not wanting to get stuck behind his shield and getting killed by the last one, he hamstrings the one beating on his shield and pins its jaw closed with his sword. Turning to the last one, he shouts at it, challenging it to kill him and avenge it's brothers. But as it ran at him, he ran at it, and right before it could strike, he swung his sword out, and off came it's head. The creature didn't seem to understand that it was dead, because it took a few more steps before dropping dead. Retrieving his blade and cleaning both of them, he continues on his path, daring anymore to show up before he reached the end.

(OOC) Sorry for killing all of them, but I refuse to die right away before actually seeing the place. Plus I want to see everyone's reaction.
Aiden was about to remove the cloth from his mystery item when Conner killed the creatures and Aiden walked ahead of him ignoring whatever he had to say.
The feline perched at the edge of the hole head canted slightly to one side and expression of curiosity replacing the one of boredom. Holes were like graves begging to be filled and the simple thought brought a smile to her face. Her tail wagged happily as she peered down and all the applicants who had made it so far. She also wondered if Mister Moral Compass would make it out of whatever waited down the other path alive. It would be interesting to see, perhaps even enough so to elevate him from the status of a simple bother to something that would be interesting to toy with. She chuckled softly to herself.
the same man as at the tree intercepted the group, and told them to go find a couple who were living in a cottage on the mountain side
'Great, more old people.' Conner thought to himself as he hiked up the mountain. If they were like the old woman he didn't want anything to do with them.

(OOC) Just assuming I reached the end.
Isles walks past the old lady dumbfounded by the lack of his intelligence working in his favor "I guess sometimes you gotta shut up whatever" he continues down the path he could see a few people ahead of him. He decides not to engage but didn't want to seem like he was sneaking so he just walked like a normal person and it was obvious that he was there.
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Pbtenchi arrived first, he instantly new something was wrong, the door was smashed, he rushed in, just in time to see a humanoid beast, it quickly dashed out the door, carrying a screaming young lady, inside was a smashed table and an injured man.
Though Isles was farther back from the house the screams could be heard of a hysterical woman. He quickly sped up into a run and reached the house the door was smashed in and reviled a man in harm Isles was no doctor but even he could tell that they were pretty bad wounds he hurried in approaching his fellow examiner "What happened here?" he spoke in semi worried but calm tone.
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Kuro sighed sitting in a tree branch just beside the house. She could see inside and was well aware of the smashed table and wounded man. She had also glimpsed the screaming woman being carried away. Her ear twitched. Such loud noises, it would have been wise to kill the woman immediately if she was going to make so much noise. She yawned laying across the branch, her ears tilting back towards the house as she listened in on the conversation. She would wait and see what would be revealed before making a decision about what to do.
"Why must there be more creatures." Conner said as he walked over to the wounded man. "What happned here." Conner asked the man as he inspected the wounds.
"ill look after his wounds, you go save the lady!" said Pbtenchi, rushing in to treat his wounds the best he could.
"On it." Conner said grabbing his sword hilt and ran out the door the thing barreled through. He tracked it as best he could, which was kind of easy considering it was carrying a screaming girl. He had a feeling it would be harder to kill then those things in the Paper Trench.
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Isles smirks and nods his head in agreement then dashes off into the most likely direction he takes to the trees and catches a vague sight of the humanoid fox like creature. He leaps from branch to branch and quickly pulls out his boomerang and thinks to himself "I't will be alot harder transitioning to the light weight" he gains a good shot on the creature, the projectile left his hands on instinct. The attack wasn't lethal most likely the boomerang would hit the creature in the head hard enough to stun him.
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"Yes" Isles yelps in excitement then looks down to his finger tips "Lucky throw but to much hesitation before my release is bad for my finger tips" as Isles took a moment to reflect on his throw the creature vanished and dodges the shot "What?!...huh guess I guess it want be easy" he smirks and his boomerang comes back to him. He sped up his speed until he catches a small glimpse of it and pursuers it again he goes for a up and close attack he leaps forward barely grasping at his tail if he was to grasp his tail there should be no way to escape due to Isles inhuman grip force "my only problem would be the girl falling but the othter guy seemed to be keeping up he should catcher hopefully"
Conner ran after the other candidate, after he lost sight of the creature. Bloody thing was fast, and he wasn't going to climb a tree just to get it. He saw the boy jump and make a grab at the creature, if anything was going to fall, he would have to catch it. So he picked up his pace, and tried to get as close to underneath it as possible.
the beast quickly turned and hammered Isles on the noggin, knocking him out of the trees. (theirs actually 2 beasts, I planned to split you up.) 
(The girl will be fine. I'm doing this by the book)
"I'll go after this one, you keep on the other one." Conner shouted before running after the other one. 'Why do they have to be in trees?' he thought to himself as he ran along the ground after his new target.
After being knocked down Isles runs with the guy, he was dressed in armor Isles believed he would never catch the creature but there was no time for doubting someone. "Okay" he then runs off and jumps back into the trees after the other creature the fall had given the creature the advantage he could probably get a surprise attack on Isles but that also worked in his own favor he became more aware of his environments. The chase continued but soon as he got a glimpse of the creature it vanished into a branch of leaves do to all the leafs on the trees.
Isles wasn't even fazed by the sudden appearance of a shadow somehow he just knew it wasn't the creature he decided not to say anything it was best to not break concentration one strike from the creature could cause serious injury.

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