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Fandom hunter x hunter

Conner saw the twitch that the kid had. 'Wonder what his problem is.' Turning to the female again, "You still haven't told me what you are grinning about. My names Conner by the way."
"I can't say I don't really care with out seeming rude can I... Oh well I suppose I just did..."

The female glanced over absently a flicker of her tail indicating her amusement. She rested her cheek on the palm of her left hand, causing another jingle of heavy chains. Two large and obviously heavy shackles were clasped around either of her wrists, attached to a length of thick steel chain. Another chain hung from the wide leather collar around her throat. The chains on her wrist hung loose but the one on her neck was attached to a steel loop, hanging from the wrap around her waist. Two empty hooks indicated were the other chains would be fastened. She gave an analyzing gaze to the man who had spoken to her and had to repress the urge to chuckle.

"I was grinning because I was thinking about how few will survive this year... A lot of people die during these exams...and with a crowd like this there will probably be quite a few deaths this go around..."
Aiden was now staring at the crowd 'Poor sods' he thought to himself and saw the cat lady 'A Chimera ant..... Well this got a bi more interesting.' He thought to himself.

@Lethal Multi-Chara


"Why would you grin about something like that?" Conner asked. He also wondered why she wore chains, but asked one question at a time. "If anything you should feel sad at the thought of so many people dead." Conner turned to the other person he met, looking for some support.
"I don't know, they wouldn't enter if they weren't prepared, bersides, their deaths increase our survival chances" he said heartlessly
"Only the overly sentimental are troubled by the deaths of the opponent... When you fall in battle do you think anyone here would cry for you..."

Chuckling softly shaking her head, a cynical smile playing on her lips. The way she spoke of death with a carefree ease belied her mentality on the matter. Death was merely another experience, an inevitability that would catch up with some faster than others. It presented an amusing prospect in an otherwise boring world. Yawning slightly she returned to her resting position.

"See... At least you friend isn't so naive..."
"I know, but it shouldn't be something you should be happy about." Conner said, backtracking a little. Deaths were unavoidable, but you don't grin over someone's corpse knowing that they will help you survive.
The feline like woman sighed knowing that she wouldn't be able to get a nap in with mister moral high-ground over there intent on discussion. Sitting up she scratched behind one of her ears, her tail waving pleasantly. When she looked up the smile she gave him was equal parts pleasant and dark. She could almost see the logic working in that head of his. He like many was under the mistaken impression that her pleasure was from the fact that the deaths of the opponents would in essence make the odds better in her favor. But she couldn't care less about the odds.

"It is when you're the one causing them... I don't care how the odds turn with people dropping like flies... The only thing that will amuse me is seeing how many of the flies I can catch and crush..."
Aiden saw the clouds and sighed as he grabbed the item next to him and went to an Area of the ship that wouldn't be affect by the storm too much.

@Lethal Multi\-Chara
'Great.' Conner thought to himself as he hurried to a railing. He doubted anywhere would be safe from that storm on this boat. So, bracing for the wordt, Conner faced the storm.
"Oh...rain... How nasty..."

Kurohime made a soft sound of disdain but swiftly rose to her feet. With an almost laziness about her she made he way towards the mast, climbing nimbly up to settle herself in the crows nest, which as it turned out involved her dislodging its current occupant; a task she accomplished with a bit of a scare alone. Satisfied she hunkered down, pleased that the position had the advantage of a bit of slanted roofing to keep it dry. Uttering a soft yawn she closed her eyes to nap.
'Hope she knows that that will be rocked around the most. Oh well, just hope she doesn't throw up.' Conner thought to himself. He was slowly tensing, peparing for the storm. His hands began to hurt from his grip on the railing. Hopefully this wouldn't be as bad as the captain thought it would be. Hopefully it would just be a lite drizzle.
Pbtenchi went below deck and got into a bunk to read his book, no point staying on deck if it was rainy
Aiden was below deck with the mysterious cloth item, he saw the person who said hello to him but stayed where he was because he doesn't like to chat with people he doesn't know. His robe still hid his identity of being a Chimera ant but he knows that he'll have to take it off later but for now he doesn't. He was sitting Down cross legged waiting for the storm to blow over quickly.

The storm started, the seas became rough and it started pooring down, the weakest started being tossed around as violent gales bombarded the ship. But pbtenchi ignored this, and turned the page of his book
Kuro slid with the rocking of the ship, lulled to sleep by the fierce patter of the rain of of the roof that protected the crows nest. She remained in her loosely curled form, snoozing as she slid back and forth, unperturbed by the storm and rocky seas.
people were really panicking, to the point of getting on deck and jumping or being tossed into the sea. but after awhile the sea calmed and the rain quietened. however, the ship had lost half of its occupants.
Conner was soaked. By the time he noticed he could go below it was to late, but it didn't matter now. It was actually rather exhilarating. Loosening his grip on the railing, Conner looks around. So many people were alteady gone, but one person managed to grab hold of him before going over. Helping him up, he pats him on the back and gives him a little shove. People have already died, and his chances of survival has gone up. He knew this, but it was still a shame that people had to die before even the test began.
Pbtenchi emerged from the deck and took a look at the clouds. "another storm, twice as strong as the last"

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