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Fandom hunter x hunter

((That's why I made Aiden stay below deck)) Aiden was against the wall and so was his mysterious item.
Kuro didn't even bother to wake up. It didn't matter who went overboard and who didn't. As long as she got her nap she didn't really care.

"How much worse?" Conner said, spitting water out of his mouth and wiping it out of his eyes. If it was a lot worse then the last one then no doubt about it, he would go under.
"Well, below I go then. Good luck captain." Conner said as he walked below deck waving a farewell and a good luck.
@Lethal Multi\-Chara

and then the storm hit, the gale struck before the wind, waves splashed over the side of the ship, lightning arced through the air and rain fell like buckets
A second storm came but stronger thank the last, Aiden stayed below deck, sitting cross legged on the floor with his mysterious clothed item by his side.
the ship tossed to and throw, a hole burst in the hull, throwing out a few unlucky souls, leaks started to spring in the hull, a few tried holding them, but to no avail as the walls crushed waves flooded the hull, a few lucky were able to make it to the top of the deck but many were swept away, the ship could now only be called driftwood, as it was hurled onto the beach. "hmm more survivors then normal" said the captain. "I must be loosing my touch"
Kuro's ears twitched, her tail flickered, she curled up tighter, sliding along with the rocking of the ship. She tucked in tighter, chains jingling, and she continued to nap.
Aiden ran to the top deck carrying his item with him, he saw that they landed on a beach and jumped down looking around.

"this, is the current location of the hunters exam, good luck you few survivors, head towards the town up there"
<p>Aiden started walking towards the town the captain was talking about but along the way he kept his eyes peeled for anything that would attack him. His robe was undamaged and his face was still hidden from others.</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/4744-pbtenchi/" data-mentionid="4744">@pbtenchi</a></p>
<p>"Twice as bad? That storm was more then that." Conner muttered angrily to himself. Before he to jumped from the ship, he walked over to the crows nest and gave it a kick, if that chimera ant was still alive she would be up there. But he doubted that she would feel the kick and shouted up, "We're here, get up." And hopped off the boat, and on the hilt of his single handed katana.</p>
<p>@Lethal Multi\-Chara the town was packed full, there had to be thousands of wanna be hunters, all of them waiting in line for a line of buses. On a hill some distance away was a tree with red leaves a few people were heading to</p>
Cranky to have her nap disturbed Kuro uncurled stretching lazily before leaping from the crows nest. On the beach she took a quick tally of the competition. Not many on their boat had survived but by all appearances there was still plenty of competition to go around. She sighed stretching once more before hooking all her chains to the loop on her belt. Lazily she made her way into the town and spotting the tree that seemed to be the objective decided to head for it on foot. With a lazily push she darted forward dashing first of a rail and then the top of the bus to place herself on the rooftop. Preferring the clear path up here she would make her advance upon the hill.
(It was meant to be a trick, if you took the bus you missed the exam, if you went to the tree, more problems but eventually make it)
Still disgruntled about getting soaked and now covered in sand, he had sand where he didn't want it, Conner made his way to the tree. 'Might as well scope out the competition' Conner thought to himself as he tried to work as much of the sand out of his armor as he could.
At the top of the tree was a man. He told the few who arrived to go right until they reach a paper trench.
'What the hell is a paper trench?' Conner thought as he did as the man told him to do. He followed the group, hand still on his sword.

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