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Fandom Hunt for the Halfbloods - waiting room



you’ve got me by the skin and bones
hi everyone! feel free to ask any questions, brainstorm, and chat ooc here. once applications are accepted all OOC will take place on discord
Sorry about that, was gonna say we should delete our little convo
so why the age limit?
because i’m the gm and i said so c:


it’s because this specific scenario requires more experienced halfbloods. so, these are going to be ones who survived into adulthood. also i wanted them to be within the same age rage for plotting reasons. gives room for history and connecting with each other better.
because i’m the gm and i said so c:


it’s because this specific scenario requires more experienced halfbloods. so, these are going to be ones who survived into adulthood. also i wanted them to be within the same age rage for plotting reasons. gives room for history and connecting with each other better.
Hi all, how is everyone. Still thinking up my character by i have a feeling she would be a cross between Luna lovegood from HP and Mordin Solas from Mass effect, mostly the latter.
I got something up for Lovelie, I’ll probably finish her either tonight or tomorrow!
ok i've finished maia! i'll be adding an uncoded spoiler at the bottom since the code i chose isn't mobile friendly lol.
I was just about to post Nik up and I lost everything 😭. idk how cuz when I cut the code and to paste it, it just disappeared from my clipboard history🥲
But it's alright, I have everything I wrote saved in docs, so I'll post him in a while when I fix up his template
I was just about to post Nik up and I lost everything 😭. idk how cuz when I cut the code and to paste it, it just disappeared from my clipboard history🥲
oh nooooo that's the worstttt. been there before unfortunately
Posted something for Nik, it's not finished yet.

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