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Futuristic Humanity - Ch 1 OOC

It's all good dwwwwww. I had the same issue. Resorted to literally throwing dirt at a wall haha
I figure once something is pointed out by another character it's fine to share with the group unless its something that should be kept a secret?
Certainly 👍🏻 if a character finds something, he or she can share it or keep it to him/herself.
I'll give you all six more days for replies to what Meg found
Maybe a reveal of whatever she's digging would give a little more direction? Since she's already started Darkbloom Darkbloom
Never got the notification until now damn it-

Been busy moving things 😔
I’ll write a short post to get things moving then since I legitimately got stuck on it
one of the many group rp's i'm thinking about trying out here is going to be the same style. :D
Will be getting one up later today
Been moving and setting up furniture and decorations since Friday so apologies for my lack of presence
Using today to catch up on all the RPs that I held up
Should get one from me before/around noon today
Been busy moving in furniture to my place! But uh…I can reply after everyone else has since I did two kinda back to back

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