Other Huh? Why?


Two Thousand Club
So... it happened. Donald Trump has been elected as our president. I don't like the man if we're talking about his personality, but he's already elected to become president, so ok. My real problem here is... 

According to the media, I'm hearing and seeing some stuff about white supremacy again. And the last time I saw it as an issue that could have possibly threatened my safety was in a history book. Oh, boy. I'm an American citizen, born and raised, but I'm in the minority here. I sincerely hope this isn't as bad as I'm making it out to be. I'm in the middle of studying, my friend dumps this on me, and now I'm a bit shaken up. 

Do you guys know what I'm talking about? Am I making sense? Opinons? 
Well, as long as you yourself are legal (which you said you are), I think you'll be fine. Trump is only focusing on illegal immigrants, and you're neither an immigrant nor illegal. And I honestly doubt he has any intentions towards actually making white people reign or whatever comes with the concept of 'white supremacy'. Anyone who isn't Trump tries to start a shit storm, and I'm sure the branch meant to deal with those things will still deal with them.

I think everything'll be fine. I'd be worried if Hillary were elected, but despite appearances, Orange Toupee Dude isn't aggressive as fucking shit.
I'm worried. I'm also an American citizen, born and raised, but it's scary, and it's ignorant to not be worried. Trump, Pence, and their supporters pose a very real threat to LGBT people, POC, immigrants, women, ect. His supporters have already taken to the streets-- they're vandalizing property, and assaulting and verbally abusing people from various minority groups. These people are white nationalists, and Trump has given them a platform to come into mainstream media and politics. So yes, this is terrifying and appalling. And even if you are just apathetic to this, you are part of the problem. This shouldn't even be a matter of politics, it's a matter of morality. A man who has ran a campaign on hate, and a man who is inextricably connect with white nationalists, should not run a country. 

Trump poses a threat to our democracy, economy, foreign relations, the environment (because global warming is a hoax, right?), national security, and world peace.
Hey, Beat!

No, you shouldn't be worried, and do you want to know why? Everything the person got from above was absolute bs - their stories have been disproven, CNN just got in huge trouble for staging an interview with a 'worried anti-trump protester' and what few people know is the vast majority of 'protesters' rioting right now? They're being paid. I can link you to sources and just post straight up pictures of ads, these people are getting paid incredible amounts to go out there and cause hell. CNN, MSNBC, they have been bought and there is documentation of them, too, colluding and conspiring to cause trouble in order to scare the hell out of people by making them think this is 'whitelash' which is, again, racist. White nationalist is a load of bull and just goes to show how much people can't stand whites.

When people come to you saying things like 'white supremacy' that is EXACTLY where it's from, your textbook, which has been heavily edited over the years (they got rid of civil rights and made it 'social studies' which few people know) to make people have disdain towards whites, and pity minorities which had their own wars and fights for supremacy. Which is in itself racism - there is nothing bad about white people, there are bad individuals who happen to belong to every race and skin color, but honestly, to be so afraid and hateful towards whites is racism. White skin comes from all over the world. Those stories of Trump supporters 'stealing hijabs and attacking muslims'? You're really going that's what people are doing, even though a police department even confirmed one of the most popular stories at the moment was entirely fabricated? And why are they always the victims, you don't think they're getting in the faces of white people and calling them names, inciting violence, hating them for their opinion? Republicans never rioted against Obama. And we protested peacefully against Hillary Clinton - there is documentation that the DNC paid people to go into Trump rallies and pretend to support him while beating people up. WE aren't the hate mongering racists. The alt right can speak for itself, I'm talking about real people, not fabricated factions and meme spammers.

Think about it: Why would he have more hispanics and blacks vote for him than any republican nominee in history? Do you really think Ben Carson, Omarosa, Sheriff Clarke, Pastor Burns and Pastor Scott - to name a few - would be campaigning with him if he were a threat to their lives? If they thought they'd have their rights taken away, or be deported in his first 100 days? His wife is a legal immigrant, why would he marry someone if he's so damn racist? 

The sexual assault and child rape allegations against Trump were debunked or retracted before he could sue for defamation of character because they were not true. Yes, all of them, were lies, proven.

He said illegal immigrants, and those aren't just hispanics coming over the border illegally, but anyone from brits to arabs that overstay their visas of which there are many. 

What he said against women? I don't condone that. But for all the people slamming him, they're real quick to buy tickets to a Jayz and Beyonce concert, of whom objectify and destroy the dignity of women FOR A LIVING. His wife forgave him, his daughters are representing women, Kellyanne Conway? She was the first ever female campaign manager, and further more, the first female campaign manager to successfully run a presidential campaign (for Trump). No one mentions her, I guess because she's too white to represent a win for women? 

Many, many gays supported Trump - he doesn't hate them, and just because he might not sign a letter encouraging transgender to use whatever bathroom they want doesn't mean that he is setting back progress. The gay community, the real one, not this mainstream shit that stands for ludicrous rebellion, didn't want all of this. They just wanted to be acknowledged as people and then left alone. Milo Yiannopolus is a great example of gays that can be conservative without fear. That shit about Pence being homophobic? So what if he doesn't agree with the gay community? He wants to keep everyone safe. That bill everyone's saying he tried to pass about arresting gay married couples? It's a lie. That was an ordeal with a democratic senator I believe, long long time ago. The demonization of Christians is where the real hate is. Shaming his beliefs to get him to endorse your own beliefs? Doesn't work that way. 

What we NEED to do, is stop with this 'white' 'gay' 'minority' bullshit, and start looking at each other as Americans. There will be assholes from both sides, but if we can just look at each other as one nation, all these divisive categories people keep clinging to won't segregate us. He never said all mexicans are rapists, he said many illegals crossing the boarder are, which is true. He's fought for blacks and jews, he's very welcome in many diverse communities that have the guts to just watch his speech instead of believing the news and buzzfeed. Please don't give into these lies that he's bringing back white supremacy, if he was, he wouldn't have had more minorities vote for him than any other president. If he was, he wouldn't have flipped so many democratic and diverse states blue - think of all the people that did vote for him, they weren't all white! They were diverse Americans! There is zero to fear with this guy, I would much rather someone who can renegotiate bad deals, befriend Russia and hug our flag, that someone who was literally on the brink of declaring a nuclear war with Russia that HE STOPPED.

I can cite and link you to anything to back up my argument and more importantly assure you there's nothing to fear. I'm tired of the lies people are spreading whether they mean to or not just to keep everything anti white, anti america and full of hate - they are not true, and I have to think that you're more educated than that, that you could do research yourself from sources that aren't documented to be working for Hillary, that you can realize so many blacks and hispanics are behind him and that's a big message, they're not endorsing someone who is going to deport him. There shouldn't be anything wrong with mostly whites endorsing someone, but these same whites that voted for Trump? VOTED FOR OBAMA. So YEAH, they're real racist, they're really into white supremacy, so much so they voted for a black president first.

This race shit needs to stop. He was elected because women didn't want to be drafted into war by force under Hillary, he was elected because of her ties to crazy stuff like Spirit cooking or arming rebels in the middle east that turn on and kill our boys (AKA, ISIS), he was elected because of these rioters that preach peace and democracy, but then go against a candidate despite scolding him for 'not accepting the results if he doesn't win.' Going against an election ISN'T DEMOCRACY, people don't even understand the word but are flinging it around. AMERICANS don't burn their own flag and destroy their own cities (which are both terrorist acts) to prove a point. He got elected because of the rioters than terrorize people, because of the democratic policies designed to keep minorities dependent on the government, because people want to be unified, not divided by groups that run around destroying things in the name of diversity. He was elected because of the conservatives that are being fired just for their own political standing and beliefs, he's been elected because of all the people that are being fired right now for voting for him. That is not democracy, that is not peace, that is not fair. 

Look at it from both sides. I'm not asking you to like Trump, but I am asking you to look beyond the lies, do your own research and not just believe all the tumblr teens that get their information from racist shows like TMZ, MTV, Buzzfeed and CNN - they hate America and they hate white people, you can't take information from them seriously. 
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Hey, Beat!

No, you shouldn't be worried, and do you want to know why? Everything the person got from above was absolute bs - their stories have been disproven, CNN just got in huge trouble for staging an interview with a 'worried anti-trump protester' and what few people know is the vast majority of 'protesters' rioting right now? They're being paid. I can link you to sources and just post straight up pictures of ads, these people are getting paid incredible amounts to go out there and cause hell. CNN, MSNBC, they have been bought and there is documentation of them, too, colluding and conspiring to cause trouble in order to scare the hell out of people by making them think this is 'whitelash' which is, again, racist. White nationalist is a load of bull and just goes to show how much people can't stand whites.

When people come to you saying things like 'white supremacy' that is EXACTLY where it's from, your textbook, which has been heavily edited over the years (they got rid of civil rights and made it 'social studies' which few people know) to make people have disdain towards whites, and pity minorities which had their own wars and fights for supremacy. Which is in itself racism - there is nothing bad about white people, there are bad individuals who happen to belong to every race and skin color, but honestly, to be so afraid and hateful towards whites is racism. White skin comes from all over the world. Those stories of Trump supporters 'stealing hijabs and attacking muslims'? You're really going that's what people are doing, even though a police department even confirmed one of the most popular stories at the moment was entirely fabricated? And why are they always the victims, you don't think they're getting in the faces of white people and calling them names, inciting violence, hating them for their opinion? Republicans never rioted against Obama. And we protested peacefully against Hillary Clinton - there is documentation that the DNC paid people to go into Trump rallies and pretend to support him while beating people up. WE aren't the hate mongering racists. The alt right can speak for itself, I'm talking about real people, not fabricated factions and meme spammers.

Think about it: Why would he have more hispanics and blacks vote for him than any republican nominee in history? Do you really think Ben Carson, Omarosa, Sheriff Clarke, Pastor Burns and Pastor Scott - to name a few - would be campaigning with him if he were a threat to their lives? If they thought they'd have their rights taken away, or be deported in his first 100 days? His wife is a legal immigrant, why would he marry someone if he's so damn racist? 

The sexual assault and child rape allegations against Trump were debunked or retracted before he could sue for defamation of character because they were not true. Yes, all of them, were lies, proven.

He said illegal immigrants, and those aren't just hispanics coming over the border illegally, but anyone from brits to arabs that overstay their visas of which there are many. 

What he said against women? I don't condone that. But for all the people slamming him, they're real quick to buy tickets to a Jayz and Beyonce concert, of whom objectify and destroy the dignity of women FOR A LIVING. His wife forgave him, his daughters are representing women, Kellyanne Conway? She was the first ever female campaign manager, and further more, the first female campaign manager to successfully run a presidential campaign (for Trump). No one mentions her, I guess because she's too white to represent a win for women? 

Many, many gays supported Trump - he doesn't hate them, and just because he might not sign a letter encouraging transgender to use whatever bathroom they want doesn't mean that he is setting back progress. The gay community, the real one, not this mainstream shit that stands for ludicrous rebellion, didn't want all of this. They just wanted to be acknowledged as people and then left alone. Milo Yiannopolus is a great example of gays that can be conservative without fear. That shit about Pence being homophobic? So what if he doesn't agree with the gay community? He wants to keep everyone safe. That bill everyone's saying he tried to pass about arresting gay married couples? It's a lie. That was an ordeal with a democratic senator I believe, long long time ago. The demonization of Christians is where the real hate is. Shaming his beliefs to get him to endorse your own beliefs? Doesn't work that way. 

What we NEED to do, is stop with this 'white' 'gay' 'minority' bullshit, and start looking at each other as Americans. There will be assholes from both sides, but if we can just look at each other as one nation, all these divisive categories people keep clinging to won't segregate us. He never said all mexicans are rapists, he said many illegals crossing the boarder are, which is true. He's fought for blacks and jews, he's very welcome in many diverse communities that have the guts to just watch his speech instead of believing the news and buzzfeed. Please don't give into these lies that he's bringing back white supremacy, if he was, he wouldn't have had more minorities vote for him than any other president. If he was, he wouldn't have flipped so many democratic and diverse states blue - think of all the people that did vote for him, they weren't all white! They were diverse Americans! There is zero to fear with this guy, I would much rather someone who can renegotiate bad deals, befriend Russia and hug our flag, that someone who was literally on the brink of declaring a nuclear war with Russia that HE STOPPED.

I can cite and link you to anything to back up my argument and more importantly assure you there's nothing to fear. I'm tired of the lies people are spreading whether they mean to or not just to keep everything anti white, anti america and full of hate - they are not true, and I have to think that you're more educated than that, that you could do research yourself from sources that aren't documented to be working for Hillary, that you can realize so many blacks and hispanics are behind him and that's a big message, they're not endorsing someone who is going to deport him. There shouldn't be anything wrong with mostly whites endorsing someone, but these same whites that voted for Trump? VOTED FOR OBAMA. So YEAH, they're real racist, they're really into white supremacy, so much so they voted for a black president first.

This race shit needs to stop. He was elected because women didn't want to be drafted into war by force under Hillary, he was elected because of her ties to crazy stuff like Spirit cooking or arming rebels in the middle east that turn on and kill our boys (AKA, ISIS), he was elected because of these rioters that preach peace and democracy, but then go against a candidate despite scolding him for 'not accepting the results if he doesn't win.' Going against an election ISN'T DEMOCRACY, people don't even understand the word but are flinging it around. AMERICANS don't burn their own flag and destroy their own cities (which are both terrorist acts) to prove a point. He got elected because of the rioters than terrorize people, because of the democratic policies designed to keep minorities dependent on the government, because people want to be unified, not divided by groups that run around destroying things in the name of diversity. He was elected because of the conservatives that are being fired just for their own political standing and beliefs, he's been elected because of all the people that are being fired right now for voting for him. That is not democracy, that is not peace, that is not fair. 

Look at it from both sides. I'm not asking you to like Trump, but I am asking you to look beyond the lies, do your own research and not just believe all the tumblr teens that get their information from racist shows like TMZ, MTV, Buzzfeed and CNN - they hate America and they hate white people, you can't take information from them seriously. 

That was beautiful
It is really not my place to comment, I didn't vote and he's not my president, but people I care about already got hurt by fanatics. Saying it's a lie/staged is not 100% true... 
No it's not one hundred percent true - that's why I said there are bad people from every race, every political affiliation - branding an entire political party or movement because of a few things that might have happened isn't fair to any side, whites, minorities, whatever. And I know people provoke whites and trump supporters and then victimize themselves for air time, so I won't defend them. 

Many people I care about were attacked by liberals, neoliberals, democrats, illegals, hillary supporters, isis sympathizers and BLM 'protesters' so again, happens from both sides, it isn't just trump. You can chose to ignore the riots and hell they cause in portland, oakland, california - but it's there, and it's all in the name of hillary (or soros, depending on whether or not they were paid). 
@Altschmerz I'm not trying to be hateful towards whites here, but it does seem like some people think it's okay to call minorities out more than usual? I'm not scared of what Trump would do. I'm not scared that I'll be deported or whatever. I'll start worrying if Trump does something weird. What I'm afraid of is the reaction that certain kinds of people have had towards Trump becoming president, and that those certain kinds of people seem to think it's okay to start hitting it up on minorities. These people are probably a small part of the population, maybe they're not. I don't know. One more thing. For now, until I get my facts straight, I'm going to be more careful. 

One more thing. How can we get "this race shit" to stop? I have no idea how to go about it since some people will not change their opinions. We all have our own prejudices, and prejudices against race is something I believe will never completely go away. 
@DreamBeat No, that's true, prejudice will never completely go away. But it isn't on either side specifically - minorities can be just as racist culturally as anyone. 

I'm afakasi (half islander, half white) and my own cousins wouldn't let me sit at the dinner table for the several months we lived with them, because I wasn't a true blood - I don't blame all islanders for that, but it's a cultural thing, they're a minority, and it's a blatant distaste towards half breeds or whites. That's everywhere, compromised and represented by many individuals, but whether we're white, islander or whatever other origin, it shouldn't be speaking for an ethnicity or race, it's just how some people behave and while we can expose them to a different way of thinking, or a more diplomatic approach to sharing their suggestions, it won't always work. 

And then look at the neo liberals. I don't think anyone, honestly, has gotten more hate than the white male this election cycle. Now that's entirely debatable, it's not something I'm trying to pass as a fact, but the whole white privilege thing and shaming people for their skin color, saying black people can't be racist - calling us Nazis (which is not only inaccurate, but a real slam to Jews) fighting someone with the same tactics that were used against you at some point isn't ever going to solve anything. People scream 'cis white male scum' 'fuck off white america' 'white backlash' 'white nationalist', it's both sides.

I'm not excusing either one, there were some guys that walked past my mom in walmart not too long ago and murmured 'vote trump' thinking she was hispanic, and only befriended her when she said she was voting for him, too. But that was uncalled for, and can turn many people away, so I get it. I'm embarrassed by how we're represented, us patriots, us America lovers. And being a nationalist has been associated with being white and I don't know why, loving this nation is shared by all walks of life, are we going to hate black people for being nationalists? 'black nationlist' suddenly sounds really awful and racist and they can love their country if they want to, but we've been desensitized from that same empathy with whites. Nationalism is not a race thing. That's like saying 'white musicians', there are many, it's not a white thing and shouldn't be condoned if it was. 'Black power' is exactly the same as 'white supremacy', if one form of dominance is bad, than all racial dominance should be, right? But it's never seen that way. People let things that minorities do (from feminists to races) slide all the time out of political correctness, fear, so in that sense they often do have the upper hand. 

But I think that goes along the same line as beauty standards, preferences - there's a side that believes thinking a certain way is wrong, and there's opposition to that side. No one is completely right, that's why we have compromise. That's why we have a democratic republic - two sides have a fair shot, and Donald Trump won, unlike Hillary, without rigging the primaries (though he sure said some outrageous things) and without paying people to make himself look better. Having opposing views is not a fault, it is not an ist or an ism, it's just part of individuality - if you prefer skinny or curvy girls, you shouldn't be faulted, it's just a preference that isn't always a societal structure, some people just like certain sizes. If you're more inclined towards dating whites than a minority? That's fine, that's just being an individual. It really is the same as being more inclined to chocolate than vanilla (no racial pun intended). It's only wrong if you harass someone for being who they are, what they were born as, shaming them for their genetics or shape, size or color. Making suggestions and offering a legitimate argument backed up by evidence is fine, like within the fat pride movement for example, but slamming someone for being who they are, though, that's not right (though I don't think weight is an identity, but that's just me). I think people just need to understand the difference between preference and degradation. 

And again we need to call ourselves Americans. Be proud of who you are and where you came from, bring those ethnic qualities here and contribute to a country that loves immigrants, but know that most people who wave their home countries flags in rebellion of America have either never actually been there (otherwise they'd be singing a different tune than socialism), or fled there because America is better. That's just the truth. And Trump wants to Make America Great Again for everyone, he has said a few things that were outrageous and really nearly cost him this presidency, fairly so, and it did influence people to go beyond limits and attack those for who they are which just makes me shake my head. But know half the time (not justifying racism at all) it's in self defense. Having someone repeatedly tell you you're 'white cismale scum' which is trendy even for other white people, eventually leads you to fight back. Having girls come up and scream at you for being a homophobic, racist, etc. traitor just for voting Republican, that's not fair either. They don't even know the policies passed by democrats and republicans, otherwise they'd probably switch sides.

Come together as Americans and quit shoving yourself in the minority category. And quit letting people put you there, like you're oppressed and you'll never make it - absolutely you will, because you're a proud American fighting to better the country you live in. I know this seems a little rushed and I'm not a majorly educated spokes person, nor am I advertising our president, but as far as ending 'this race shit' (which I know seemed insensitive but I'm sick of the argument, I want people to come together) just be a proud American. Don't burn flags, don't give into the narrative that Columbus was the only one in the wrong when the Natives fed people their own genitals (I can source that, too) don't believe the robber baron myths that all white men in charge are ripping you off (Many are, but those are people, not representatives white men)  don't believe women are oppressed because the 1 in 5 are raped on campus myth is a lie, and twice as many women graduate college and are even given easier tests than guys! Some see that as empowerment, even as a woman myself I see that as sexist, but it's an advantage - they're far more likely to be hired even if they're unqualified, and Donald isn't going to alter women's rights a tall - he just wants to bring back the true meaning of equality, not affirmative action someone into a job because they're a minority, which is in itself discrimination against those that are more qualified but won't get the job because it's suddenly offensive to have a degree.

Just... get all of those divisive myths out of your head. And if you ever want to watch something (it's more economic, but it talks about things in textbooks that aren't necessarily true without being entirely biased, this guys a classical liberal by the way so I'm not quoting conservatives or neolibers) check out this video by a late nobel prize winner who is basically my favorite person ever. For historical facts that are actually accurate you can look up Stefan Molyneux, and Steven Crowder. The last guy is a little biased, yes, but he's accurate at least. I hope non of this comes off offensive and please don't read it in a tone, you're my bud and I just don't want people to be needlessly fearful. There's a lot of hell right now but in a few months it'll be over (: People were lied to by the likes of Buzzfeed, Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, CNN, and now they think they're going to be prosecuted for being gay or banned for being a minority. really sad, and really untrue. 
No it's not one hundred percent true - that's why I said there are bad people from every race, every political affiliation - branding an entire political party or movement because of a few things that might have happened isn't fair to any side, whites, minorities, whatever. And I know people provoke whites and trump supporters and then victimize themselves for air time, so I won't defend them. 

Many people I care about were attacked by liberals, neoliberals, democrats, illegals, hillary supporters, isis sympathizers and BLM 'protesters' so again, happens from both sides, it isn't just trump. You can chose to ignore the riots and hell they cause in portland, oakland, california - but it's there, and it's all in the name of hillary (or soros, depending on whether or not they were paid). 

I would just like to take the time to show you some contradiction. We've spoken about this and one of your main arguments is the fact that the media is biased and that it does this and that it does that blah blah blah. Yeah? Okay, so:

While it is very true that the media is wonderful for being biased, you have taken in facts as well and are using them to your advantage. I'm not sure if that sentence makes sense so I'm going to do my best to explain it.

Many people I care about were attacked by liberals, neoliberals, democrats, illegals, hillary supporters, isis sympathizers and BLM 'protesters' ...  You can chose to ignore the riots and hell they cause in portland, oakland, california - but it's there, and it's all in the name of hillary

If you're going to mention this, why not mention all of the protests that are actually peaceful? Take into account the ones we don't see on media. You know why that it? Because like you said: They choose to say what they want. But it's our job as Americans to do our own research and not simply ignore the 'facts' that go against it as you have done yourself.

So yes, there are bad things that happen on both sides and yes the media is a piece of shit as you like to considerate it to be. But at least acknowledge that there are more than just riots going on. There are peaceful protests. Plenty. They just don't get the attention because they're not going to elicit emotion.

Thank you love!!
I would just like to take the time to show you some contradiction. We've spoken about this and one of your main arguments is the fact that the media is biased and that it does this and that it does that blah blah blah. Yeah? Okay, so:

While it is very true that the media is wonderful for being biased, you have taken in facts as well and are using them to your advantage. I'm not sure if that sentence makes sense so I'm going to do my best to explain it.

Many people I care about were attacked by liberals, neoliberals, democrats, illegals, hillary supporters, isis sympathizers and BLM 'protesters' ...  You can chose to ignore the riots and hell they cause in portland, oakland, california - but it's there, and it's all in the name of hillary

If you're going to mention this, why not mention all of the protests that are actually peaceful? Take into account the ones we don't see on media. You know why that it? Because like you said: They choose to say what they want. But it's our job as Americans to do our own research and not simply ignore the 'facts' that go against it as you have done yourself.

So yes, there are bad things that happen on both sides and yes the media is a piece of shit as you like to considerate it to be. But at least acknowledge that there are more than just riots going on. There are peaceful protests. Plenty. They just don't get the attention because they're not going to elicit emotion.

Thank you love!!

Yes I should have mentioned that, I guess I was really just talking about extremities on both sides and how we should come together as patriots. But you're right and thank you for correcting me, I did paint a not entirely accurate picture and appreciate you setting that straight. (:
The mentioning of radicals on both sides in the face of someone's valid concerns, is a very covert way of telling someone their valid fears are invalid. It's like going to lecture on cancer and telling them they shouldn't worry about cancer, because there is also AIDS. 

But I didn't read everything. I tend to not read walls of BULLSHIT.. ..sorry that slipped out..Oorah. It's Veteran's day. 
Hey, Beat!

No, you shouldn't be worried, and do you want to know why? Everything the person got from above was absolute bs - their stories have been disproven, CNN just got in huge trouble for staging an interview with a 'worried anti-trump protester' and what few people know is the vast majority of 'protesters' rioting right now? They're being paid. I can link you to sources and just post straight up pictures of ads, these people are getting paid incredible amounts to go out there and cause hell. CNN, MSNBC, they have been bought and there is documentation of them, too, colluding and conspiring to cause trouble in order to scare the hell out of people by making them think this is 'whitelash' which is, again, racist. White nationalist is a load of bull and just goes to show how much people can't stand whites.

When people come to you saying things like 'white supremacy' that is EXACTLY where it's from, your textbook, which has been heavily edited over the years (they got rid of civil rights and made it 'social studies' which few people know) to make people have disdain towards whites, and pity minorities which had their own wars and fights for supremacy. Which is in itself racism - there is nothing bad about white people, there are bad individuals who happen to belong to every race and skin color, but honestly, to be so afraid and hateful towards whites is racism. White skin comes from all over the world. Those stories of Trump supporters 'stealing hijabs and attacking muslims'? You're really going that's what people are doing, even though a police department even confirmed one of the most popular stories at the moment was entirely fabricated? And why are they always the victims, you don't think they're getting in the faces of white people and calling them names, inciting violence, hating them for their opinion? Republicans never rioted against Obama. And we protested peacefully against Hillary Clinton - there is documentation that the DNC paid people to go into Trump rallies and pretend to support him while beating people up. WE aren't the hate mongering racists. The alt right can speak for itself, I'm talking about real people, not fabricated factions and meme spammers.

Think about it: Why would he have more hispanics and blacks vote for him than any republican nominee in history? Do you really think Ben Carson, Omarosa, Sheriff Clarke, Pastor Burns and Pastor Scott - to name a few - would be campaigning with him if he were a threat to their lives? If they thought they'd have their rights taken away, or be deported in his first 100 days? His wife is a legal immigrant, why would he marry someone if he's so damn racist? 

The sexual assault and child rape allegations against Trump were debunked or retracted before he could sue for defamation of character because they were not true. Yes, all of them, were lies, proven.

He said illegal immigrants, and those aren't just hispanics coming over the border illegally, but anyone from brits to arabs that overstay their visas of which there are many. 

What he said against women? I don't condone that. But for all the people slamming him, they're real quick to buy tickets to a Jayz and Beyonce concert, of whom objectify and destroy the dignity of women FOR A LIVING. His wife forgave him, his daughters are representing women, Kellyanne Conway? She was the first ever female campaign manager, and further more, the first female campaign manager to successfully run a presidential campaign (for Trump). No one mentions her, I guess because she's too white to represent a win for women? 

Many, many gays supported Trump - he doesn't hate them, and just because he might not sign a letter encouraging transgender to use whatever bathroom they want doesn't mean that he is setting back progress. The gay community, the real one, not this mainstream shit that stands for ludicrous rebellion, didn't want all of this. They just wanted to be acknowledged as people and then left alone. Milo Yiannopolus is a great example of gays that can be conservative without fear. That shit about Pence being homophobic? So what if he doesn't agree with the gay community? He wants to keep everyone safe. That bill everyone's saying he tried to pass about arresting gay married couples? It's a lie. That was an ordeal with a democratic senator I believe, long long time ago. The demonization of Christians is where the real hate is. Shaming his beliefs to get him to endorse your own beliefs? Doesn't work that way. 

What we NEED to do, is stop with this 'white' 'gay' 'minority' bullshit, and start looking at each other as Americans. There will be assholes from both sides, but if we can just look at each other as one nation, all these divisive categories people keep clinging to won't segregate us. He never said all mexicans are rapists, he said many illegals crossing the boarder are, which is true. He's fought for blacks and jews, he's very welcome in many diverse communities that have the guts to just watch his speech instead of believing the news and buzzfeed. Please don't give into these lies that he's bringing back white supremacy, if he was, he wouldn't have had more minorities vote for him than any other president. If he was, he wouldn't have flipped so many democratic and diverse states blue - think of all the people that did vote for him, they weren't all white! They were diverse Americans! There is zero to fear with this guy, I would much rather someone who can renegotiate bad deals, befriend Russia and hug our flag, that someone who was literally on the brink of declaring a nuclear war with Russia that HE STOPPED.

I can cite and link you to anything to back up my argument and more importantly assure you there's nothing to fear. I'm tired of the lies people are spreading whether they mean to or not just to keep everything anti white, anti america and full of hate - they are not true, and I have to think that you're more educated than that, that you could do research yourself from sources that aren't documented to be working for Hillary, that you can realize so many blacks and hispanics are behind him and that's a big message, they're not endorsing someone who is going to deport him. There shouldn't be anything wrong with mostly whites endorsing someone, but these same whites that voted for Trump? VOTED FOR OBAMA. So YEAH, they're real racist, they're really into white supremacy, so much so they voted for a black president first.

This race shit needs to stop. He was elected because women didn't want to be drafted into war by force under Hillary, he was elected because of her ties to crazy stuff like Spirit cooking or arming rebels in the middle east that turn on and kill our boys (AKA, ISIS), he was elected because of these rioters that preach peace and democracy, but then go against a candidate despite scolding him for 'not accepting the results if he doesn't win.' Going against an election ISN'T DEMOCRACY, people don't even understand the word but are flinging it around. AMERICANS don't burn their own flag and destroy their own cities (which are both terrorist acts) to prove a point. He got elected because of the rioters than terrorize people, because of the democratic policies designed to keep minorities dependent on the government, because people want to be unified, not divided by groups that run around destroying things in the name of diversity. He was elected because of the conservatives that are being fired just for their own political standing and beliefs, he's been elected because of all the people that are being fired right now for voting for him. That is not democracy, that is not peace, that is not fair. 

Look at it from both sides. I'm not asking you to like Trump, but I am asking you to look beyond the lies, do your own research and not just believe all the tumblr teens that get their information from racist shows like TMZ, MTV, Buzzfeed and CNN - they hate America and they hate white people, you can't take information from them seriously. 

Saying that Pence 'disagrees' with the homosexual community is a severe understatement, he's an idiot that wants to do things like diverting funding from HIVprevention to conversion therapy.  Though you are right about gay people not needing to fear Trump.

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