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Flame Demon

Autistic Ace Vampire
Roleplay Type(s)
The war is won, the dragons are safe and they moved to a new, bigger island, naming it New Berk. Dragons still roam old Berk, but rarely anyone goes there anymore except for Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, very few dragons stay on New Berk though because they have the Hidden World. A new generation of dragon riders is about to set foot on Berk in search for dragons of their own, or to visit dragons they befriended, they will stay at Berk until they find a dragon, if they do they head back to New Berk to start their training and eventually they are allowed to stay on Dragon's Edge to learn whatever survival skills they want, but they would have to rebuild everything.

A new enemy is approaching and they have to be ready for it, these people don't hunt or trap dragons, they kill them.

(Valka and Stoick are both old and grey, Toothless has his tail and Hiccup never lost his foot)
Non fandom dragons are acceptable, as long as there's enough info in the character sheet. A character can have two dragons at max

No mary/gary sues
No one liners(everyone hates them), but I don't expected something to fill a whole page either
Respect the other rpers and they will(hopefully) respect you too
If you're gonna be absent for a while (longer than a week) please tell me in advance
Plot will be decided by everyone since up there is the basic rp plot
Have fun
Basic rpn rules
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Hiccup is looking at the the night sky, they were bringing a new group to Berk and they were almost there, he had explained the rules twice by now, so he hoped that was clear, he looks at Astrid and Stormfly, who are pulling the ship because the wind wasn't in their sails. He's nervous as well, sure these kids could protect themselves, but from what the twins had told him the wild dragons roaming their old home were dangerous and weary of humans, he turns around and sees some asleep, others are awake doing your own thing to pass the time, but he decides to let them, he'd go over the rules again when they arrived.

Rosemarie is drawing in her notebook, even with help it was a several day journey to old Berk so she had taken a nap earlier that day, too excited to get more than a few hours of sleep in, maybe she would find the dragon she met as a child, but she knew those chances were very very slim since Toothless was very protective of his young, even the human ones. The things she could do to Toothless as a child make her chuckle now, but the pat she had given him before she jumped on the ship had earned her a sad look from the supposedly most dangerous dragon, he didn't want her to leave for Berk because it was dangerous for people now.
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
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Ragnar sat on the deck of the ship, Ironclaw was gripped in his hands as he used a stone to make sure the weapon was sharp. Hopefully he wouldn't have to use his axe but he figured that going to an island full of wild dragons without a weapon in tip top shape or a dragon,(a big one to be specific) seemed a bit foolish. Ragnar wasn't quite sure why he was taking this trip to Old Berk exactly. He'd never pictured himself being a dragon rider, he'd never been terrific with the great flying lizards nor did he have much connection to them. There was part of Ragnar that hoped that if he found a dragon he could ride, perhaps he'd no longer be the son of a dragon hunter who spent all his time alone in the woods and maybe he'd be Ragnar Stoneface, brave dragon rider of Berk. A little thud alerted him, he had a bit of company. With a flash of green Nibbler grabbed the rock from Ragnar's grip and held it between her claws, chewing it like a dog with a toy. "I told you not to follow me, it could be dangerous" Ragnar scolded the tiny Terror who lifted her head and looked up at him with wide innocent eyes. She warbled in his direction and dropped the stone, she scurried up his torso and onto his shoulder before cuddling against his head like a cat. Ragnar sighed and then gave a chuckle, he lifted a hand and scratched Nibbler on the side of the head. She warbled again and flapped over to the side of the boat looking down at the water, probably looking for fish close to the surface. "Well I can't tell you to go back now that we're so close... Do not get lost, and don't go chasing fish overboard" Ragnar told the dragon who shimmied from side to side before celebrating her victory by singing a 'song' which sounded more like coughing then music.
Nearby: Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
This trip was very looked-forward to by all that chose to go but was almost dreaded by those that knew exactly what awaited the new potential riders. Serenity had been included in the first group. She would be one of the first to reconnect with the lost world that was once their ancestral home. It was a bit daunting and intimidating to be going back where even the adults feared to return to anymore. Was Old Berk really that dangerous now? What new dragons would they find? Would they even find companion dragons as they hed in the previous generation's time? It was all unknown and quite frightening even for a seasoned Viking.

While the night sky was mostly clear and the dark blue reached far, both above and below, the dark and scattered clouds that hid some of the stars almost warned of the danger to come. Serenity stood at the front of the ship besides her father, who had grown older as she and her little sister grew up and watched her mother, Astrid, and her tracker class dragon, Stormfly fly and pull the ship that could not catch any wind at the moment. She glanced back at Hiccup then down to the water in front of them. "Are you sure we're ready for this?" She asked him, "I mean, we're all still somewhat young and you've made it very clear that Old Berk is too dangerous for anyone to go there, let alone stay. Are you sure that this is the path you want this generation to take? Reuniting with dragons like before could lead to more hunting like it used to be. Like you feared. Not only that but, what if the new dragons don't have the same mentality as the ones you knew. What if they're not like Toothless and Stormfly or the others and are like they were depicted in the original book of dragons?"

Nearby and interacting with: Flame Demon Flame Demon Yahhah Yahhah
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Stretching Rosemarie stands up after putting her notebook in her bag and she turns to lean on the railing, her eyes scanning the others on the ship, she knew this task was dangerous and some even returned without dragon "You know Ragnar, I don't really get why you came along since you already have a dragon" she says as she looks at him before inspecting her knife and deeming it sharp enough for the tasks ahead "What's her name?" she asks mentioning to the Terror. She was bored, she had drawn dragons and possible future inventions, taken a nap, tried to look for constellations and even caught some fish, not in that particuler order of course, remember the fish she takes it from behind a crate and tosses it over for the probably hungry dragon "And how do you not get bored?".

Hiccup chuckles looking at his oldest daughter "We won't need to reunite with them since they never really left, but I understand your concerns, but many return without a dragon" he explains putting a hand on her shoulder and mentions to the Terrible Terror "And yesterday Snotlout and Fishlegs reported that no unknown dragons had moved in, unless they missed one or two, but earlier tonight I went myself and found nothing I couldn't recognize" he says "Although there was this weird white one, but Toothless didn't feel the need to investigate it" he mumbles, when they had returned to the ship Toothless had flown off again to who knows where, probably back home to the hidden world. "And if I wasn't certain you would be able to handle it I wouldn't plan these trip, I think this is the third group, the first one we supervised because it was a new idea and the group was very small, there's usually a two to three year interval between each group, last one didn't go so well if I'm being honest, they kept fighting among each other. But you need to do me a favor Serenity, watch Rose alright? She's no chieftain material as she is now and that's fine, for now, but she is a lot like I was that age, always running off to explore". He and Astrid both had full confindence in their daughters, but maybe this was good, they couldn't always help them and Rose needed leadership expierence, if she wanted or not, sometimes he wondered if he shouldn't make Serenity the next chief.

Interacting/nearby: SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
The soft sound of the wooden ship sloshing through the water was quite soothing and the clouds that were once darted above had cleared to let the full beauty of the starry night sky glimmer in its brilliance. The eldest Viking daughter softly smiled a bit at the thought of the dragons had never truly left. "The hidden world. The realm and home of the dragons. You and mother both went and saw it, right? What was it like?" she asked, genuinely looking to Hiccup for an answer to her burning question, but then he mentioned that Toothless saw a weird white dragon. "Weird? Weird how? No, nevermind. If you say it's safe, then I trust you. If Toothless didn't think it needed investigating, then I should trust him, like you."

Then came the chief's request to look after Rose. She nodded her head a bit in agreement and lifted her left hand and held her fist to him for him to touch with hers as her way of promising, "I promise." she replied, "Besides if you ask me, those traits are the most essential for a chief. Without curiosity and a stubborn will to find new paths, how will the village ever push forward? The greatest chiefs are able to adapt and change as things come. You and grandfather Stoic have shown that and look how far we've come. Now, we're going back to leap forward again. Rose will do the same one day. She'll lead the village even better than you." she knew she would never be the next chief, and that never bothered her. Serenity knew her place and where she stood. She wasn't of their blood so she would never be seen as suitable for the position. In fact, she was happy just to support the future chief and watch her grow and protect her as best as she could.
Ragnar had taken to standing on the deck, looking in the shadow covered distance to try and spot the island of old Berk he'd heard so much about. His thoughts were filled with the fears that he'd never be able to bond with a dragon, sure he'd made friends with Nibbler but that had been just as much her decision as it'd been his. Ragnar hadn't expected the cat sized dragon to hitch a ride on his raft on the way back to New Berk but she had. He had trouble imagining a dragon large enough to ride would be so willing to befriend a Viking. What if the dragons somehow knew who his father had been? No that was a silly thought, and the young man dismissed it. He was suddenly aware of Rosemarie coming to the side of the ship. He'd never really spoken with the Chief's daughter before, mostly out of his own unwillingness to start one and all of his time spent going off on his own. She asked him why he was going to Old Berk if he already had Nibbler. "Well, I can't become a dragon-rider with a dragon far too small to ride, no matter how good of a friend she is" Ragnar explained adding the last bit as Nibbler seemed to be able to understand what he said and the little green Terror was fixing him with a challenging glare for the fact he'd just pointed out. Nibbler also turned to Rosemarie and narrowed her orange eyes at the girl. Nibbler looked about to growl at the stranger when Rosemarie pulled out a fish. Nibbler immediately took a more neutral stance and cocked her head as if to say, 'for me'? When the girl threw the fish Nibbler caught it in her claws and chittered happily at the Chief's daughter before going at the fish. Anyone giving out fish was just fine in Nibbler's book. "Her name is Nibbler, because when I met her she had the unfortunate habit of nibbling just about everything" Ragnar told her. He heard Rosemarie asked another question and he took a second or two of thought to answer it. "Well I'm a bit too nervous to get bored in all honesty, I entertained myself by sharpening my axe, then I realized Nibbler tagged along so I had a bit of company, not to say there wasn't company before, just company I was familiar with" Ragnar said thinking what he'd said might offend her which was the last thing he wanted. Ragnar sighed he'd never been a great conversationalist. "So... Do you think you'll find a dragon, one that you can make friends with I mean. I'm not so sure I will" Ragnar said.
Interactions: Flame Demon Flame Demon
Nearby: SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Rose laughs softly "I'm actually hoping to find an old friend, but those chances are small" she says "And believe it or not, but I'm nervous too", she was just more excited than nervous "I believe there's a dragon for everyone who puts their heart into it and the fact you came aboard says that you do, along with the fact you have Nibbler, you just have to find the one you like". She's sure being friends with Toothless doesn't really count since he's more like a overgrown cat "Our first priority will be setting up camp anyway, I'm not sure the old houses are useable anymore" she says. She looks at the distance and smiles seeing the outline of a mountain "I think that's it".

"I have no doubt she will lead better than me" Hiccup says "But remember how she runs off each time we mention it? I need to find a way to ease her into the role of leader instead of forcing her into it, but she's also too much like Astrid for that, too stubborn, like all vikings really". At the question of the hidden world he smiles "It was amazing, a real paradise for dragons, however it's called the Hidden World for a reason, it's best if humans stay out of it, we need to protect it just like we need to protect Vanaheim by keeping it's location a secret" he explains and he smiles seeing his old home "We're here!" he calls and Stormfly growls as they approach but Astrid patting her head makes the dragon ease up again, even the dragons don't like this place now, they're always super protective of their riders.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
The thought of Rose running away and the way Hiccup phrased his words made Serenity giggle a bit though she tried to hide it. "Didn't you say you used to do the same thing?" she was so close to actually laughing that it almost hurt to keep it down. After just a few minutes of stifling herself to keep from laughing at his words, she was able to cough slightly and straightened herself up and trying not to smile. "I wish I could see it, just once. I don't want to stay or anything."
It was then that Old Berk came into view. The old and rotting burnt wood had moss growing over and the trees and plants had moved further into what used to be the main part of the village. The cliffs had to be the most creepy with the abandoned platforms and dragon kennels. Serenity honestly didn't like the look of this place. She didn't think that this island was even inhabitable for humans anymore. She couldn't help it, her nervous tick kicked in and she pulled one of her long braids to the front of her and gently fiddled with it between her fingers. She was nervous and she wanted to confide in Hiccup but she didn't want to appear weak and always needing help and assurance. She was almost an adult now, and she had to be more independent and confident. She had to protect the others and help Rose to become the leader she needed to be.

Nearby/interacting: Flame Demon Flame Demon Yahhah Yahhah
Ragnar nodded along when Rosemarie gave her thoughts on what it takes to befriend a dragon, she also mentioned the sort of dragon she intended to befriend, apparently a dragon she'd met before. "I hope your right" Ragnar said. "If you're looking for a friend you already know they'll recognize you, I bet. Dragons have a pretty good memory, at least I think. She seems to remember everything" Ragnar said while pointing to the Terrible Terror who was now finished with her snack. The little dragon gave off a burp before lying on her side on the railing, she wrapped her tail around herself like a little blanket. Ragnar turned and saw the mountain, now growing closer as the ship approached it. "So that's old Berk, it looks just about as intimidating as I'd imagined it. You're probably right about the houses, finding a good spot for camp will probably be tough, seeing as there are wild dragons all over the island but we'll find something" Ragnar said, he didn't add a probably at the end but it was pretty much implied. Nibbler opened her eyes and looked at the island curiously.
Interaction: Flame Demon Flame Demon
Nearby: SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Hiccup sighs "Maybe I'll show you one day, but until then, it stays hidden" he says when Astrid stops the boat "Alright" he starts turning to the group "Someone will come by to check every two days, if you wish to return home you will have to be on the ship by the time we head back home" he says "It's very simple! You're here to find a dragon for yourself, you can get attacked, you can get injured, so this ship will stay here, it has medical supplies and food in case it's needed, work together and try to survive" he finishes "Once you find a dragon you can head back to New Berk where we will continue your training, you have the entire island, my advise is to stay together as much as possible".

Rose smiles slightly "I wouldn't be too sure about that, the dragon was a baby when I met her as a child" she says and she feels the boat stop before her father goes over the rules once again, she had been looking forward to this even since he came up with the idea and she takes out her notebook where she has a map and she marks possible place "You done talking chief?" she asks earning a nod, so she jumps over the side to explore the ruins of the town, despite the warning to stay together as much as they can, but she figured they could catch up with her easily couldn't they? But here she didn't have to worry about the inevitable conversation about her needed to learn what chiefs do and just be herself.
SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
Once the ship landed safely on the shores of the old island it became even clearer how nature had ravished the remains of the village. The old statues were either crumbled or covered in moss and vines. The remaining houses that still stood had either small creatures inhabiting them or were completely empty and only home to shadows and memories. Her first steps on the shore would leave quite an impression but she refused to show just how trepidatious this situation made her. She would head Hiccup's words and do her best to keep watch over the others but no sooner had they landed than Rose was off and running. This made Serenity's body react in worry and gave chase after her. She was supposed to watch over her and keep her safe but how could she do that if she runs off right off the bat.

"Rosemarie! Don't run off like that!" she shouts and does her best to catch up to the younger girl and keep her close to the ship just yet. If she was able to she would grab the girl's arm to stop her from going any further, "Hold on a minute, Rosemarie! Don't go running off by yourself yet! We have to set up a proper camp first so we have a safe shelter and make sure that everyone is ready for this. Please be practical first before going exploring? The dragons aren't going to suddenly disappear if you don't go right now." It wasn't that Serenity was trying to be bossy or over-protective, she just wanted everyone to be safe and not let anything bad happen to anyone, especially not Rose. She was only being practical and careful.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Yahhah Yahhah
Rose pouts "But this place isn't going to explore itself" she says crossing her arms "And you're mad a me... you used my full name" she mumbles, she never heard her full name until someone was angry at her or annoyed "Besides, we can set up camp in the old great hall, you know, assuming we can get those doors open" she says, practically bouncing up and down in excitement, but she's also nervous and mildly terrified, which is shown by her messing with her knife, she sees her father look at them and she sighs "Fine let's go back to the ship" she mumbles sulking as she walks back, leaning against the boat when she gets back, still pouting "Why can't Serenity be the next chieftess?", she doesn't need and answer to that question since she knows the answer, she's their biological child, the tribe probably wouldn't accept her awesome older sister as chieftess.

Hiccup sighs "Rose I know what it's like, I've been there, done that and it got my and my friends in a lot of trouble sometimes, but if you don't plan ahead for what's to come it could kill you" he says putting a hand on his youngest daughter's shoulder "Don't tell you're mother, but I think you're more like me than her" he whispers, he knew all too well what she was feeling, this would be an escape to the pressure of being the future chieftess of the tribe, especially for her "Just listen to your older sister alright? And try to keep an eye on her too".
Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
"I'm not saying, not to explore, Rose, I'm saying to prioritize safety first. What if you get your leg twisted and you can't walk while you're on your own. Do you have your horn with you? What if someone else tries to follow you and gets lost without a way back? I'm not mad, just a bit upset and worried about you and everyone else. I want everyone to be safe first before going exploring. Even father, as head-strong and eager to explore as he was, didn't recklessly go without at least an idea of a plan and he knew this island. We don't." she then pat her little sister's head comfortingly and with a soft smile, "Besides, if we did manage to get the hall's doors open, what if there's a cool dragon sleeping in there and you miss out on it because you're off exploring on your own?" She didn't want her little sister to feel like she's being held back so she did her best to cheer the younger brunet up at least little.

Once back at the ship she called to their group of potential dragon riders and almost everyone was still hesitant to go venture onto the island. "Okay, so, we're going to be here for a while so we need to stay in contact with each other. Make sure you keep your horns with you so we can find you if anything happens. We need to set up a place for our main shelter. Rose suggested we try the main hall and I agree. It would be the sturdiest structure and might have withstood the test of time so let's head there and see what we can find there and make sure everyone's ready to go and explore. Does that sound alright for everyone?" she called and made sure her clothes and gear were set up properly against her body and in their pouches.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
Ragnar was getting ready to move off when he was suddenly aware of Rosemarie running off of the ship only to be retrieved and brought back by her older sister Serenity. Ragnar knew even less about that one then he did the future chieftess. Ragnar's hand went back to the grip of his axe to make sure it was there, he also clicked his tongue to get Nibbler's attention. Serenity said something about the main hall and how they should stick together though his eyes were on the woods surrounding the village. To him though wilder the trees were far more inviting then the halls of the village though he did concede that Serenity had a point. "That may be a good idea... I will meet you there, I'm going to take a peek in the woods. Not far of course. I'll have my horn with me, I'll collect some wood while I'm out so we can start a fire. The night may be cold and it'll be good to know if there's anything useful or potentially dangerous around" Ragnar said, trying to make his plan not sound detrimental, truth was he didn't really feel comfortable in a group, not yet anyway. And they'd been on the boat so long he was itching to get on land and stretch his legs a bit. "If you have need of me I'll be in earshot of a horn" Ragnar said, before he hopped off of the ship and landed on his feet. Nibbler gave a little chirp and leapt from the ship, perched on his shoulder. "Watch my back alright" Ragnar told his little dragon, to which she chittered which Ragnar took as an answer before making his way down the path.
Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
Gabriella was wondering what she had gotten into. When she had heard that there was going to be a new group of Dragon Riders, of course she had been excited. She had always wanted a dragon friend, a being that wouldn't push her around just because they could. That seemed to be everyone else's favorite pass time in her own little circle of 'friends' and she was secretly pleased to find that none of them had volunteered to come on this life changing journey. But now that she had boarded the boat and was making their way to Old Berk, she was shaking like a leaf in a corner on the surface of the boat. She couldn't believe she had agreed to this. What was she thinking? Oh, that's right: She wasn't. If she had, she would have stayed home and caught up on rereading her books. But now, she could only sigh as she leaned on the side of the boat, resting her head on her arms as she looked out across the ocean. Well, despite her worries, it was super pretty.
It wasn't much longer until the boat had docked and they had all gathered. It seemed the smallest daughter had taken off almost instantly, only to be brought back. That girl might cause trouble with her need to explore. She might not even care about the rules. She tried to stay away from other people, so she just knew the basics about everyone so she wouldn't be caught off guard if she ever ran across them. The young teen shuddered at the thought, growing anxious. Oh no....She shook her head to steady herself before listening to what the other girl, Serenity, she believed her name was, began talking about what she thought was best. And Gabriella just nodded her head in agreement, glad to leave the commanding to someone else. She had just gripped her bow in her silence as the boy said he would go into the forest. It sounded stupid, but she wouldn't say anything about it. It wasn't her place, even if she could work up the nerve to actually vocalize her thoughts.
Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
Rose watches as her father is helped on Stormfly by her mother before they leave and she moves to stand in front of Ragnar, crossing her arms "If I don't get to explore you don't either, besides, even if you stay within earshot you seem to be the only one with an axe big enough to break through the doors if we have to do that" she says "And if we know what's salvageable we might not even need firewood from the forest" she says and she looks through her bag an she finds her horn somewhere on the bottom, at least she didn't forget it in her excitement, she could always make a new one anyway, she looks at the sky and her eyes widen seeing a Monstrous Nightmare speeding at them at full speed "But I suppose we can have this discussion somewhere safer" she says and she pulls Ragnar with her and where they were a second ago is now a huge scorch mark and the next fireball nearly hits the ship, scratch that, magnesium "Sis, we gotta get to the great hall now!", she was glad she didn't have to take charge, but she could understand why even the trained dragons would rather not return here.

Yahhah Yahhah SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
The eldest of the Haddock sisters sighed in relief that Rose took up the initiative to keep Ragnar from leaving just yet. "I know everyone's excited and wants to go exploring right away but we need to keep our heads and stay safe first. We're on our own out here. Our parents aren't going to come and save us when we get older so we have to be smart and stay safe first. So, first, we'll ALL stay together and head to the ha-" it was then that the nightmare flew overhead and basically urged everyone to get a move on. She drew her sword rather hip and took up the rear to make sure the Monstrous Nightmare wouldn't follow them. "Move! Everyone, move now!"

Since everyone started to hurry away from the large, flaming dragon she was sure that the dragon wouldn't try to chase them, but to be on the safe side she tossed some dragon nip in front of the beast, hoping to distract it long enough for everyone to escape to the main hall where they could be safe for the time being. This was her first time seeing a wild dragon and one so aggressive. Wasn't this island supposed to be home to more mild-tempered dragons? Then again, many Vikings and dragons died on this land, so it wouldn't be unreasonable for there to be more hostility instead. Once the group arrived at the hall she asked Ragnar to help her open the doors so they could all get inside where it was most likely safe.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
Ragnar stopped when Rosemarie stepped in his way, she made some good points... he gave a sigh, slightly of disappointment that he knew they were probably right and slightly of annoyance when Serenity began to lecture on what they should do. Not because he disagreed but because he wasn't really used to having to listen to anyone else's ideas when he was trekking through unknown country. That was when his arm was grabbed and he was pulled out of the way of a dragon attack, his hand flew out and grabbed Nibbler by the tail as she gave a loud growl and tried to attack the much bigger dragon which would've ended in disaster had he not stopped her. "Thank you" he said to the girl who'd pulled him out of the way of the dragon. He kept one hand on Nibbler to make sure she didn't go running at the Nightmare and with his other hand he pulled out Ironclaw just in case. It appeared he was stuck with the group at the moment, he'd just have to get over his discomfort. He didn't seem very fazed for having almost been lit on fire as he prepared to defend against any other dragon attacks. Once they reached the great hall he was aware of Serenity asking him to help her open the doors. "Sure, Ready whenever you are" he said gripping at the door, though not necessarily convinced it'd open with how long they must've been closed. Nibbler, now free from his grip walked around the ground inspecting each human and snorting at them though sitting down behind them and apparently keeping watch.

Interactions: Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel
Nearby: Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
Rose nods a 'don't mention it' to Ragnar before she scans the sky while he and Serenity and try to open the door, she really needed a better weapon than her knife, maybe's she should've taken her father's old shield, well there's no point in being annoyed about it now anyway, the clouds had come back making it nearly impossibly to see if there was anything above or in them, she'd seen the twins use it often to scare people, she spots an old shield and grabs it, maybe it could stop two blasts, if she's lucky "Any luck with that door?" she asks holding the shield at the ready, she didn't think the dragons left them alone that easily, they were too smart and fast for that, she closes her eyes and tries to find the sound of beating wings "It's too quiet" she mumbles, way too quiet for comfort, the entire village seemed haunted a while she wasn't scared of so called ghosts it made her extremely uneasy considering two dragons attacked them not much earlier.

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Yahhah Yahhah (on my phone, so my posts can end up being shorter)
Gabriella was thinking about how she was going to survive being on an island that not even the elders and original occupants didn't want to set foot on. She didn't think it could have been so bad that it literally drove everyone away. Sure they had problems when the current chief was a kid, but that didn't mean that it was even worse now. But there was somewhere in the back of her mind that told her that it was that bad. Cause there had to be a reason why even the mention of their old home made them anxious. But that was something that she didn't want to think about, so she didn't. And luckily, she didn't have to think long since there was a dragon attack. Yep, what better motivator to stop thinking about the possible life ending crisis's that this island had to offer when you were thrown into a life threatening crisis. She hadn't really heard the attack, as she was lost in her own thoughts, more so seeing it as Ragnar was pulled out of the way of a Monstrous Nightmare's fire blast. That was something she had only read about, and now that she was seeing it, she wanted to unsee it.
Gabriella was following behind the others as they took off toward the Main Hall. If this was the welcome that they were given upon just arriving at the island, then what did that tell for the rest of their stay? The teenager was not looking forward to it, gripping her bow like her life depended on it. She was not ready to die yet! As they reached the Main Hall, they had to wait as they had to force their way in. She huddled as far from the others as she could manage without leaving the door out of sight. She watched the skies, eyes focused on the slightest of movements that didn't seem natural. If she saw anything that promised danger, she would have to find somewhere to hide. She didn't want to get into anymore dangerous situations, or make it harder for everyone, until she knew what they were getting into on this island.

Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
Thankfully, Ragnar didn't seem to be fighting her request for help. She counted to three and started to pull on the heavy wooden door. The iron that hinged the door to the frame was rusted and stiff, making it even harder to open. She had to really plant her feet and use every muscle in her body to get the door to pull open. "Darn thing's nearly rusted closed. It's movable but stubborn," she informed, trying her very best to get the darn thing open so the others could be safe. After the door was opened enough for them to pass through at least one at a time she stopped, "That's good. We don't want to advertise that we're here too much. I'll head in first, to make sure that there aren't any surprises inside or uninvited guests. Stay close behind me, alright?" she called to them all and lit a makeshift torch and lit it with some flit and steal so that she could see into the hall. She went inside and raised the fire so that it could allow most light and vision. She looked around and didn't see any big dragons so that was good news, but there might still be small ones so they still had to be on their toes. She went to the main fire pit and inspected to see if it would light. She dipped her fingers into the remains. The dust and stone as cold to the touch but the oil residue still sticking to the sides and bottom. She touched the flame of her torch to the pit and lit what remains there were. It wouldn't last too long but it would be long enough for them to get supplies.

"Okay, it seems to be alright in here, but keep your eyes open and stay alert for now," she said and lit the other pits so that there was more light, "okay, so this will be our main place of shelter. If anything goes wrong or happens, regroup here. When we go out, take a partner with you, human or dragon, so that you have someone to help you or go for help. Now, I'm not saying stay beside your partner at all times but stay within earshot of their shouts. That gives room to explore but keeps risk a bit low since I know a lot of us want to go explore on our own, so this is the best compromise I can come up with. If anyone has any other suggestions, please say something. Any and all ideas are worth at least considering and might even be very beneficial to everyone, so please, don't keep ideas to yourself and lets work together to at least make it till the ship comes back for us."

The old hall was a massive place and they could see the traces of what was once a human-dragon paradise. The tables tipped over, pots tossed and flung about but the walls seemed almost immaculate and the decorations were intricate and depicted much of their history as she had always heard. With a deep sigh, she wondered what Rose was feeling right now since her father came from this place and this hall was meant to be the center of the village he had lead. She couldn't help but almost long for the feeling she could truly have if she was blood-related to the Haddock family. As things were, she was only a stray they took in, like a pet cat or dog they treated like family. She shook her head out of her own thoughts and looked at the group of teenagers, "Okay, so, now that we've established a shelter, lets set things up for cam then we'll figure out when and who will go exploring first. It wouldn't be too safe if everyone was away from the hall if something happens. Sound alright for everyone?" She asked, not wanting to sound bossy or establish herself as leader, but she knew the importance of teamwork, safety, and survival.

Flame Demon Flame Demon Yahhah Yahhah Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays
Rose is trailing her hand over the wall as she slowly explores the room "Well I guess we should wait for morning" she says inspecting the dust on her hand before walking to the big chair she heard her grandfather say plenty about and she tests it before sitting down carefully, her eyes scanning the giant hall and she jumps off the chair to move to an old bench, which she drags to the main firepit "Anyone has an axe not made for battle?" she asks, she could kick the wood in pieces, but that could get people splinters. It felt odd to be there, even more so that she sees the state it's in abandoned and ruined, seeing a weak spot in the already greatly weakened wood she tries her knife, but that's not sharp enough to get it in pieces for the fire, she wanted to explore, see the house her father grew up in before they were forced to relocate, but she doesn't says anything and just continues her efforts to make some firewood, she wanted to see the cove where he met Toothless, where her mother met Toothless. She shakes her head and sighs hearing a roar outside, they're not going anywhere at this rate, but she's not leaving this island until she found that dragon, would it really remember her?

SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays Yahhah Yahhah
Gabriella quickly squeezed through the opening behind everyone else. She took a quick look around and was ecstatic. She had read the history of Berk, but she hadn't gotten a lot of information about Old Berk aside from the nervous and anxious answers she had gotten from anyone who knew when she asked. She wondered if there are any in tact books or papers from before the move. She began looking around, sticking close to the walls so as to avoid detection from the others. It was an absolute mess on the floor, but it didn't seem like it was due to fighting. It seemed due to the fact that they had lived among dragons. It was exciting to see! And a little further up, the walls showed the decorations that had been lighting up the hall even in the dark. Gabriella took a few steps back as her eyes glanced back and forth between the decorative walls, the tipped furniture, and any odds and ends that seemed to have made the hall it's home.
She had stopped exploring for just a moment when Serenity began explaining what she wanted them to do. The teen was more than happy to stay inside the Main Hall. There was so much to explore and to learn about Old Berk. She could only hope she wouldn't have to go outside to scavenge through the old huts that weren't too damaged and wrecked. But they did hold the possibility of having more information, so she would more than likely go out eventually. As she thought about it, she gave a small nod to show she agreed before she went back to exploring the Main Hall. But as she did, she wondered how they should protect themselves from the wild dragons outside. Dragons were afraid of eels, and loved dragon nip, but that would distract the dragons that they currently had with them. Her eyes had glanced to the small Terrible Terror that was with the boy Ragnar. Of course, there were things that they could set up as early warning signals if the wild dragons wanted to sneak up on them, but she doubted that they had the resources to make anything helpful. So, a temporary lookout post so that they were never caught off guard? But that would require planning and communication that Gabriella didn't possess. Hell, just going over and talking to one of them was terrifying as is, and that was just thinking about it! She shook her head once more to shake out the thoughts, going back to exploring the Main Hall with more focus on the historic value of what she was seeing instead of the weak infrastructure.

Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yahhah Yahhah
After a lot of struggle Ragnar and Serenity forced the door of the main hall open. Ragnar decided to go into the building last, just in case. As he went into the building the skinny shape of Nibbler zipped between his legs and into the building. She hopped her way onto the old dusty table and ran across it sniffing the whole way. Ragnar made his way into the building and found Serenity trying to make a fire with Rose attempting to gather wood to keep the fire going. It was a bit run down but it wasn't exposed which would only be a good thing so they'd picked a pretty good spot to set up it looked like. He realized that Rose looked like she needed a bit of help as she was asking if anyone had an axe that wasn't made for battle. By that she probably meant not Ironclaw, but the axe would survive cutting some wood."It wouldn't be the first time I've used my axe to cut firewood" he called over in an offer of assistance. Nibbler stood straight up and narrowed her eyes at the shadows around the room before hissing and pouncing into them probably chasing after rats. "Don't get stuck outside, those dragons outside would eat you in one bite" Ragnar warned the Terror which seemed deaf to his warnings as she chased rodents. "I think leaving the hall completely empty wouldn't be a good idea while we're here, as for when we start heading out it really depends when we want to risk it, tomorrow would probably be good but we don't know how patient these dragons are willing to be for us to come out".

Flame Demon Flame Demon SerenityAngel SerenityAngel Yuu Vee Rays Yuu Vee Rays

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