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"Are we still up for that prank?" She asked the others,wanting to change the subject. She met eyes with George and it looked like he felt pity,she didn't want anyone,especially her crush,to feel pity for her.."Nevermind." She said,looking out of the window. She felt a bunch of emotions and she didn't know how to express them. She just felt plain miserable,and it stayed that way until she got to Hogwarts.
Harry let Dynasty in and they started talking while the waited to arrive at Hogwarts.

Miracle left the compartment and searched for Melody.

She didn't like seeing people upset.

When she found the compartment with Melody in it she tapped on the glass.
Amber began mumbling to herself in French,which was a habit of hers whenever she was upset or angry..The twins became worried for her,And Amber became worried for herself. She was just bottling up her emotions and mumbling In French,It wasn't good for her to be like this. She knew someone sat next to her,but they grabbed her hand..It obviously wasn't Miracle,Amber just saw her left.mso it must've been one of the twins. She wasn't sued to her hand being held before so she just scooted away from the person and she held her own hands. Hogwarts was coming into view and she was relieved.
Melody looks at whoever's tapping on the glass "Come in" she says, she was surprised it wasn't one of the twins that went to look for her"

(What happened to someone doing someone elses crush?)

Violet smiles seeing the all too familiar building, she was excited to be back "You know sis, you never told me who you have a crush on" Draco says and Violet asks "Why do you care?" "Because it'd better be someone who can actually take care of you" Draco says, which makes his sister roll her eyes "Well I'm not telling you"
(I don't know but I'm doing my own) The train stopped and Amber was relieved,her owl was onto her shoulder and she walked outside quickly..not wanting to see Melody anytime soon.
"Sorry, I'm not exactly who you wanted to see. The twins seemed to be to worried per say." Miracle said as she walked in.

"I think I'm gonna go check on Mel." Fred said and he left.

"You think I should tell him?" Dynasty asked her best friend.

"I don't know Dy, might be a little too risky." Harry said.

"True." Dynasty said as she sighed.

(Miracles crush is actually gonna be Seamus makes a bit more sense.)
Violet and Draco get out and they walk to the carriages and they get on with some fellow Slyhterin students and they chat about their vacations. "We went to Paris this year, it was fun, but also a bit boring" Violet says and she adds "You should've seen Draco when we went shopping", Draco hits his sister in her side with his elbow, but doesn't say anything.

Melody sighs "I just want to go home, she knew it and yet she had to say that, like she didn't care and then she thinks shw knows what's it's like to watch someone die by the hands of one" she says, it was bad if she bottled it all up "We should go, don'y want to be late for dinner" she says and gets up, drying her tears with the sleeve of her robe.
"Je Dèteste ma vie!" She said in French and George looked at her,"I hate my life in French..I'm just feeling plain out miserable and I need something to cheer me up." She sighed and went to look out of the window. "It's not the end of the world Amber,She'll come around." He said reassuringly. "She better.." She mumbled. They both got outside and went into a carriage.
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"Right." Miracle said and got up.

She was glad to be back.

"Hey Mel." Fred said.

"Is it alright if I walk with you?" He asked.

"Feeling the love." Miracle said.

Dynasty walked off the train and went to find an empty carriage.
"That's fine" Melody says not looking at him, her friends never saw her cry before and she wanted to keep it that way "Fred, can we do the prank later in the year?" she asks quietly, ignoring Miracle's comment, she wasn't hungry and she was feeling down as well, not a good combination, all she wanted was to get in bed and stay there for the entire year.

Violet starts a staring contest with one of her fellow housemates who happens to be in the same year "This goes on each year, wonder who will win this time, both have already won once" Draco says, thought he was glad to see his sister was having fun, he just had to figure out who she had a crush on.
"Sure, yeah we can do that." Fred said and patted her shoulder.

Miracle was mentally fangirling she shipped Fred and Melody so much.

Dynasty climbed in a carriage with Luna. Another one of her close friends.

"Ello Luna." She said.

"Hello Dynasty."
Melody smiles slightly "Let's go then" she says, glancing at Miracle with a warning glare "I guess I overreacted a little bit earlier, meanig I should probably apologize" she says, she may not remember her mother, but hoq she died was still frash in her mind.

Draco looks around and sees Dynasty with the weird kid "She can't even have normal friends, I'd pity her if she wasn't a mudblood" he says whivmch snaps all attention to him "Draco, you still have a dare to finish" Violet says teasingly, making her brother facepalm and he gets up and walks to the carriage Dynasty is in and he gets on saying "Don't mind me, my sister dared me to", and he.of course, had too much pride to refuse the dare, but he is sitting as far away from the others on it as possible.
Dynasty rolled her eyes and continued to talk to Luna.

"So Dynasty, who's your crush?" Luna asked.

Dynasty paled and she knew she had to lie at least while Draco was here.

"Harry, he's always so kind to someone like me. And I guess I fell for him." She looked down and tried to calm down.

Miracle giggled and kept walking.

"Amber was really upset when you said you didn't want to be her friend anymore." Fred said trying to calm his beating heart.
"You can't just hold a grudge on her forever,you know that right?" Amber nodded,She looked outside and at the castle. "I know,but.." George knew what she was going to say,"Don't even say it..I know you too well Amber!" She shook her head and then noticed Draco in the same carriage as Dynasty "George,Look.." She said as she pointed to them. "Why's he in the same carriage as her..I thought he hated 'Lowlife Filthy Mudbloods'." She said,imitating Draco. Which was a really bad impersonation. They both laughed at her horrible impersonation..and the carriage ride was full of bad impressions of Draco,His sister and His goons.
Dynasty heard laughter and she looked behind her and seen Amber and Fred laughing. She was trying to get their attention.

Miracle hopped in the carriage with her brother and his friends. "Hello, Hermione and Ron." She said.
"She should think before saying anything, but I guess no one understands", she walks to an empty carriage and gets of after petting the horse like creatures "But I don't know who my friends are anymore, well obviously you and your brother since you always manage to make my day" she says and smiles slightly.

Violet glances around and sees the Weasley twins apart "Wonder what happened" she says, normally the entire group would sit in the same carriage, but something was off this time "I heard Amber messed up, talking like dementors aren't that bad as they seem in front of that Black girl" one of the girls says and another one says "I saw it happen, never seen Melody that angry before", Violet smiles "Amber's fault, even we aren't that cruel to do rhat, considering she is a member of the Black family"
Dynasty turned away after failed attempts and still seen Draco sitting in their carriage.

She sighed and quietly sang to herself.

"I'll always be her for you Mel." Fred said.

Miracle was talking to Hermione and kind of ignoring her brother and Ron.
"George,You always know how to make me smile whenever I'm feeling down..And I thank you for being one of my best friends." She hugged him and he felt his heart racing..He returned the embrace and they let go. To eventually start talking and laughing again. They were getting closer to Hogwarts.."I'll always be here to make you Smile Amber.." He said so only he can hear himself. He never wanted to admit to her,and she was too scared to admit to him..but their friends will try to set them up.
Melody smiles slightly "Thanks Fred" she says and lightly punches him, it was how she said thanks and the punches never hurt since they were friendly "I'll apologize to her once she realizes her mistake, until then I'll ignore her" she says and looks at the huhe building "Glad I'm not in the same house as her"

Draco rolls his eyes and jumps the carriage before it can completely stop "Finally that stupid dare is over, I'm never going to sit in that one again" he mumbles, glad to be away from the mudblood and her friends.
"What a git!" Dynasty said to Luna.

"Dynasty now I know you don't really like Harry like that. Who's your real crush?" Luna asked.

Dynasty blushes and because he was still within hearing distance she quietly whispered to Luna "Draco."

"I knew it!" Luna said.

Miracle seen Seamus and she couldn't wait to talk to him. (Could someone maybe play Seamus for me? If not it's fine)

"I understand." Fred said and smiled.
Violet walks over to her brother "That's,payback for the dare you gave me last year" she says and Draco says "Fine we're even now, let's pretend this never happened in the first place", he earn a nod in agreement, but Violet's eyes have a mischievous sparkle in them.

"But when do you think she will realize it? She probably even forgot I was there" Melody says and she sighs "Let's just get going, even though I'm not that hungry" she says, she was hungry but the dementors ruined that rather quickly when they searched the train.

(I don't really know his personality, sorry)
They had both blushed when they realized they'd been holding hands this entire time. She moved away from George,'he'd need his personal space..' she thought as she looked outside."Are you going to apologize to Melody?" He had asked her after what seemed like a minute of silence,She nodded,"I will and then I'll go back to ignoring her." She said.. She was feeling miserable and she really wanted to make up with her,but Melody probably hates her by now. So that wouldn't work.
(He's like outgoing idk it's hard to explain)

Miracle watched the trees go past slowly as the arrived to the castle.

"She'll come around." Fred said.

Dynasty was starting to get excited as they got closer.
"I sure hope so" Melody says and she sighs "Even Slytherin students never do that to me, well one tried pulling a prank by disguise himself as a dementor, I punched him to hard in his face he had a broken nose"

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