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Fantasy Howl's Flying Castle (Finished! ---Whoo! (*^▽^)/)

-Echo Muses-

Echo's eyes widened when she saw the little will-o-wisps, emerald eyes highlighted by their lights. As the song started anew, the crowd cheering, Echo sang in English as the violinist played. The red head spun around, her green dress fluffed up gently and lifting some of will-o-wisps that were nearby. Her nerves slowly disappeared as she danced to the beat, smiling at the thought of acting of a playful character.

When the violinist made her solo, also dancing and skipping, Echo started to tap-danced, her hooves making sharp and clear clops on the wooden stage along side Johnny's beats. She made sure to grab her dress to make it easier to move and not get caught. Some of the audience members even clapped along, children danced and laughed in mirth on the side.

Then she sang again, now dancing together with the violinist who's obviously having a blast. Spinning and skipping as if they were having a time of their lives of just creating music. There were moments where Echo would go close to Johnny, leaving light touches on his shoulders before going back in the middle. The announcer even helped out with playing the spoons at times, singing quietly.

When the song ended, the crowd cheered enthusiastically, some throwing hats up in the air while other clapped loudly.

Echo panted, smiling widely as she noticed that even the trees grew a bit, their branches creating a border over the stage. Their pink leaves falling gracefully. It was fun, she sort of wished that it never ended. The red head looked back at Johnny, laughing a bit from the adrenaline high. The flowers and vines that hanged on her antlers are now on the ground, fallen from dancing to the song.

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- Johnny Caprice -

[SIZE= 14px]" South Park, Kingsbury "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ohnny clapped with the crowd and whistled grinning back at Echo. With a wave of his wand the wisps whizzed up in the air and breathed out their brightest flames looking like fiery little fireworks before disappearing in puffs of smoke.

'Ahh, Echo's an amazing girl.' thought Johnny, beaming at her proudly. At her exit, he met her below the stage steps, whisking his hat off dramatically and bowing. "My lady, you were smashingly invigorating." he smiled offering his arm. "I have never seen you so happy before. You look nice."



-Echo Muses-

Echo curtsied before the audience and made her exit, still smiling widely. As she met up with Johnny, the red head curtsied to him as well, though a bit dramatic. "Well, I couldn't have done it without your help, my good sir."

With a light giggle, she wrapped her arm around his offered one, nuzzling him a bit. "So...thank you so much...for everything." Echo meant it: from supporting to trying to ease her fears, Johnny was there to help and it gave her a bit of confidence to sing in front of others again. She blushed at his compliment, still happy-high as a kite.

After a few more singers had their try, the contest ended and the announcer went up the stage to announce the winner. The crowd clapped, congratulating the winners and the rest for a job well done. Said winners? Well...

"I can't believe we've won..." Echo said in disbelief, her green eyes staring down at the contest prize that were in Johnny's hands. Her ears twitched.

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- Johnny Caprice -

[SIZE= 14px]" South Park, Kingsbury "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]Y[/SIZE]ou're welcome." said Johnny warmly. He hesitated for a moment as though gathering courage, and then awkwardly gave Echo a brief one-armed hug.

Butters was stomping happily when the two rejoined the giant ram and the giant dog. Meatballs disappeared in a puff of smoke after he ate a small pile of barbeque Johnny bought from a stand as a reward; Echo's potted plants were safely kept in Butters' saddle; and after the winner was finally chosen, Johnny led the victor Echo around the fair in the city square where magical rides had been set-up.

When Echo commented that she couldn't believe they won, Johnny just beamed at her. "I couldn't believe you had such a marvelous voice. No wonder the flora love it."

After leaving Butters to graze by the grass, then coming across some dangerous hair-raising rides and some mellower light contraptions, he turned to Echo. "So, which ride shall we go on first? Shall it be the Tornado Twister Thriller, or Miss Saucy's Saucer Cup Ride?"

(OOC: @Katsuya, time skip to Renee and James after your next post?)
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-Echo Muses-

Echo thought for a moment, wondering which one would be good to ride first and grabbed Johnny's hand. She nodded towards the Tornado Twister Thriller with a grin. Might as well start with the scariest one. "Let's take this one first and then take Miss Saucy's Saucer Cup Ride afterwards.." The red head suggested, already knowing that she's going to have fun today...

@Zer0 (Yep! XD)

[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Royale Coliseum "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]B[/SIZE]ack in the coliseum, birds soared over the arena. It was a platform of stone and dirt where in the center stood two mighty statues of carved onyx and hammered steel. These statues represented courage and victory in the form of warriors and wore the traditional ancient armor of the King's royal guard.

An outer ring of deep water surrounded the platform, and a barrier protected the stands where the crowds sat and capped the roof of the coliseum. Four judges were seated at the inner edge of the stands across the balcony where the King, Princess Mia, and some nobles, officers of the army, and other noteworthy people sat. There was a lively plump announcer charismatically introducing the contestants.

Rule was you lose when you surrender or leave the fighting platform and not come back up after ten seconds, or when you are knocked unconscious and don't get up after the same amount of time.

The two stepped on two separate floating disks and were hovered to the opposite ends of the arena. The paladin jogged to the center waving at the crowd heartily , while the dark knight stalked forward. The Paladin hailed the King and Princess in greeting while the other did not. The crowd murmured disapprovingly, but then the match begun with the boom of a horn and the crowd cheered once more.

"Sir Reginald the Paladin makes the first move," boomed the announcer's voice," he is charging hammer raised --- no! That was a feint and ow! That was a masterful smite --- That must have hurt! Belial, the dark knight is sent flying back twenty feet! He just stood there and took it, didn't he?"

The Paladin did not pause and chased after his fallen foe who miraculously stood up silently. His bones should have been broken, but he seemed unperturbed by it.

"Oh, Belial finally moves. That's an odd way to carry a sword, not sure if this contestant is serious, look at that blade it looks like it needs repairs! --- OH MY GOODNESS!" The crowd wowed in surprise for the black knight struck Sir Reginald a blow across the chest that sent the paladin flying all the way out of the arena and into the pool of water.

"Didn't see that coming! And yes, the paladin swam back up, look at that gash on his armor. Belial's blade must be enchanted! Hmm, it seems that we might be dealing with a master who's just playing around folks. According to my info Belial is a man shrouded in mystery, we absolutely don't know anything about this dark knight --- and, yes, apparently not even his face. Interesting ---- Oh, and Sir Reginald is getting serious, he has just summoned his war beast, a Pegasus from the realm of Jotunheim!"

The knight mounted his winged horse, and was leaning tiringly on the reigns looking like he was in great pain. The horse flew up and as it soared in the sky, the knight was casting something, but was astonished that it wasn't working.

"Sir Reginald is using this opportunity to cast healing light, but he's casting it again and again? Hmm, doesn't seem to be working --- oh, look, he's surrendering! His injury must be more serious than we thought --- mediwitches to the arena please, this fight is over!"

The crowd cheered, some booed. They were definitely intrigued by Belial and was looking forward to how he was going to fare for the rest of the tournament. He silently refused treatment from the mediwitches and limped off just as quietly where he must have cast some sort of healing spell because there was a cracking of bone and he was walking better again.


[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ames didn't watch the match but went around talking to different fighters to gain some knowledge on the fighting styles and abilities of the novices he'd be facing in the arena.

Seifer was definitely one of them; Nancy Caroline the druid was an apprentice shape-shifter who could turn into a cat ---  that wasn't scary, but apparently she had mastered being able to cast spells in that form and was known to shrink her opponents into the size of mice; if James won against her his next opponent was going to be Maria Conchita Chinita, an apprentice fencer of Spanish decent who danced. This popular fiery girl trailed flames wherever she walked that didn't harm her, something that might prove a problem to James.

Meanwhile, as Renee watched, another warrior who was busy talking with his friend accidentally bumped into Renee, "Hey, watch it." growled the man.


-Renee Pendragon-

Renee watched the battle with her eyes wide open, slightly worried for the paladin. She wondered if the wound really was more dire then it seemed...

'It could be the sword that caused it?' Renee thought, already theorizing on the possible enchanted sword and its affects when someone bumped into her. She slightly glared at the guy, not believing he said that to someone who didn't even move. Seriously, that's rather rude of him.

"...uh-huh..." Renee quickly dismissed him and kept staring out the window. It's not worth her time to correct someone when they are too silly to realize their own mistakes. She wants to see James' battle and think of possible ways to defeat him in their fight. So she's not moving from her spot of the window.

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[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Royale Coliseum "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]B[/SIZE]efore James' first match, Sen walked inside the Fighter's Hall followed by four Cool Beans guild members rolling two barrels of what seemed to be ale. He waved at Renee and secretly stuck out his tongue at James before turning, with his most crisp and business-like demeanor, to one of the people managing the tournament who paid him a pouch of gold for the delivery.

While his guild members, who seemed to be avid fans of some of the warlocks, walked around the fighter's hall talking to some of them, Sen went over to Renee.

"Good luck today, sis!" he grinned giving her a thumbs up. "You beat our brother dear's buttocks now so that he'll finally see you don't need protecting." he said in a loud voice.

James, who was about to be called anytime now, overheard and scowled at his younger brother as he made last minute checks on Frey's leather armor, but didn't comment. He seemed to be battling his nerves and looked at the gate with the same focused look he always had before summoning his lightning salamander. His opponent, the druid Nancy Caroline looked nervous too and was sitting on a barrel breathing deeply.


[SIZE= 18px]W[/SIZE]hen the two were finally called, James strode out of the gate first, Frey astride him. His ethereal stag loved the attention and strutted, chest out proudly. The roar of the crowd was deafening, thousands of faces were all turned on him and his opponent. To ease his nerves James raised his fist into the air and the crowd cheered.

It felt good to be supported. The two duelists faced each other and James was surprised to see a firehawk on Nancy Caroline's shoulder. He didn't notice that bird before. They hailed and greeted the King and princess, then bowed to each other.

"Duelists, thirty feet apart now over to the mark!" said the charismatic announcer. "Ready? --- set! Fight!"

The crowd cheered, but James wasn't paying attention. All his world was on the opponent before him and he faced her with the same strong determination that's been fueling his efforts for the past weeks. 'I cannot fail. I lose, I lose my sister.'

"Lezarde Venire!" he yelled. Spark appeared in a puff of smoke before James; at the same time the druid rushed forward brandishing a staff, the hawk swooped down at him and Frey reared to meet the diving hawk with his antlers.

The sudden appearance of a charging human startled the lightning salamander and his first reaction of course was to breathe lightning at the girl. She immediately stumbled, shaking on the ground. James immediately cast four lightning shields, one for each creature on the platform. He ignored the hawk that slashed at his arm and immediately unsummoned Sparks, rushing forward to check if the girl's heart was still beating.

"Choutte Venire!" said James. Sasha appeared and battled the firehawk as James checked the girl's pulse, electricity cackling on his fingers. "HER HEART'S NOT BEATING!" yelled James at the announcer. "MEDIWITCHES!"

"Er, begin the countdown! One! Two!" said the announcer. James angrily gave him an incredulous look and just did CPR right on the spot. At the count of ten the announcer yelled. "This fight is over! Mediwitches to the platform! Wow, that was quick . . . James Pendragon is the winner and he's now doing CPR! That's serious sportsmanship, but if you asked me, folks, it seemed he had no control over his war beast. No surprise there, that's an intermediate summon! He must be very desperate for that gold."

The crowd appeared anxious over Nancy Caroline, while some people cheered, and a few booed at the announcer for delaying, but the druid was alright and looked like she didn't understand what had just happened. She was so shocked that it was all over just like that. 

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[SIZE= 16px]Via sat in an empty corner of the train she was riding, obviously a bit delusional after all that she's read about in the papers; while she was going down rabbit holes and reading millions of books, her family was out there saving people from a mass destruction caused by dragons and shadow people?! [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"How..." She sighed and looked out the window, there was the eccentric yet elegant kingdom Kingsbury.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"It's been a while, they all must've changed since my absence. It's already been 4 years..." Via looked down at her book bag full of mint condition, untouched books, she acquired them from a traveler that had a strange accent and wore at least 10 ankle bracelets on each ankle; she had been awarded them after helping save his run away cart with all of his equipment in it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Smiling at the memory, she was about to pick one up and do some 'light' reading but the train had already stopped at her destination. A bit disappointed she headed off, towards Ruby St where the 'Kingsbury door' waited for her; although, something strange had met her on the front porch instead of their fire demon Calcifer. A tepee?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]She slowly circled it like a vulture and peeked inside a tiny crack from a few feet away to see if anyone was there.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"Hello?"[/SIZE]

-Renee Pendragon-

Renee smiled at her little brother and ruffled his hair, feeling happy that she has some support from someone in the family. "Thanks Sen. I really needed to hear that..." She meant that.

As she watched her brother's match, Renee shook her head at the delay, wanting to check on the druid herself. She couldn't leave the Fighter's hall unless her name was called out, so she's really happy that James took care of her instead, letting out a sigh of relief.

When it was her turn, Renee was a ball of nerves and it seems her opponent, Jack n Jill, could sense that. They, yes, they because Jack n Jill has two faces on one head that can twist in whenever given moment and Renee didn't know their gender, grinned at the winged teen. "Might as well give up now, deary. " mocked the girl face, Jill and then, Jack spun around. "Yea! Might as well quit." He supported his head partner.

It's... definitely interesting to see their head spin 180 degrees. 

As they stood in the ring after greeting the royal family, Renee heard a loud start from the announcer and quickly changed, dodging the tide just in time-! So they can use water spells, she wondered. Up in the air, she dived down at her opponent and tossed her sticky bomb-

Only she noticed that her sticky bomb was rotten the moment it hit the ground. 'What?! but I just made these! That can't be possible!' She thought in panic, changing tactics and grabbed the odd human with her claws. Apparently, that was a bad choice: That was a clone made of water and since Renee got distracted with her bomb being rotten, her opponent made a clone and managed to drag her in the water-!

She tried to escape only to get stuck in the water and lost consciousness, losing her breathe in bubbles... 

When she woke up, it was at the medical wing and she was laying in a simple cot. Renee groaned, knowing that she just lost her first match...until she remembered something. 'My herb bombs! What happened-?!' The winged teen sat up quickly, ignoring the dizzy spell that came onto her as she reached out to her pouch that was on the counter next to the cot. She poured all her stuff on the counter, checking on her herb potions. All of them were rotting? How can that be? She made these yesterday, so how could they be rotting now? Then she noticed a small wooden stick that had engravings, picking it up and turning it to see all of it. After studying a bit closer, she yelped and dropped it back down. It's cursed-! Why would a cursed item be in her bag?...Unless...

'Someone planted that before my match...but wh-?!' Then she remembered about the guy that bumped into her. It could be him since he was the only one who touched her! Renee ignored the mediwizard as she ran out of the wing, searching for the guy that did this to her. She asked around the Fighter's hall, talking to some of the fighters. One of the nicer fighters told her that he left for a family issue he's having back at home. It was announced before his fight started.

Renee stood there, her clothes and wings still wet, dumbfounded. 'How...odd...' She kept the cursed item in her hand, biting her bottom lip as she didn't mention the stick to anyone, just in case. She didn't want to believe the strange coincidences are connected or to be true...but...if that was the case...

Why...was she being sabotaged?

@Zer0  @Jack of Cloves
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[SIZE= 18px]-  Seifer Rathmore -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Royale Coliseum "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ames wasn't around when Renee woke up as he was currently hotly dueling the fiery Spanish fencer, Conchita, in the arena. Seifer though, was there leaning on a pillar with two lady novices talking to him with admiration in their eyes. "Nice look." he said haughtily at Renee. "Wet and defeated really suits you."

He lazily waved the girls away and sauntered over. "Let me guess . . . " he leaned down with an expression of mock thoughtfulness. " . . . cursed trinket in your bag?" he smirked.

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-Renee Pendragon-

Renee's head jerked, staring at Seifer's mocking face in disbelief and suspicion. How did he know that? Unless...She glared, gripping on the cursed item tightly.

"Alright. What is it that you know? I swear, if you're the one who did this-"

The winged teen will not be so forgiving if Seifer's the one who planted that item in her pouch...


[SIZE= 18px]-  Seifer Rathmore -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Royale Coliseum "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]P[/SIZE]lease," he drawled, and leaned against the wall nonchalantly. "Unlike some petty people who keep others from the archery range, I have class. If I want to beat someone, I'll do it with my own strength without lowering myself to cheat." he looked at his finger nails. "Can't say the same about your older brother, though . . ."

He looked up to watch her expression.


-Renee Pendragon-

Her heart dropped when Seifer suggested that James cheated, her eyes widened and shuts them, shaking her head. That can't be. No way would James do that-!

...but...if that's true...then...

"No-! He wouldn't! James would never-!" Renee denied, not wanting to believe it. Her wings fluttering in a sort of panic. No way would James purposely cheat to make her lose. No way would he do that to someone in his own family...

But...if he did...then...

The winged teen could already tell her anxiety is spiking up, but she's trying her best to put a lid on it. "Where did you see him? Are you sure it was him? At what time?" She walked closer to the other white-haired teen, her trembling hands hidden in her pockets.

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[SIZE= 18px]-  Seifer Rathmore -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Royale Coliseum "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]S[/SIZE]eifer took his sweet time admiring his expensive looking leather gauntlets before saying, "This early morning at around, mmm, four." clearly he was enjoying the look on Renee's face. He was very painstakingly slow in giving the information and was now taking an interest at her bow. "He was in the slums side of Kingsbury, in the Black Market . . ." he strode around Renee examining the bow.

"Hmm, this was made by the same craftsman as mine." he said, testing the tautness of the string by pulling it and letting it go with a twang. "He was talking to the Haversham gang. That bloke who bumped into you was one of them. I daresay you'll find him in the slums too if you care to go over there and check."

Outside the crowd roared in the applause and the announcer had just yelled that James was the winner.

"But why should you believe what I have to say? You should ask your brother. Here he comes right now."

The gate opened and some mediwitches came in carrying James and the fencer Conchita in floating stretchers to the medical ward. The bottom of James robes were black and burned. His right leg was smoking and the fabric had been cut open to reveal third degree burn wounds. Behind them limped Frey who's lower legs were less silvery and ashy. As though the ethereal substance that made his form was barely holding up.

Conchita on the other hand had electrified afro hair and was unconscious.


-Renee's heart-broken...-

It fit. Everything Seifer said fit. James was gone that morning, she knows that by the conversation she had with him before their first battles. The guy who disappeared, if he really was part of the gang he mentioned, then it would make sense for him to leave after finishing what he set out to do. Also...the Black Market. It explains where the cursed item she has on her right now came from...

Oh...James ...really did...

But...he couldn't-!

Then again...he was desperate enough to harm himself while training, just to keep her here. Who says that James wouldn't be desperate enough to do this? What else would he do?

Renee ignored Seifer examining her bow, her heart pounding against her chest was the only thing she can hear. She let out a shuddering breathe, wrapping her arms around herself as if she's trying to keep herself together. To not fall apart at this very second in front of experienced warriors who were about to fight...

and Seifer...that jerk...Why would he tell her this...unless...he's being a bleeding troll again-! 'But I can't be angry at him when he's the one who told me the truth...Unlike my own brother...' Renee frowned, biting down on her bottom lip.

With a gulp, she slowly followed James' gurney, wanting to know if what Seifer said was true....

Renee is curious...and she's going to find out, one way or another...

In the meanwhile, a shady man leaned against the wall, watching his target follow his employer. He grinned maliciously when he saw her anguished face. The girl must have found out about something...not his problem. All he wants is to do his job...and teach her a 'life lesson' that she'll never forget. After all...he was payed to fight her...

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[SIZE= 18px]- James Pendragon -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Royale Coliseum "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]I[/SIZE]n the medical ward, James was lying down on one of the low simple wooden beds gritting his teeth in pain as a mediwitch covered his burn wounds with some thick orange paste that seemed to sting a lot. When she was done, she went off to attend to a warrior who seemed to have been transfigured into a frog and was slowly changing back to normal, though he still had a frog head.

It was a public ward where only curtains separated the wounded fighter's small beds. The paladin, Sir Reginald, was there sleeping on one of the beds sweating as though he had a fever. The nurses were changing the blood-soaked bandages on his chest where there was a deep slash that had been manually stitched up. Healing magic seemed to be ineffective against it, and the wound was blackened and tinged green in the edges as though from poison.

"No, visitors!" said a nurse at Renee. "This area is off limits, and is for the wounded only --- wait, you're the one who ran off earlier before we could finish the check up. Are you feeling better?"


-Renee Pendragon-

"...I..." Renee seems shaken up by something, not focusing on the nurse, and not really answering back. Worried, the nurse gently took her in the ward and started on her check up, making her sit on a small wooden stool. Renee could see how James is doing as they walked by and grimaced. She couldn't ask him that...not out here, in public. What was she thinking?

'I wanted to know why he would cheat...' Breathing out, her shoulders slumped and didn't feel good...at all. Her stomach ached from her anxieties and she placed her hands there. The nurse must have noticed because she passed her a drink that fizzed, reaching up to half way of the big cup. The winged teen looked at it, already dreading what that drink is for. "Here, you look like you're about to throw-up. This will make sure you wouldn't. Drink all of it in one swoop." Then the nurse left her for moment, telling her to stay there and not move.

Renee stared at the drink and just did what the nurse told her to do: drink it in one go...

And she coughed right after. It was so bitter-! Renee managed to swallow it before she coughed out it, but...it tasted horrible! Like someone put wasabi in a bland soda and the spiciness was gone, leaving only the bitter, bitter, BITTER flavor. "Uck-!" Well...at least she's not going to vomit any time soon. Yay...

When the nurse came back, dried her clothes with a bit of wind magic, she let her leave the medical ward. "Good luck on your next battle, Miss." With that, she left to the other patients. Renee could only stare a for a moment and walked back to the Fighter's Hall, still conflicted about the whole thing. She barely heard her name being called to the ring and quietly stood in front of the door. The winged teen didn't notice the shady guy next to her nor did she see his grin.

Frowning, Renee shook her head and stood up straight. She needs to focus on her battle. She'll win this time and then she'll confront James.

As the doors opened for the two fighters, they walked in the arena and greeted the royal family. What Renee did not know is that this battle is going to be her most painful one yet...


-Minnie Von Ironheart-

Meanwhile, Minnie stared at the lady who's peeking in her guild master's house through the door...and then sighed. Must be related to the twins somehow...

"Miss, if you're looking for the Pendragons, one of them is in guild stand at the festival. I can take you to him, if you like?" The blue haired teen offered, monotone rings in her voice.

She was here to pick up something Sen needed and when she saw this...nice brunette lady peeping in the house, Minnie felt like she needed to help her. She gave off this vibe of 'I'm home~!' and she wondered if she hasn't been here for a while. "His name is Sen...One of the twin Pendragons..."

@Jack of Cloves


Via pondered for a quick second and looked back at the lady, "Alright, if it's no trouble." She smiled and looked at the girl.

"How strange." [SIZE= 16px]She thought, [/SIZE]"So is this his type?" [SIZE= 16px]Via laughed at the thought and decided to prod the twins with that late on, the house was a bit more suspicious looking with the tent in front of it; although people passing by didn't really pay it a second mind.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"So, why exactly did they put the tent out here? Did they kick someone out?" Via played with the thought waiting for an answer, she thought it wouldn't really be too surprising if Jake and Renee just got fed up with them and kicked them out.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Katsuya[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" South Park, Kingsbury "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]J[/SIZE]ohnny shakily exited the Tornado Twister Thriller, holding on to the railing and Echo for support. "That . . . that was f-fun, w-wasn't it?" he smiled at her, face very pale.

The ride was one where you sat on swings that could seat one or two people, and the swings hung down from the arms of a giant six-armed golem of wood who raised the excited and terrified sitters fifty feet into the air and spun in place very fast, bending up, down, and sideways. Johnny had stopped talking and was just closing his eyes holding Echo's hand tightly for the entire ride, frozen stiff and clenching his teeth.

He had been terrified, but he didn't want to show the girl he's come to like very much that he was. A man must be brave!

Speaking of bravery, his thoughts wandered to the tournament and wondered how Renee and James were faring. He had not checked the roster that was being displayed to the public and so did not know what time his two friends' matches were going to be.

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-Echo Muses-

Echo smiled apologetically, supporting Johnny as they left the ride. "Yes, it was a lot of fun." She wasn't going to lie: she enjoyed holding hands with her date during the whole ride...but she felt bad for putting him through it. When he had his eyes closed, she looked over to his side, and noticed his pale face. The red head nuzzled his shoulder in comfort.

"...but I think we should take a break. My legs are shaking a bit...Let's sit over here." She suggested, tugging Johnny towards a red bench nearby.

As she sat down, her mind started to wonder towards her friend and her brother's fights. Echo couldn't help but worry about those two. It could be a gut feeling or her being too worried for the siblings, but she couldn't shake off this disturbing sensation.

To be honest, she wants to check up on the pair just in case...maybe she should suggest it to Johnny?

"Um...Think James and Renee are doing okay?"

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[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" South Park, Kingsbury "[/SIZE]

"[SIZE= 18px]I [/SIZE]absolutely have no idea." said Johnny. "Fancy buying some popcorn and then checking out what time their next match is?" he checked his money pouch which was fluffy and seemed to be made of sheep wool. Arcane runes were stitched along the side and, by reading it, it seemed that there was an anti-thief charm on the pouch that would cause the pouch to squirt smelly, hard-to-remove ink at the thief and then scream shrilly.

Butters, ever watchful of his master's condition, came clip clopping towards them looking very fat, the patch of grass behind him clipped short and a hay bale from a nearby petting zoo half-eaten.


-Echo Muses-

"Sure!" Echo replied excitedly, her ears twitched. She stared at his wallet, really liking how fluffy it is. The red head had a good idea on what sort of present to give him when his birthday comes around...Then she blushed at the thought.

Goodness-! She's on their first date and already, she's thinking of what sort of birthday gift to get for him!

As she stood up, Echo frowned a bit. She really hopes that she's just a worrywart and nothing bad happens...


[SIZE= 18px]- Johnny Caprice -[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]" Royale Coliseum "[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 18px]T[/SIZE]hey were just in time for Renee's second match. Johnny was disappointed they couldn't enter the fighter's hall to talk to the two Pendragons, and so he squeezed through the cheering crowd into some good seats while carrying two buckets of sour cream and cheese popcorn, and a bottle of fizzy soda.

"Blimey, that bloke looks sinister, doesn't he?" he said loudly to Echo so that he could be overheard. "I thought Renee and James had joined to duel each other for something important." he was surprised to learn that they were in different categories and just concluded that he must have missed something when James told him he was doing this because he needed to show her sister what the real world was like.

He was waiting for Renee to pass by them so that he could cheer loudly and show her some support. He was on James' side, even though he hasn't told him the real reason why he's been so obsessed over this tournament for weeks, not sleeping, getting sick even just to show his sister what the real world was like. But she is his sister, and he couldn't help but also take care of her too in some way since she was important to his buddy.

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-Echo Muses-

The red head followed Johnny into the crowd, glad that there were some good seats still open and sat down. Echo nodded, not taking her eyes off the shady looking guy who's casually tossing the small blade up in the air.

Something's not right with him. He looked normal enough, but his dark eyes speak of evil intentions and the way he's looking at her friend...it's like a predator waiting for their prey to make a mistake...

"Echo! Johnny! Hey!" Echo snapped her head towards Renee who's waving at them, smiling widely. "Hi Ren!! You can do it!" She cheered loudly, standing up as she waved back. The winged teen nodded before facing her opponent.

The red head knew about why Renee made the bet: She wants to see someone over the Stone Wall. The reason behind that or how she knew about this person, she does not know. At first, the red head didn't like the idea of her friend possibly go missing, but...she understands Ren's point of view when it comes to James. He is over-protective and tends to underestimate her abilities. Like he believes that she's too fragile to face the world or something. Then again he's just doing what a big brother would do: look after the young ones even if they are a year younger or so. She wondered sometimes if James needs to have a normalcy after the dragon attack in Paroosia and depends on Renee for it...

Maybe she's over-thinking it and should stop right now. It's not good to assume things.

In the next few minutes of the battle, the fawn could only stare with wide eyes, frozen in her seat as she watched the horrifying match. She wondered if the medical ward would let her see Renee...

They better let her visit if they didn't want to deal with an upset fawn.

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