Howling at the Moon OOC [Lunar Fury Redux ]

Sherwood, are you waiting on something from me, feantari, or norts?

I think we all posted attacks, and One and Many did a Dash, so by the tick chart we should be on to Rowan and the Pteroks (and then Sein, Rogosh, and the Ankloks)

3 - [Xhao], [Raptok 1], [2], [3]

4 - [Hunter], [sage]

5 - Rowan, Pterok 1(injured), 2(injured), and 3, One and Many

6 - Sein, Anklok 1 [dead], 2, and 3, Rogosh

7 -

8 - Xhao, Raptok 1, 2, 3

I was going to make a hilarious joke-post about Xhao being exceptionally dumb, but I got beaten by Sherwood's second post, and then it made Xhao's joke look superfluous.

So I'll just put it here and pretend Xhao said it between commentary:


Xhao scratches his head. Most of this was well above and beyond him. He had never even heard of a 'Bronze faction' of dragonblooded. He knew about the Scarlet Empire, and so clearly they must like naming organizations after colors, but he didn't know anything about this bronze faction. Maybe it was a sports team.

He did chuckle a tad, and then gave a suddenly self conscious look around, "Sorry, I was just amused at being called Anathema by a Lizard."
The 'sports team' comment actually made me laugh out loud. :lol:
This is not meant as an insult, so please don't think of it as one. But I do have to say, OaM can be a real ass when he wants to. Like I said, that was a comment about the character, not the player. 8)
Sherwood said:
This is not meant as an insult, so please don't think of it as one. But I do have to say, OaM can be a real ass when he wants to. Like I said, that was a comment about the character, not the player. 8)
I'm actually pleased, I'm putting a lot of effort into playing him as asshole as I can!

Socialize zero / Compassion zero for the win! :mrgreen:

No, I'm lying.

There's a bit more beyond the asshole.

Not much, rest assured, but maybe there will be some opportunity for it to emerge... ^^
I'm not upset by it. I just wanted to make the comment without making anyone think I was upset with the player. I hope that the 'ass-hat' behaivor is roleplaying, and not just natural.
Sherwood said:
I hope that the 'ass-hat' behaivor is roleplaying, and not just natural.

If it's of comfort to anyone, it is taking me some effort... =)

The biggest trouble I'm having right now is that I want OaM to be both a jerk AND pragmatic.

At the same time, he is very loyal to the pack and to One Tusk...
I think I'm going to pull out of the game. I don't get the feeling my character fits very well in the game and its dynamic.

Was fun and well written, but I just don't seem to be able to get into it.
Midboss said:
I think I'm going to pull out of the game. I don't get the feeling my character fits very well in the game and its dynamic.
Was fun and well written, but I just don't seem to be able to get into it.
It's always a risk to play social characters... =(

Too bad you're leaving.
Sad to see you go. :-(

Now where will we get our snarky commentary! We'll be adrift without our guiding sarcasm!

As Xarvh said, playing a social character is always a gamble. If the game is about travel and combat, you can get a bit sidelined. It was great having you, and hopefully I'll see you again in another game.
I am sorry to see you go, but thank you for not just vanishing. I'll post with you in other games. 8)
I've had a PM request for a new player to join in. Does anyone have any objections before I say yea or nay?
Would it be okay if I asked whom the new player is?

(I have no theoretical objection, since we just lost our Party Mascot, to our communal sadness. I just can't make up high-quality snark like Midboss could. The standard 'role uniqueness' concerns apply, but that's always the case.)
Sorry. I forgot to say it is Karrth Moonblade. That might help the decision process. I have no objections to this, and depending on what is said, one of the chambers might just hold a PC waiting for revival, so don't kill them all off yet. :wink:
I can't say I know him/her, so I have no objections as long as it's not a Solar or something similarly outside the group power-curve.
I'm mildly annoyed at the "Big combat Lizard with Huge Sword" being Xhao's theme (That, and with the exception of OaM we're now pure combat characters).

I hate to be a jerk to Karrth, but... any chance you want to make something that's *not* a giant combat lizard? We could really use a sorcerer or social monkey.

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