Howling at the Moon OOC [Lunar Fury Redux ]

So, uh, what around here looks like an enemy, and if I don't find something like that do I just attack whatever?
Xarvh, you are quite the troublemaker, aren't you? :lol:
Sherwood said:
Xarvh, you are quite the troublemaker, aren't you? :lol:
Come on, I have already my RL to follow the rules and be a good boy! :mrgreen:

EDIT: Also, please notice that OaM is doing what he genuinely believes is the best way to secure the Robes.

All the Lunars are drained and we don't know the powers of the ghost (OaM is assuming that she's hostile); if OaM can manage to reach safety, the others can retreat just afterwards.

Now, I know that whatever hostiles we'd find we'd be able to take on them, but OaM does not.
Depending on what is said to the ghost will determine if she is hostile. You plead your case well, she may even let you take the other artifacts in there. If you don't do well, she may get mad and attack.
So uh, xarvh, could you maybe do a favor for me and explain how you see one's actions matching up with his virtues? I certainly think you could play him with the virtues he has, but for most of the game he has been fairly impulsive, headstrong, and bold. Not really things you'd expect from someone with temperance 5 and valor 1, even with conviction 3 tossed on top.

If you like the character as played why not alter the sheet? Or maybe self moderate with the valor/temperance rolls or some such, I dunno. To me it just seems like a huge gap between sheet and RP.
Valor 1... His plan was basically about escaping and let the others fight.

Temperance 5, rather than rushing out as soon as he had the Robe, as valor 1 wold dictate, he held his nerves and waited a bit more, as the situation may have been different than he assessed.

The fact that he is patient does not mean he can't act quickly when needed.

And just as smashing the door, he thought about it.

The way I see it, meek does not apply to Exalts, especially celestials.

Exalts don't play by the rules.

They have the power to not do what they are expected to do.

They don't ride along the story, the wrestle it, they make it.


I do understand if this is a problem to you.

If there is any chance OaM's behavior will break the game, I will just slap some combat charms and act they way I am supposed to.

Game and buddies first. ^^
Well, as often as sage may chastise you, I still think it's a fine character. I just think the play and the sheet aren't so well matched. I tend to think of a virtue at 5 meaning the character embodies it nearly to a fault. I don't think valor 1 means a character has to be meek, but at least a little thought on self preservation (especially when coupled with the self control of temperance). There are a number of times one's actions could have gotten him killed by npc or pc alike.
Sage would have interest in the tiara and the robe. Though, I should go through and recall what we think it does or can do...
You know that the Robe allows at the least the casting of summoning and banishment of all three circle of demons, dispite what talents the wearer may have with sorcery or necromancy. Any other abilities of the Robe are not well known.
Well, Xhao doesn't want any of the 'standard' artifacts.

He'd be curious to attune the Mantle. He has some interesting ideas of what demon-summoning could accomplish, and he actually has the best stats for successfully binding a demon. (Ess+Willpower).

That said, I'd be more curious what else the mantle can do before Xhao lays any 'permanent' claim to it.

He'd also be stupid enough to just try it and see what happens.
I'd say go for it then. Sage is a sorcerer, but his mentor in it has also taught him something of a general distaste for demons. Curious what of the weapons people are interested in. Sage has all of 0 dots in melee, but he'd be willing to learn it (only if there are things left unclaimed of course, else would be silly). :-p
So, if Xhao is going to claim the Robe, go ahead and post it to make it official. Then you can find out the other hidden details (if any) of the artifact.
Was going to give anybody else a chance to object if they had a strong feeling about it before I just had Xhao walk up and attune the thing...

On the other hand, Temperance 1 is a dangerous trait to have... maybe I should throw some xp at that. >.>
OaM will claim nothing for himself, he sticks to naked policy.

No prob for him on who takes the Robe.
Well, for lack of objection, Xhao will give it a shot. This will probably go badly, one way or another...
Hmm, if we don't have anyone using the IRA for the clothing aspects Sage could use it for the soak, but if someone will get better use out of it that'd probably be best.. where'd that changing moon run off to.

We should probably all take time to attune to the manse just so we can pass the healing around later if we need to.
@Zoronos: Xhao is definitely fast, but I don't think he can break the soundbarrier.

OaM can do just that, Inexhaustible as well.

This said, I have no problem if Xhao wants to deliver the mantle while OaM and Sage (anyone else left?) move against the Faes.

@Sherwood: given the huge eyes of the dragonflies and the innate sensitivity of those animals, can OaM select Lidless Demon Eye for his warform?
Oh, yes. OaM is clearly faster than Xhao. No denying that.

That said, Xhao has no intention of giving OaM the mantle after the stunt he pulled with it in the tomb.

I'm less worried about splitting the party than I am that the mantle will be needed in multiple places at once.
xarvh said:
@Sherwood: given the huge eyes of the dragonflies and the innate sensitivity of those animals, can OaM select Lidless Demon Eye for his warform?
I feel generous today, so I'll let you take it. 8)
Hmmm.. I'm half tempted for Sage to not be there since no one told him not to take the trek halfway across the north to warn his people, but I probably should be around... :-P

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