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Fandom How To Train Your Dragon: The next Generation


Where did Joe come from? Where'd he go?


No Powerplaying or Godmodding unless you want to have your heart taken out of your chest.

Don’t make your characters
too OP, though I will tell you what you have to modify, but I’m really not that strict, a little of OP is always fun :3

Don’t ask if you can join, just check what place is available and post, first coming first served.

The only thing you can post other than your skelly/character sheet are questions about what you can or can’t add in your character

Not everyone can be a master flyer or a great warrior J

Keep out of character chats in the out of character chats thread, everyone enjoys clean threads :3

Use anime or drawn pictures for appearance

You can have any dragon, but not a night fury, sowyyy


Astrid and Hiccup’s descendants: 2

Kid n°1 {Taken by @HollyLeafForever }

Between 17-19 years old

Any gender & personality

Choose 2 skills:

-Good in map-making and drawing

-Good in weapon wielding

-Good in dangerous stunts and flying

-Good in dueling/battling with weapons and fists

Kid n°2 {Taken by @Hoki }

Between 15-17 years old

Any gender & personality

Choose 2 skills:

-Good in the art of blacksmith

-Good in weapon wielding

-Good in dangerous stunts and flying

-Good in dueling/battling with weapons and fists

Snotloud’s descendants: "1"


{Taken by @ScountheRatKing }

Between 14-18 years old

Any personality & gender

Choose 2 skills:

-Good in map-making

-Good in racing and tournaments

-Very strong

-Good in dangerous stunts

Truffnut’s descendants: 2

{Both taken by
@Kaera }

Twin 1

Must be same age as twin 2 (between 14-18 years old)

Any gender & personality

Choose 2 skills:

-Good in taming wild dragons (all wild dragons will instantly like him/her)

-Great caretaker for dragons

-Good in racing and tournaments

-Good in map-making and drawing

Twin 2

Must be same age as Twin 1 (between 14-18 years old)

Any gender & personality

Choose 2 skills:

-Good in fighting with and without dragon or weapon

-Good in weapon making/blacksmith

-Good in racing and tournaments

-Good in dangerous stunts

Ruffnut had 2 husbands, she’s on her 3rd husband now.

First marriage: Ruffnut + Eret = 1 kid + 1 kid that is actually from Snotloud, but no one apart from her knows that.

Kid {Taken by @Garnet }

Between 17-19 years old

Any gender & personality

Choose 2 skills:

-Very strong

-Good in racing and dangerous stunts

-Good in fighting with or without dragon or weapon

-Good in map-making and drawing

Kid from Snotloud {Taken by Fabulous Alpaca}

Between 14-16 years old

-Good in map-making

-Good in racing and tournaments

-Very strong

-Good in dangerous stunts

-Very good flyer

Second marriage: Ruffnut + Fishlegs = 1

{Taken by
@SdrawcabDaer }

Between 14-15 years old

Any gender & personality

Choose 2 skills:

-Very knowledgeable and smart

-Good in caretaking for dragons

-Good in map making and drawing

-Good in blacksmith

Third marriage: Ruffnut + Random muscle guy with extraordinary beard

{Taken by @WoodenZebra }

Between 12-14

Any gender & personality

Choose 2 skills:

-Very strong

-Good in racing and tournaments

-Good in dangerous stunts

-Very good flyer
















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The eldest child of Astrid and Hiccup


Alice Haddock



Alice is a keep to herself kind of person, she loves being social but seems to have been pushed out of it by other teenagers. Shes all for her dragon and training not much else. She has so many battle scars from teaching herself things, that its turned her into a harmful person to herself. She finds herself angry and lost a lot, not understanding how to help herself.

Alice is the first born of the leader of the island, a position she has been taught to uphold with lots of dignity. She was basically raised outside her home, as her father was going through the stages of mapping the last of the island and her mother helped out around the village. She learned very little from him though in mapping as it was not her main interest, but did learn the places on the island very well. All this map making did result in her making a new friend though, a dragon. But not just any dragon, a dragon feared by other dragons, a dragon that she saw as something like a kitten. A Death Song, a dangerous dragon species that feasts on other dragons and has no time for humans. They abandon their young early and she found this dragon about three days after its abandonment, her father wasn't impressed with this as it is dangerous. But Alice wanted the challenge and decided that the dragon was now claimed as hers, even though there was no ceremony until later in her life, it was still her dragon. This was at the age of 10. Having the dragon is what made her relationship strong with her mother, is what gained her fighting skills. Alice wanted to grow and learn with her dragon, so she spent time in the arena constantly, even though the village elders looked upon her with glaring eyes as she had not upheld tradition.

Four years later she would attend the ceremony that officially named Ski as her own. The day of her gaining proper ownership of Ski, is the day she dedicated her life to her dragon. She trained on Skis back with her father as her guide, learned how to wield weapons and use them from her mother. But picked up on how to fight with her fists from other people. Being the chiefs daughter, doesn't mean your liked by any of the village either.

Good in Dangerous Stuns and Flying as well as battling with weapons/fists.

Alice prefers to fight with her fists rather then use weapons, as she feels like they are very cheap and unneeded.


Night Ski(Full Name) Ski(Nickname)


Death Song

Even though these dragons are solitary and very dangerous, Ski was raised by Alice and was hand fed with fish unlike other Death Songs who feast on Dragons.

Death Song
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16 years old




Affair child of Ruffnut and Snotloud


To sum up his personality, Cloudy is a hot headed daredevil playboy.

When he's not charming the ladies (and gentlemen) he always hanging around The Rocks or the Scratchy Armpit islands.


-Very strong

-Good in dangerous stunts








Whooly Howl


Mathias Haddock



Spot: Youngest child of Astrid and Hiccup

Bio: Mathias is a bit goofy from time to time, with a few witty comments up his sleeve and a few invisible stones to trip over. Hands are scarred from earlier attempts to forging himself a weapon, and despite his young age he's gotten fairly good at it. Despite the funny outside, he's got an unfortunately serious inside when alone, which he often keeps hidden so that no one worries; he doesn't want to concern anyone with his own problems, and instead prefers to smile for them.

And he never wants anyone to be alone (this includes the dragons).


-Good at weapon wielding

-Good in the art of blacksmith

Other: Mathias likes making his own weapons and tools



Igor (or just plain Iggy)



Additional Note: Mathias likes to pet his dragon even though the spikes on its tail and back can cut at the slightest abrasion; his hands have callused enough for him not to care as much, and Iggy likes it ^^

+Also, since day one Mathias has spent his free time from blacksmithing only to blacksmith, all for the sake of creating a weapon/tool that allows him to attack with his dragon.​
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Spot:Ruffnut and Random mucsle guy with extrodanary beard.

Personality:Rosenut is a loud independent girl who isn't afraid to show off her strength and will gladly take anyone on in a lifting contest.She also actually is very intelligent in which her says is because"She's been hanging out with those Haddocks a while"

Bio:When she was 10 Ruffnut took her to get a dragon and because her mom wanted her to get a strong dragon Ruffnut took Rosenut to see a Razerwhip.When she met Ripper they wrestled each other for about 3 hours non-stop until they became friends.Rosenut walked out with a black eye which was actually impressive on Rippers part because she was one of the strongest people in the village.

Skills:Rosenut is very flexible,and agile.Rosenut also is very handy with a sword.

Other:To other people Ripper is hard,but to Rosenut Ripper is soft.



Nickname:Ripper.Real name:Sky Ripper.


{Omfg I love her, accepted !!! And also she has to be rivals with my character, I can totally see them competing between who is the strongest. I mean just an idea}
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ce3ad67b206d1d63d2daacb8c66ca70a.jpg.fd366a64d70f118cacd5e99699bf4d77.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97042" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/ce3ad67b206d1d63d2daacb8c66ca70a.jpg.fd366a64d70f118cacd5e99699bf4d77.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/730b415d0f598fc5525141c3fb42b7ad.jpg.51e8d890a5f66b70732be80296fa7bb0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97043" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/730b415d0f598fc5525141c3fb42b7ad.jpg.51e8d890a5f66b70732be80296fa7bb0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Bjorn ‘Bear’ Jorgenson

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Spot: Snotlout’s eldest descendent

Bio: Bear was raised like a typical Berk child, however, Snotlout was his father. He was raised listening to his father’s boasting and braggings of him. He is easily the most enduring of vikings through his father’s training. Due to the fact he was training, he never really got to interact with other people or dragons socialize, thus creating a very awkward conversationalist. After old man Mildew died, Bjorn claimed his house and moved in, finally allowing him to escape village life. He no longer trains for days on end, but rather stays in his house studying and reading to Croontail, his monstrous nightmare. But if someone comes talk to him, he is more likely to be coaxed out to do something. Unless he plans to go on a field study of various dragons, he will probably do what you ask or invite you over for dinner - he’s is a very good cook. But again, he is an incredibly awkward person on a social standing, don’t help help much that he is very shy.

He gained Croontail when he was twelve. He had been out hiking in the forest and scouting for Typhoomerangs when he heard roaring. A very aggressive Typhoomerang male was berating an alpha monstrous nightmare and her flock. However, the Typhoomerang manage to defeat the alpha, thus causing the flock to flee in different directions. Trampled and injured during the confusion, Croontail was hanging one of her wings down and limping on a foreleg.

Bjorn managed to approach without being noticed, but she inhaled and instantly noticed him. She reared herself upright and attempted to catch herself on fire, but failed. She collapsed again and closed her eyes, assuming that he was going to finish her off. Instead, he placed a hand over her nostrils and lightly scratch in those oh-so-hard to reach places on her back. She cracked and eye to peek at him every now and then, but firmly shut them before she thought he could see them. After a while of sitting there, he got up and turned to leave, mainly to get medical supplies. Croontail believed he was leaving her to her fate and followed him stealthily as she could. Enough that he was surprised when he turned around and nearly kissed her scaled face.

Bjorn moved Croontail to the basement to heal, and brought fish to her three times a day. Soon he was able to feed her directly from his hand, and even share fish - blegh. After a month of living together, he finally revealed her to the world, allowing her to fly. She returned to him, after watching other riders, and then picked Bjorn with her jaws and delicately placing him on her proud back. After he achieved a good grasp on her spines, she took off without so much as a warning.

Thus informally naming him a rider.


Good at map-making

Good in racing and tournaments (when he is forced to join them)

Amazing self-taught cook


He also likes to sketch pictures of various things, but mainly people.

He is color blind. Completely. he can see only black/white and shades of grey.

He uses his war axe to chop wood… mainly cause it has no other purpose.


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Nickname: Croontail

Age: 17

Species: Monstrous Nightmare



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Name: Zandra, Daughter of Eret

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Spot: Child of Ruffnut and Eret

Bio: Zandra was a pretty normal kid by Berk standards. She spent most of her childhood training, exploring and entering tournaments etc. She was very competitive and liked the thrill of winning in general, but outside of tournaments she's a good sport and a loyal friend. As she grew older, she spent less time training and devoted her self to exploring. When her parents got divorced, she wasn't surprised, it was inevitable. She stayed with her father.

Zandra met Maria, her dragon, on an expedition in the forest. She was protecting her eggs from multiple dragons and didn't seem to be on the winning side. Zandra chased away the dragons and left Maria alone, unbeknownst to the bond she formed with Maria. A few weeks later she found herself worrying about Maria. When she went back to the place she left her, Maria was alone in the forest with claw wounds and a broken wing. As Zandra finished patching Maria up, she became aware of the bond. The next day, she signed up for dragon training.


-Good in fighting with or without dragon or weapon

-Good in map-making and drawing

-Can play quite a few musical instruments


Owns a terrible terror for air mail



Age: 27

Species: Stormcutter



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Serenity Toran








Serenity's parents died shortly after her birth and sort of taken in by the Haddock family, at least they gave her a place to stay till she could live on her own, but she never let that stop her from doing what she could for the village. She was one of the smallest children growing up and was often called the little hiccup but she didn't mind it. Serenity was always a quiet child and not like most of the others that were proficient in fighting and combat. She preferred to study dragons and train them rather than fight or participate in the dragon races. Every since she was little she had found the night fury to be the best dragons in the world and wished there were more but she didn't hold her breath for that to happen. She knew that Chief Hiccup would keep toothless till the end of their days and maybe even beyond that. She wished she could have a relationship with a dragon like that. To completely trust your partner without hesitation. That is what she really wanted and wished with all her heart to have one day with her own dragon if she ever got one.

One night, when she was about 11, older than the other kids who already got their dragons, she was the only one left to not have one, her wish came true. She had wondered if she would ever find her partner. She may just be one of those that just doesn't get a dragon. She had actually accepted this and when she was no longer looking for her own dragon that her dragon found her. When she went walking in the woods on her own to try and find a way to be of use to the village instead of just another mouth to feed she heard some tree branches snapping. She turned to try and find out who had fallowed her but she found nothing. She continued on and the sounds continued. She thought that trespassers or pirates had come to the island and she ran but soon she was tackled to the ground and knocked unconscious. When she opened her eyes she found a pair of bright blue and shining eyes starring down at her and a big what looked like a paw on her chest, making it kind of hard to breathe. She looked up at this creature and it looked like a cross between a wolf, a cat and a dragon. This thing had fur and scales and wings. She didn't really know if it was a dragon at all. She stared up at it for the longest time and it down at her. Eventually the creature sniffed the girl's face and decided that she wasn't a threat and gave her a few timid licks to assure the girl she would be okay and laid down on the girl. Serenity couldn't help but laugh as the dragon acted like a puppy cat at the moment but let her sit up. The longer she stared at this strange dragon the more she felt connected to it. The dragon curled around her and kept her warm through the night and when morning came she went back to the village, leaving Starlight as she called her for the white star mark on her chest and tail and the diamond mark on her forehead, there while she got the information she needed. She found out that Starlight was a Wolf-Fang, but they normally stay in packs and this one was alone. She went back to the dragon and wondered why it was alone. She guessed that the dragon was simply lost or something to that effect but when they found the pack they shunned and growled at Starlight, making her an outcast. She noticed that the others didn't have the white patch marks as Starlight did and it made her unwanted. Serenity, however just smiled at the dragon and gave her a new home with her.

When she came back to the village riding on Starlight's back like a horse and not flying most just stared and whispered and murmured because they hadn't seen a Wolf-Fang on its own before and Serenity was the last one they thought would ever get a dragon, least of all one so strange. Serenity and Starlight didn't care what the village thought of them, they finally found one another. A strange dragon for a strange girl. They spent every moment from then on together. She found out more about Wolf-Fangs, like that they don't like to fly much but Starlight almost never wanted to be on solid ground so they were flying everywhere and only once in a while would they run on land together. The years passed in this way and Serenity and Starlight had never been more happy, even if they were odd. A Wolf-Fang that didn't fallow the book, and a Viking girl with no parents and doesn't like fighting or racing and prefers to study and forge new equipment but never weapons.








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  • ~Human~

    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-10_20-42-48.png.ed02927e054b6df1a01cec80bbc1fdbf.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-10_20-42-48.png.ed02927e054b6df1a01cec80bbc1fdbf.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


    Halvar Thorston






    One of Tuffnut's twins


    Halvar, to sum up, is quite introverted. He enjoys company, that's for sure, but he needs time alone as much as, if not more than, social time. He's terrible at making jokes and cheering people up, but he can't be faulted for trying. Halvar admires his father more than anyone because, although he was who he was, Tuffnut was still, to Halvar, brave and a wonderful man. Halvar gets a kick out of racing his dragon, loving it more than anything, except himself.


    Good at taming wild dragons

    Good at racing and tournaments


    Halvar tends to protect his sister, even though he knows she doesn't need protecting. His preferred weapon is a sword.


    <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-10_21-20-47.png.ed04f8e046a1148b29ec851e36482148.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97919" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-10_21-20-47.png.ed04f8e046a1148b29ec851e36482148.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>






    Deadly Nadder



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ignore sword and axe


Child of Ruffnut and Fishlegs






Child of Ruffnut and Fishlegs


Saga was born unusually weak. She had a glass jaw and became sick easily. Because of this, she couldn't participate in activities such as fighting and racing, and instead had to more calm activities. The little girl, being extremly curious, didn't just waste her time to rot away. She decided to learn pretty much everything there was to learn, especially about medicine and dragon care. Soon she became a rather skilled medic for her age, and she used this knowledge to not be as frail.

She got her own dragon when she was 10. A wild, but young mudraker had crashed into the village. Saga took it to the stable and took care of it, healing it's wounds until it could fly again. During that time they developed avery deep bond, and soon they started exploring the world together.


Saga, being very curious, is very knowledgeable and intelligent. She knows everything there is to know about dragons and dragon care by heart, excelling at medicne. Her curiousity also drives her to explore, making her rather good at map making and drawing.


Saga is very short at 4'5. Because of this people often think she's younger than she is. She's very weak and would most likely loose a fight.

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David Totaus



Spot: Villain??

(Coming up with an Ideal Bio.)

David is excellent at the Bow and arrow and sword wielding. He also has extensive knowledge of dragons, and can predict peoples moves easily.

Voiced by



Kaliber (Kally-bur)






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Jezekiah (Jez) Haddock






Middle child of Hiccup and Astrid.


Jez absolutely hates being the middlechild. She has ever since she was born. She's always underestimated.

She wanted to change that.

She became the only rider on Berk to actually manage to tame a pack of Speedstingers and use them to hunt for the Clan. ((See pic below))

She's still referred to as Alice's little sister or Matthias's older sister, and she hates it.


Great at Mapmaking

Great at Dragon training.











Her speedstinger pack:


The five stingers from left to right:

Luxor, Ardon, Lucas, Jinx, and Dazzle



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@sitanomoto Woah woah, Are you sure you've checked the charcter sign up ? Because I don't think I've put a "Middle child" spot, the least you could've done is ask before posting. Sorry but no, please don't take it badly.

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