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Fandom How to Train Your Dragon: Secrets of the Wilderwest



just a stranger

[div style="border:0px single #000000;padding:10px;background:#092523;width:80%;margin:auto;"][div style="text-align:center;border:8px double #2E706E;padding:20px;background:transparent;width:80%;margin:auto;margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:20px;color:#FFF6B9;"]The world has gotten a whole lot bigger ever since vikings have been on the backs of dragons. Alas, it hasn't gotten any less dangerous. A few years after the defeat of the Red Death, Hiccup and the Dragon Riders found a mysterious, ancient artifact, dubbed the "Dragon Eye." When a dragon's flame glowed through it, images of the world beyond Berk were projected, along with information about dragons no one had ever heard of. In order to investigate, the Dragon Riders set up an outpost beyond their known world. Dragon's Edge, a full days ride to the east of Berk, serves as the Dragon Riders home away from home. However, their journey's took them to the east, and it's impossible to be two places at once. Instead, to the west, a different group were sent to explore.[/div][/div]

[div style="padding:0px;background:transparent;border-bottom:3px solid #304150;border-top:3px solid #304150;width:100%;margin-top:-20px;color:transparent;line-height:4px;"].[/div]


[div style="border:0px single #000000;padding:10px;background:#293436;width:80%;margin:auto;"][div style="text-align:center;border:8px double #f0c569;padding:20px;background:transparent;width:80%;margin:auto;margin-top:20px;margin-bottom:20px;color:#8de7eb;"] The Dragon Eye showed the riders many wonders, but it wasn't until they found new lenses that the map showed anything interesting in the west. A lens, lit only by a Timberjack's nova breath, illuminated "The Kingdom of the Wilderwest," what appeared to be an advanced and thriving kingdom. However, the dragon Riders were busy on the Edge. And it wasn't like the Auxiliary Riders could leave Berk unprotected! So after some training, Hiccup decided to send someone else out. We were given very specific directions. The "Recon Riders" (lame name, we changed it to "Rider Vanguard") were only to discover and chart new islands. Under no circumstances should they engage with any new dragon or even land on an island, unless necessary. But who can resist anyone telling you not to do something?

This is an rp that will focus on a group of OCs adventuring to the west of the Barbaric Archipelago. The bare-bones structure of the plot will be pretty much the same as Race to the Edge. That is, they will be venturing into unknown territory, meeting new dragons, charting new islands and coming across the various mysteries of the Wilderwest. This will take place during season 6 of RTTE. As our adventurers continue, they will discover ruins and relics of a long dead civilization. What secrets could these mysterious islands hold?[/div][/div]

[div style="padding:0px;background:transparent;border-bottom:3px solid #304150;border-top:3px solid #304150;width:100%;margin-top:-20px;color:transparent;line-height:4px;"].[/div]

[div style="font-size:90px;line-height:25px;"]The Wilderwest[/div]
A record of the islands and dragons discovered
**Will be added to as the RP progresses**

[div style="margin-left:20%;color:#78dece;font-size:40px;"]Island Name -[/div]
[div style="text-align:justify;border-left:6px solid rgb(153, 138, 40);border-right:6px solid rgb(153, 138, 40);border-top:transparent;border-bottom:transparent;padding:10px;background:transparent;width:70%;margin:auto;font-size:18px;line-height:18px;color:#1b1b1b;"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis velit accumsan velit commodo tincidunt. Ut pellentesque ac lectus in fringilla. Nunc non augue est. Praesent sed imperdiet lectus, eget luctus arcu. Vestibulum fermentum tincidunt nibh vel aliquam. In ornare pretium augue quis scelerisque. Etiam tempor gravida ipsum sit amet pulvinar. Pellentesque mattis nisl in facilisis dapibus. Donec elementum tellus quis malesuada consectetur. Sed eget turpis magna. Pellentesque viverra pretium ipsum, id ullamcorper tellus condimentum at. Phasellus felis mi, suscipit sed lacinia et, aliquet at nisi. Integer id leo laoreet neque elementum tincidunt sit amet a turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;[/div]
[div style="text-align:justify;border-left:3px solid #294756;border-right:3px solid #294756;border-top:transparent;border-bottom:transparent;padding:10px;background:transparent;width:50%;line-height:15px;margin:auto;font-size:15px;color:#1b1b1b;margin-left:20%;"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum quis velit accumsan velit commodo tincidunt. Ut pellentesque ac lectus in fringilla. Nunc non augue est. Praesent sed imperdiet lectus, eget luctus arcu. Vestibulum fermentum tincidunt nibh vel aliquam. In ornare pretium augue quis scelerisque. Etiam tempor gravida ipsum sit amet pulvinar. Pellentesque mattis nisl in facilisis dapibus. Donec elementum tellus quis malesuada consectetur. Sed eget turpis magna. Pellentesque viverra pretium ipsum, id ullamcorper tellus condimentum at. Phasellus felis mi, suscipit sed lacinia et, aliquet at nisi. Integer id leo laoreet neque elementum tincidunt sit amet a turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;[/div]
fiske ostberg • spitfire
The day was bright, early morning mist giving way to clear blue skies and the occasional puffy cloud. The sounds of Berk waking up and bustling about were carried up the hills of green, towards Fiske's home. It was a modest little hut, but quite elegant in design nonetheless- this was, after all, his primary skill in life. In the list of things he was excellent at, it went as follows: worrying, panicking, baking desserts, isolating himself, and building. Within the home, it was, well, homey: some furs rolled out on the floor, a large bed, a central hearth, and a pit of coals for his companion to rest on. It was quite cramped, but spacious in the cieling area. That part was a necessary requirement when one lived with a dragon. A dragon that was currently excitedly hopping from wooden beam to wooden beam, watching as Fiske packed up his last few things.

"Ah, just think, Spit! After weeks of training and marginal preperation for a world of the unknown, we're finally about to set out!" Fiske grinned from ear to ear, already lost in his own fantasy of adventure, rolling up a lined fur to serve as a bedroll. The deathgripper above him made an affable trilling chirp of a sound, eyes widening slightly.

Fiske continued as he absentmindedly gathered things from his humble home, "Just imagine the sorts of stuff we'll see! New islands, new dragons? Sorts no one has ever even heard of? Something like a... a snarling, uh, snipper! A fearsome beast with pinching claws like a lobster! They'll-"

Spitfire had ka-thunked her way down, gently picking up a leather utility belt when Fiske bumped into her. The dragon tilted her head as she shoved the item towards Fiske. "You're right- you're right! I need to stop thinking and just focus on getting ready to go." He took the belt from her and tightened it around his waist. While he glanced around his room and dug through his leather pack, ensuring he had everything necessary, Spitfire impatiently paced by the door.

"Okay I think that's every- woah!" Spitfire had pounced by him and wormed her snout under him, tossing the viking in her back. Clearly, someone was even more eager than he was for this. "Alright then, let's go!" The dragon needed no encouragement, bursting through the door and slamming it shut with her tail. Spitfire sprang into the air, speeding towards the center of Berk with Fiske squealing a bit in surprise, gripping tight onto the scaled carapace in front of him.

Stoic the Vast • Chief of Berk
The riders had gotten a little... busy, with hunter related things. So here Stoic was, waiting at the center of Berk to see these new riders off. Now, Stoic fully understood the need of the auxiliary riders. With Berk seemingly always under threat of attack, they needed some extra dragons on hand to help with their defenses. It was just common sense.

But this? This was something entirely. He couldn't completely wrap his head around his son's incessent desire to explore. Certainly not enough to send a whole new set of riders out in the opposite direction. Honestly, it felt just a little crazy. In Hiccup's words, he "couldnt be in two places at once," and the threat of the hunters made it too difficult to explore to the west himself. But they're might be something out there that could be useful. At least, that's what Hiccup argued.

Stoic let out a sound that was half sigh, half groan. Not to mention that these riders hadn't even recieved a quarter of the training Stoic thought necessary for such a mission. But, he loved his son, and trusted his choices- for the most part. Perhaps this time round there was a little more hope and prayer than usual. The chieftan crossed his arms and waited impatiently for the first of these new riders to arrive so he could see them off on their mission.
Thunder boomed in the distance. And slowly, the distinct sound of someone screaming faded into earshot...

A streak of blue and blonde shot passed Stoic as a Skrill and her rider shot by, into the nearby trees where a great crash sounded out of sight.

It took a few minutes before Moira and her Skrill, Sigr, appeared out of the bushes. Her hair was full of twigs and leaves, and there was a thin, slow trickle of blood coming from her left nostril, but she had a big smile on her face as she pulled her goggles off her face and let them rest on top of her head.

“MAN! WHAT A RUSH! I love a good lightning ride in the morning, don’t you, Sigr?”
The dragon rumbled in response and shook some leaves off the top of her head.
“ ... Oh hi, Chief!” Moira waved enthusiastically at Stoic as the Skrill approached, sniffing around briefly before sitting on the ground and yawning widely.

In a much quieter manner, a young man and his Dramillion arrived. Trev was already in the middle of writing a greeting on a piece of parchment, when he noticed Moira and Sigr, he narrowed his eyes at the foolhardy young woman and sighed.

When Ghnarr landed and let Trev off his back, the deaf young man held up the parchment he was carrying towards Stoic, which held the message,
“Good Morning, Chief. How are you?”
Before he turned to Moira and flipped it over so the back faced her, bearing the message.
“Moira, you’re bleeding.”

“What?” Moira blinked once, twice, then finally reached up and wiped her face, finding her nosebleed and remarked, “oh! I am bleeding! I was wondering why everything suddenly smelled like blood.”

While Moira began digging around in her pockets for a rag to wipe her face with, Trev turned to look at Stoic and raised an eyebrow in Moira’s direction, before shaking his head in disappointment and turning his attention to Ghnarr.

thebigbadwolfy thebigbadwolfy
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Seán, having woken up long before most of Berk and full of far too much energy and excitement to return to sleep, had decided to go for a run. Zahra, suffering the same seemingly untamable energy as her rider, had, of course, joined him. By the time they finally stopped for a break, the sun had risen. Seán mounted his dragon and the two flew back to his home, the wind quickly drying the sweat that covered the young man's skin and cooling him off.
Zahra landed with a soft thump outside their home and spread herself out on the ground, letting out a content sigh as her rider hopped off and headed into their home. He'd been packed for days now, so all he really had to do was gather everything together and pack up perishables.
"You could at least clean up a bit," Dacia called out as he went to leave. Seán groaned although a quick sniff had him wrinkling his nose and heading around back to clean up. He returned several minutes later, earning a nod of approval from his mother and a kiss on the cheek.
"Don't do anything stupid," she advised.
"I won't," Seán chuckled, returning the kiss.
"Good, now get going." She urged him along with a hearty push from her foot, making her son stumble and laugh once more as he waved and left. Zahra stood and stretched as her rider exited the home, following after him to meet with Stoic and the other riders.
"Mornin'!" The boy greeted cheerfully as he joined the small group, waving with a smile. "Damn, Moira. Hurt yourself already?"
“Pffft, no broken bones over here!”
Moira said cheerily as she stuffed a rag up her left nostril, waving at Seán with her other hand as she did. Sigr looked over the approaching rider and Razorwhip, then quickly bounded over bump her nose against Zahra’s neck in some form of dragon greeting.

Trev, meanwhile was busily fiddling with Ghnarr’s saddle and doesn’t notice the other young man’s approach until Ghnarr whacked his rider with his tail and then gestured with a foreclaw towards the new arrival.
Only then did he finally look up and notice Seán’s presence and wave in greeting towards him before going back to the saddlebags on his dragon.

“So what took you so long, huh? Forgot to feed Zahra or something?” Moira asked, walking over and stroking the Razorwhip’s snout carefully, “Hello, pretty girl~”
The Skrill nearby growled indignantly in response, as if to say, “What, am I not pretty enough?”
“No, no, Sigr, you’re not pretty. You’re fierce.”
Seemingly satisfied with that answer, the Skrill turned her attention up to the sky. Scanning the horizon.
Superwholock Superwholock
fiske ostberg • spitfire
Spitfire let out a raucous, guttural roar as she and her rider approached the group, abruptly dropping out of the sky. "Ah, hello!" Fiske greeted, sliding off of the dragons back. Spitfire lashed her tail behind her, the plates of armor clacking together. She looked to the other dragons, eyes wide and tusks only barely protruding out of her mouth.

Fiske readjusted his belt, awkwardly taking a few steps closer to the others. "H- Hi, fellow peers of my tribe." Fiske felt heat under his skin, and hoped his awkwardness wasn't obvious. It most certainly was. He tilted his head at Moira's slightly bloodstained face. "You're looking . . . very Moira-ish today, Moira."

Stoic the Vast • Chief of Berk
Stoic watched, with furrowed brow, as the skrill and rider launched themselves into the trees. All he could manage was a very defeated sigh. What did he expect, really? This wasn't even uncommon. "Good morning, Moira," He huffed, arms still crossed, shaking his head, defeated. Then he was given the saving grace of Trvylgr- at least one sane person on this team. "Oh, Trev, nice to see you! I'm doin' great, thanks for askin'. Nice to know there's someone here who won't always be in need of medical attention."

As the others arrived, Stoic gave each a nod. He clapped his hands together. "Well! Now that you're all gathered here, I hope you're all packed and ready to go. You're about to set out on a long, and perilous journey. One that might even be completely useless. You're the. . . third best group of riders we've got, and we don't need to be takin' anymore losses. So make sure this isn't useless. Go out there and make your home proud."

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Superwholock Superwholock

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