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Fandom How to Train Your Dragon: Secrets of the Wilderwest (OOC)

Finals next week here as well; excited to go back to Michigan, although the weather puts a damper on that if I'm being honest
I got a bird, a dog, and a cat! My parents have been sending me pictures of my cats first experiences with snow and i cant wait to see it in person lmaoo

Ooh michigan? That'll be fun. Im headed back to new york so not much better in terms of weather
asdfkljasdkfm we're all suffering huh

we got a blizzard where i go to uni over the weekend and i got to stay comfy in my apartment but it was v entertaining watching people get stuck on my unplowed road
I am hesitant to continue without abyss so i'll give em a few more days

Just as a warning, i will be travelling this weekend so i wont be very available!

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