How do you 1x1 and why do you like them?


Simpin for Witch Tea
I've never been a fan of 1x1 roleplaying. It seems too personal for me, and I've since stuck to group RPs and Hosted Projects.

However, now I want to get into more detailed RPs, and I'm thinking about joining the 1x1 crew. So my question are first, how do you conduct 1x1s and why do you like them? Finally, if you do have a 1x1 interest topic and want me to join (beginner friendly pls) link it in the thread so I can check it out.
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1 x 1s tend to be slightly more casual/relaxed with how often one posts, and you never have to worry about being entirely lost with five pages of posts to wade through after missing a couple days. I also find there's a lot more freedom to add to the plot, and otherwise plot with only one partner. 

Otherwise they tend to be run quite similarly to group rps. 

There's my search thread. All I ask for is semi detailed replies, and at least a bit of interest in helping with the plotting. (Also multiple characters are great)
In comparison to group Rps, I would say that 1x1's act more like a partnership instead of a dictatorship.  There are no GMs around to control the stories direction so rather than one person in charge and everyone just playing along, you both work together to push the plot forward equally. People tend to like when you contribute to the plot or world, so don't be afraid to share your ideas.  Compromise and communication is key.  If you are not going to be able to post for a few days, tell your partner, if you don't know what to do in your post, just ask, and don't be a jerk even if the person decides to drop the Rp. 1x1s die just as often as group Rps, and only some people are polite enough to tell you that they are leaving so don't take it personally should that happen.  I will say that, in my experience, playing really cold/loner types don't really work out well in 1x1's so I would avoid playing characters who are extremely stand offish. Rude is fine but characters who never talk or react are not. By playing that type of character you are most likely leaving your partner with nothing to respond to, the responsibility to push the story along by themselves, or you are going to turn the RP into a solo writing project since neither of you are actually talking.  1x1's focus highly on character interactions after all, so isolating your character is dangerous territory.  Oh, and a lot of people are looking for romance. Not all, but many so look out for that! 

As for why I like them... I guess i like them because they are a bit more personal. You are more likely to become friends with your partner (assuming that the RP lasts long enough for that to happen) and because of that friendship they tend to be more understanding should something happen to you in real life that makes you unable to RP for a time.  Also, just as Punkinblackk said, you also do not have to worry about being buried under three pages of responses just because you were away from the computer for a few hours.  I used to do group Rps but once I started doing 1x1s, I never went back. 

If you have any more questions about 1x1's just PM me or ask them here! I will happily help you if I can  ^_^
This is definitely more of a me thing, but I go for 1x1s mostly because I get overwhelmed pretty easily by large groups. I'm heavily introverted, and while having a screen between us certainly makes interaction with groups easier, I could never guarantee that I'd have the energy to post anything every time I can.

The fact that it is just me and another makes it very casual. If I'm busy that day, or otherwise compromised, I don't feel like I'm holding back an entire group of people who just want to advance a plot. If for some reason a story isn't working for me or my partner, there's nothing that says we can't pause it and rework it, or just plain old toss it to the wayside and start anew. If I feel like I'm not busy enough with my rps and a little too bored, just trolling the Looking For Partners thread could get me started with someone else almost immediately, versus group rps will generally have a wait period or something similar to gather people, finish character sheets, etc.

That's absolutely just my take though, so do with it as you will.
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I prefer 1x1's over groups because I don't have to feel like I'm being rushed to post or get left behind if pages upon pages appear for a group rp. I've seen it happen.

I did do a group once with myself and two other people, that was okay. I just really prefer having one partner.
Usually how I seek out a partnership, I'll outline it on my request thread seeking one x one partners or post in the appropriate section.

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