Advice/Help Horror Themes


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Say you wanted to make an rp with horror elements, including gore and serial killers. Is that allowed on this site? If so, how would you go about doing that? And how much is too much?

Thanks in advance!
So... umm.....

Extreme gore is not allowed. Like some description is fine, but no massive detail list.
So... umm.....

Extreme gore is not allowed. Like some description is fine, but no massive detail list.
I did look at the site rules on that. That's actually part of what spurred my question so I guess a deeper part of my question is examples of what is defined as 'extreme'?
I believe here's a good example, tho the standard is quite fluid, so it can vary from this:

Bob took a bit on the arm and moaned, "Tastes like chicken." That is fine.

Bob took a bit of the arm and did x which resulting in y to happen and covered his face in z and.... would not where you could fill in the obvious gore details going a bit too in-depth into it.
Yeah from what the Staff have said in the past two people ever have broken the rule and they wrote gore professionally. So I’m going to say unless your deliberately trying to break the rules your probably fine. But if you want the specific cut off you would have to ask the Staff. Since only two people ever went over the line none of the current members will be able to give you a clear answer.
i'm fine with any level of gore and violence as long as it serves a purpose to the roleplay, and i think the limits should be set by the RP creator, not staff.

obviously i understand why some people wouldn't want some edgelord to just come into their roleplay and just type up extreme gore that nobody else wants to read.

however, in a lot of my roleplays, gore is sorta necessary, and i use it as a GM. and if people are comfortable with narratives like that, they should be able to partake.

for example, i like zombie fiction a lot, and if you can't really describe people being eaten/killed, or even really go into detail about how fucked up zombies look (in terms of wounds, decomposition, bodily fluids, etc.), then the unimaginable horror of undeath just turns into a scenario where you kill faceless NPCs labelled 'zombie'.

more generally, when players are put into situations where they have the choice of killing human beings (usually in a dystopian setting) i don't want to skimp out on the details of the consequences of those actions. just saying 'swing/shoot weapon and badman falls over' is lame. your character literally killed a person, and it's not supposed to be easy or pretty.

literal torture RP is usually dumb, but even that can conceivably serve a purpose, i mean look at Nineteen Eighty Four.
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^Swarx makes a fair point, being a patron of his roleplays his "thing" is this sorta detailed RP I feel, perhaps we can implement warnings? If you want to see potentially gorey RP you can enable or disable it on your profile, and the author of a RP is liable for their post being deleted if they dont mark their thread as potentially gorey??
To clarify I was talking specifically about the Site Rule that says no excessive gore in roleplays. As it’s in the site rules itself I would ask the Staff for the cut off because obviously they’re the ones enforcing the site wide rules. In the same way you would ask a specific GM if you were unsure if something went over the rules of their specific roleplay.

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