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Realistic or Modern HORDE: YOU Are a ZOMBIE (SCENARIOS)



Three Thousand Club
This thread will contain a variety of scenarios that for better or for worse can be undertaken by roleplayers.

A note before we begin: Players can discuss plans on discord and whether they are doing missions solo or cooperating with allies. (note that NOT cooperating can lead to total failure but too much cooperation will leave few victims/biomass to share between victors. Examine the intel and difficulty levels for a mission. You can ask questions on RPN or discord while formulating a plan. Formulate a plan for taking the site solo or with other groups in tandem (cooperating or not.) Plans will be processed likely in order received (or to divide attention equally) -- Plan Execution will be descriptive with failure, victory, or Ongoing as a result. Ongoing attacks can be halted or a new plan can be hatched to finish the job until all survivors die/flee or all zombies die/leave.

Your Thanatos points will go up for victories, but losses may permanently reduce the number of zombies you have. Losing the Boss zombie allows you to elect a new boss before the following assault.

Always list number of zombies and point costs for zombies to cut down on reference/process time.


Bronze: 5 Survivors, Awareness low. One level house with basement and attic. Multiple windows and glass doors.

Silver: 8-12 survivors. Awareness low, but wary. Hand weapons, at least one gun. Two level house with basement. Upper level balcony with outer stairs smashed. Woods cut back on 3 sides, lower level barricaded with wood planks and barred with logs. May be preparing to move/foray.

Gold: Three story wooden home, lower level cement, two car garage. wide second floor sloped roof areas, Commanding central 3rd story. Occupants have considerable supplies and weapons. All entrances barricaded, sheet ropes from 3rd to second floor. Fenced Generator behind the house is gated with barbed wire. Large watertank on property.


Bronze: Early Infection. No fortifications. Street open at both sides with several alleyways. High end China store, Electronics store, Bodega, and Diner. People on street as well as people in stores, most centralized in diner. Handful of armed Security Guards.

Silver: Mid Infection. Police on high alert blocking both ends of the street, working with security. Alley's packed with trash and dumpsters. People evenly spread, barricades going up on outside perimeter. Numerous wounded in the China Shop. Local fires keep people on high alert.

Gold: Late infection: Makeshift walls built in alleys, walls of car wrecks on both ends of street manned by sentries. Entire four buildings "Castled" by surrounding blockages. Highly militant group with police and security guard training and a small swat team with armored truck in center of complex. It is not obvious whether they just have lots of supplies or a way of sneaking stuff in...


Bronze: Early infection. Police and Fire first responders coming to evacuate. Low spiked wall outside, high flat wall inside. Stairs to center in all cardinal directions. Smell of blood and wounded inside the park. Potentially large number of prey but multiple directions of escape. Stone-Bunker Bathroom in corner of park.

Silver: Mid infection. Park is sentry post for higher value targets. Numerous dead zombies between inner and outer wall. Precarious Sniper Nest propped against central fountain. All four entries blocked by cars. Fires burn within. Two Stone-Bunker Bathrooms on opposite ends of park. Interrupted road construction on east side of park may provide approach cover.

Gold: Late Stage Infection. Sandbags piled around cars are ingress points. trees in park cut down to construct some kind of sentry tower with commanding views. Sandbags between outer and inner walls. Bunker Bathrooms have outward facing holes. armored car inside perimeter. Black-clothed operatives only occupants. Noisy radio setup.
Supermarket -

Bronze: Early Infection -- mob of humans rapidly arming themselves from gardening and hardware. Large glass front and small rear door entrances. Some wounded inside refrigerated area at back.

Silver: Mid Infection -- All entrances barricaded, 1-3 dozen humans, always two on watch. Some guns all survivors armed. Power from portable generator and water from rain catches on roof.

Gold: After the fall. Rows of sandbags at all entrances. 50-cal with 360 arc in center of mess. Rough terrain as isles are pushed over and pathways partially greased.(edited)


Bronze: Early Infection -- car crash in paved area potential fire hazard. Uncertain number of folk in each (of 5) houses. Panic reigns.

Silver: Mid Infection -- Alleys between houses and garages blocked with debris and garbage. Makeshift sniper tower on pile of cars in paved area. Road approach open. People have a few guns and improvised weapons.

Gold: After the Fall: Poured Cement walls of various heights behind/between houses. 2nd floors have holes punched for sight and firing lines. Community has functioning armored vehicle for combat/escape that could pose threat. Mutiple rifles and Smgs.

Church -- Bronze: Early infection. Crowded and noisy. heavy doors locked and all windows barred. Bell tower has lookout. Several injured/infected on second floor may turn on 2nd day of an assault. Few weapons but sturdy defenses.

Silver: Mid Infection: approx. 20 survivors on second floor with stairs and ladders smashed (human access is by sparing use of ropes. All windows still barred. Sniper in Bell-tower. Ground level clear of people and is a mess of broken pews. Grenade holes above and some firearms/crossbows. Font door however is compromised.

Gold: After the Fall. All windows barred, bell tower collapsed rubble. Front door barred and barricaded, firing slits at all 1st and 2nd floor windows. Guns and melee weapons common among uncertain number of survivors. Ground floor is a storage room with a protected "pillbox" of cinderblocks. All access to 2nd floor destricted.

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