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Homeward Bound

"What?" Zachary hardly understood a thing his master had said when calling for him. He approached the other man to place a hand on his arm, "Are there very many people coming? We can setup a bar and music if that'd help. B-But I will need your help." Zachary bit down on his bottom lip nervously, "I'm not good with talking to strangers. You've already discovered that. I'm quiet, awkward, and boring. I just don't know what to say or how to grab someone's attention." His grip tightened slightly around Carmichael's arm. "Help me."
Zachary arrived in the kitchen, very quickly looking out-of-sorts with Carmichael's planned course of action. Misunderstanding his request the first time, Zachary scoffed. "I took care of the liquor situation," he laughed, "and as for actual music, I do believe you'll be too busy. I'll take care of the technical- you don't trouble your pretty little head." He was about to raise one eyebrow provocatively but he realized he hadn't listened to Zachary well enough. He sighed. "I'll only repeat this once, so listen closely: Confidence is sexy. Acquire some and you'll be better off for it."
Zachary frowned, "I have absolutely no self confidence. How am I supposed to just burst with confidence, especially when there's new people already?" He let go of Carmichael'd arm then looked down at the ground. "This is a bad idea."

The young man shook his head as he stepped into the kitchen to prepare himself some coffee. "Look, this is just far too uncomfortable. I feel like you're my father and you're setting me up on my first date. It's so incrediblely weird, just doesn't feel right." Maybe he was just freaking out a bit. With his own sigh he sat down then took a sip of his coffee.

"I'd much rather kiss you than go through this. Why am I getting nervous?"
"It's not a bad idea," Carmichael scolded, walking over to where his new friend sat. He missed the warmth of his friends palm on his arm, so he replaced it by placing his own hand on the top of Zachary's leg. "Listen," he grumbled uneasily, unsure of how to have this conversation. "I have no idea what you're talking about, about fathers. And I'd rather not kiss you, for the reasons I explained in vivid detail earlier this night. However, that isn't to say that you're not attractive. Actually, I find you extremely..." A reddened face gave him away as he coughed, then continued. "If you really get flustered, don't speak- you'll come off as the mysterious, imperial type everyone drools over. I'm afraid that's the full extent of advice I have to give. Otherwise, understand that your safety is my top priority, and I will make damn sure no one hurts you..."
Zachary slid his hand over to place on top of Carmichael's. "I wish I had met you a long time ago, rather than just this morning." Wow, that morning had seemed to have been sooooooooo long ago. "I'll do my best to appear like a normal person," the patched man chuckled softly at his own words. "As long as I don't start bawling or grind against anybody then I think it'll go okay."
Carmichael smiled as he glanced around the kitchen, noticing, suddenly, that day had turned to night. "You have a point. I apologize." Acting like old friends with a complete stranger could and often did have its benefits, like when he casually removed his hand from Zachary's pants but took Zachary's hand with him, moving to the correct position so they could entwine their fingers. "I should stop being so forward with you. Unfortunately for you, just because I should do something does not mean I will do something." He huffed out a breath of air long kept inside. "Yes. If you cry, I'll have to rescue you, and if you...well, just don't. At least not while I'm in the room. It's indecent and I don't want to see you do it. Okay?"
Zachary looked down at his lap as his hand was taken. "Don't worry. I wouldn't grind on anyone I just met. I have more self control than that." Wasn't that desperate. Lifting Carmichael's hand he pecked that soft skin. "Don't marry that woman if you don't love her."
"You missed the part where I have no choice," Carmichael whispered, wishing they could speak just a little more softly. He removed his hands from Zachary's, covering his ever more reddening face. He stopped to scratch his head, and, curiously, ask the question that has been bothering him since earlier today. "Do you think I might be...You know? Like you? Um. Gay?"
Zachary noticed the softness of Carmichael's voice so he lowered his own just in case. He blushed himself since the kissing of his master's hand had made Carmichael embarrassed, now embarrassed himself. "You say that as if I'm the only gay man in the world," Zach chuckled slightly then placed his hands in his lap. "If you feel attraction to another man or can imagine yourself being in a relationship with another man then yes, you may perhaps be gay. Or perhaps you're just bi-curious."
"Well, you're the only gay man I know, so you may as well be the only one in the world." A cough. "To me." Staring at the hands in Zachary's lap, Carmichael thought about these words, then slowly nodded. "I can imagine myself in a relationship with you..." Zach could guess that he was attracted to a him. He had already saud as much. He glanced over, desperate to gauge Zachary's reaction, before realizing it didn't matter anyway. "Sorry. What's bicurious? Does that mean you like neither or...?" He shrugged. "Sorry. I never studied Greek. Lots of other languages, but, alas, not Greek."

(Fyi, I'm aware that's not Greek. It's latin. My character is stupid on purpose, not because I am.)
"Oh! I didn't know you were suggesting being in s relationship with me. Not saying I wouldn't want to be with you, that just was rather unexpected." Zachary straightened his posture as he looked Carmichal in the eye, "Bi-curious? That's if you're into the opposite sex but you're curious about what it'd be like to be with someone of the same sex."
"Okay." said Carmichael, nodding sagely at Zachary's words. "That's it, then. That makes much more sense than the alternative, considering that I've never had feelings or inclinations toward a male before." He patted his friends shoulder. "I guess tomorrow you'll get a boyfriend and I'll...do whatever bicurious people do? What do bicurious people do? Don't answer that." He shuddered. "Wait. What of I'm curious about being with the sae sex but I've never been curious about a member of the opposite sex?" He shook. "Now am I gay?"
"I might not get a boyfriend tomorrow. I may just end up having to date an imaginary boy." How sad that would be. Poor little Zachary. He placed a hand over the hand that was on his shoulder. "You might be gay. Don't stress about it." After a moment he suggested, "Why not hook up with one of your friends and experiment. See if you're mote comfortable being in a romantic relationship with a guy."
"I could do that," agreed Carmichael, contemplating the possible consequences of such actions. "Linda probably won't want to party with ninety or so men and her the only female, lest she get a reputation, so you and I can expect to be alone in a crowd. In any case, if I wingman for you, while you do it for me? I might have a slight advantage in that I know these people, but you know how to get a guy to like you, so we're probably about even in this crowd." He gulped. "And, I mean, if all else fails..." He gave Zachary a look like 'finish my sentence for me'. When Zachary did not do so (or, do so quickly enough), Carmichael clarified, "You and I...?"
"Sure, if you help me then I'll do my best to help you. I'll admit I might just make it an awkward mess, but I can try." Zachary agreed to it. Though he had to glance away after hearing Carmichael's last words, trying so very hard not to blush. "You want to date me? That's a bit forward, especially since it hasn't even been a day since we've met each other, but it's also flattering." He smiled when he looked back at the other man.
Carmichael sighed. "Don't think of it as dating, think of it as...helping." He tried to put his words out in a way that made sense to both parties, speaker and listener. "I like you. I do. I'm being forward. I just don't want to make the leap from, 'I don't like Linda, or anyone I've ever met, so I might be gay' to 'suddenly dating a male' in such a short time span. You understand, don't you?" Carmichael hedged, a worried tone taking over his voice.
((OMG!! O.o I didn't realize it was my turn to post... SO SORRY!!!!! I'll post now!!))


Melix said:
Carmichael sighed. "Don't think of it as dating, think of it as...helping." He tried to put his words out in a way that made sense to both parties, speaker and listener. "I like you. I do. I'm being forward. I just don't want to make the leap from, 'I don't like Linda, or anyone I've ever met, so I might be gay' to 'suddenly dating a male' in such a short time span. You understand, don't you?" Carmichael hedged, a worried tone taking over his voice.
"I don't understand, honestly, but I'm trying to." Zachary took a few soft steps forward to run his fingers along Carmichael's cheek, gently caressing the skin before planting a faint kiss on the other cheek. "I'll help you come to understand your sexuality. You're my master, it's my duty to make you happy."
Carmichael smiled, straining under the caress. The kiss was...all tingly and nice. He couldn't help but feel that this was how a kiss should be, even one on the cheek. "I'll still try to get you an actual date at the party. I want you to be happy, too. I should really get started on ordering the booze...did we already text my friends or do I still need to do that? Oh, I'm all frazzled. Should I check for RSVPs?"
((I apologize for how late this is. Sorry for making you wait >.< So sorry!!!!))

Melix said:
Carmichael smiled, straining under the caress. The kiss was...all tingly and nice. He couldn't help but feel that this was how a kiss should be, even one on the cheek. "I'll still try to get you an actual date at the party. I want you to be happy, too. I should really get started on ordering the booze...did we already text my friends or do I still need to do that? Oh, I'm all frazzled. Should I check for RSVPs?"
Zachary didn't respond to the whole finding him a date deal. Sure, that was one of the main reasons for the party, but the cursed boy was already beginning to get cold feet. "Booze?! What we get drunk and fuck each other?!" Froze at his own words, clamping a hand over his mouth before he calmed down and lowered his voice. His cheeks were slightly flushed as he said, "Excuse my outburst, please. I'm just not so sure that's all a great idea. Unless that's how normal parties go... You haven't invited your friends yet."

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