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Fandom Homestuck Roleplay: Sburb Omega

1. If he's so well off, there are much easier ways to hijack another session.

2. This would mean the original person makes themselves ineligible for a win by sticking himself in a sprite, seeing as how he can't take his dead body with him since it's how he traveled to the new session. How could someone so selfish do something so needlessly selfless? If he was a time player he could do it by fighting himself to the death, but ehhh

3. That makes no sense. Creating a superboss would only make it harder for him to create a new universe, and if anything he should be helping the players of our session.

4. Even if he's prototyped, his goal would still be to make it harder to win SBURB. It's part of being a prototype: You can't prototype anything that would suddenly make all enemies willingly become your slaves.

5. You need first guardian powers to go cross-universe/survive a scratch.


1. Izen was set to doom whatever session he's in because, in a quest to create his waifu for a sprite, he prototypes a game that causes the final boss to get the abilities of the final boss of that game. (At least, that's why our human session has a black king who is

) First guardian prototyping proves there is pretty much no limit to what SBURB can do in terms of fucking itself up, so it'd probably be just as bad as it sounds.
Kinda lame though if the final boss just comes from another game. Could work out with other prototypings, but ehhh.

2. Someone (my best guess is Ryan's guardian) prototypes as TAS tool.

If you don't know what that is or why it's an extremely horrific scenario, might I direct you to the following videos:




When you take into account the possibilities of TAS-based glitch abuse, it's kind of incredibly horrifying in the context of SBURB.



In a video game scenario anything TAS'd is basically invincible, all-powerful and omniscient all at the same time. God moding basically.

3. idfk we could try prototyping a virus/glitch and literally fuck up SBURB, missingno. style.
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You actually can swap universes and survive scratches by abusing the powers of the Ring of Life and the dream bubbles in addition to dying, continuously killing yourself and pulling yourself through to the locations of living players who are simply dreaming, this being Proven by Aranea dying and coming back to life using Gamzee pre-retcon or Calliope being helped by Roxy who pulled her out of a dream bubble and placed her smack dab in the middle of the Victory platform in more recent pages, both of these accounts of course using the rings of life. Just saying.

It sounds horrific, what with omnipotence and all, but I'm not sure. A simple unbeatable boss sounds nice in how the Trolls can't win, and so they leave in hopes of escaping it (though I don't know if such a boss would gain the kind of Rogue style back and slash destruction Jack Noir had and go full out, pretty much killing everything because.....uh.....plot, making them have to outrun him, the scenario of which has of course been done before) and go go one of the other sessions, there session not really mattering at all in the long term.

The virus Idea I have a hard time wrapping my head around. Because the prototyped virus would only affect dersian/prospit royalty and Imps, both of which would, like, what? Freeze? Bjg out and send the world into a glitch catastrophe?
So, we have a couple Ideas we could spitball here. We have a virus that we program into the game and Prototype all Imps and sets of Royalty with, inherently fucking everything up as theyre just still, unmoving and yet they can't be killed as their health bars can't be affected, nor do they attack as this possibly screws up the entire game for the Trolls, making their session inherently Void as they can't progress and are therefore stuck mucking about on a rusty victory platform until they forcibly choose go leave their session and meet up with their friends.

Meanwhile, in post scratch human session, the TAS tool is prototyped, fucking up all the Imps and making them impossible to kill, fucking up a lot of things as they can't kill their black King. However, both parties, the Trolls and the Humans, join the Post scratch Human kids and aim to defeat the boss somehow. Mainly because, after the Humans somehow actually BEAT their session, they are forced to leave from the ultimate prize, having actually completed the game and won, yet unable to continue and become gods in another Universe they created.

I suppose this is an acceptable plan.
Because. In reality, only a TAS prototyped King could truly be a match for aa group of 18 God toered players. The TAS tool remains one of absolute omnipotence and power, its flexibility to strike in a continuous number of endless barrages would easily destroy entire armies if it had such abilities allowing it to, which, as a black King, it easily does. However, when you think of God Tier abilities, they grant players like James not only the ability to actually destroy space, inherit Hope, something which has been proven before to be stronger than even a First Guardians power with Jake facing off against Grimbark Jade and beating her, able to increase the resilience and power of a player by affecting their emotions like Crotia (also, she could command a fucking Ghost Army if I have my facts straight in how Heart also ties into the Soul, what with Dirks actions to try to kill Aranea by trying to destroy her soul) and additionally grant co ditional immortality, the like of which would be affective against normal instances in combat (like being murdered on the battle field out of the blue, which is neither heroic nor just), the battle seems to be much more even. Because besides its ability to scan and destroy objects at aa deathly affective rate, it doesn't possess truly powerful abilities, just regular prototypings.
[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]You actually can swap universes and survive scratches by abusing the powers of the Ring of Life and the dream bubbles in addition to dying, continuously killing yourself and pulling yourself through to the locations of living players who are simply dreaming, this being Proven by Aranea dying and coming back to life using Gamzee pre-retcon or Calliope being helped by Roxy who pulled her out of a dream bubble and placed her smack dab in the middle of the Victory platform in more recent pages, both of these accounts of course using the rings of life. Just saying.
It sounds horrific, what with omnipotence and all, but I'm not sure. A simple unbeatable boss sounds nice in how the Trolls can't win, and so they leave in hopes of escaping it (though I don't know if such a boss would gain the kind of Rogue style back and slash destruction Jack Noir had and go full out, pretty much killing everything because.....uh.....plot, making them have to outrun him, the scenario of which has of course been done before) and go go one of the other sessions, there session not really mattering at all in the long term.

The virus Idea I have a hard time wrapping my head around. Because the prototyped virus would only affect dersian/prospit royalty and Imps, both of which would, like, what? Freeze? Bjg out and send the world into a glitch catastrophe?

Yes, you can, but that's not how the ring of life works.

You can kill yourself with the ring of life, but then the only thing keeping you alive is the ring of life. You become unable to die unless you take off the ring and put it on again, but when you take it off your ghost would be banished to the dreambubbles while the ring would stay wherever it is you were revived to.

The prototyping A. would be ineligible to use the ring of life. B. Still would be a game enemy and thus be against the person who prototyped it C. Still doesn't have a reason to be made in the first place and D. still doesn't make sense

[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]So, we have a couple Ideas we could spitball here. We have a virus that we program into the game and Prototype all Imps and sets of Royalty with, inherently fucking everything up as theyre just still, unmoving and yet they can't be killed as their health bars can't be affected, nor do they attack as this possibly screws up the entire game for the Trolls, making their session inherently Void as they can't progress and are therefore stuck mucking about on a rusty victory platform until they forcibly choose go leave their session and meet up with their friends.
Meanwhile, in post scratch human session, the TAS tool is prototyped, fucking up all the Imps and making them impossible to kill, fucking up a lot of things as they can't kill their black King. However, both parties, the Trolls and the Humans, join the Post scratch Human kids and aim to defeat the boss somehow. Mainly because, after the Humans somehow actually BEAT their session, they are forced to leave from the ultimate prize, having actually completed the game and won, yet unable to continue and become gods in another Universe they created.

I suppose this is an acceptable plan.

The troll's session was set to be lost to Jack; if their session became unwinnable because of a prototyping, a scratch would be inevitable. (The same as the canon human's session)

Interestingly, this also means that the scratch construct in our troll's session paradoxically does nothing.

There's a bomb in the center of skaia ticking down to the moment when sessions will be scratched in every scratched session that is paradoxically doomed because it's set to be scratched and scratched because it is doomed.
[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]Because. In reality, only a TAS prototyped King could truly be a match for aa group of 18 God toered players. The TAS tool remains one of absolute omnipotence and power, its flexibility to strike in a continuous number of endless barrages would easily destroy entire armies if it had such abilities allowing it to, which, as a black King, it easily does. However, when you think of God Tier abilities, they grant players like James not only the ability to actually destroy space, inherit Hope, something which has been proven before to be stronger than even a First Guardians power with Jake facing off against Grimbark Jade and beating her, able to increase the resilience and power of a player by affecting their emotions like Crotia (also, she could command a fucking Ghost Army if I have my facts straight in how Heart also ties into the Soul, what with Dirks actions to try to kill Aranea by trying to destroy her soul) and additionally grant co ditional immortality, the like of which would be affective against normal instances in combat (like being murdered on the battle field out of the blue, which is neither heroic nor just), the battle seems to be much more even. Because besides its ability to scan and destroy objects at aa deathly affective rate, it doesn't possess truly powerful abilities, just regular prototypings.

To put the terror that is TAS into perspective, imagine that every single reckoning meteor dodged every single skaia gate and was an enormous detriment to each and every player, AND NEVER MISSED OR STOPPED. Imagine all imps were directed to you no matter where you were, would always do exactly the right things to beat you in any fight, and would endlessly sabotage all players so that you could never get your hands on any alchemy equipment or deploy some for other players. Such a session would be a perpetual living hell.

You can bet your candy ass a TAS king will find some way to alchemize anything they want as well, and but of course only the most game-breaking of shit will do.

I worry about this option because I'm not sure if it'd even be possible to kill it. You could have a Lord and Muse of every single aspect working together and I doubt they'd still be able to put up with a simple ordinary black king/queen prototyped with TAS abuse. TAS in real life is really, really bad.

With constructs of the game they could clone or time travel however they wanted to. Any session with them is guaranteed to have all dreamselves killed nigh immediately along with all structural integrity in their house destroyed by imps. It'd be impossible to build up the house at all, and that begs the question of how they could reach skaia? Quest beds? Probably gone too, never to be seen again. Truly, I think the only way to beat a TAS opponent is with incredibly detrimental prototyping to go with it.

Like... damn. I think it just might step into the boundary of too op. It goes past "omnipotent" right into "can do literally anything" territory.
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Unfortunately, our argument can't truly persist to either side as, according to direct canonical evidence, Aranea was directly murdered after the ring left her hand by the Codesce, yet she did not immediately fade. In addition to her earlier taunts towards goading Dirk into slicing off her arm, in addition to having a probable upper hand in the situation, such as killing him as soon as he got close enough, she could've easily just have been perpetuating a false weakness, she was clever enough to complete such a goal. Besides that we know only a little.

I'm not even perpetuating my side of the argument to aid my claims about my previous idea for a Black King as such, it had too many holes. I'm just saying this to bring such claims to light.

It's rather unfortunate really, I was just thinking the same. The idea is really, really bad. It would be a perpetual fuck up. So bad that the session in question wouldn't be able to be scratched, then again this is supposedly set in a scratched session, because the scratch device in question would obviously be destroyed by the Black King and Queen and their forces, omnipotent enough to realize the big old hole in not being able to defeat them. Their programming would demand that players defeat them, no matter what.

I'm really against this idea, now. Let's keep spit balling. Or rather, me making inaccurate and flawed ideas and you pointing out such flaws while you retort with insanely bad yet canonically accurate ideas. At least its sort of fun to come up with ideas.

And my ass isn't candy, it's shiny, metal and you can bite it.
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I addition, you're saying that the Troll session, if doomed, inherently can't be scratched as it already exists in a Scratched universe? I concluded the same.
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Insurmountable odds certainly are fun.

I was saying that if their universe is doomed by prototyping, then it will be either scratched or they will all die in it.

Okay, so like, there are three known type of sessions, not including Caliborn's clusterfuck: Void sessions, Doomed sessions, and Healthy sessions.

If the session has a time player and it is doomed, then there will be a scratch construct. Doomed sessions, by nature, fade into doomed timelines for god knows why (something I linked into tachyonic antitelephones- because they're a part of the game) UNLESS it is scratched. When a session is scratched, the bomb in the center of skaia will explode. This means that if the session has a bomb it will be scratched, and if it is scratched there will be a bomb.

If we prototype something nasty in the troll's session, it means that the game recognizes it as doomed, and will end up scratched. We can't have this happen because that means another session of 6 additional trolls or something.

If Jack dooms the session however, it is still for all intents and purposes a healthy session since he only doomed it by "cheating" with antitelephones. SBURB can't paradoxically account for it, so it treats the session as if it is winnable even if it's not. The benefit of this is that there's no bomb in the center of Skaia and their entire session won't just get doomed for no reason and doesn't have to be scratched. (can't be scratched actually)

Probably. Homestuck canon is vague af
Just the most fun anyone could imagine. Being slayed countless times in god tier is also a great experience, what a RUSH.

Soooooooooo vague.

Hmm, it seems appropriate. It definitely voids the purpose of needing six more trolls and what all, I suppose Jack really is the savior of at least our troubles.

By the way, check your Private Messages.
I'm sorry I haven't posted yet, I'll do it tomorrow when I have the time. Let me just see how this works.

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>June: combine journalsprite with self to finally silence it, but experience the infinite torture of feeling every bottled up emotion all at once forever
In theory.

Anyway, that was the omitted image for Jack.

I'm laughing. For some reason, RP nation informed me about this.

Sup guys, how you doin? I see the RP is goin strong, even tho I bailed on you. ;_;
[QUOTE="Elision of Ecritures]#ShittyGMs

*Loud coughing*
In the end, I ended up messing with a lot of people in my compulsions, but even if you guys hate me at this point, I'd still like to say I'm sorry.
Meh you're not a shitty GM, a shitty GM is one who won't even let you join the RP because your background isn't detailed enough. Like, stickler GMs who are tight and serious all the time and always sound angry. I'm a really lax GM and I don't have a problem letting things get out of hand a little lol

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