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Realistic or Modern ✧ home | room ✧

mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
;; so hyun.

full name ; // min so hyun
nickname ` s ; // hyunie & sohy
age ; // twenty four (24)
gender ; // cis female she/her
sexuality ; // bisexual
ethnicity ; // korean (born in s.korea)

occupation ;
-- works in a detective agency.​

height ; // 164 cm // 5'3
weight ; // 46 kg // 101 lbs

[ who is hyunnie ? ]
-- ms cool detective; except for the fact that she procrastinates waaay too much thinking about her lovers and ends up with a month full of work pilling up. quiet and snarky, no stickig up for anyone! it's super obvious if she hates anyone cus' you know. why bother pretending you like them? it's great that she's not emotionally constipated and all but perhaps she's a lil too hot headed. watch your words before you say them!​

[ head canons ]
-- home cook meals; terrifyingly good at cooking, if she hasn't chosen to work at a detective agency, she would be a fine five star chef. too bad.​
-- stray cats; a sucker for cats. despite their small apartament complex not allowing cats, she sneaks them in anyways. the landlord can suck. her. dick.​
-- crazy ex; only one, but they are still set on getting her back. but... they will proably give up prettyyy easily, considering the fact that she's head over heels for her girls.

word bank.
▹burning cigarettes; empty bottles; whiskey at three am; blasting club music; hot passion; fresh inks; messy handwritings; sheet music; out of tune piano; hot dark coffee; mischevious giggles; socially awkward; letters and confessions; lip stick stains.​
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
;; eunmi.

full name ; // lee eunmi
nickname ` s ; // eunnie
age ; // twenty three (23)
gender ; // cis female she/her
sexuality ; // lesbian
ethnicity ; // korean (born in s.korea)

occupation ;
-- freelancer / works in piercing shop​

height ; // 172 cm // 5'6
weight ; // 51 kg // 112 lbs

[ who is eunnie? ]
-- what happens, happens. a waaay too carefree freelancer. switches jobs like how she switches chlothes. although she's currently sticking with this piercing job for now cus' it's cool. an easy-going girlfriend with a head a lil' too empty sometimes. the peacemaker in most groups, keeping a cool head during an arguement and putting out a fight when it becomes too extreme.​

[ head canons ]
-- chores? what are those; terrible at doing house work. ended up destroying everything while trying to help out her girlfriends by cleaning their small apartament. they dont even trust her with brewing tea.
-- not jealous easily; yup! prolly expected already. but eunnie is one with lot's of loyalty to her partners. and she expects the same from them.​
-- low alchohol tolerance; she's well... a whole other person when drunk. no no eunnie is not the crying drunk, she's the angry drunk. lashing out at everything that pisses her off. not good idea to bring her out drinking!​

word bank.
▹chocolate presents; matcha coffee; soft teddy bear; vanilla scented items; vintage film camera; soft hugs; empty promises; worn sneakers; fairy lights; bitten lips; whispered apologies; cool summer nights; slow dancing at midnight.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
;; minsu.

full name ; // jeon minsu
nickname ` s ; // minnie
age ; // twenty four (24)
gender ; // cis female she/her
sexuality ; // bisexual
ethnicity ; // korean (born in s.korea)

occupation ;
-- freelancer & works in tattoo shop​

height ; // 175 cm // 5'7
weight ; // 54 kg // 119 lbs

[ who is minnie ? ]
-- the girl with an infuriating all knowing look plastered on her face at all time. sadistic is ... an underestimation. she loves teasing and poking fun of people purely for her entertainment. hopping bars and hooking with someone new every night, even her neighbors are tired of her. although, she's a total clueless idiot when it comes to real relationship. never been in one ever before.​

[ head canons ]
-- high alchohol tolerance; she does go along with the idiocity that people do when they're drunk but often ends up as the one taking care of all the drunkards after that, tucking them into bed perhaps.​
-- a clean freak; no one would believe it, counting the amount of time that minsu has lost her keys but she cannot tolerate messy places and will most definitely ends up cleaning the place for whoever that lives there.​
-- temper; bad bad temper. minsu is the type to piss people off, not get pissed off. it's terrible when she gets mad since minsu is one who always has on a happy-go-lucky personality. it's a game over.​

word bank.
▹destroyed photographs; midnight milk; dirt streaked hair; slow dancing; riches n ` pretty bitches; ink-stained hands; missed calls and ignored messages; sniggers and pranks; partner in crime; improperly worn hoodies; soft gazes.
coded by reveriee.

/* ------ start of code -- no need to touch ------ */

/* ------ text box ------ */

chapter one

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.

Last edited:



min so hyun.


me brr.



on top of eunmi and blanket pile.


lee eunmi.


snuggling into eunmi's taller frame as she shivers slightly. the taller one of the two somehow still is surprisingly warm as the harsh winter has already hit them and their only source of warmth, heaters had been broken for the last couple of months and hadn’t gotten around to getting it fixed.

the realization of not being able to go back to sleep finally hit so hyun. and a warm cup of morning coffee sounds really, really nice currently. with a soft sigh, she rolled out of the soft sinking mattress with the intention to crawl her way to the kitchen. the chiming sound of a notification stopped her mid-track.

... who? all of her contacts are muted except for her girlfriend's messages. so hyun shouldn't be receiving notifications right now then, oh wait. there's a possible reason why, and it's more annoying than someone new getting her number. getting added into a group chat. waddling her way to the bedside table and picked up her phone to check exactly what's happening.

her guess was right. someone made a group chat. a school group chat with her old classmates.


Yo bro. We r planning a Christmas get together party this week u coming? If you are, bring eunmi the prettier one with you if y’all are still together that is ㅋㅋㅋ

high school reunion? now that’s new. either of the two girls has been in any contact with the rest of their old high school classmates except for junseok cause the bitch works in the same area as so hyun but other than that, radio silence.

Another small link was attached junseok’s message right afterward—a link to a server. 18 members already in the chat. Godamn, do these people wake up that early, or did she just get the invitation late.

> MINSOH just slid into [ho fucking ho].
> MINSOH: fyi, eunmi is still mine.
> MINSOH: now we wait for the qt to wake up first to see if we r goin’ or not.

setting her phone back down to the bedside table as the chiming of notifications from the server continuously went on, it’s probably the usual again, people teasing about their relationship or just pure jealousy cause hah she copped the princess of the class.

her eyes ran over to eunmi. tangled up in the rumpled bedsheets, she’s still somehow sleeping through the monstrosity amount of notifications on her own phone. would she agree to go to the party? crowds and alcohol were never her things, it was so hyun’s most of the time, and the shit that goes down when her girlfriend does get drunk is frightening.

well. first, she still has to wake her up.

plopping herself comfortably on the figure of the other as her legs and arms sprawled out on both sides. “rise and shine sleeping beauty.” a pause, before she continued on, still laying on the poor girl. “we’re invited to a party.

♡coded by uxie♡



lee eunmi.


give me back my sleep.





min so hyun.

eunmi was having a really, really nice dream until a certain someone decided to wake her up in the rudest way possible, by suffocating her to death probably. the exact content of the dream is quite blurry to her, but for certain, there were millions of soft fluffy cats pilling onto her. call it cat heaven perhaps.

and out of nowhere, her chest began to feel tighter as a fat cat laid onto her as all of the other small cats scattered and left her all alone. turns out it wasn’t a fat cat, just her adorably dumb girlfriend. “rise and shine sleeping beauty.” whatever time it is, she knows for sure that it’s waaaay too early for her.

putting her amateur fifth-grade acting skills to use as she fluttered her eyelashes and rolled around, back to the bright window as natural as possible to seem like eunmi was still in her slumber and perhaps she would be left alone with her precious sleep for another hour.

a beat of silence. perhaps her plan has succeeded, maybe eunmi should actually become an actor and reach her fullest potential. “we’re invited to a party.” it’s definitely way too early for this, rolling back onto her back as she opened her eyes to a squint, meeting another soft bare face.

mumbling to her lover with a soft voice “g’morning to you too.” yawning quietly as she performed a calculated roll to the side of the bed, sitting up. as her brain started to process the information that was given to her during the rude wake-up call, wait. did she say party? “wha are you talking abou—oh that explains why my phone’s currently blowing up.

as much as she would like to ignore everything that is going on, the obnoxious ringtone coming from her phone is quite hard to turn a deaf ear to. 20+ new messages from her best friend, yein. that's frankly concerning.

ye in


ye in


she should have stayed in bed pretending to be asleep. stifling a yawn, eunmi scrolled up and past all of the other keyboard smashing messages that yein has sent her—jesus that's a lot.

after a few minutes of scrolling, she finally found the invite link that yein sent her hours ago to the small server with her old classmates that are probably attending the upcoming party.

> LEUNMI has slid into [ho fucking ho].
> JUNSOCK: hello, so hyun's property ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

not worth it. eunmi is never touching her phone and ever checking anything that's related to her dumbass old classmates ever again.

her girlfriend's statement about her is adorable, hot even, not that she would ever openly admit it to hyunie's face, it would give her a massive ego boost and well, there's no need to make her huge ego bigger than it is already.

> LEEUNMI: We r goin' btw
> LEEUNMI: There better be booze there, or else.

clicking the off button and throwing her phone back onto the bed, eunmi is not. going to spend her entire precious morning arguing with douchebags that previously studied with her during high school.

techinically her classmates, but whatever.

turning around to the other girl that is still laying sprawled out on their bed, scrolling mindlessly on her phone. as eunmi poked the other girl's back, gesturing to the door as she mumbled out a quiet "'m goin' to make breakfast, what are you in the mood for, tea or coffee."

♡coded by uxie♡



jeon minsu.


heh, they're interesting.





none yet.



a morning shift on a friday, at least tomorrow is the weekends. yes, the only reason why she’s working here is because of passion, but she could be sleeping right now instead of lounging around in the middle of the tattoo shop waiting for a customer.

her phone has been going off like crazy for the entire morning already, in fact, they were the reason why she was woken up at in the most ungodly hour, five in the fucking morning.

groaning as she scrolled through the constant spamming of her old classmates, talking about how fun the party is going to be, the drinks, the alcohol, how they’re going to be dressing up. it’s like they’re telling her not to go. she really would rather sleep in rather than waste her saturday fucking around with some people she isn’t even close with anymore.

> JMINSU [ typing ]: sry guys, might not make it to the party. Have fun thou│

midst typing her shit excuse to get out of the social gathering, minsu noticed that there was some other girl typing in the same time as her. user [ MINSOH ] which was most likely min so hyun, the girl that was in the same basketball team as her.

they never interacted that much, well personally anyways. minsu was the captain of the team and so hyun was another player in the team, sure they might have shouted curses at the other team together once or twice and sure they went through the torture of training camp together, but there were never anything more than that.

another two messages popped onto her screen.

> MINSOH: fyi, eunmi is still mine.
> MINSOH: now we wait for the qt to wake up first to see if we r goin’ or not.

oh, she forgot. so hyun also had a girlfriend, eunmi. the two also almost never talk, despite her sitting infront of eunmi. mainly it’s because they were rather polar oposites, sure, both of them were in the spotlight of attention from their classmates. but eunmi always had a soft vibe to her while minsu was …. the exact opposite.

apparently she takes a longgg time thinking and trying to remember the two girls from her class that well, is causing a chaos in their server. the groupchat itself is already way too active for her liking and so hyun’s straight up pda is causing a literal riot in their server.

and by the time minsu snapped out of her train of thoughts, eunmi has also apparently woke up and declared that the two is going. oh well, at leat she have a reason to go to the party now. To drown in alchohol and hopefully befriend them, or even closer if she can, but that’s just a fantasy.

> JMINSU: sry guys, might not make it to th│ ⌫
> JMINSU: count me in lmao.

a sound of a jingling bell immediately rang right after she sent the message. the first customer of her shift has finally arrived, please make this one normal. putting her phone away as she stood up and bowed a 90° as a greeting, and gestured them to the front desk. “hello there sir, did you book an apointment or is this a walk-in?

a whispered walk-in was what she received back. well this isn't going to go as easy as she would like to. “that’s fine! we also accept walk-ins. where would you like to have your tattoo?

this time she got a much more clearer answer, and way too quick for her personal comfort. “on my ass please.” great. when will god end all of her sufferings. a strained smile plastered on her face as she walks the customer into the room.

♡coded by uxie♡



min so hyun.


hahhah fuck.



living room couch.


lee eunmi.


she has pushed aside. not one of her best moments, considering how quick and easy it was for eunmi to push her off. at least her darling’s morning voice sounds adorable, music to her ears in all honesty. “wha are you talking abou—oh that explains why my phone’s currently blowing up.

so hyun didn’t even have to point it out, which is pretty rare, considering her airhead of a girlfriend hyper focuses on one thing and never notice anything that is going around her.

well, this will take a long time.

a click of the phone, gesturing that eunmi has finally picked up her obnoxiously ringing phone as the clicking sounds of typing started to roll in. oh well, guess she’ll go onto her phone as well, there’s no use bothering her hyperfocused girlfriend anyways. she won’t notice anything when she’s on her phone or focused on something, anything at all. even if so hyun has brought a whole circuit into their room eunmi will still be sitting on the side of the bed, clicking away messages.

rolling back onto the soft plushy sheets as she lays on her stomach, scrolling through her instagram homepage. boring, boring, did she get another boyfriend again, boring, boring. why does so hyun even keep this app again? everything on it was tedious, people on the left and right being jealous of one another. the only good thing about it is that she can stalk her girlfriend whenever she wants and not get weird looks when talking about it.

the soft tapping of an even softer hand brought her out of her train of thoughts, “m goin' to make breakfast, what are you in the mood for, tea or coffee” a pause, as she slowly eyed the blonde. “you do realize we’re out of both right? c’mon let’s just get deliveries. we’re adults now! we can do that.

then again, she wouldn’t want to spend the entire day lounging around on their bed either, so maybe getting up might be a pretty good idea. but then again, breakfast in bed does sound good. nah, it’s her first day off in a while, they should be doing something fun instead of lazing around. like a fancy date or something. did she even get a paycheck this month?

back to the topic. filling all of the useless thought away as she grasped the hem of eunmi’s pj’s shirt, pulling herself up to standing. “come on, let’s go to the living room i’ll order us some food.” she took it upon herself, grabbing her cracked phone laying on the bed uselessly, that reminded her, she should really get that fixed.

the walk to the living room was quick. primarily because, well their apartment is incredibly cramped. the two of them have made plans several times to go apartment hunting but they never succeeded because either the price was too high, or the neighbors were too weird, or the apartment just stinks overall. besides, this apartment isn’t all that bad, it’s the first one they got when they both moved out and graduated high school.

whatever, this isn’t the time to be reminiscent of their old memories, the two of them aren’t even moving out right now. flopping herself down onto the couch, the ringing of her phone hasn’t stopped even once, since they left their room. i should really mute the damn app. upon entering the chat room, the first thing that popped up onto her screen was a message, from user JMINSU about coming to the party. the username does sound familiar but so hyun can’t grasp where she has heard of the name ever before. oh, wait.

she paused way too long after seeing the message, it’s bound to make eunmi suspicious. “by the way” so hyun spoke up again, voice way too shaky for it to sound casual and normal like she intended to. “what do you want to get? i’ll pay

♡coded by uxie♡



lee eunmi.


am i overthinking this?



in front of couch.


min so hyun.

ah──!” the syllable comes in a stutter and she clears her throat, looks away, and back to the doorway “i forgot that we ran out of tea──wait no both of drinks!” a flustered voice came, cheeks flushed a cherry red, whether that has been from the embarrassment of forgetting the obvious or the fact that holy shit how does her girlfriend looks so good. it’s both of course. either way, there is momentary relief in her face when her lover offered another solution instead of laughing at her.

a tugging on the hem of eunmi’s t-shirt brought her out of the flustered mess she was, standing there awkwardly with nothing to do except for fumble with the corner of her tee. “come on, let’s go to the living room i’ll order us some foodawh it would have been nice if they had gotten breakfast in bed. she watched as so hyun walked out, the soft click of the door opening from their bedroom to the rest of their apartment.

i’m─i’m coming! just give me a second.” flicker of panic comes first, she often takes a little bit more time to process information, and by the time she has snapped out of watching her lover’s back, she has already gotten comfortable on the couch. scrambling after the other shorter girl as she gathered her thoughts and stuff up as she ran to the side of eunmi to snuggle comfortably into her. they should really get their apartment's heater fixed soon.

she should have waited a little more — a conclusion that was made a little too late. upon entering the living room, so hyun was just staring at her phone blankly. yes! it’s perfectly normal, but her lover’s response made it even weirder. stumbling upon her own words and voice shaky when she asks her a simple question about what to get, how does so hyun even survive as a detective with this type of reaction.

listen here — i know something’s up, and i am going to pry because i’m your lover, so what’s happening.” does it sound harsh? good, it should sound harsh. fear is the best method to pry information from someone, and she learned that from hyunie herself.

ire roils in the pit of her stomach as the silence continues to stretch in between them.

a heavy sigh escapes her mouth, then silence. the sound of phone notifications hanging between them — though that won’t be long if her lover did do what she thinks she did. the already cracked phone will be smashed into bits once eunmi gets her hands on it. but for now, it’s safe. “sorry, i won’t argue with you” she has an inkling she’d lose if she tries otherwise, best to leave it be, right?

though, i hope you can trust me more with, well things.” she spoke up again, lips pursed in dissatisfaction but she doesn’t have the courage to snatch the phone out of so hyun’s hand, afraid to make things bigger than they actually are.

was she overthinking this? maybe the hesitation and nervousness were never there at all and she’s just thinking too deep into it and started a whole thing between them. it was supposed to be a relaxing weekend. well, it’s too late for her to go back on the shit she just spurted out anyways.

♡coded by uxie♡



min so hyun.


hahhah fuck.



living room couch.


lee eunmi.


this wasn’t the first time something like this has happened, but so hyun is weak when it comes to the person she loves most, and her body language and expressions betray the words that come out of her mouth. ah… but first, she has to speak right? so hyun summons all her courage opens her mouth and in sheer panic, she blurts out “someone from our class is coming to the party and i used to like her. she’s-also-super-pretty-now-too

no no no! this wasn’t the way she wanted to say it. she didn't think through with her word choices, why couldn't so hyun just keep her mouth shut and stop after the first sentence. “i─sorry let me just think this over for a second before i say something i regret again.” there is a clear panic in her voice, in the way her ears ever so slightly twitch, face contorted nervous—ashamed.

but what can she even say now to save herself?

nothing. the answer is nothing. there's only the option to grovel down at her girlfriend's feet and beg for an apology. and would she, min so hyun the proudest motherfucker in the street grovel down to someone? yes. only when it comes to her girlfriend, she would do anything and everything to keep her happy.

"sorry i have no excuses left and you know i can't lie to you." okay, first part—the apology done. now onto the second part, comfort eunmi. and try not to get herself murdered by saying some thoughtless crap. "i can stay home while you can go to the class reunite party though? i'm sure you've missed some of your friends there."

well, this is new, so hyun skipping a party. for the first time ever, but whatever to keep your girlfriend happy and reassured right? definitely worth it.

♡coded by uxie♡



lee eunmi.





next to sohyun.


min so hyun.

she once again looks like an absolute moron. technically, eunmi did had the right to be mad! her girlfriend was just panicking over the sight of her old crush and got all blushy and weird about it, just like they were back in middle school again, it was totally not acceptable.

but then again, who was she to get mad at her. so hyun has apologized and also promised her something that sounds like an empty promise, but knowing the shorter, she never goes back on her word, the most stubborn dumbass she has ever known. but then again it would be boring to go to a party with her other half. no one there to take care of her after her drinks too. (drink. her idiotic lover would correct her smugly if she'd heard this.)

"well," she started lightly, head tilted up pretending to be lost in thoughts, her voice is honey silk and for once is eunmi trying to shield the sheer jealously boiling her blood "since you said that she was pretty, let's see who it is." the corners of her mouth finally twitched upwards again, caught between a smirk & a wickedly gleeful grin. there was no way so hyun was getting out of this lightly. nuh uh.

eunmi slips in besides so hyun, nimble hands reaching out to grab the damaged phone. ignoring the quiet squeak that has been forced out as she hastily fumbled around. ah, the unfamiliar wrenching in her chest seeing that she was indeed looking at someone’s profile. @JMINSU …?

that name sounds familiar.

oh, oh? pale fingers finally slackened around the broken phone as she burst into a fit of laughter. the smirk on her face only extends, lifting her head and tilting it sideways to face back onto her lover. “guess we have similar taste in women huh?” she states. dropping the other girl's phone back down onto the couch, that explains why it's so cracked. warm hands bringing upwards to hold the colder pair of hands.

a dumb grin on her face, irritation faded away as the realization has finished settling onto her. "yea i must admit, she's pretty hot. like really hot even." a small chuckle leaving her throat, if she wasn't in a relationship with so hyun already, eunmi would be over the moon knowing that minsu was also going to the party, no doubt she'll be all over her too during the party, but who can blame the drunkard?

huh that reminds her.

"hey, do you remember the polyamorous thing we were you know─talking about the other day? " she asked suddenly, thumb tracing the back of her hand, both eunmi's hands holding just one of her own.

♡coded by uxie♡

/* ------ start of code -- no need to touch ------ */

/* ------ text box ------ */

chapter two
the day.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.


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