• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern hollywood arts: main (open!!)


MOOD || hurt
OUTFIT || cheer uniform
LOCATION || football stadium
INTERACTIONS || Winona Winona (ash), geminiy geminiy (elias), natsukashii natsukashii (mimi)
MENTIONS || trevor (but ditto's not about to tag herself), Winona Winona (nate)

As Nickie listened to Eli fumble at his words to answer her question (and as her face resumed the expression that she always had when listening to drama), her eyes went to the very tall, green-clad boy approaching. Trevor Callaghan, she thought that he was called, but she couldn't be sure. Pretty average looking, and not high up enough socially for her to look past that fact. Apparently he'd hit a car, too, and his eyes and his general reeking-ness of canned body spray made it obvious what the cause was, exactly.

As she watched the conversation unfold before herself, she focused mostly on Ash. Was this guy the thought that had crossed her mind? This beanstalk boy? She watched Ash's eyes. There was something in them that made Nick's thinly-veiled gossip girl's heart patter. Oh yeah, Ash was definitely into Trevor. And she'd called Nickie a simp?

Mm. Tea.

Nickie sat for a moment as everything happened around her and as the game kicked up. Her heart fluttered again as she recalled once more that she was the co-captain of this team. Co-captain. They'd have to perform soon again, and she'd have something to do with the results. When the team got congratulated, she was being told, through their congratulations, that she was doing a great job.

It made her feel good about herself. Things like that happened once in a blue moon.

Beside her, Nickie's phone was making a racket upon the metal bleachers. She, up to this point, had mostly ignored it. It was definitely Twitter, because she'd set a custom vibration for Hunter's number, and most of what Twitter had to say was bullshit anyway, like that she was a simp, which would imply that 1) she was in love with someone and 2) she wasn't able to score with them. Despite her acute lack of confidence and, thus, façade of "I don't care at all about what you have to say", Nick could get whoever she wanted. Sure, it would probably be no thanks to herself and would mostly be due to either her friends' or the boys themselves' efforts, but it still counted for something.

All that went to say, Nickie wasn't a simp.

...but she did want to check Twitter, and she finally gave into temptation about little bit after beanstalk boy had departed.

She immediately wished that she hadn't.

Don'tcrydon'tcrydon'tcrydon'tcrydon'tcrydon'tcrydon'tcrydon'tcrydon'tcry, she chanted inwardly, sucking in her bottom lip and staring at the photo on her phone screen. Her hand began to shake, and she clutched her right hand over her mouth as she repeated typed "nope". Maybe if she typed that enough, it would make it go away. Maybe it would help her unsee it.

Maybe she could unsee the photo of one of the boys who she swore to herself to love and serve forever, even if it be in secrecy, making out with Sebastian Osario.

She thought that Chas was gay anyway, to be honest, but...seeing...him...and...........she was in love with him, okay! It was like...

She sat down her phone. She needed a break. She needed to breathe.

Today was a good day. Today was supposed to be a good day. Today was a great day. Tonight was her night.

Badbitchyou'reabadbitchyou'reabadbitch. Badbitchesdon'tcrybadbitchesdon'tcrybadbitchesdon'tcry.

Her eyes hadn't lied when she saw the photo, though, and even when she closed them and tried to smile so that the others wouldn't look at her or think her out of place, it didn't work. Sadly, chanting didn't help cover up the truth.

Everyone wanted to fight Nate. For good reason, you know...but...

She was selfish.

Chas' life might have just been ruined by one photo.

She knew that.

If certain people found out that he was gay, then his life could be fucked up.

She knew that.

Chas and Sebastian were...

Fuck. This...hurt. This fucking hurt.

She felt stupid. She was disgusted. With that Nate guy. With herself. With how she felt.

But she let a tear fall down her face and then they all came coming, and as her shoulders shook, she turned fully away from the others, trying to act like she was choking on water while covering her face. Her mascara was running. Now she had no lipgloss, fucked up mascara, and a broken heart.

And she didn't feel like a bad bitch. She felt just like a plain bitch. Actually, not just a bitch.

A pitiful, selfish, self-centered, disgusting bitch.
code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

Stadium with the cheerleader squad
See middle picture
Eli, Chas, Seb
ohdittoh ohdittoh

Mimi Park was never the type to get excited for sports. She was never the type to be into that sort of thing. Hunter was no doubt more invested in the game itself than she was, but she adored the energy that everyone was emitting was enough to make her smile. The electricity and school spirit was undoubtedly intoxicating. And Mimi was all about school spirit, especially since it seemed the topic involving Eli seemed to die down when the game started, so Mimi had obviously shifted her focus elsewhere.

About maybe five or so minutes later (really Mimi couldn’t tell how long it had been because she was actually into watching the Hawks wipe the field with LA County), Mimi noticed something about Nickie. She didn’t know what upset the co-captain but one thing was clear, she saw that she had been staring at her phone. And naturally, Mimi was curious so she leaned over, trying so very subtly to see what she was looking at. She saw the twitter icon, so she pulled up her own twitter on her pastel-covered iPhone. It didn’t take long for her to not only know what it was that upset Nickie so much but Mimi realized just what had just happened.

“Oh no…” She choked on her reply, dread penetrating her face. I can’t believe he did this.

When she had heard that Nate wanted to do something to Chas, she knew something bad was coming. He said he promised nobody else would get hurt, so it wasn’t like she felt entirely bad. Chas was a bastard and deserved everything. And sure, Mimi understood how that made her look, but hell hath no fury like a cheerleader reduced to tears because Chas Marino decided to break her heart in the worst of ways. But that wasn’t what Mimi found herself the most upset about. It was the fact that Sebastian was brought into this.

And as it exploded on Twitter, Mimi didn’t know what to do. Nate was her friend but she felt betrayed in a sense. Maybe not as badly as some others did, who were more directly involved with the whole situation, but she knew he was going to do something. How long until this would come back to haunt her?

“Nickie, are you okay?” Mimi’s voice was faint but she was sitting close enough for the brunette to hear her. “I just saw what was posted.”

Mimi Park
coded by hanthesunbeam

The best way to describe any interaction with Trevor Callaghan was... well, for Ash, she couldn't stop smiling. Everything that came out of his mouth made her roll her eyes, but she couldn't stop the smile that would also spread across her face -- simply because she was amused by his shenanigans. Obviously there was no other reason that she would be smiling in the way that she was right now. Like come on, it was Trevor and sure he was fun to mess with, but that was about it. Obviously.

She had to press her hand back across her mouth to stop the laughter that so badly wanted to come out, alongside the smile that she couldn't control as Trevor started to explain the car situation. Was he overreacting? Most definitely. Was it hilarious? Also most definitely.

Ash managed to regain her composure for a moment when he took the seat near her and she did her best to look as worried for him as she could. You know, a little frown on her face, eyebrows drawn together in worry, although she couldn't hide the light in her eyes because she definitely still found this whole situation downright funny. "Oh darlin," she said with emphasis on the silly nickname that he had attached to her and that she had decided to spin back on him. Her hand had dropped from her mouth and now pressed against her chest dramatically. "I could never let anyone hurt someone as handsome as you." She said sarcastically. Emphasis on the sarcasm part.

And just as quickly as Trevor had appeared, he was getting up and excusing himself -- which, to be honest, Ash was... okay, she should've been happy about it, but she was almost a little upset. Almost. She rolled her eyes when he asked her to see him after the game and she let out a different sigh. "I'll see." She responded and watched him walk away for a moment before, with a shake of her hand, she looked back at her friends.

But her smile faded away when she saw the look on Nickie's face.

Ash had no idea what had happened, but now she looked over at Eli to see if he knew and then to Mimi who seemed to have the same look in her face. As if both of them had just seen a ghost or something.

And then Nickie was crying and no, Ash was not good at dealing with crying people. It made her worried. It hurt her stomach. It made her breath catch.

"Oh god, Nickie." Yep. That's all she managed to mumble out before she rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Nickie and pulled her into a tight hug. She looked at Mimi, still obviously confused about what was going on. She glanced over her shoulder at Eli for a moment before looking back at Mimi. "Wait, what even happened?"
INTERACTIONS: Nickie, Eli, Trevor, Mimi


TAGS: ohdittoh ohdittoh geminiy geminiy natsukashii natsukashii
code by valen t.
MOOD: #short

OUTFIT: green n classy

LOCATION: behind the bleachers
too much work

LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Sebastian)
TL;DR nope
Chas Marino
The extent of Chas' blushing before paled in comparison to his now beet-red face, having been caught off guard by Seb, who was supposed to be a nice guy. Some choice in hookup this was. He instantly gasped, very apparently offended. "Who the hell are you calling short, you young, homosexual Joe Biden look-alike? I'll have you know--" The agitated rich kid was cut off by a kiss from Seb, which he admittedly did not resist.

He would have continued his unfairly brief berating of Seb if it weren't for his currently very strong attraction to Seb. He would let it slide just this once, as long as no one made a big deal out of his temporary show of restraint. "You're a total prick. Don't think I'll let you talk to me like that again just because you're cute." He had a nasty scowl plastered on his face, yet it was ineffective paired with his red face that had to look very upwards to make menacing eye contact.

With a whiny and defeated groan, he gave up trying to look serious, knowing he was just giving Seb more fuel for mockery. You try being my height! I'd say I do pretty damn good despite it. It was not at all fair how tall Seb was; he didn't even use his height to its full advantages! How could he squander all six feet and two inches of his height on being such a harmless little singer boy?

code by valen t.
Last edited:
MOOD: supportive gf

OUTFIT: green

LOCATION: stadium
too much work

natsukashii natsukashii (Hunter)
@jasmichelle (Evelyn)
LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Chase)
geminiy geminiy (Gen)
TL;DR nope
Veronica Crosby
Yeah, okay, maybe both Gen and Chase laying into her for what was supposed to be a meaningless suggestion (obviously, Ronnie didn't want another pair intruding on her date...) would have normally been a little discouraging, but no amount of comments from these two known bitches could tear into the joy she felt as Hunter kept his arm wrapped around her. Of course she loved Gen like a sister, but things were different now. Ronnie was a whole year older and wiser than she was when she first met her crew of girls.

"Okay, that's fine!" she chirped, barely giving Chase or Gen a moment of eye contact before she continued swooning over her crush. Maybe she came across more ditzy than she had intended with the double date idea, but Hunter was probably into dumb girls, right? This went against all of the whole "self respect" spiel Amy had given her, but she could tell he wasn't like the other guys. Maybe wise was a poor descriptor for her after all...

Ronnie nodded gratefully to Evie, whether she had suggested sitting somewhere else for Ronnie's sake or not. Nevertheless, this meant more alone time for Hunter and Ronnie. This also kept Hunter from continuing to hit on Evie, who was likely too apprehensive of taking the boy's attention off Ronnie. What a great friend!

Hunter moving away was the only thing that had thrown her off, causing her to sit dazed for a few moments, looking over to Hunter with confusion. She had assumed once everyone else had left he'd be more affectionate, yet here he was an entire seat away from her. She couldn't find a way to conveniently rationalize his actions. Had Ronnie said something wrong? But things were going so well!

Oh. He's trying to watch the game. Ronnie didn't realize how much of a football fan he was. In truth, all it did was make him look more manly. She inched slightly closer to Hunter, leaning over the empty seat that separated the two of them. "Wow, you're into football? I didn't know that!"

It was a shame Hunter had to move away from her after being in the presence of all of their friends. The only rational explanation was that he was embarrassed to be seen as such a sensitive, affectionate guy warming up to her. Ronnie began to pity him for his kind, innocent ways. Good thing she could be there for him. Always. Well, she wasn't always, which is why she hadn't been promoted to full stalker status, but it was enough to brand her a fledgling stalker. "Clingy" was the only adjective she would occasionally accept for herself, if it was praising her loyalty and compassion.
code by valen t.
oates oates
The winsome smell of irony entered the scene as those first drops of prophesied rain descended from the spectrum of gray—the green grass softening their objectively miniature falls seconds before they hit the ground. Some coming to meet with the boy's fair skin, he reflectively extended his hand forward, expectant of the tingling sensations—cold—that confirmed the suspicion forming in his mind. Before these sensations began, the uncomfortable warmth of the boy leaning against Oates disappeared as the boy presented his boyfriend with a look quite familiar, almost instantly welcoming back a reflexive eye-roll that rendered the use for words merely a waste of breath. It was that which made the brown-haired boy push himself off of the metal bench and onto his legs still pulsating rhythmically, making the hand-to-hand contact the couple had purely imaginary.

"It's nothing, Callum. It doesn't matter." The boy said quickly, his words confirming hurt as he weakly shook his head in defeat. More words weren't deemed necessary in his mind, so he left it at that, walking away in frustration. As he stepped into no particular direction, he muttered the things he wanted to say into his own and also into the barely noticeable moon as though it could comprehend him.

Before long, however, the boy's muttering and walking came to a sudden stop as one of his feet became stuck in somebody's leg. His tempo of walking was too fast for him to stop without falling, and so, all he could do in the second or two he had before inescapable pain was to rethink his life choices. The now cold air swooshed around his body as he circulated around the mentioned leg, and before the boy knew it, his face found itself in a sharp hug with the grassy ground.


you already know it

my boyfriend is an awful person and i'm clumsy

cheer uniform

hery hery (Callum), LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Rome)
coded by natasha.

Seb had to physically bite his lip to hold back his grin as Chas expressed how offended he was about Seb’s comment. He swiftly cut him off by pressing their lips together once more, though, because as much as he thought Chas being offended was adorable, he liked making out with him more. He decided not to comment on being called a Joe Biden lookalike; best not to encourage Chas.

When Chas pulled away again to talk, Seb almost didn’t give him the chance, but was glad he did because Chas calling him cute... Seb almost swooned then and there. But, he opted for raising a brow instead. “Cute? I’m cute? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say anything like that to anyone, ever. Please, keep going,” he insisted, relishing in the way that Chas’ face only got redder and redder.

And when Chas gave up on his mock-serious facade and groaned, Seb could only laugh and wrap his arms around Chas’ shoulders, pulling him even closer and kissing his cheek affectionately, and then his lips, a little bit harder with an audible smack.
MOOD: sweet like candy

LOCATION: BEHIND stadium bleachers

OUTFIT: Dark green hoodie, black skinny jeans, dark blue sneakers


code by valen t.
Last edited:
MOOD: *looks around vexedly*

OUTFIT: green n classy

LOCATION: behind the bleachers
too much work

LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Sebastian)
TL;DR nope
Chas Marino
"Quit picking apart everything I say, god dam-" Chas furrowed his brows as Seb pulled him in again. "I'm serious! Cut it out, man!" He looked and sounded like an excessively red-faced little kid, pouting one moment and dropping all resistance the next moment Seb seized the opportunity to kiss him. He nearly would have stomped his feet if he wasn't being extremely cautious about attracting unwanted attention.

"Don't flatter yourself. It was, like, a really general sense of cute. A-and you're wrong about me, I give plenty of compliments all the time. Some just deserve more than others on average."

He held off on recommencing their half-closeted make out sesh, dazed after having been bombarded with intentionally inconveniently-timed kisses on the lips. He took a moment to look around, spotting movement out of the corner of his eye, but not long enough to inspect it further. Sure, the spontaneity and risk of it all was plenty thrilling for Chas, but he had his limits regarding his privacy. Any moment some PDA-ridden couple or pack of stoners could intrude on the two of them. And then it would be game over for sure.

It was hard to see, considering it was getting dark out and his back was still against the bleachers and Seb was very, very close to him. He would have been freezing, trembling from the cold with his arms crossed if it weren't for the body heat Seb had been radiating as a fellow functioning human. It was one of many things keeping Chas from pushing him away out of minor annoyance.

code by valen t.

Seb knew maybe he should be giving Chas a break, but seeing him like this was so rare that Seb was going to savour it and draw it out as much as he could. “Cut it out? You want me to step away?” He asked, taking a step back but keeping his arms loosely around Chas because he didn’t actually want to stop touching him.

He could only smile as Chas continued to try to defend himself, Seb barely hearing a word he was saying because he was too enraptured in just watched Chas’ face. He did, however, pick up the end of it. “Oh? Am I someone who deserves it more on average?” He knew Chas wouldn’t give him an honest answer with that but he didn’t mind, because saying his reactions would be perfectly fine.

He did frown a little as Chas looked around, even briefly. He’d almost completely forgotten they were still at the homecoming game, and in a spot where really anyone could walk in at any given moment. “Hey, are you worried about people seeing us? We can go somewhere else, or... or stop, if you want,” he offered, his previous confidence diminishing just a little bit. Seb was just trying to make sure Chas was still comfortable, because even though Seb was out, Chas obviously did not want this to be known publicly.
MOOD: risking his life

LOCATION: BEHIND stadium bleachers

OUTFIT: Dark green hoodie, black skinny jeans, dark blue sneakers


code by valen t.
bend over backwards

After finally reaching the cheer area - and being rightfully, although slightly hurtfully, reprimanded by those in charge for being late - Romir ended up doing some stretches in an open area where no one was around. He preferred to be with people, generally, but they were all freaking out about the game and performing and cheering and he just did not need that energy right now. He was in the midst of doing a very impressive lunge, with his leg stretched very far behind him, when someone knocked his leg and he almost ended up in the splits.

He quickly regained his balance and resumed a standing position, turning with wide eyes to look at whoever he may have killed. He gaped at the body on the ground, wondering if he should make a runner, when he heard the boy’s voice. He blinked and frowned. “Oat?” He asked, then realised there was no point in asking because he was pretty sure it was one of his best friends, Oates.... Oates.

Oat!” He exclaimed, grabbing his friend’s arm and pulling him up, maybe a bit too enthusiastic to be gentle. “Hey, Oat! Are you okay?
MOOD: oops

LOCATION: Stadium... cheer area

OUTFIT: Cheerleader's outfit, complete with crop top and booty shorts.

code by valen t.
MOOD: okay, let's do something more fun, please!

OUTFIT: click!

LOCATION: under the bleachers

Ali; Cole ( apolla apolla )
Lin ( ohdittoh ohdittoh )
she would rather walk in darkness than in someone else's shadow...
Well, okay, to most people it was probably pretty obvious. Her and Cole. It wasn’t like ‘everybody’ in that school was a total idiot. Ruby was sure that there were quite a few people who knew. But she was NEVER going to admit it out loud to anyone. Not even to her sister. No matter how great Cole was and how...uh...yeah. FIGURE IT OUT.

Ruby and Cole were complicated. She never really noticed the boy until they were paired for a project. And even then, she took him as some regular guy who was high most of the time. But one thing was for sure. He was persistent. But it was all cute how he always had gum for her or candy to share. Every time they studied in the library in the afternoon, he brought some snacks and fed her sugar. No big deal, right? But for Ruby, who ate candy maybe like six times in her life because “she had to make sure to keep her figure lean” (thanks a fucking million, mother), it kind of meant a lot. And he put up with her mood swings better than anyone else. That’s how it started. And now they were a regular secret-public hook up couple.

When he finally got the hint, Ruby almost groaned. Cole was very handsome and she actually enjoyed their alone time a lot but he could be so thick sometimes that it hurt her. And when he finally got it and bid his goodbyes, Ruby checked the time and looked at the field. She would never get the game really, nor was she interested in it. But it was a school event, right? So she came.

Her thoughts were interrupted by hearing some constant muttering from her side and she turned her head to look at Lin. With her eyes narrowed and head tilted, she looked closer and still didn’t understand. “What on earth are you doing right now?” she asked and raised her eyebrows in disbelief. Seriously, what was with people today? Plus where was Ali? Did she go to dig up a well to get some water???

Okay, that was it. Ruby knew that this had no point so she left Lin to his yellow pad and stood up, shaking her head. Unbelievable. People looked too caught up by the game already or were deep in talks with each other so Ruby headed straight down. She made sure no one was around before diving under the bleachers and the familiar figure was there, sitting on the ground. Ruby strutted towards Cole like she owned the place and only stopped right in front of him. “Get up. I’m not ruining my shorts.” she gave a command and once the boy was up, she captured his lips in a passionate kiss, beating out all the frustrations from the day as her fingers went up his neck and disappeared in his perfectly messy hair.

code by valen t.
MOOD: when were doing plan B?

OUTFIT: click!

LOCATION: at the ticket booth
Evie (@jasmichele)
Gen ( geminiy geminiy )
Chase ( LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki )

Nate ( Winona Winona )
Toni ( Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202 )
Cole ( apolla apolla )
TL;DR xxx
he'd rather die than become just another face in the crowd...
For a moment, Nico watched Cole jog down the stairs and join Ruby Zabielski. He couldn’t say a lot about her since all he knew was that she was one of those who called themselves hashtag celebrity hashtag popular girl hashtag bitch. And she also hung out with Ash so...Nico wasn’t one hundred percent sure but he had his suspicions that it was Ruby’s big mouth that caused the greatest heartbreak in his life. But if Cole wanted her, who was Nico to stand in his way? He just hoped one of his good friends was not gonna get hurt.

After his reaction to the captain of the football team, Toni laughed and Nico shrugged. “Okay, okay, I’m done. If I had to bitch every time his ego explodes there, I wouldn’t shut up so...yeah.” he shrugged again and took another hit just to lose the blunt to Cole who suddenly appeared behind him. “That was fast.” he commented but all Cole did was take like two hits and off he went, disappearing under the bleachers in a moment. “Dude, that girl is gonna be his demise, look at that.” he motioned his head as soon after Cole, Ruby left her seat and headed under the bleachers as well. And she still pretended that no one knew.

Okay, Nico, mind your own business, get high, dude, and fuck everyone.

Nico turned around to offer a smoke to Nate only to find him sitting on the ground and scrolling his phone. His eyebrows went up in a split of a second and he looked at Toni. “So I’m watching the fucking game and Toto over there is scrolling fucking Twitter. Tell me I’m asleep, Toni. Un-fucking-believable.” he laughed and took another hit. “Good you brought those gummies. I think we’re gonna need that.”

And as a confirmation of his words, a trio approached them. Evie, Gen and Chase. Now Nico wasn’t exactly bothered by any of them, he even liked Chase if he was honest but the girls were the same category as Ruby and that was not exactly Nico’s cup of tea. He used to hit on Evie a lot but it was only because she was dating Kordei and he wanted to piss him off. But for now, he was fairly uninterested in anything about her.

Bringing a new piece of gossip, Nico turned his back on them after just greeting them shortly and only noticed when Nate rushed down the stairs. “What happened?” he asked Toni and looked fairly confused. Nate was sitting there like a penny a moment ago and now he was leaving a fiery trace after himself as he ran down and disappeared under the bleachers.

“Peace? When have we ever had peace, brother?” Nico laughed over Toni’s question and took his flask back from him, taking a long healthy swig before putting it back in his pocket. “Car it is I guess. Just let me know when.” With that, Nico took the very same spot Nate had occupied a few seconds ago and had absolutely no idea, or rather, absolutely ignored everything and everyone, including the newest Twitter scandal.

code by valen t.
oates oates
The passion of falling into the ground face-first was an unusual compromise between extreme physical discomfort of every single nerve located in his face and—curiously—mental rest from the thoughts which were just piling up one after another. If anything, he was glad that these views about Callum stopped and that his main worry now was what happened the hell happened. In the back of his throat, an agitated metallic taste resided, and his nose was now at the state of pain where it hurt so much that it didn't even bother him, but he knew what a broken nose felt like—and this surely wasn't it, it couldn't have been, right? Right?

He stayed laying on the ground as he was still quite a bit disoriented and confused as to what happened. However, as the slow realization of falling down like he had been some Looney Tunes character hit him, he started laughing at himself, just thinking about how funny it must have looked to whoever was watching him at that moment. He continued to laugh at the thought of himself falling as somebody—one of his best friends, Rome—pulled him up.

His skin and his uniform were both covered in greenish marks, but seeing him laugh, one would think it was all just special effects make-up.

"That was...amazing!" He exclaimed in disbelief that it actually happened, still laughing.

you already know it

being a whole ass ruminant over here

cheer uniform with spicy grass

hery hery (Callum), LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Rome)
coded by natasha.
MOOD: keeping an eye out for selener

OUTFIT: green n classy

LOCATION: behind the bleachers
too much work

LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Sebastian)
TL;DR nope
Chas Marino
"That's not the point, I don't care how compliment...able you are." Nice word inventing, Shakespeare. He crossed his arms indignantly at Seb, his natural ability to make insulting remarks off the cuff suddenly nowhere to be found. He knew Seb was trying to get a rise out of him, which he didn't mind as much as much as how completely and utterly compliant he was being with it. Where's an iced coffee to chuck at someone when you need one?

But then the fun and games stopped as soon as Chas had dared to scan the area for unwanted spectators. This time, he really had made things a little weird. Of course, sensitive Seb would understand, but that didn't make Chas feel any less guilty for disrupting his playful mood. "No, no, we can stay here," he did his best to reassure him, his eyes widening out of a panic that their time together would be cut short because of Chas' unknowingly crumbling reputation.

"...so quit being so hypersensitive and get back here," he demanded, tugging on Seb's arm a bit to coax him back into close quarters. Even if spelled his downfall, Chas would never admit weakness to anyone. His headstrong and prideful nature was usually only alarming to himself, however this time it was someone else that was caught in the middle of his stubborn risk-taking. And at the heart of his previous abrasive remark was geniune concern for Seb's feelings. It was a horrible thought to contemplate the softening effect he was having on Chas.
code by valen t.

- Location.
Below the stands between the bleachers and the concession stand.
- Tags.
Kordei, Charlie/Gen ( geminiy geminiy ), Kennedy ( @jasmichelle ) , Trevor ( ohdittoh ohdittoh ), Evelyn, Chase, Chas, Seb, Nate ( Winona Winona ),
- Outfit.

Honestly times like this Amy felt like she was a regular high school student, not a little girl in a big pond of superstar rich kids with unbelievable talent at one of the most prestigious schools in the country. Here in the stands just hanging with her friends talking about music, the game, and Trevor's run in...literally. It all felt really normal and welcoming. The start of the year always gave her anxiety, but this year was different and she knew she had those closest to her to thank for that.

The feeling eventually was replaced with worry. While Charlie seemed alright at first especially when she was absorbed in twitter on her phone...something shifted. Amy couldn't help but notice this in her best friend even though she'd been cheering. She didn't understand why, or rather what exactly caused it, but her departure to the concessions verified it that something was up. She wondered if it had something to do with the fact her gaze drifted to the cheer squad for a moment. Perhaps sitting in the front row so close to them wasn't such a good idea. She'd only been thinking about being close to the field...she should've known better. She'd have to make it up to her.

Before she could interject she was gone to get snacks. With a heavy sigh she looked at Ken, "Do you think maybe we should've sat a bit farther away? I mean I think it's still fresh for her." She remembered how much it sucked when her and Nate...stopped being her and Nate, and she knew they were leagues closer then they'd been. Hell Amy believed that he could've been the one for her bestie...but life doesn't always turn out that way sadly. "I'm gonna go check on her." She told both Trevor and Ken before walking down the stairs after Charlie. The game had already started so she figured Dei was busy and wouldn't notice if she left for a snack real quick.

As she made her way down her phone started buzzing like crazy, and a wild Gen appeared to zip past her in a fury she'd not seen from the girl in a long time if ever. She was confused, but she was more focused on finding Charlie. That was until she heard Gen yelling at Nate and saw her slap him across the face. It was magnificent to say the least and she knew he deserved it for whatever he did.

However she was curious what could make Gen so angry and at Nate. Weren't her and Evelyn close? She figured they'd be at least friendly towards one another. She took her phone out and back scrolled through Twitter. Luckily the source of all the rage a certain picture was gone by then...but as she read the damage had been done. Even without the picture the comments and tweets revealed what had been on it.

She couldn't believe it! Yes she knew Chas and Nate hated each other, and yes she thought Nate was scumbag for what he did to her...but she never imagine he'd sink THIS low. To out someone like this over twitter of all things. And behind their back. It's one thing to want to get even with someone but there was Seb to think about as well. He was innocent in all this and Nate didn't even think twice about it. Saying sorry and meaning it are two vastly different things.

All she knew was as much as people didn't like Chas...right now they would hate Nate more because it's not about what Chas has done in the past it's about the principle. It's about the fact that this could've been done better, and in a way that wouldn't possibly hurt someone else in the process. And as much as Mimi and Eve might say Chas deserves it because he hurt Mimi in the past... that didn't justify it because he wasn't doing this as some champion for Mimi or others Chas has wronged. No he did this for himself. He was proud of this disgusting act. THAT was the problem. He wasn't sorry at all, he doesn't even see it as a bad decision. He was excited and that made her skin crawl to think she ever had feelings for or was intimate with such a heartless human being.

She was surprised Evelyn and Chase came to his defense at all. It would seem they were the only ones. Once more people find out she suspected even more then the already bulk amount of people who wanted to punch him in the face would soon try to do so. She wanted nothing to do with this or him. He'd made his bed now he'd have to lie in it and personally she believed ever terrible thing that might happen to him after this is exactly what he deserves.

People who don't think about or even consider others, people with no empathy like Nate deserve all that bitch karma has for them. No her concern right now was finding Charlie because if she was worried before she was definitely worried now after reading her comments. She was furious, and probably might try to land a punch or a slap on Nate too at this rate. One was fine, but more then that might get her in trouble.

She just pocketed her phone back deciding against adding more fuel to the fire and instead looked around for Charlie hoping to find her before she found Nate.
Amethyst K. Jones
coded by incandescent

Last edited:

Seb pretended he wasn’t super relieved when Chas said that they didn’t have to stop, but he was. Of course, he’d understand if Chas decided that he’d rather think about everything before getting any further into it, but he was selfishly hoping that that wouldn’t be the case. Because he hadn’t lied before; he did really like Chas, and it blew his mind that the two were literally making out, and that Chas liked Seb, too. As much as Seb had hoped it wasn’t, he was always almost certain that his feelings were completely unrequited.

His smugness did return a little bit though when Chas tried to to tug him closer, knowing Chas was eager as he was. He went willingly, looping his arms around Chas’ neck again and pulling him closer once more. He debated making a teasing comment, but decided against it, instead leaning down to continue kissing him.
MOOD: what could possibly go wrong

LOCATION: BEHIND stadium bleachers

OUTFIT: Dark green hoodie, black skinny jeans, dark blue sneakers


code by valen t.
MOOD: jealous

OUTFIT: cheer uniform

LOCATION: stadium
too much work

mogy mogy (Oates)
LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Romir)
TL;DR nope
Callum Richards
Callum rolled his eyes back at Oates, his mood regressing even closer to the level of sourness he had during the ride to the game. At this rate, he'd be completely over the game and this entire day before they even reached halftime. He remained slouched on the bleachers, offering very little reaction while his boyfriend got up.

Oh. He's really walking away. "Come on, don't be like that!" he called out as the distance between them increased. Oates hadn't even hesitated or turned around, which made Callum mostly more sad than mad. Even though Oates had hardly walked far, it felt as though he'd never come back, as if he was slipping out of his grasp.

Callum hadn't even done anything in particular that could explain this kind of sullen reaction. They had shared numerous fights before, but it was unlike Oates to just give up so easily. They had hardly even gotten the opportunity to accuse one another of "not trying" or "blowing things out of proportion". It was almost cruel how he hadn't even been given the chance to get angry and raise his voice, instead stuck sitting and wondering what he'd done wrong now.

And as fast as his mood shifted, Oates had managed to faceplant while he was walking away from the tension of it all. Callum smirked, pleased he had managed to look stupid just after acting all upset with him, as if it would make him be any more in the right. It would have cheered him up more if it wasn't for the fact that he had tripped over Rome of all people, who was (to Callum) too friendly with his boyfriend. What really hurt Callum was that Oates was all smiles as soon as he was in Rome's presence.

He kept his eyes trained on the pair from afar, glowering at Rome. Callum wasn't a complete manipulator; he let Oates be friends with whoever he wanted. This didn't stop him from constantly proclaiming to Oates how much he hated the loud twink's guts and how Oates shouldn't be friends with him. He always made it a point to leave out the jealousy that always seemed to arise whenever he saw the two talking, vehemently denying that he harbored any such emotions when interrogated by his curly-haired boyfriend.

code by valen t.
bend over backwards

If Oates wasn’t laughing as he stood up, Rome might have been a bit more worried, but as it was, Rome just found himself laughing alongside his friend. Until he saw Oates’ face, and Rome’s mouth fell open. “Oh my god! Oat, you’re bleeding,” he told him uselessly, clutching his arm tightly. “I am so sorry.” He looked around them frantically for somewhere to sit down, as if that may help, then decided it was best to just sit on the spot. So, he pulled Oates back down onto the ground and sat cross-legged opposite him.

Should I get, like, a teacher or something? Is Callum around?” Rome asked, knowing he was not going to be at all someone who could do anything beneficial for Oates in this situation, and eager to hand off the responsibility to someone more capable.
MOOD: !!!!!

LOCATION: Stadium... cheer area

OUTFIT: Cheerleader's outfit, complete with crop top and booty shorts.

hery hery
code by valen t.
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As she made her way down the bleachers, that Neanderthal Nate Woods bounded past her and nearly knocked Adriane over onto the bleachers. She let out a small string of curses under her breath as she glared after him before picking her way down the rest of the steps and pushing her way through the crowd. Well, not really pushing her way because for the most part, people would step out of her way if they saw her coming. It was no secret to Adriane that people tended to avoid her if they could.

As she pushed her way through the crowd, her phone started buzzing. Now, when it came to Twitter, Adriane much preferred to stay mostly to herself. Maybe add an occasional comment here or there but, for the most part, she wouldn't comment. However, her phone was blowing up and she had to know what was so important this time. She pulled up the app and came to an abrupt stop as her gaze scanned the conversation. Were they... surely, no, that wasn't what they were saying.

But scrolling up just a bit let her see that what they were saying was true. A picture of Chas kissing Sebastian under the bleachers. It wasn't like she cared about any of that -- let Chas love whoever he wanted -- but it was obvious when she didn't see any messages from him threatening to send his lawyer to Nate that Chas had no idea.

Under the bleachers. That's where they had to be.

Adriane was still staring at her phone as she turned around and started to shove her way back through the crowd. Again, for the most part, she avoided people until she walked straight into someone. She pulled her gaze away from the phone screen long enough to look up -- and she was ready to snap, but the insults she had ready fell away from her tongue when she saw it was Gen.

She had seen Gen on Twitter during the heat of the conversation. Of course Adriane knew that Gen was one of the many, many people that found her best friend annoying, but Gen had actually stood up for him and tried to stop Nate. It had been strange to see so many people on Chas's side, but also strangely reassuring.

"I have to find Chas." Adriane stated. "Come on." Her words were clipped, maybe not making much sense, but she couldn't focus for the moment as she pushed her way towards the bleachers.

Her steps took her under the bleachers and for a moment, she paused, her breath catching in her throat as she looked across to see Sebastian and Chas. No one else had come under here to tell them and from what she could tell, they were having a serious moment. Part of her wanted to turn away and let them stay in this state of blissful happiness for just a little longer, but she knew that she needed to tell him. It was just like Adriane to be the harbinger of bad news.

"Chas," her voice called as she started walking towards them again. She took in a deep breath, waiting for her friend to look at her as she came to a stop near him and Sebastian. "Check your phone. Nate posted pictures of... you two on Twitter."
INTERACTIONS: Chas, Gen, Sebastian


TAGS: hery hery LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki geminiy geminiy
code by valen t.

Tyler Hampton.

Tyler offered a short wave at Amy as she passed by their seats. Over time, Amy'd become a close friend to Tyler, and even sort of a little sister to him. Her voice was one he was looking to capture one of these days, but he found his invites to Amy to record something either turned down for Kordei, or schoolwork. Humble, true, but annoying. She was talent going wasted in Tyler's eyes, a strong voice locked into a timid frame. His wish would've been for her to join him sometime, but that didn't change the way he cared for her either. Tyler wasn't one who liked having many friends-- too many people to look after, and too many people who could be after his father's fortune. Amy was different, and so she would stick around with or without her voice. He would've said something to her if she hadn't been so quickly distracted, and so Tyler's sights turned back to Jada at his side.

He glanced over at the field at Jada's words, only to see the last moments of Kordei's middle finger presentation. Dei had always been like that, at least at the Hollywood Arts games he'd watched. A pain in the ass for the opposition, but a producer of energy for the home team. A big part of him loved that about him, yet right now Tyler could've gone without it. Sure, Amy and Kordei were together (besides Tyler's best wishes), but Tyler was well aware of the history between Jada and the other man. As well as how adulterous #11 could be. Now Jada certainly wasn't the type to do anything with another man's girl-- yet jealousy boiled inside of him whenever Jada mentioned the name. Thankfully, the high was helping him keep any indication of it under wraps.

"He's a'ight." Tyler dismissed the notion. His eyes lit up at the Twizzlers hanging loosely from Jada's lips though, and even before she'd asked, he had three strings in his hands. A fourth dangling from the side of his own lips. "Oh... I thought these were already up for grabs." He let out a short chuckle, before glancing back towards the game, all while enjoying that rubbery, sweet, and lemony taste of dark cherry licorice. Tyler sat waiting as he anticipated some sort of response but Jada stayed quiet for the moment. It was then that he took a glance backwards, and that Jada's words had really sunk in.

His eyes hung over the image of two H.A. boys that Tyler recognized, along with the poster-tag that one couldn't miss. "Nate posted this?" Tyler asked as he inched closer to make out the image. He shook his head slowly in disappointment. While the two weren't close, Tyler'd smoked a pack or two with Nate in private. He of all people should've understood the importance of privacy. He couldn't stand looking at the image, not because of any level of homophobia, but due to the fact that the moment between those two was supposed to be private after all.

"I can't imagine how either of 'em must feel right now. You think they even know?" Tyler asked as he then nestled further into his seat once more. He hoped that was indication enough that he did not want to check out whatever was going on. The fact that it was posted on social media was saying enough, hell, a third of the school was probably tracking the two dudes, and who ever had posted it down already. Not to talk of the fact that Ty didn't know either of them, or what he'd do if he did go. He did try to read Jada's expression, and hopefully she didn't hate him for trying to stay out of it but- if he wasn't already involved, why dive into the mix now?

Hopefully they were on the same page because for some reason these Twizzlers were tasting sweeter than usual, and he could not imagine how sour they'd turn if they had to maneuver through the bleachers and inadvertently sniff literally any the sweaty fans.

mood errr... can we just sit?

location h.a. bleachers

tag(s) jada, @le reveur ,

mention(s) amy, Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202 , nate Winona Winona , chas/seb

outfit xoxo

coded by weldherwings.
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Elias Johannes

Happy that the conversation about his lovelife (or lack thereof) was over and replaced by the discussion between Trevor and Ash, Eli sat quietly and listened to their exchange. A soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he watched Ash’s expression shift ever so slightly as she stood to match Trevor’s height, subtle and undetectable to most. But to Eli, someone who had known Ash for so long, her face read like an open book.

Ash was in denial, though Eli really didn’t understand the whole point. Clearly she liked Trevor and, as far as he understood, Trevor liked her back. What was holding Ash back from admitting it? He knew that things had been difficult for ash since her breakup with Nico, maybe that was why she was keeping herself almost restrained. To be fair, Elias honestly didn’t care. As long as Ash was happy, that’s all that mattered to him. Of course, he would much prefer her happiness to be unapologetic and unrestrained, but he’d have to take what he could for the moment.

The temporary joy was short lived. For the second time during his break, the phone resting on his thigh began to buzz sporadically as the screen lit up with notifications. Typically, Elias would have ignored them. He believed in living in the moment but there was something about the sudden falling of Nickie’s face that made him check. The photos that danced across his screen made his stomach sink. He didn’t have time to be angry before Gen’s name popped up. Was it pride or secondhand fear for Nate that he felt? Probably both.

Nickie’s choked sobs made Eli lock his phone as he rushed to her side, his arms instinctively wrapping around her torso.

“Hey, hey, shh. It’s okay.” Eli attempted to console, his hand rubbing smooth circles on the flat of her back. It took Eli a minute to realize why she was so upset but as soon as he did, a protective instinct flushed over him. Ash’s question went unanswered as Eli moved in front of Nickie, his hands gently grasping Nickie’s shoulder as his other hand gently lifted her chin to look at him.

“I’m so sorry this happened to you. I promise that Nate won’t go unpunished for this. I can’t believe anyone would be this cruel.” Eli sighed, trying to offer a comforting smile to Nickie. “Chas will be okay, we’ll make this right. Just try to breathe, okay? Everything is going to be okay.”

Elias almost believed his own words until his phone buzzed again and a certain person popped into his head. Suddenly, the calm he had been enforcing was gone in a flash.

“Holy shit, Gen’s gonna kill him.” Eli rushed as he hopped to his feet. “Take care of Nickie, I’ll be right back!”

Without another thought to the situation, Eli took off at a sprint down the sideline of the football field, scanning the area for his twin. Where was she? If twin telepathy was a thing, Eli was counting on it to keep her calm. Seconds ticked by as Eli ran, the sweat beading on his brow. Did Nate still have a face by then? Probably not. Despite his best efforts, Gen was nowhere to be seen. But he kept running, trying to spot her. But who he did see was someone he assumed could help. So, without thinking, he ran directly up to her.

“Charlie have you seen Gen?” Elias panted, bracing himself on his knees. The look on Charlie’s face hadn’t been seen before, a dire mix of hurt and sadness all rolled up in a blanket of anger.

“How am I supposed to know?” Charlie snapped, though the softness of her features did not reflect the bitter bite to her tone. Charlie reached over and grabbed Amy’s hand, her eyes never leaving Eli’s face. For a moment, Eli thought he could see tears forming in her eyes. “Come on, Ames, we’re going to be late.”

Charlie pushed past Eli leaving him completely alone, his lungs struggling for breath. As a last resort, he texted Gen.

Where are you?

A few moments passed before a response flickered across his screen.

With Adri. Nate’s face broke my fucking nail.

Somehow, the response was enough for Eli to calm down. At least if Gen was texting him that means her hands weren’t busy strangling Nate. He’d find out what she meant after. For that moment, Eli just grabbed a seat on the bench to catch his breath and to collect his thoughts. All he had wanted was a nice calm evening of cheer with his friends. Should he have been surprised that it didn't go that way? Absolutely not. But it still stung nonetheless.


the bleachers




cheer uniform


nickie ohdittoh ohdittoh ash Winona Winona amy Kitsune2202 Kitsune2202 charlie
coded by natasha.

Kordei Grant.

Kordei placed his hands on his knees, his breathing heavy during the short one-minute timeout. Albeit a rough start with the defense out, as soon as the offense entered the game Hollywood Arts had been running. Dei grew hot quick, which was only expected of him. As usual, he played as the same explosive runningback he'd always been. In spite of his cussing, and berating of the quarterback all season, it seemed Donnie was finally getting the idea. Donnie'd been the quarterback as long as Dei had played on the team. A nerd, and member of digital graphics, Donnie's always struggled with getting into his own. At least the constant bad-mouthing of Kordei had gotten him into the gym, and worked him to his fullest potential.

"What the fuck is wrong with you n!@3$? The o-line is busting their asses and you're letting L.A. run all up on us. The game shouldn't be this close." Kordei shouted into the circle. He was met with a silent glare from Mr. Boyd, but the fact that he wasn't told off like he usually was when he got upset said something. The game was tied 14-13 in L.A. County's favour. Neither team had especially exceptional defenses, and so it'd been a battle of the o-lines the whole game. The rivalry between L.A. County and Hollywood Arts had virtually nothing to do with Kordei. It was more of a school district thing, whichever team was the top in every year. Yet Kordei felt his blood boil every time he ran the field. L.A. County was a dirty team, and he'd been knocked left, right, and center, all in ways that shouldn't have been legal in football. The time on the scoreboard brightly illuminating over the field read less than 3 minutes left in the second quarter, only moments before halftime.

"I'm running the motherfucking ball coach. The only person that's actually doing anything here besides me is Donnie anyways." Dei hadn't even stayed for the end of the team's huddle, but rather made his way onto the field. In silence, the H.A. team followed after him. Some would consider him a leader of sorts, others a bully, but it wasn't a question whether or not Kordei Grant was here to win.

Bent down slightly, and dripping so hard he was wet enough to be considered a lake, Kordei lined his spikes just before the line of scrimmage. At the usual "hut!" of his quarterback, Dei forced his right leg into the dirt. In it's wake, the grass tore up behind him, and like that he was off. Dei never played the game with any level of thought, but rather purely instinct. He was a natural talent, and in spite of training vigorous playbooks, he was prone to going off-book, just as he was doing now. After moving only a couple feet forwards, Kordei defeated his momentum by planting his left foot into the dirt, and instead spun back behind a coasting Donald. He curled behind the quarterback, and ripped the ball from the quarterback in forceful handoff. He heard the faint gasps of the crowd, though it could've also been the wind wooshing by his ears.

Dei's heart was beating triple times usual as he ran the ball. They'd hardly crossed the 25-yard line when he'd stolen the handoff, not to talk of the initial play being a throwing one. It didn't matter though, as he ran down the field. His tongue stuck out of his lips, specks of salt-filled sweat droplets entered his taste buds as he advanced. With the ball tucked into his right hand, and left one outstretched to block, Kordei was progressing quickly as he usually did. While he was nothing of a big brute, he was lean, and quick. As the first obstacle in his path rose up, Kordei simply stepped onto his right with a deceiving inclination in that direction, before shifting his weight onto his left. Ha! Stupid.

The next juke involved only a simple spin move, easy enough. Now all that was in his sights was the endzone. It was all coming so quickly to him. Ten yards, ten more, oh, ten more, and then-- SMACK!

He'd felt it in his lower torso first, but the force ricocheted up his spine. He felt his head whip violently in the direction of his attacker, before his whole body was forced down to the dirt. Dei couldn't even tell where the ball was-- or what had hit him. A voice in the distance said softly, "You've got no chance with my mom, she dates real men. Not singers."

"Aw..." Was all he could muster on his place on the dirt. The sound of the half ending rung out, which only amplified the pain banging at his head. After moments of laying there in pain his teammates had helped him onto his feet and into the locker room, not without the scolding of Mr. Boyd though. Not like he could focus anyways, since when did Mr. Boyd have a twin?

"Get a breather boys. Enjoy the halftime concert, but don't go too far. There's far too much work to be done."

That was enough for Dei. While he definitely didn't have his usual balance, he had enough to push off his shoulder pads, throw on a hoodie, and put on some slides. He wobbled out of the football locker room, and found himself leaning on the door just outside of the stadium. With a bag of ice to his head, and two capsules of Ibuprofen swimming down his throat, he was certainly rethinking every life decision he'd made up until that moment. Hopefully literally any of his friends were doing better than him at that moment.


mood ouch.

location h.a. football stadium entrance.

tag(s) everybody

mention(s) n/a.

outfit game time, with a dark green h.a. hoodie on and some slides.

coded by weldherwings.
MOOD: wig snatched

OUTFIT: green n classy

LOCATION: behind the bleachers
too much work

LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki (Sebastian)
Winona Winona (Adriane)
TL;DR nope
Chas Marino
Chas ripped his face away from Seb faster than he'd done anything in his life, instinctually shoving him away, as if it would erase the image of the two of them making out from Adriane's mind. As she called his name, he defensively tensed up despite paling at the idea that he had failed to conceal his love affair with Seb. He prepared a thousand different explanations in his head, none of them even remotely convincing. Really, who believes 'It's not what it looks like!' in this day and age?

And then Adriane came to a stop. Just when Chas had thought things couldn't get any worse, his best friend gave the two of them the news. The humiliating, shocking, painful, nearly unbelievable news. The astonished boy felt his blood turn to ice, freezing him in place. "No... there's no way... I was so sure no one was..." he stammered, trailing off as he craned his neck past Adriane to scrutinize the area for the aforementioned cameraman.

It would only make sense that Nate would be the one to stumble upon them and, worse, expose them without hesitation. He couldn't even look at Seb or Adriane, grinding his teeth and occasionally twitching out of a horrifying uncertainty of what the hell he was supposed to do now. All of the seething rage within him rushed to escape his body like a rising cloud of steam, yet dissipated as he was just shy of his breaking point. Instead, he deflated, the intense fury he felt toward Nate and his life, which was now over, crumbling and reassembling in the form of a crushing numbness.

His face and mind went blank, the noise of the game drowned out by the sensation that he was about to pass out, then and there. He slowly turned to look back at Seb, who was typing away on his phone. He simply stared as the boy typed and typed, unable to make sense of it all. He gathered enough courage to slowly pull out his own phone, his eyes still unfocused and staring blankly forward. With a pause to steel his nerves, he opened Twitter. He scrolled up and skimmed the thread for any photos, which he came to realize had been taken down.

As much as he wanted to study every single word everyone had said in response, he couldn't bear to continue reading if he didn't want to break down into tears again in front of his best friend and the guy he liked, as well as whoever could be lurking around the corner like Nate. He had not yet recovered from his previous cry, his cheeks still slightly red and stained with tears. There was no time he could recall he felt so fragile and so small. He could sink onto the ground and curl up to cry at any moment, but he still couldn't move his body. He stood still, fists clenched, his utterly lost eyes fixed downwards at his phone, which was off.

Chas really, really wanted to lose his cool. He wanted to fall back into Seb's arms and shed every tear left in his tear ducts. He wanted to sob his eyes out as Seb reassured him he would deal with things himself. All of his restraint was going into maintaining his vacant facial expression.

He could hardly stand, as evident by his quivering joints. And he was tired. Too tired to convince even himself he could handle this setback and give Nate what he deserved. Too tired stand frozen and contain all of the emotions rushing into his head. Too tired to wipe away the tears he silently shed as they rolled slowly down his cheeks.

"Tell me where he is."

code by valen t.[/border

MOOD || pain
OUTFIT || cheer uniform
LOCATION || football stadium
INTERACTIONS || Winona Winona (ash), geminiy geminiy (elias), natsukashii natsukashii (mimi)
MENTIONS || Winona Winona (nate)

Nickie was crying so hard that she couldn't stop her shoulders from shaking or her lip from quivering, and, as she pried her hands away and looked at Mimi, no words came from her mouth. Instead, a choked sob escaped her chapped lips, and she shook her head before collapsing in on herself. She held her head in her hands, arms propped up on her knees.

She bit down on her bottom lip and stared at her shoes as hot tears poured from her bloodshot eyes. Her vision was blurry, and she could see nothing through the haze of tears except colored blobs that she all felt looked down upon her.

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty... She counted by tens in her head like her mom had always taught her to do when she was upset, but she couldn't focus on the numbers, and she lost count each time as her mind cut in with "Chas" and "Sebastian". God, fuck, this hurt. This hurt.

She tasted a metallic flavor in her mouth, and she released her lip, knowing that she had drawn blood and not caring, just struggling to hold back tears and gasps with shaking shoulders.

As Ash pulled her into a tight hug, Nickie lifted her head to her. Nickie's blue eyes were striking against their red background, and the glassiness of them made it seem almost as if her eyes were a polished expression of just what hurt meant. "What...?" Nickie choked, and then gasped a sob and covered her mouth, her eyes tearing up. Not even thinking, she leaned the side of her head into Ash's shoulder and let out an unrestrained sob that echoed in the area.

She felt embarrassed and disgusted with herself, and she covered her face again. Co-captain, pretty girl, bad bitch Nickie was really none of those things.

She was a simp. A girl without a chance who was nearly certain that even the one who was actually responding back to her didn't care for her for anything more than a fling but was still hurt when the one who only hardly acknowledged her existence turned out to be making out with someone underneath the bleachers.

Another set of arms wrapped around her, these ones stronger and warmer, Nick felt a tickle of nausea in the back of her throat from the guilt that she felt for being comforted. She didn't deserve this. The rubbing on her back only served to fuel her crying, and she uncovered her face and squeezed her eyes shut, biting her lip again.

She felt Eli's hands on her shoulders, and she opened her eyes as he tilted her head towards him. She could make out most of his features through her tears, and it made her gasp another sob. He looked so concerned for her. She didn't deserve it. "E-Everything will...," she managed to repeat before she began to choke back s some sobs once more.

Nickie's foggy hearing managed to make out a one word from the loudspeaker: "halftime".

She felt her heart rate quicken, and through her tears, she looked out at the feild, where the football boys were all headed off.


Shakily and without a warning, Nickie pulled free of Ash's embrace and stood to her feet, stumbling a bit, and she yelled, at the top of her scratchy lungs and in forced happiness, "Alright, team-- halftime!"

She turned her head away from the others and grabbed her pompoms, making eye contact with her feet only as she made her way down the bleachers and to the sidelines, resuming her previous state of distress.

She had to perform. She had to.

She repeated this to herself all the way down, and, when she reached the spot where they were to meet, she looked up at the crowd. They were all blurs in her tear-fuzzed vision. As they buzzed, she knew what they were talking about.


They were all looking and talking about her. Laughing at her.

Nickie let out a soft, sad laugh, and then fell to the grass as her knees buckled.

As she picked herself up, she held back her tears, forcing a smile on in an attempt to help. The show must go on, she told herself, and you being a little bitch won't get that happening.
code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
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Hunter Drake



  • blank

The majority of both Hunter’s attention and whatever remained of his mental energy was completely directed at watching the game. He wouldn’t say he was a sports fan. He wouldn’t go out of his way to watch everything sports like most red-blooded Americans might. He wasn’t the type to invest heavily in fantasy football, baseball, basketball, and whatever fantasy sport existed. That wasn’t to say he didn’t enjoy them, but he was a casual fan at best.

Well, at least if Kordei Grant wasn’t involved.

Hunter knows how this looks from the outside, but the truth of the matter was that Dei, for a lack of a better way of putting it, was his brother in every way that mattered. Dei took him under his wing, gave him a place to stay in favor of the horrendous school-assigned “apartments”, which were really just glorified dorm rooms if Hunter was being honest. Dei taught him things such as how to woo the ladies. He let him hang out around him whenever he hosted parties, and, really, that meant more to Hunter than Dei might ever know.

Hunter wasn’t a sports fan but he was a Kordei Grant fan and that’s why he became frustrated because all he wanted to do was enjoy the game, but between his phone buzzing constantly (and annoyingly so) and a certain redhead insisting on talking while he watches Kordei struggle to own the field like he usually did (it was the team’s fault honestly), he just couldn’t deal. So he took to his phone, looking down at it for a bit.

And then he saw nothing but red. That seething red stemming from seeing that photo of Chas and Seb in an intimate moment and the original poster being Nate.

Now, Hunter never had any real problems with Nate. They bickered and got into each other’s faces, but there wasn’t any real beef between them. Despite this, Hunter felt a surprisingly-assertive sense of loyalty kick in because Chas was involved. Chas was the other half of his older brothers from other mothers (the first being Dei). Both were like idols to Hunter, two upperclassmen that helped mold the person he is today. And when he saw Chas being forcefully and how Nate didn’t seem to regret it, that got on his nerves. So much so that he got so absorbed into the back and forth on the thread that he completely ignored the game until he heard the announcer, well announce, halftime.

He pocketed his phone. “Stay here Ronnie. I...gotta go--” Before he could finish that sentence, Hunter’s attention, as livid as he was, had been captured by a scene unfolding in front of him. He just now realized seeing. Nickie looked like she had been crying and was surrounded by the other cheerleaders.

Suddenly, whatever impulsive feat of violence he was about to commit against Nate (if he had been able to find him) became a thing of the immediate past. Hunter stood up, promptly ignoring Ronnie altogether, and found himself leaning over the edge, close enough to hear the cheerleaders all offer their various support for Nickie.

As halftime officially started, Hunter watched with a proud smile on his face as he saw Nickie seemingly picking herself back up when it appeared her knees gave up on her for a brief moment. Should the brunette look his way, she might see a thumbs-up gesture and a softer smile of support for her, shouting, “You got this, Nicks!” at her. Nickie was someone very special to him. He might be an ass sometimes -- what with how many girls he hits on, but she always did have a special place in the part of his body that resembled his heart.

coded by weldherwings.

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