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Hogwarts (with LeftShark)


"After all this time?"/"Always"
We are students at Hogwarts. There may be some exciting things in the RP, but that is currently unknown.

Happy RP-ing!
Lily Katri woke up to the sound of her owl, Tiniwingle, chirping.

She sighed and said, "Good morning Tini."

The owl replied with a squawk and nibbled of Lily ear. She giggled, because it tickled slightly.
Brendan Gilinsky was already awake when most people were waking up. He had always woken up early and sneaked out into outside. He liked to just sit by lake and think. Soon enough, the time for breakfast in the Great Hall began.
Lily got out of bed and got changed into her Hogwarts Uniform. She left the Ravenclaw common room and walked down to the great hall for breakfast.
Brendan walked into the Great Hall, but felt a body bump into him. He looked up to see a young girl from a younger grade, Ravenclaw. "Sorry." He said, a light smile plastered on his face.
As Lily walked into the Great Hall, someone bumped into her. She looked to see who it was - an older boy from Slytherin.

"Sorry," he said, with a smile.

"Umm... It's OK..." Lily replied.
Brendan nodded his head before gesturing for her to enter the hall first before he entered. He walked to the Slytherin table and sat down. Most of the girls were staring at him. He was what one would say the main guy in Hogwarts.
Lily walked though the door to the Great Hall and sat down next to her best friend, Athena.

"Hey Athena!" Lily said.

"Hi Lily!" Athena replied.

Lily grabbed a piece of toast.

"What happened over there?" Athena asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Something happened to you over at the door," Athena told her.

"Oh... Right... Umm... Some older Slytherin bumped into me," Lily replied.
Brendan sighed. He couldn't get his eyes off of the girl from earlier. The headmaster began his speech and the other teachers said their thing as well.
The headmaster started talking, so Lily and Athena put their conversation on hold. After breakfast, they went back to the common room to collect their things.
After breakfast, Brendan went up to the Slytherin common room to collect his things for his first class. It was potions with Ravenclaw. He began to walk to the potions classroom.
"What do have first?" Athena asked.

"Umm... Potions," Lily replied.

They walked down to the dungeons where their potions class would take place
Brendan was already in the dungeon when the girl from earlier entered the room. He nodded briefly to her before turning to his textbook in front of him. More people entered the class and the lesson began.
Lily entered the room and sat down next to Athena. She saw the boy from earlier. That's strange, Lily thought, I'm sure he's in an older year...
(Maybe we can say that he failed a few years. *shrugs*)

Brendan sighed. The lesson hadn't even started yet and it was boring already. He shook his head, trying to focus. He needed to do well this year, or his father would kill him. Litterally.
(good idea)

Lily took out a quill and started drawing random things. The lesson finally began, so Lily put down her quill and turned the page of her book.

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