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Realistic or Modern Hogwarts: The New Order


Jessie Carter - Slytherin - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - Gryffindor - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - Hufflepuff - #BF9C41

The passing weeks since they were chosen had been nerve wracking, to say the very least. None of them had to say it aloud, it was evident enough. At least classes and extra time on their hands carried on as usual, for the most part. The more time they all focused on classes, it seemed to calm the nerves, somewhat. Until the time eventually came…

Cas had made their way to the Champions tent that lied just outside of the first task’s arena. Accompanied with Jessie and Haylen. Thankfully the trio wasn’t the last ones to arrive, and they weren’t the last either. All sixteen Champions had themselves lined up around one of the Coordinators of the First Task, they had been tasked with retrieving a Magical Creature from within the bag, and whatever they pulled. It was what they would be going up against. Cas had only heard stories of past tournaments, and the varying tasks over the years. The last time the tournament required magical creatures, was over a decade ago. Cas could recall their cousin having gone up against…a…what was it called again? A Zouwu? A large feline creature, more or less a magical version of a lion, Cas thought. If they somehow managed that, it would have been easy enough. Magical Creatures class was one of their specialties, after all. It would be easy, so they thought.

Cas silently, nervously watched as Jessie went rather reluctantly first, however she managed to maintain her composure,t and retrieved a small three headed statue of a creature. Her eyebrows furrowed initially as she tried to figure out which creature it was, “Good luck with that one, mate.” Cas chuckled nervously. Jessie tilted her head to the side, obvious confusion. “It’s a Runespore Serpent.” they shrugged, “Nasty fella, but I’m sure you’ll…Manage.” the last word said with an emphasis. One that only received a roll of the eye from their Slytherin cousin.

Jessie looked back at Cas after giving a small nod. Snake, alright. Could be much, much worse. There were far worse creatures that Jessie could have thought of having to blindly pick, suddenly her’s didn’t seem to bad. “Oh yeah? How about you see how you fair?” she grinned back.

Cas scoffed, “Don’t mind if I do-” they said with a sly grin, reaching in and pulling their hand out, within it was the miniature version of a Chinese Fireball. Cas’ eyes flickered up to look at Jessie, this time a sheepish grin overtook their own features. Of course they would have picked a dragon as well, especially as Nova had picked a Hungarian Horntail, just as equally brutal, they thought.

“Good luck with that one, mate-” Jessie retorted.

Cas rolled their eyes as they looked down at the small figurine in their hand, “Yeah I deserved that…” Cas mumbled. They turned the figure over in their hands a bit, taking in all the details. Why was it them out of all people for dragons? They weren’t even the one with the older sister who went off to become a dragon tamer anyway. That was all Jessie.

Next it was Haylen, who looked all too nervous. He never was one who hid negative emotions well. After taking a look at what Jessie and Cas had gotten, he could only manage to gulp before retrieving his chosen creature from the bag. His eyes widening at the figurine, raising an eyebrow, “Is..Is that-” Haylen paused for a moment, “...That’s a Kelpie, isn’t it?” he asked, rather begrudgingly. A look of disapointment crossed Haylen’s face.

“What’s a matter? Afraid of the sea beast?” Jessie sneered playfully.

“No…I just don’t like water very much.” Haylen recoiled, making his way over to one of the benches, turning the figurine in his hands.

“As long as you don’t drown, I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Cas retorted, “Meanwhile I have to go up against a flaming chicken? With spikes..And doesn’t like magic.” they grumbled.

“Thanks for the motivation, Cas.” Haylen mumbled once again.

“Aren’t you a Metamorphagus?” Jessie said, head tilted.

“Yeah…?” further confusion scrawled across Haylen’s face.

“...Sooo.” Cas gestured rather vaguely at their twin.

There was a long pause before a look of realization hit Haylen, “Oh..Oh!” a large grin formed, “That’s a good idea, actually. Thanks guys.”

The remaining Champions went about taking their turns, each retrieving a unique creature. It was only at the end that they were told they'd been going out in order of which they withdrew their respective creatures. All Cas could do was be thankful they weren’t first. But second place wasn’t looking much better either.

Cas and the others were brought up to the overhang of the stadium where the arena was in the middle. Getting a front row seat to the first task that was underway.

As the first cannon fired, Jessie was let out of the tent and into the large stadium that lied within the magically infused arena. By her assumption every different champion would have their own unique playing field, especially given the vastly different creatures they all picked. Some more desirable than others, she could help but think.

The energy in the air was palpable as she made her way out, taking the first few steps onto slates of rock, sharpened edges and broken pillars all around the arena. She could scope out the few evident hiding spots for her advantage, but what worried her? Was that she didn’t see any creature, at least not at first. All she could hear was the excited cheers and applause of the crowd, especially that of Slytherin. She recognized more than just a few faces, but one had caused her to stop in her tracks. How had Jessie not known she was going to be here? Granted, last time they had written letters to each other, Jessie had been told her sister was all the way in Bulgaria due to work. But considering what some of the creatures were, it made sense for her to be here. Dragon's were a nasty bunch, after all. Jessie had just wished she was told ahead of time, but it was a welcome surprise, if nothing else. They would need to catch up after the first task-

Jessie had been torn out of her thoughts when a low rumbling sound shook the very ground itself, causing her to stumble before regaining balance. Looking around nervously, as she had on instinct retrieved her wand by her side. Her grip remained firm as ever, her eyes scanning the open arena in search of the creature. Which is when her eyes finally landed on her target. Three very large forms began to unearth themselves from the rubble. Three large serpentine heads rose to an incredible height, if she had to guess it couldn’t have been any more than twenty feet. Jessie gulped, before taking a deep breath. She had studied snakes for years, and while her memory may have been rusty, especially considering one as such of a Runespore, she did remember that she head had its own personality and manner of being. The left was considered to be the Planner, it made the decisions, the middle was the Dreamer or Visionary, often lost in thought, could only be considered the idiot out of the three, and the final one, the one on the right, was the Critic, it tended to be the one the other two heads didn’t like much. Somewhat of a hydra from Greek mythology in the mortal world, she concluded. Great.

Without much more of a second thought, Jessie dodged out of the way and behind one of the large stone pillars. She needed time to think of a plan. A proper plan. Being first wasn’t a good idea after all, for multiple reasons. If she could distract the middle head long enough to piss off and annoy the other two, it would be the perfect distraction to get what she needed from the nest and then make her way out. And she would be done. Foolproof, right? It had to be.

Taking a few shaky breaths, Jessie glanced off to the side of the pillar from where she was hiding, the creature was still in search of the intruder. She gulped back whatever sense of fear was starting to build up, she clutched her wand to her side. There were audible gasps from the crowd as she stepped forward out into the open. Arms outstretched by her sides, indicating no threat. There was no point in trying to fight a three headed snake that was ten times her own size. That would have been far too reckless and dangerous, even for her. Jessie kept her head low, and her eyes up. If she posed no threat outwardly, maybe her plan would in fact work. However stupid it may have been in the end. Jessie kept a steady pace as she made her way through the open field of the arena, however cautious. It seemed that she was of no real cause for alarm as the snake seemed to be occupied with something else.

Jessie let out a content sigh, as this whole thing seemed to be going a little too easy. Why was this so easy, it shouldn’t have been-It was then that the ground shook beneath her feet once more, however subtle it may have been. She looked up just in time to be met with three sets of eyes glowering down at her from above. This creature truly was bigger than she had anticipated. Six eyes glared down at her, making Jessie realize just how small she truly was. This wasn’t good. The head in the middle peered down at Jessie for a few moments, before it became disinterested in her. Meanwhile the two on either side grew closer, a cacophony of strange hisses escaped the two heads that leered closer and closer every passing second.

From any outsider looking in, it appeared as if the two heads were going to devour the young Slytherin. The two outer heads coiling back, as deep hisses sounded, appearing to strike at any moment. All the while Jessie stood strong, her eyes never once wavering from the creature that towered over her. After a few moments of silence, Jessie finally opened her mouth and what sounded next, were strange hissing sounds of her own. Accompanied by Jessie lowering her head while she gave a low half bow, one arm crossing her chest while the other was anchored behind her back. The two exchanged words in the form of hisses to those that watched it all unfold before them, meanwhile the strange hisses between the two shifted into hushed words and whispers as they reached Jessie’s ears. It was odd, no matter how many times she had done this. Being able to speak with snakes like this, never truly sat right with her, but right now, it seemed to be the only thing that may have gotten her out of this less than ideal situation. Only if she played her cards right, of course.

More moments passed in utter silence, other than the exchange of hisses between the two, Jessie finally raised her head once more, taking two steps back. Finally taking a moment to glance up at the large beast before her. With an outstretched hand, she closed her eyes. Letting out one final string of hisses to the creature. The two exchanged darkened glances between the two, the head on the right, the Critic, finally giving a nod to the Slytherin, before the creature gave one final hiss and began to slither away. Further into the arena.

Jessie finally felt herself able to take a breath once again. She genuinely didn’t think that would have worked, thank Merlin it did. Without as much as looking back, Jessie made her way through the arena, now without the current threat of the creature that called it home. What lied in the center, could only be described as somewhat of a macabre scene. Scattered bones of unknown origins, and shattered rock lied in the form of a nest, of sorts. Six eggs lied untouched in the middle. They had the same black and dark blood-orange sheen as the Runespore had. Without a second thought, Jessie picked up what she had come there for in the first place, a silver and black locket that lied among the eggs. Jessie picked up the strange piece of jewelry, eyeing it over as she held it in her palm. Turning back around, she gave a look over the audience once again, before giving a small final nod, and without a word she made her way out of the arena. Back towards the Champion’s tent. Now she could finally breathe.

Cas grinned as they watched their cousin complete her first task rather quickly and ingeniously, if they might add. Using her ability to speak with snakes, as well as serpentine movements to distract the creature? Brilliant, truly. Cas never had a doubt about it. They knew she was a Parselmouth, but being able to see it for themself was something else.

However, it only meant that it was now their turn to attempt their first task. Wonderful. They had this, why wouldn’t they?

Cas made their way down, retrieving the miniature from their pocket, and handed it to Jessie. “Hold it for me until I get back, yeah?” Cas chuckled as they heard Jessie reply with a playful muffled, “Go fuck yourself, mate.” as she made her way up to where the others were waiting, but not before she took the small figurine from her cousin. Fidgeting with it awkwardly in her hands.

Cas nervously made their way out of the Champions tent, and out into the Arena. Large, jagged spikes were spread out all across the arena. The air was still. All too still as Cas looked around. The stadium booths were filled with students and staff members alike. All watching with bated breath to see what the young and troublesome Hufflepuff would do. Cas carefully surveyed the arena, making sure to take note of places to hide or avoid. What would be the best approach to getting an egg from a dragon? A Chinese Fireball, nonetheless.

The Hufflepuff carefully began to step out, the soft sound of crushed stone beneath their feet was the only sound that could be heard. Cas kept their ears and eyes surveying the area, knowing that something could happen any moment. And just as quickly it did. A large form lurked over one of the stone formations that stood across from Cas on the other end of the arena. “Big fella, huh..?” Cas mused softly. Taking another step, but carefully and slowly.

They watched as the dragon looked around, and then disappeared back over the rocks. Maybe it hadn’t seen them, they wondered? Keeping close to the rocks that ran along the wall, Cas slowly crept throughout the arena. Cas was seemingly making record time before there was a loud crunch from underneath their feet. Their boots had crushed a very large piece of fragile slated stone. God dammit, Cas cursed internally. Slowly looking up, Cas was met with a blur of scales.

The force of whatever hit the ground near them was enough to send Cas backwards, slamming their back into the ground below. With a pained groan, Cas managed to prop themself up onto their elbows, to see the Chinese Fireballl was now clearly pissed off by the intruder in their territory. As it glared down at them. “Good...Good Chicken-dragon?” they questioned cheekily. The better Cas looked at the creature, the more and more it did in fact begin to look like a giant chicken, just with scales instead of feathers. It’s nothing more than a giant Chocobo, that happens to be on fire, Cas thought. Causing a small chuckle to bubble up at their stupid joke. At least Haylen would have appreciated the reference. Oh well.

There was an ungodly roar that filled the air as the Fireballl reared back, and took flight. Looking directly at Cas. The Hufflepuff looked up as it opened its mouth, knowing what was to come next, Cas managed to roll to the side and scrambled back onto their feet as a large fire-ball was sent in their direction. Merely missing it by just a few inches. Too close.

Cas could still feel the heat from the fire that barely missed them as they hid behind a large stone structure. Trying to think on what to do. It was only then when they remembered, magic wasn’t against the rules. If the dragon wanted to fly, then they’d fly. “Accio, Firebolt!!” Cas called out the simple spell. Knowing they’d have to wait for it to be of effect.

Just then another blast of fire was sent their way, and Cas managed to dodge out of the way again. But felt a sharp pain across their face as sharpened pieces of stone sliced their cheek, causing a pained groan to escape them. Looking up once more, but only a few seconds too late Cas felt the singed heat against their skin as yet another fireball was hurled their way. Cas bellowed out as they felt their skin burn as the fireball had only just missed them for the most part. Their left arm having been caught in the blast. As they rolled out of the way, panic began to set in for them. Could they feel their arm? Was it too badly injured? Please- As they looked down, only the cloth of their tournament cloak had been burned and turned to ash in certain places, the skin of their arm blistered underneath where the fabric had disintegrated. They still had all their fingers and could move their hand and arm. They’d be fine. They had so, so much worse happen before. It would leave some nasty scars, but with some help from Madam Pompfrey, they’d be right as rain afterwards. She always took such good care of her students..

After a few moments of collecting themself, Cas rolled away once again as the dragon continued its pursuit. Sending more countless fireballs in Cas’s direction. They peered over the other side of the stone and grinned, looking back, Cas was immediately greeted by the Chinese Fireballl as it enclosed them once again. Without hesitation, Cas bolted in the opposite direction, using a slanted piece of stone to launch themself just in time to grab onto their broom they had summoned for. And now, it was a test of pure speed and outsmarting a dragon. A god damn dragon, that was all. The crowd cheered and applauded for the quick thinking, and watched as the dragon snorted angrily. The thick metal chain that had been keeping it within the arena easily broke as the dragon used enough strength. Pulling itself free.

The crowd watched as Cas grinned, “Let’s see how fast you can really go, huh?” they called out, and Cas had taken off on their broom away from the arena. With the dragon following suit. It was now a pure test of brains, flight, and speed. If Cas was careless, or the dragon was just fast enough, Cas could be knocked from their broom and fall to their fate below. How grim.

Acting quickly, Cas had been able to lead the dragon far from the arena, all the way back to the castle. All the while, the dragon had been swift and fast, Cas had one thing it didn’t. The ability to get into smaller spaces than it ever could. Cas knew that if they were able to hide away somewhere, where the dragon couldn’t find them, or at least be distracted long enough, they’d be able to fly back and retrieve the egg.

Which is what led Cas to hiding in a hollowed out part of the cliff’s edge that the castle was built over. They waited as they could hear the dragon clawing and snapping away at the entrance. And continued to wait as they listened to it eventually lose interest. As Cas crept out, they saw that the dragon was now scouring the castle for its lost prey.

With caution, Cas had gotten back onto their broom, and with a distracted dragon, they flew back to the arena. As Cas enclosed on the egg, they dismounted from their broom and scooped up the golden egg. Making sure to avoid damaging any of the actual Chinese FireBall dragon eggs within the nest. Then they would have a real problem on their hands, and no one needed a very pissed off mama Chinese Fire-Ball Dragon mourning the loss of her eggs.

As the crowd cheered, Cas gave a small bow of their head, gave a small wave of their hand ,and held the egg up in the air with their other hand. Looking up into the seating where the other Champions were, Cas gave a few familiar faces a small wink, before they made their way into the Champions tent.

Haylen wore a large cheeky grin as he greeted Cas as they walked into the tent. He had already made their way down to greet his twin after their flawless victory. “I knew you’d do it!” Haylen cheered, wrapping Cas in a hug.

“Easy there, bud.” Cas said with a groan, “Arm got a bit messed up out there.” they relented, taking a look at their still burned arm. “Gonna leave a nasty mark, eh?”

Haylen gave a soft chuckle, “Yeah, but you outsmarted a dragon, Cas!” Haylen continued, “I knew there was nothing to worry about-” another sound of a cannon went off.

“Well, there is now.” Cas grinned, taking a few steps towards the staircase, “Goodluck, brother.” they gave an honest smile, before they made their way up with the others.

Haylen took a deep, nervous breath. “I got this…” he said with a gulp, before stepping out into the arena. Haylen paused at what laid before him. The arena was now in the form of a giant lake, with a medium sized platform for him to stand on. Rocks poked out from the water’s surface. But not much else could be seen. “Are…Are they allowed to do this?” Haylen exclaimed, a sense of anxiety was evident in his tone.

The crowd let out a few chuckles and laughs, but some continued to cheer Haylen on. They looked back around, “I just don’t know where it is-” before he could even finish their sentence something had hit the platform from underneath. Knocking Haylen off of his balance and into the dark water below.

The water was cold, all too cold for Haylen’s liking. If it wasn’t already for the general anxiety and panic that had set in, the water only seemed to worsen his condition. Thankfully Haylen had taken a deep breath before they had been knocked into the murky depths below. The words of his cousin and sibling rang through his mind. How had he nearly forgotten? With a deep exhale, bubbles escaped out in front of Haylen, as a large mass suddenly swam around them. Clinging to the darkness that surrounded Haylen. He had to focus, he had to focus or Haylen would drown here and now. They’d be taken down to the murky depths of the lake. Or so the old stories of the Kelpie that his mother and father used to read to the children came to mind. Haylen never like those stories, the darkness of water petrified him. And yet, here they were. Haylen had found himself floating in the darkness, out of all places. Alone. By himself. Underwater. What a cruel fate this must have been…

Focus, Hayl. Focus.
They reminded themself once more, they could feel the slight pain begin to creep up their shoulders and neck, all the way into their head, and the tingling sensation in their arms and legs. Slowly opening their eyes, vision became clearer, Haylen could smell better than they did only moments ago. And they could breathe. Breathe underwater? It was rare that Haylen forced most of his body to change like this, so much so that Hayl tended to forget they could even do this. Looking down, their fingers were webbed, as were their feet, the top of their arms were now a grey-blue tone. Rough to the touch, Haylen knew a wrong move could cause cuts. It really was like sandpaper, they thought.

Focusing on the form he had taken, as well as the area of where he found himself now, Haylen finally began to push himself through the water. Whatever they had to look for would be easier now, just other than the fact that there was a large predator in the water with them. Something Haylen had nearly forgotten about in his excitement.

Pushing through the water, Haylen kept his eyes for anything to pop out at them at any moment, Haylen knew if the Kelpie had gotten a surprise on them, they would infact be doomed. This was the creature’s turf, after all. He was nothing more than a visitor. As they swam, Haylen could feel the sensation of being watched. From something, something all too large. With every passing moment it caused anxiety and dread to spread throughout their body. Which made focusing on keeping the form they had taken on, that much harder.

There was something that caught Haylen’s eye, causing them to pause. Something seemed to twinkle and sparkle at the bottom. They just had to swim closer to get a better look .Maybeit was what he was after? As Haylen got closer, the feeling of being watched grew closer and closer. That was when Haylen finally looked over their shoulder, just in time as something swam up beside him, and dragged him down by the cuff of their shirt.

The light from above only became more and more faded the further Haylen was dragged down. Haylen attempted to fight off the creature that had a hold of them, but they weren’t able to break free. The Kelpie had too tight of a hold on him with its large fangs. A kelpie having fangs…that wasn’t a visual Haylen ever wanted to see. Fumbling for their wand that was strapped to his leg, Haylen managed to mumble out,“Relashio!” a simple releasing spell. And luckily, it worked. The beast forcibly let go of its prey. Haylen attempted to swim further away from the creature, but it managed to grab him by the leg once more, attempting to pull Haylen down once more. Without thinking, Haylen aimed their wand at the Kelpie once more and uttered “Incarcerous!” various ropes formed out of Haylen’s wand, wrapping themselves around the Kelpie. Temporarily stabilizing the creature. Haylen knew they didn’t have much time left. The creature was strong, and they knew that spell would only last so long.

Haylen took once last look in the direction of where they had seen whatever object it was that caught their attention the first time. Aiming their wand, “Accio!” they called out. Within moments, a sparkling, shining object was in their hands. Haylen didn’t bother to look if it was what he needed or not, and turned tail to force himself back up and out of the water. They didn’t want to be here any longer.

Within moments, Haylen came bursting out of the surface of the water, and landing on the platform above. It was an odd sight initially. Haylen’s form had taken on partial aspects of a Salmon Shark. Slowly Haylen’s arms and legs, and face began to reform back into that of his normal form. Haylen shivered and coughed up water that they had managed to swallow back on his panicked retreat to the surface. Something silver still clutched in their hand as they laid there on the platform. Haylen took a few deep breaths, before slowly sitting up, looking at what was held in their hand. It appeared to be an old necklace of some sort.

A loud applause filled the stands once more, as it was finally declared that Haylen had also passed his own First Task. The sound of the cannon being the final confirmation. Haylen scrambled to their feet, awkwardly letting out a chuckle, before a proud grin formed on their face. Haylen looked off into the Gryffindor stand and grinned before finally making his way into the Champions tent once more. He needed to rest now..
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eden and nova and antigone
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964

After a quick inspection to make sure that he hadn’t done himself any serious damage, Eden was allowed to return to the Champion’s tent. The adrenaline was rapidly wearing off, which meant the aching was starting to kick in as well. By the time he got back to the tent, it felt like he was outright hobbling. But even still, he was beaming with a smile as he caught up to the others. They were all clutching some treasure or another in their hands. The medics barely even seemed to have noticed that Eden was still clutching the crown, and truth be told, Eden himself had nearly forgotten about it as well.

“We all did it? We did it!” He cheered.
“I’m just annoyed that somebody fell into the water in the first thirty seconds of their task so none of the rest of us could see what was going on. They’ll have to tell us stories of their thrilling task and of their true Gryffindor bravery,” Tig remarked, jostling Hayl with her shoulder.
“Didn’t you get knocked off your feet by a giant cat?” Eden asked, and she shrugged.
“Yeah, but at least you guys could see that happening,” she replied.
“Jessie just had a pleasant conversation with her creature and that was that, by the looks of things,” Nova remarked. She was sitting cross-legged on one of the chairs, the tiara she’d so carefully claimed sitting atop her mane of curls. In one hand, she held a scrap of parchment with notes hastily scribbled down. She glanced down, and happy with what she had, stashed it away in the pocket of her robes.

“Will the Champions now return to the arena for the results?” A voice boomed into the tent. In their various states of injury, they all hobbled out into the arena. It was now returned to a grassy pitch, similar to a Quidditch pitch, with no signs of dragons or kelpies to be seen. Nova decided that she didn’t want to know how they’d moved such angry creatures away so quickly. Eden was smiling at the sound of the crowd’s cheers, even waving towards some of the Slytherins in the crowd. Tig’s eyes were trained firmly forward, her expression unreadable. Part of her soul was crying at how she’d thrown away her chances of being the best. Part of her soul was satisfied with how chaotic the whole thing had been, while she’d still used her brain to get out of it. And then there was a part of her that was unsurprised at how she’d managed to mess things up. As much as she wanted to be the best, she wasn’t going to be the best. It was a futile attempt. So it was easier to just block out all of the feelings and get this over and done with.

The Headmaster began announcing the results. Three competitors had failed to complete their task and had withdrawn due to injury. One had scored so badly that, given their teammate had been badly injured, they’d decided to withdraw altogether. The numbers were already dwindling, and it was only their first task. Tig had expected to score pretty poorly. But the headmaster had called out the bottom six, and somehow, she wasn’t among them. Shiloh was the only one of her friends to be in the bottom six at all.

“In sixth place, Haylen Chambers.” Tig nudged them with her elbow and grinned at them.
“Not dead last, at least, eh?” She remarked. She was caught off guard at them calling out her own name next. Fifth place was a scoring she was surprisingly content with. High enough to not be an embarrassment to herself, low enough not to have too much pressure on herself.
“In fourth place, Eden Thomas.” Tig reached out her first to touch it against Eden’s.
“In third place, Cas Chambers.” Both Tig and Eden gave their friend a double thumbs up.
“In second place, Nova Morrison.” Nova, still wearing her tiara and the only champion to be wearing their prize, looked stunned.
“And in first place, Jessie Carter!” The Slytherins in the stand began to scream in triumph. Eden, beaming with delight at his friend’s success, almost jumped her in a hug, spinning around.
“We’re in first place!” They yelled over the noise.

Nova knew she had done well. She’d been extremely proud with her performance, and she felt she’d met the criteria well. But knowing that logically, she’d performed to a high standard, and hearing the professor announce that she’d gotten second place? They somehow didn’t match up in her brain, and she was completely shocked. She honestly hadn’t expected to do so well. The shock of the whole thing had wiped her brain of the hypothesis she’d been starting to form in the champion’s tent, and it came back to her in a flash of inspiration. She pulled off her tiara, studied it carefully, and smiled to herself as her theory was somewhat confirmed. She’d tell Cas about it later. Now was a time for celebration.

Tig slung her arm around Haylen’s shoulder. “I’m guessing they’ll give out the prize for the most chaotic task out at the end of the tournament. But don’t worry, hun, you’re a shoo in for it,” she teased them. But then she turned and looked at them with something akin to gentleness on her face. “I know facing into that task wasn’t easy. And you did a great job when you consider that. I’m proud of you for that. Just, ya know, would have been fun to see more of mer-them Haylen, ya know?” She remarked, grinning at them and darting just out of reach of their elbow.

Once the celebrations had quietened down somewhat, Nova shared her thoughts first with Cas, and then with the others. Her theory had been confirmed by the fact they’d all been allowed to keep their prizes. In the band of her tiara, so finely engraved that it was far too easy to miss, was the phrase, “in the water.” Tig’s had “a chosen champion.” Eden’s had “a daring rescue.” All of their prizes gave clues towards the second task.

But before the second task, there was something far more important. A Quidditch game. Specifically, a professional Quidditch game. Even though it was the off season, the Ballycastle Bats and the Montrose Magpies were going to be playing a special one off game to raise money for St. Mungos. And with two of the Bats’ star players working at Hogwarts, they’d gotten special all areas access.

“Who am I supporting?” Tig exclaimed, gesturing at herself. She was decked from head to toe in red and black, from her red jumper and black shirt, to the Ballycastle Bats beanie covering her hair. “As if the accent wasn’t enough of a giveaway, I would have thought the outfit would have been!” She gestured again to her outfit and then to herself.
“I advised her against coming in a Barny the Bat costume,” Eden added. “Thought she might have scared some first- OW.” He rubbed his ribs where Tig had jabbed a well aimed elbow into them.
“Shame, that would have been fun,” Nova mused. She’d gone somewhat more subtle, with a pair of bat wing earrings and a Ballycastle Bats scarf wrapped around her neck. “Although you should save that for your last transfiguration lesson with Professor Vasco. He’d lose his mind.”
A cackle broke out from a few feet behind them. Lucian, dressed mostly in black, was trying and failing to maintain a neutral expression, but was at least managing not to burst into laughter again.

Jessie Carter - Slytherin - #53966E - X - & - Haylen Chambers - Gryffindor - #691307 - X - & Cas Chambers - Hufflepuff - #BF9C41 - X

The atmosphere in the Champions Tent was a welcomed breath of well, not exactly fresh air per-se, but being out of the immediate eyesight of the crowd was more than enough. To say the very least. It was one thing to be sitting up there with the others looking down during someone else's Task, but it was entirely different being in the arena. The energy was just different, there was no other way of describing it. The anxiety and adrenaline surging through one's veins. While it was clear that no fatal harm would come to the students involved in the tournament, as they would either be pulled from the tournament all together, or it would be immediately stopped the moment that serious danger was evident. But having to stare down a purposefully pissed off magical creature was something else. Having to quickly think on one's feet in the moment, with little to no help from anyone that was watching from the questionable safety of the audience? At least there in the Champion's Tent no one had to truly force a smile, at least not the one they all evidently wore the moment they stepped out into the arena.

Haylen had only stepped back into the tent as their friends came back down to greet them in one way or another. It was evident from the look on their face that they were in fact not having a good time, to be specific. But that didn't seem enough to stop Antigone from immediately poking a jab at them and their lack luster performance out in the arena. It wasn't like they tried to make a complete fool of themself out there, how were they supposed to know that they would have been immediately thrown into the water? Let alone nearly die? Haylen was just too exhausted to say anything, his body still ached and twitched all over. Everything hurt, if it wasn't evident enough from the few scratches and claw marks on their body. The one by his right shoulder was going to leave a mark, that was for sure.

"To be fair Kelpies are nasty creatures, Tig." Cas sounded off, attempting to come across as casual as they could. Some of the creatures were just more naturally dangerous than others were, and Kelpies were no joke. They were known to trick souls into trusting them before plunging them down into the depths to their deaths. Haylen's situation couldn't have been much different, except they somehow managed to outsmart the creature. Credit had to be due there, they thought. Granted, Cas knew that Haylen was a lot smarter than people gave them credit for. Sure Haylen was known as a trouble maker and class clown, but when it came down to having to prove himself, Haylen wasn't short of being smart enough of a wizard. If their dueling club was anything to say for it, Haylen was smart, just when it was truly necessary. Rare maybe, but their point stood, nonetheless.

Jessie eyed Nova as she claimed that she only managed to have a pleasant conversation with the RuneSpore. Such a comment resulted in Jessie shaking her head accompanied by a forced smirk, sure, pleasant conversation was the word. From anyone looking on from the outside, that was all it seemed to be. But if anyone else was a Parselmouth, they would have heard things very differently. How she had to strike a deal with the creature, of sorts. The beast wanted out, her and the eggs. There was no trickery, Jessie did truly mean it when she said she'd try and help the Runespore's plea. And how she didn't want any trouble, nothing more than to get what she came there for and would leave everything else undisturbed. Sure, having a gigantic reptile straring you down with three seperate heads wasn't entirely terrifying on its own. It didn't matter how many times she talked to snakes, it never sat right with her. Maybe because she knew what it meant deep down. What being able to talk to snakes meant. It wasn't just something that any witch or wizard picked up. But that didn't mean that she was like the ones that came before, that could talk to snakes. Right? Sure, she had been put into the same House as so many of the most notable dark or morally ambigious witches and wizards...But she wasn't like that, right?

With every passing moment, and every Champion was called forth for their task, tension was thick in the air. As casual conversation was attempted to be held, it couldn't hold back the clear anxiety written on everyone's faces. Where would they be ranked? Judged? How would they all fall in line and be scored? Who would have done so poorly on their first task that they would drop out right away? That was to say if they even completed their task. They all watched with bated breath as someone Champions were even pulled out within the first five minutes after stepping into the arena. It was terrifying, really. One by one, they came and went, before finally they heard Headmaster Raywood's voice call for them. It was time.

Cas stood there anxiously as it was announced that Raven Hatch from Gryffindor, Alice Bellrose from Ravenclaw, and Pembrooke Lavender from Hufflepuff had all been withdrawn for varying reasons. From the whispers it was evident that all three had failed to retrieve their target treasure. From Cas's guess, they probably suffered bad enough injuries that forced them to back out. Such a shame, they were brilliant wizards and witches too. Even if Cas had only heard them by name around the school grounds. Everyone deserved a chance, but being taken out this early already? It didn't seem to bid well for the rest of them. It was only when it came down to the last six spots, that Cas's attention was truly taken from their thoughts. A large grin formed on their face as their brother's name was called. Cas excitedly shook Haylen's arm, "I knew you'd do it." they beamed, softly whispering in their twin's ear.

Haylen had been so out of it, that it had taken a few moments for them to have realized they had been placed at sixth. Only being shaken from their thoughts, and eyes glued to the ground, when Cas shook them. Causing Haylen to look at his twin, a shocked expression etched on their face before realization hit him. "I...I did it?" a confused tone rang out, "I did it!" Haylen couldn't help their excitement, this time Haylen wrapped their arms around both Cas and Antigone's shoulders. Giving Antigone a gentle squeeze on the shoulder when her name had been called just after their's. There were always worse places to be, Haylen thought. Honestly they didn't expect to be in the top six, their friends sure, that made sense. But Haylen? Standing up here with them? Like this? Haylen couldn't help but wish their parents were still here, they would have been proud of how far they've all come...

When Eden's name had been called, Jessie couldn't have helped but form a grin, giving a small nod and wink in his direction. If she had to be honest, the ranking thing as a whole didn't sit right with her. While she understood it was part of the tournament and rules, she still wished it wasn't. Everyone was already nervous and anxious enough as is, possibly dying in the process no less, to have nothing more than a number and rank attached to you? It felt...Wrong. Next was Cas's name being called, this time her grin only grew even more as she gave her cousin a proud look and nod. Which had seemed to be in rather stark contrast to the look of total confusion that formed across Cas's face. How had they landed in third? That must have been some sort of mistake, right? Sure they had managed to outsmart the dragon, but they did still get hurt in the process. Looking down, their arm was partially wrapped in a sling, it would take a few days to properly heal. Even with magic having been used, dragon fire wasn't something that any witch or wizard could just jump back from. They were lucky their injuries were so minor, all things considered. There was a tightening sensation in their chest as the realization hit them. They really did make it this far already, Cas and Haylen were the only two in their family to ever be put into the tournament. And that was starting to really hit them hard. All they were able to do was give a forced confident smile and nod, looking ahead. Hoping to keep themself maintained in the meantime.

Second place was announced, which only caused a genuine grin on Cas's face, slinking their arm around Nova's. Giving a gentle, but still shaky squeeze of their hand on her arm. She deserved second place, if not first. She was the one to outsmart a Hungarian Thorntail no less. If they thought their dragon was terrifying, a Horntail was the one no one would have wanted to go up against. And she took care of it flawlessly. They truly were proud of her. They all were.

Jessie was only able to blink as her body went entirely tense when her name had been called last. First place. How in the ever bloody hell did she- All Jessie was able to do was stumble back as she felt someone crash into her shortly after. Knocking her out of her thoughts, and nearly onto her ass. Somehow she had managed to stay standing on her own two feet, grinning as she finally had her eyes land on Eden. Returning the hug just as tightly, "I suppose we did, huh?" she managed to fumble out, she was still at a loss for words. None of this seemed real to her, yet it was. It was happening, and it was real. Here were all of her friends, and they were all going to move on to the next stage of the tournament. They'd all be going through, but at least not for a while. That was a worry for future her to have to worry about.

"Congrats, Carter! Thomas!" the all too familiar green haired Slytherin cheered as she wrapped an arm around Jessie, and one around Eden.
"Hey now, you're in seventh, which still isn't too bad, all things considered." Jessie retorted.
"Only because my oaf of a partner managed to make a fool of himself, who would have thought he couldn't handle a Zouwu, huh?" Shiloh joked.
"Says the one who got knocked on her ass by a Nundu?" Jessie proded back.
"Giant felines are tricky bastards, okay?" Shiloh jabbed in return, before giving a final nod to her friends before returning back to her tournament partner.

Haylen gave a small, allbeit embarressed nod as Antigone spoke. They knew she was trying to be genuine and a form of reassurance. Since it was still very evident how Haylen felt inferior. How their task could have been much more impressive and entertaining for the whole school to witness. Yet they'd go down as the one who got knocked into the water like a coward. "I know, I know..." Haylen relented. A clear tone of disapointment still evident. "It's just...There's a lot of pressure here...Besides me and Cas, no Chambers had ever been in a Tournament before and...I just wanna do our parents proud...Even if it's just in spirit." their eyes finally lifting off from the ground, forcing a large grin. That trademark grin, even if this time it was fully for show, "C'mon, let's go see our friends now!"


In the following days after the First Task, energy was still a buzz on the Hogwarts grounds. Even with classes still happening as usual. It would take a few days for the magical creatures and staff that looked over them to leave the school. Which meant that Jessie had at least some time to have gotten caught up with her sister, especially all things gossip related anyway. If they weren't busy gossiping about all the things that were happening in her sister's life, especially how Niamh had left their home during Jessie's second year to pursue her own dreams, and of course married a muggle in the end. Something that they all knew not everyone in their family was happy about. But Niamh was happy, and living her life, taming dragons and other magical beasts alike. She had far too many stories to tell, and not enough time to stay, it seemed. But in the end is was maybe for the better, Jessie was already having to shoo her sister off whenever a certain someone was around, anyway. Last thing Jessie needed was her older sister lording a certain crush over her head. Not like she didn't do that enough in letters already. But in person? That was already more of an embaressment than Jessie was ready for, nor ready to admit.

Meanwhile Cas and Haylen seemed to have their own hands full with other issues entirely. While the group did piece together that their prizes from the First Task were hints to the second one, no one had a proper idea on what any of the clues meant. They were as vague as anyone would have possibly guessed. Jessie's locket she got from the Runespore had "When they sing, they are near" inscribed on the inside, but only after she had used a revealment charm to unscramble the lettering on the inside. Haylen's retrieved necklace were the words "Below the surface lies what you seek", and Cas...Well, that was the one they weren't able to figure out. While everyone else had jewelry of some sort, their's had been a damned golden egg? Unlike the other's, there was no writing or inscriptions on the outside. No riddle, no poem. Nothing to outwardly indicate what their supposed clue was. Which had left them not only incredibly stumped, but annoyed. Day after day Cas was left staring the golden object down. Maybe if they stared at it hard enough something would happen? They didn't know. Magic didn't help either, as trying several spells to crack it open was their first thought process. And after a few explosions later, Cas finally came to the conclusion that maybe a spell wasn't the answer either. They still had a few months until they would need to figure it out anyway, two. Well, a little less. But it was still more than enough time, right?

It was two days later, during breakfast when it was announced for the Tournament that anyone that got parental or guardian signed permission slips, alongside the remaining Tournament Champions, that they would be granted to go to a one off Pro-League Quidditch match. It was considered a three day field trip with educational purposes, as well as a 'holiday' of sorts for those who would be going. More would have been revealed as the day grew closer for them to leave, so only about two weeks of a notice. The Great Hall lit to life as chatters and whispers spread like wildfire. Who would be going? Which teams were playing? So on and so forth. That was when a voice rang out;

"Carter! Have you seen this?" a voice called out, as a Ravenclaw stood up, something in their hand. Jessie looked up,
"Accio?" she called, her own hand raised as nothing more than the Daily Prophet appeared in her hand. Slytherins gathered closer as Jessie splayed it out on the table. Her eyes scanning the headline that was in large bold lettering. "Bloody hell, Erin." she couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her. "Montrose Magpies won yet another Pro-League game, putting them in place for the next World Cup!" she exclaimed excitedly. "Montrose Magpies assigned new team Seeker, Erin Monaghan makes record of second place with winning points in recent years in Pro-League." she continued on.

"Wasn't she just a part of the Kenmare Kestrels?" another Slytherin piped up.

"Yes, she was. Last year, but I'm assuming they must have just recently signed her on, just in time for the World Cup." Jessie continued once more.

"Bit of an odd time to have someone change teams, no? This close to the World Cup, I mean?"
Jessie paused before giving her answer,
"I dunno, maybe? Who knows how long her contract was for with the Kestrels, anyway? I'm just excited to see her play." truth be told Jessie did find it incredibly odd timing wise for them to have made such a change, this close to the World Cup match, which was still months away, yes. But it was still odd, but it wasn't her concern. There were other things on her mind before she considered the logistics of Pro-Quidditch.


The day finally came for the students to set out for the three day holiday from the school grounds. Energy filled the air, moods were high and buzzing. This would be a good thing, they needed it. Some time away from the castle and school grounds would do them some good, right? It was only going to be a few days, anyway. Besides, there were be multiple Hogwarts staff accompanying the children. Other than the obvious two of Markus Vasco and Georgie Webb, who were contractually obligated to go the event. Seeing as they would be one of the teams participating, nonetheless. Which would explain why only Lucian Mitchell, Hogwarts Choir Master was currently tagging alongside some of the members of the group.

"Well I think you look adorable." Haylen jested, his hands burried in the pockets of their coat. "I think McGonogall would have approved either way." they joked. Haylen had decided to wear one of the more visibly cartoonish hats in question. A large crimson toned Bat. Half of their face covered in paint of the same tone.

Cas shook their head,
"I think you look ridiculous." they called out, shaking their head all the while. Unlike their twin, Cas decided to dress about as casually as they could. earthy tones were more of their style anyway. A leather jacket would have been more appropriate to such an event, in their opinion. But a certain someone had managed to make them change their mind last minute.

"Where's your sense of sportsmanship, Cas?" Haylen continued, attempting to put the hat on their twin instead. That same dopey eyed grin plastered across their face.

"You even think of putting that on me, you're going back through the port-key, Hayl." they jested. "Besides, I'm remaining neutral. I'm not picking one team over the other, they've both got immense talent on either side." they concluded.

"I'd say the Bats have a better sure shot at this match." Hayl butted in quickly.

"You're only saying that because Georgie is on that team, you dolt." Jessie chided, poking them in the ribs. She too chose a more neutral choice of clothing, no red or any other color to represent her favor towards the Ballycastle Bats. Even if they were her home team. But, if one did look closely, they would notice the faint etched marking of a large bird with its wings outstretched on the back of her jacket. Maybe she was favorable after all.

Haylen's face flushed a light pink shade,
"No no. That's not-" they gulped, "Would it be fair if I said that the Magpies have a better chance?"

"...Considering your own sister is on that team?" Jessie asked, her head tilted to the side. Her eyebrows raised with a knowing look.

"Fleur being on the Magpies has nothing to do with it." they quickly recanted. "I'm just excited to see them again. But Professor Vasco and Coach Webb certainly have the upper hand with the Bats, honestly."

Cas shook their head, "I'd say both teams have a fair shot in this game, actually." Cas finally spoke up again. Haylen giving them a quizzical look. "Sure, our own sister is on the Magpies, and has been an amazing Chaser for them, but the Magpies also have Erin as Seeker, and her brother as a Beater. Which...Honestly scares me, now that I think about it. The Magpies sure have an absolutely powerhouse stack of players on their side, with some incredibly fast and light Chasers and an enduring Keeper as well." they took a breath before continuing, "BUT, the Bats have just as equal of a chance. Markus as one of their Chasers lends some speed and agility, he's a madman on a broom, even if he did suffer that leg injury a few years back. Georgie is an absolute mad-lad on a broom. There's reasons why the Bats argued and fought for her on their team for so long. She was one of the most sought after players in the past eight years."

Haylen shook their head, "I know all that, Cas." they grumbled, "I'm just saying I'd gladly make a bet on the Bats taking home the victory here." they beamed, getting a roll of the eye from Cas. "What do you think, Professor Mitchell? Which team do you think has the better chance of winning?" they beamed.


eden and nova and antigone
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964

Tig beamed an oversized, childish grin as Haylen said she looked adorable. She definitely felt somewhat overstated compared to some, especially Haylen, but the overly outlandish support never felt like her. It just didn’t match with the cool-girl aesthetic she was trying to exude. At least, that’s what she told everyone. And it wasn’t far from the truth, she could say that much with honesty. But she could also hear an old voice in her head scolding her for looking ridiculous and making a mockery of herself. It was a voice she hadn’t managed to overcome yet, so when it wasn’t out of character for her to be more subtle, she was going to go that route.

She cackled as Haylen tried to put the hat on Cas. “Shame, Cas, it would really go with your outfit, you know?” She remarked. At the mention of remaining neutral, she rolled her eyes at them. “Please, it’s not about talent. It’s about loyalty and being a part of something. I’m a Bat, whether they win or lose.” Before she could finish the rest of her deliberately overdramatic monologue, Haylen gave their opinion on things, and Tig shut up, eager to watch the fallout of his comment.

Eden rolled his eyes as Haylen gave their favour towards the Bats. Similar to Cas, he wasn’t giving his alliances away with his outfit, because he didn’t really have one. But when Jessie made the comment about Haylen only supporting the Bats because Georgie was on the team, Eden felt his alliances swing slightly more towards the Magpies almost as a reflex. It was a dumb reaction. Georgie was a cool teacher, and an even cooler Quidditch player. Not to mention the work she’d done towards promoting LGBTQ+ equality in Quidditch. And yet Haylen’s dumb crush on her made Eden want to support the other team. He couldn’t get it straight in his own head, so he just stayed quiet. Thankfully, Cas went on a ramble about how well balanced the team was, which gave him an opportunity to straighten things out in his head a little bit.

Haylen deciding to ask Professor Mitchell his take on things quickly snapped Eden out of his head though as he turned around to look at their Choirmaster. Lucian shrugged. “My analysis of Quidditch matches begins and ends with which team has the more attractive players. I’m supporting Bats, though.” He said. Eden raised an eyebrow.

“Because Markus is on that team, right?” He asked innocently. Lucian narrowed his eyes at Eden, staring at him for a second.
“And Georgie,” Lucian said slowly.
“Sure.” Eden retorted.

“Well, Erin Monaghan is playing for the Magpies today,” Nova piped up. “So that might conflict things a little bit, but I suppose you still have two friends on the Bats.” Lucian stopped dead, the blood rushing from his face.
“Yeah, Erin just signed for them, this is her first match with them! The Magpies really needed a stronger Seeker, it was their biggest weakness in the last tournament by far. But Erin’s track record is incredibly strong. This match is going to be a really great predictor for the World Cup. Georgie will undoubtedly be Scotland’s Seeker. She was their player of the tournament in the last world cup, after all. But Erin’s been playing really strongly lately, so she stands a solid chance of being Ireland’s seeker. So seeing how things play out between these two in this game is really going to be interesting. Statistically, Georgie has the edge by about ten games, but it’ll be really, really close.” Nova rambled happily, completely unaware of the fact that Lucian looked like he’d seen a ghost. Eden nudged her gently, and tilted their head towards their professor. Nova took one look at him, looked back at Eden, and decided to stop talking about Quidditch players.

“Well, it’s bound to be an interesting game,” Tig quipped. “And god knows, it’s a hell of a lot better than being in History of Magic right now.”
“I like History of Magic,” Nova said, frowning.
“It’s a lot better than doing homework?” Tig tried again, and Nova nodded.
“Yeah, I can get on board with that. Oh, look, there’s Georgie and Markus!” She said. But the teachers looked uneasy, not quite their usual selves. Georgie managed to recover somewhat as the students caught up to them.

“Hey, kiddos! I see some of you managed to wear the right colours today, good job,” she teased, brushing down the front of her own Quidditch uniform proudly. “Nice hat, by the way, Haylen, she added with a wink.
“Red is not and never has been my colour, Georgie, and I have a reputation to maintain,” Lucian retorted.
“You can tell he’s a Slytherin by his aversion to the colour red,” Georgie retorted. “Anyway, we’ve got to get to the pitch soon enough, but we thought we’d swing by and say hi before the game. It… should be interesting,” she said, with a look to Markus that gave away her uneasiness again.


Jessie Carter - Slytherin - #53966E - X - & - Haylen Chambers - Gryffindor - #691307 - X - & Cas Chambers - Hufflepuff - #BF9C41 - X

Jessie couldn't help the smirk that slowly formed across her face all the while her two cousins bickered back and forth about which Quidditch team was better out of the two. Obviously Jessie had her own biases, whether they were evident or not, but she knew all too well to remain silent on the matter, and let the two twins battle it out for her instead. Not only would this way keep her from being dragged back into this pointless debate, but it was arguably much more entertaining seeing the twins bicker. Even if the two had their own points to prove on the matter, Jessie knew better than anyone else than to get in between them, especially when it was on a topic the two were very clearly passionate about. Instead, she had noticed the slight change in Antigone's dimeanor. Choosing to remain silent instead, Jessie only gave her a reassuring look and nod, gingerly looping one of her arm's with the other Slytherin. Hoping that would be enough of an attempt at being able to ground and stabalize her dear friend.

It seemed as if on cue, the conversation was then thrown at Lucian, their very own Choirmaster, and teacher. Jessie couldn't have helped but chuckle when Lucian gave his rebuttal on the matter. Giving some false claim at not wanting to pick a side, other than at who had the more attractive players. A point she couldn't have judged too much, Lucian did have his very own valid points as well, but she knew his answer was rooted in some bullshit as well. Now that was something Jessie wasn't going to poke and prod, especially not now. Even if she did have her own questions on a few of the matters at hand. She knew better, just like she had known Lucian for so long. Even if there was a time when she hadn't heard anything from him after whatever happened between her cousin and her old friends. Even if it was only because Jessie had ever sent Lucian those letters all those years ago, asking for help and advice. She wanted answers now, just like she had those years ago, but now wasn't the time for that. And she knew it. She could wait for later, she thought.

At the mention of Erin now being a part of the Magpies, Cas couldn't help but notice the look that scrawled across Lucian's face. It seemed like any prominant, positive expression entirely vanished. They took note of how his body even seemed to tense up at that revelation. Did he really not know that she would be here? Cas would have thought everyone would have heard about it by now. Maybe Lucian wasn't one to stay caught up with the Daily Prophet? That could have been their only good guess at that moment. Cas didn't know the exact extent of the drama and touchy subject that had become that once close knit friend group's relationship, but they at least knew there was still something of a bitterness between old friends. A thought that genuinely made them sad the more they thought on it. What could have been so damn bad, that would have torn apart such a close group of friends, like this? Cas didn't have the answer for that, but at least it was evident enough these three remained close friends. But why not Erin? That was another thing Cas didn't know. Sure she was incredibly busy, working in the Ministry of Magic during the off season for Quidditch. And even then she barely had time for family and staying in touch with them, but Cas knew Erin, their own damned cousin, for Merlin's sake. She wasn't a bad person by any means, if not a bit of a dolt at times, sure. But they just couldn't help but wonder what they didn't know...

The sound of Haylen chuckling at the sudden shift in topic change between Antigone and Nova, had broken Cas out of their thoughts. Only blinking back to reality before giving a small, somewhat forced smile of their own.

"Anything is better than being in class right now, Tig."
"Says the one that always needs help with his homework-"
"Says you-"
"You don't say-"

The two's small jabs were cut short as two all too familiar figures made their way over. Properly dressed in Quidditch gear, for the most part. Markus still looking a bit less for ware, some may have even said he looked a bit uneasy all together. Possibly not even feeling well, even. "There's nothing wrong with red..." Haylen chided softly, in retort to what he percieved as an offensive comment to his Hogwart's House's pride.

Cas couldn't help but give their twin a small smirk before turning to Georgie,
"Well, I think you two look great!" they piped in. "I'm excited to see you two finally play." they beamed.

"We'll be sure to make it interesting for sure." Markus finally spoke up, giving the students a small smile. "As your dear Gryffindor coach said moments ago." he concluded. "You should get some seats shortly, pre-game shows are somewhat of a big deal around here." he gave a small wink, glancing off at Lucian for a moment, giving him a small nod. He turned on his heels, before whispering something into Georgie's ear before he began to make his way to the player's tent before the first match would begin.

eden and nova and antigone
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964

Tig caught Haylen’s muttered comment about there being nothing wrong with red, and caught their eye, before tugging on her jumper as if to show her agreement, before turning her attention back to the conversation at hand. The coaches were advising them to take their seats, before Markus said something about the pre-game shows. Lucian, who at least looked a little more relaxed since finding his friends, glanced down at his watch and swore under his breath. “Gotta go, I’ll find you guys after the show, bye!” He yelled, before disappearing down into the underbelly of the stadium. Georgie cackled.
“Some things never change. Alright, Bird Boy, c’mon, let’s do this thing.”

“Do you think Lucian is doing the pre-game show?” Eden asked, his face lighting up at the thought.
“Given the speed at which he departed, I think that might be a safe assumption,” Tig retorted, spotting a gap in a queue for a set of stairs and making a beeline for it, hoping the others would follow her.
“God, I really hope so. He’s one hell of a performer, and unlike most magical rockstars, he doesn’t need magic to dazzle the crowd. He’s just that good,” Eden continued.
“It’s really cool to see a muggleborn open a show like this,” Nova added from behind Tig. “Especially when it’s somebody who hasn’t been so prominent in the wizarding musical scene.”
“I mean, I can see the last part making an impact on things. But do you really think blood status is really as important in these things, these days?” Eden asked, turning to look at Nova. “Your family is an old pureblood family, right, and they don’t give a shit?”
Nova nodded. “Oh yeah. But also… you’ve met my dad. He’s not a normal pureblood. I don’t want to speak for all purebloods because like, my dad has a collection of rubber ducks. He was gifted one by an old colleague in the ministry and became obsessed with them. So, pinch of salt. But I mean, wasn’t there a blood purity attack in Hogwarts a few years ago?”
“That would have been in Erin’s time, right, Jessie?” Eden asked, turning to look at his friend. “Did she ever talk about it?”

Tig, who had been notably quiet for the past few minutes, sighed heavily. “Can we please not talk blood politics? Some of us just want to have a nice fun day at a Quidditch match. Like I said, I’m rather glad to not be in history of magic right now. I really don’t want to discuss it here.” There was a sharpness to her voice that wasn’t usually there, and Eden wasn’t going to push it. He knew that some of Tig’s family had fallen on the wrong side of the last Wizarding War, so it was probably a touchy subject for her. He’d just been curious about the current state of things. But if it was sore for her, he wasn’t going to push it.

“So, back to what we were originally talking about, what songs do we think Lucian’s going to perform?” Eden mused.
“What’s that one that sounds really upbeat and then you listen to the lyrics and it’s like “oh holy shit somebody hurt this guy?” Is it Cowardly Pride?” Nova asked as they shuffled along into their seats. She squeezed in on one side of Cas, leaving Eden to sit beside Hayl and Tig beside Jessie.
“Oh yeah, that would be a great one to play. It’ll really get the crowd hyped up. That’s what I love about his music, there’s songs that just go straight for the gut, and then there’s songs that you think are just fun and vibe-y, and then you actually listen to their lyrics, and that’s when they punch you in the gut. And then there’s the ones that are just fun and vibey. Which is probably mostly what he’ll play but only time will tell.”
“Holy shit, these are good seats,” Tig said. “Hayl, did you bring your bat? Because you’re in the Bludger danger zone and god knows the Magpies might need the help on the defending front,” she added, shooting a glance at Jessie and smirking a little.
“Oh, oh, oh, I think Lucian’s about to come on!” Eden said excitedly, patting Haylen’s arm with excitement as he saw the beginnings of a stage appear on the pitch. In a last minute idea, he ran his hand through his hair, the hair turning the same shade of blue as the Choirmaster’s as he did so.

Time had gotten away from Lucian. He’d thought that he’d have time to get the students to their seats and then sneak away for the surprise performance, but of course the kids and their dramatics weren’t going to stick to those plans. Not that he minded. God, they reminded him of his friends when they were that age. Except it was bittersweet, because there seemed to be something more… solid about them. He wondered if they’d seemed that solid before everything fell apart, if it was just hindsight making things seem different to him now. He hoped that he was wrong; that that group of kids would make it through without the betrayal and the disaster that had happened.

He had just enough time to change into his stage outfit and apply a few extra layers of eyeliner before he was getting his call to head to the stage. It was a brief set, two songs before introducing the teams along with a musical accompaniment. God, he was glad that he knew about Erin being one of the players in advance, because the last thing he needed was to be thrown off his performance here. They’d managed to keep it a secret that it was him performing for the pre-match show until now, and he was determined to live up to the hype that would create. Of course, it did make his choice of opening song just a little awkward, but it was far too late to change that now. He pulled on his favourite guitar, one that sparkled and shone so brightly it could be mistaken for being magic, and headed for the stage. The rest of the band began to play as he approached the tunnel, the metronome in his head counting him in. He’d been putting on a performance pretty much his whole life. This would be nothing new.

“What’s brave anyway?”

As the opening line and that familiar voice began to echo around the stadium, Eden forgot entirely where he was. He cheered loudly and jumped up and down on the spot a little. Even if he hadn’t known in advance, he would have recognised that voice anywhere. A few more cheers joined his, before Lucian strode out onto the stage, microphone in hand, and the whole stadium erupted in cheers. “Eden! He’s playing Cowardly Pride!!” Nova shouted to him, and Eden just gave an excited double thumbs up in response.

Jessie Carter - Slytherin - #53966E - X - & - Haylen Chambers - Gryffindor - #691307 - X - & Cas Chambers - Hufflepuff - #BF9C41 - X

Jessie gave Lucian a small wave of her hand as he ran off to go get ready for the pre-game show, she was honestly surprised she hadn't connected the two before then. It not only made sense for him to have been one of the chaparones for the field trip, but it made even more sense now as the fact of him performing that night clicked. He was in the music scene after all, and considering how much Jessie, and even most of her cousins admired him and his music, it just made sense? Being able to make music for both the muggle world and the wizarding world was a feat in itself, and Jessie was proud of him for that fact alone. He came a long way, from what she could remember. Nevermind what Lucian had felt like sharing with the students.

"You're gonna kill it out there." Haylen gave a reassuring nod at Markus and Georgie as the two of them gave a final word and headed off to get ready. This would be the first time he ever got to see the two of them play in person, even if it wasn't technically an official game, in certain regards. Haylen was still beyond excited to see two of his favorite teams play, yes, but there were several people he actually knew playing this match, and it only made it all that more thrilling of a prospect. Nevermind would it give Haylen some pointers on how to play better, maybe he could even get some pointers and advice from some of the players after the game, he wondered.

Cas couldn't help but notice how Haylen was clearly lost in thought, having to keep a firm grip on their twin's sweater as the group made their way through the crowds. Last thing they all needed was Haylen getting lost, again. Maybe they really should have invested in one of those 'child leashes' Cas had heard so much about in the Muggle world. Every day it seemed like a more convincing prospect. The mental image of Haylen being pulled around on one of those caused a small smirk to form on Cas's face. That was until the subject of Blood Purity was brought up once again. A small pang of anxiety sparked through their whole body, Cas looking at Jessie if by sheer instinct alone. Hoping she'd say the right thing.

At the mention of the Blood Purity Attack, Jessie nearly found herself stopping in her tracks, however she quickly recovered. "Uhm.." she started, biting the inside of her cheek, "I don't think so?" she continued, "Erin...She never really talked much about her days in Hogwarts...Especially towards the last two years there." most of that was true anyway, so it wasn't an entire lie. "From what I can remember, there were some...Less than desirable actions and situations that happened back then, yeah...But those students had been dealt with anyway." she took another deep breath, "But Tig's right, we really don't need to be having this kind of discussion when we're away from the school. We're here to have fun, not...Not drudge up the past and stuff that had nothing to do with us." she said with a small shrug of her shoulders, hoping the discussion would stop there. Even if most of Jessie's family members didn't care about blood status and where magic came from, like Cas' and Haylen's parents, they were known aurors and were making impacts with equality. Erin's parents had been the same as well, wanting better for both the wizarding world and Muggle world. They were striving to help clean up their family's reputation, and not further dirtying it like others had tried to in the past. They had come a long way, and they'd be damned to be seen connected to the dark arts ever again. Even if so many of them had been unfortunately killed in the past ten years...Maybe the younger generation could be better? No...They would be. They just had to...

Haylen fumbled awkwardly as the group filed into the seating arrangements, sitting down with what could only be considered an equally awkward flop. Looking at Tig with a large grin, "Never leave the house without it." Haylen beamed, retrieving the 'Beater Bat' from somewhere in his coat's pocket.

Cas couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "Do I even want to know where you kept that?" they chuckled.

"What?" Haylen chided, "Never see a pocket enchantment before?" Haylen giggled, excitedly waving the bat around a bit before Cas took it away.

"Before you accidentally take your own eye out." they called out. A small disapointed frown forming on Haylen's face.

As the opening music and vocals began, Cas jumped to their feet as well, seemingly just in sync with their friends. Cheering and yelling excitedly.

Jessie's eyes couldn't help but scan the stadium, taking in everyone around them, landing on the center stage of the pre-game show. It was only when there seemed to be somewhat of movement around one of the Quidditch Team's tents that it caught Jessie's attention. Even from this distance, there was no mistaking it. She knew who that figure was all too well. The entirely black ensamble of a Quidditch uniform, a white Magpie crest on the chest, equally white blond hair was pulled back tightly. But even from this distance, Jessie could tell the look on the woman's face, it went from initial confusion, to clear anger. Before the figure of the woman disapeared back into the Player's Tent. That wasn't at all the reaction Jessie had been anticipating, but then again, she didn't really know what was going to happen. But it wasn't that, whatever that was. All Jessie knew was that she wanted to speak with her even more now than before, but that would have to wait until after the show and match, she thought. She could wait a few hours.


The center of the stadium had all but been altered by now. The stage and stairs, lighting and musical instruments had all but vanished. Magic truly was a wonderful thing. Instead, bright green turf, grass and dirt, sand pits and mounds overtook center stage, as it were. Three large hoops stood tall on either end of the stadium. A large commentator's box lit up as lights went wild around the stadium. It was time.

"LADIES AND GENTLEFOLK!!!" a voice boomed out, from seemingly nowhere, "WE WELCOME YOU TO THE VERY FIRST ST MUNGOS CHARITY MATCH!!!" the voice continued. "WE ARE JOINED BY NONE OTHER THAN IRELAND'S VERY OWN BALLYCASTLE BATS!!!" the crowd cheered wildly as various shades of reds and crimson lit up the crowd. Seven figures darted out from one side of the stadium, putting on one hell of an air show, before six of them took their places in the air. "AND SCOTLAND'S VERY OWN MONTROSE MAGPIES!!!!" seven more figures darted out from across the field, shades of black and white took over the stadium and crowd. One figure in particular raced across the stadium on their broom, even so getting close enough to part of the crowd, giving high fives along the way.

"TONIGHT IS A SPECIAL NIGHT, AS WE BRING TO YOU NOT ONLY TWO OF THE TOP BEST TEAMS IN THE PRO-LEAGUE, BUT SOME FAMILIAR FACES WILL BE PLAYING AGAINST EACH OTHER FOR THE FIRST TIME IN NEARLY A DECADE!! WITH NO FURTHER ADOO-" the voice thundered. The crowd cheered as members in the audience were all on their feet. Players got into their readied position in the air. All that needed to be done was letting the Golden Snitch free, and it would be showtime.




eden and nova and antigone
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964

Haylen’s trick with their beater’s bat made Nova grin and wink at them behind Cas’ back. She’d helped them with that particular charm with that very use in mind. But she was soon distracted by the show, and then the players appearing out on the pitch. The captains took to the pitch to shake hands, while the rest of the players hovered in the air, taking up their strategic positions. It wasn’t hard to spot Georgie. As the Seeker, she was off by herself, her gaze already laser focused on the box on the pitch. Her short, pink hair was already ruffled from the wind, but it didn’t affect the look of steely determination. Nova had seen similar looks on Georgie’s face before, but there was an… edge to it she hadn’t quite seen before. Usually, the opposing seekers would at very least make eye contact or do something to try and psych each other out, but Georgie wasn’t even looking at Erin.

Once the Snitch was released, Georgie was off like a flash. Her flying was neat, accurate, and technical. There was no showiness or dramatics, just her pure, raw skill speaking for itself. The rest of the Bats were similar, technical flying executed with near perfection. Markus’ chasing was incredible, especially for somebody who had been out of the game for a while.

The Magpies’ playing style was more showy, more elaborate tricks and maneouvres that almost hid the amount of skill required to execute them. They were a delight to watch for a whole different reason to the Bats, but the two teams were extremely evenly matched. It was a low scoring game, Chasers and Keepers alike meeting each other beat for beat. It was difficult to tell exactly how the game was about to go. That was, until a Bludger sailed straight for Erin. Georgie was a foot or two ahead, focused on the gold glimmer just out of reach of her glove. She missed everything that went on behind her, and her hand closed around the tiny, magical ball.

It took a moment for everyone to notice what had happened. Then, Georgie held the Snitch aloft, and the crowd erupted in cheers. In the stands, Tig high-fived Haylen and then Nova, jumping up and down despite herself. Eden, however, had noticed something, and shot Jessie a look. It looked like it had been a Magpie beater responsible for the bludger that had taken Erin out. Perhaps it had been an accident. Her and Georgie had been so close together, it wouldn’t have been impossible to misjudge it. But… something felt off.

“C’mon, let’s go catch up with the teams!” Nova yelled, grabbing Cas’ hand in one of hers and Jessie’s sleeve in the other and making a beeline down the stairs to head for the pitch. Tig wrapped her arm around Haylen’s shoulders and dragged them down with her, leaving Eden to laugh at them and follow them down the stairs.

Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41 -
The game that followed, however short lived in all things considered, didn't mean that it was any less exciting to watch. Going from watching games on the Pitch back on the Hogwarts grounds were grand, surely, but those stood nothing against watching true professional players out on the field. If one didn't know better, it would seem like Quidditch was an easy game to play with how fluid each player out there was. Graceful and striking in their own different ways, some were more flashy and showy than others, while some were strategic and tactical, even if their manners were still distracting. Something that Cas was all too easy to take note of, being distracting in itself was already a strategy, not just being show for the crowds, but also to distract opposing players on the opposite team. Manage to throw them off course for even just a few seconds would be more than enough to get ahead. It was a simple and obvious manner of playing, but still being able to witness professionals play the same way that the students did back at Hogwarts couldn't help but bring a smile to Cas's face. It helped them still feel connected to the game itself, but also seeing some of their own cousins, and even sister play before them was something else. Erin was a tricky and fast Seeker of course, managing to dodge nearly any and all obstacles that came her way with sheer ease, or at least that was the impression anyone watching would get. Except if one managed to look closely they could have seen the steely determination on her face all throughout the game.

Meanwhile Haylen couldn't take his eyes off one of the Chasers on the Magpies team. Long dark hair was tied in a pony tail, the black cloak and cape of the uniform flittering in the wind behind her. It was like watching a spectre out on the field. Graceful as ever, Haylen couldn't help but smile big as he watched his sister out on the field. Sure, he knew that Fleur was good at Quidditch, even having received an award plaque back on the school grounds, but being able to finally witness a game for himself brought a new sense of pride.

On the other hand, Jessie couldn't help but watch with growing anxiety with each passing moment as the game went on. There was just something not right going on, and she couldn't figure out why that was. She tried to not let the growing sense of dread completely ruin the mood and game for her, so she did her best to enjoy it all the while. That was until something unexpected happened, causing several parts of the crowd to stand on end. A Bludger had managed to be aimed right towards the two Seekers, one just ahead of the other. And just as luck would have had it, the Bludger had managed to slam right into the right shoulder of the Magpies Seeker, knocking the blond woman entirely off her broom and onto the ground below. From their advantage point, Jessie could see Erin land on the ground, anxiety spiking through her veins, blood pumping in her ears. The sound of the crowd going wild as the ending buzzer sounding. The Snitch had been caught. The game was over.

While the crowd and some of her friends cheered as the winner was declared, Jessie and Cas had managed to momentarily make eye contact. They understood what it meant without even a word being spoken. Jessie looked over her shoulder, and managed to catch the look on Eden's face. Only giving him a small grimace and nod, trying to wordlessly confirm what Jessie could already tell that he was thinking. But before she could even say anything, Jessie felt her sleeve being tugged on, looking back over at Nova. Giving her a small smile, no matter how forced it was,
"Absolutely!" was all she was able to say with a nod as the group began to make their way to the players tent...



Monaghan - #8c8787 - & - Markus Vasco - #324363

To say that the game had ended on an unexpected note, would have been putting it very lightly, if Markus was to be honest with himself. Sure, it was an amazing feeling to be properly back on a broom again after so long, alongside with some old teammates he had missed since the game that ended with his leg being badly injured by a rival team's player. Said player being kicked from the team after it had been declared to have been not only a sneaky play that she had made, but it was also purposeful cheating, and the pro league wouldn't have that. They couldn't let that damage their team's image, after all. How would that make their reputation look? But Markus would have been lying if he said he wasn't at all anxious about this game for an entirely different reason as well. It had been ten years since he had even seen Erin, nevermind spoke a word to her since they were back in Hogwarts. It was strange, having been so close to someone for years, even before they all went to Hogwarts together, but going from being essentially family, to never saying another word to each other ever again? And for what? Markus never understood what exactly happened all those years ago, but what he had been told from Georgie and her sides of things, and how Erin never made an attempt to explain herself? Maybe Georgie and Lucian were right, maybe she well and truly was just like the others in her family...Which honestly broke his heart to think about. Erin seemed to be so different from the others, but maybe it really was all just a facade. For what reason though, he still wasn't exactly sure. Even if it had been a decade since everything happened.

Yet here they were now, adults. Markus could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he awaited for the game to begin. His eyes scanning over the field and crowd, and then finally the players. He took time to take notes, trying to attempt how much each opposing team member was as a threat. The Chasers were fast, clearly. They'd be a threat to him and the others, but especially him. It was known he didn't play as well anymore and he was clearly rusty, he'd be an easy target. Not just from them, but the Beaters as well. Speaking of which, he couldn't help but try to nervously swallow the lump that formed in his throat. He met the eyes of the Beater that would prove to be the biggest problem, Niall Monaghan. It was a known fact that he was incredibly aggressive on and off the field. And that wasn't only due to his...affliction that had become public knowledge two years ago, no thanks to the Daily Prophet and no thanks to a very specific someone. But not only that, there was a past between them. Him being Erin's older brother, of course, and known for his somewhat problematic views on blood status, to put it lightly. Markus couldn't help but grip the broom tighter, trying to force a smile on his face. That was until his eyes landed on a specific player. Even from this distance he couldn't help but meet her eyes, even if for but a moment. And even from here, Markus could tell that there was just something wrong. That all too familiar look in her eyes that she always had when they were children seemed to be gone. She seemed just as sharp and riggid like her siblings. A tightened jaw as she fixed her gloves before looking up, managing to catch Markus staring in her direction. He tried to give his best smile and small wave, hoping to prove no ill feelings towards her. But all he had returned with a roll of the eyes before she looked away.
What did I ever do wrong..-

The sound of the beginning buzzer took Markus out of his thoughts, and flickered to life. Everything that came next seemed to be a blur, even if Markus's mind seemed to be here and there throughout the game. There were a few times he nearly got knocked from his broom, but still managed to swiftly recover every time. Even to his own surprise at times. Markus did his best to try and keep the other players from aiming towards the Seekers, which may have been seen as sloppy, but there was always a method to his madness when playing.

That was until the sound of the winning buzzer alerted all players to stop, Markus came to a quick pause in the air. Darting his eyes all around to see what happened. Managing to catch Georgie and the Golden Snitch. With a raised clenched fist to the night sky Markus cheered eagerly. Giving Georgie an all too proud smile. Looking around, he finally managed to spot the other Seeker, what had caused Erin to be on the ground? Then reality hit him, she had been knocked off her broom. She was finally getting to her feet when Markus rushed over to her on his broom. His feet just managing to hit the ground as he ran over to her, hand out stretched,
"Erin, are you alright?" there was a genuine tone of worry as he had offered her a hand.

Erin's eyes landed on the figure that had seemingly come out of nowhere, offering her a hand. She was initially going to accept it, before she noted the red robes and black bat crest on the chest of the robes. Her eyes finally darting up to the figures face, Markus. Her face remained neutral all the while, showing no emotion, barely even looking in his direction.
"I don't need your help." she barked, the tone from her had nearly caught Markus off guard.

"I'm only trying to help, Erin-"

"I said I don't need your help Markus." she bit back, her eyes retaining that same apparent hatred from moments ago.

"I know, but friends help-"

"Friends?" she scoffed, raising a hand to her shoulder, grimacing for only a moment as she did so. "That's what you want to call it, huh?" that same level of sarcasm she always seemed to have, but now it seemed to be pure snark than playful sarcasm.

"I'm just trying to help..." his voice was low, disheartened. All he was trying to do was be nice.

"And I said I don't want it, why can't you get that, huh?" she chided back. Taking a deep breath, she pushed back on her shoulder, hearing a soft crack as she pushed it back into place. "How about you go celebrate with your friends now, huh? Just do me a favor? And fuck off, Markus." she pushed passed him, and began to make her way out of the stadium and towards the players tents.

Markus was only left feeling entirely dejected, crestfallen, and only wishing he could try and make his once friend see he was simply trying to be kind. Why wasn't that ever good enough anymore? He shook his head to himself, before taking a deep breath, he needed to regroup himself before returning to his friends and fellow players. It was going to be a long night..

eden and nova and antigone and lucian and georgie
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964 and #0B7a75 and #F44174

Tig had been so caught up in the energy of the match that she didn’t notice that something was off at first. It took until she followed the others onto the pitch and took in some of the faces of the Magpies that she realised that even for the losing team, their energy felt… off. It wasn’t like it had been a total wipeout or that they had embarrassed themselves. The match could have gone either way; a misjudged shot with a Bludger wasn’t anything to be disappointed about. And then she looked at Jessie, and how her smile was forced. She did a good job at covering it up, but Tig knew a fake smile when she saw one. She was a pro at putting them on, after all. But Jessie seemed to feel something was off. So Tig effortlessly altered her stride so she was walking beside Jessie, then nudged her hand with her own and caught Jessie’s gaze, frowning slightly. Before she could tell if her attempted stealthy communication had worked, though, a distraction came in the form of a certain rockstar.

“Professor Mitchell, you were awesome!” Eden gushed, their attention temporarily pulled away from the drama surrounding the Bludger. “I’m so glad I got to see you perform, you were so good! I only wish it had been longer!” Lucian laughed and shook his head.
“I’m not Prof Mitchell today, Eden. You can call me Lucian. But thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed it. It felt good to stretch the musical muscles again,” he said with a shrug.
“Especially when it’s for a good cause like St. Mungo’s, I bet,” Eden added. There was a moment when something faltered in Luc’s expression, but a blink and it was gone.
“Did you use any magical adjustments in your performance today or was that just pure talent?” Eden continued, unaware that tensions were building just behind them. They were far too enamoured with seeing their musical hero play in person and actually getting to talk to him about music.

Usually, the minute Georgie’s hand closed around the Snitch, all of the tension and focus left her body, and she could relax. But not this time. Playing against Erin had been… tougher than she’d expected. Not in terms of actual performance; she’d known not to underestimate her former teammate. They’d been equally matched all through school, and even if Erin had taken time off that Georgie hadn’t, she’d known that Erin wouldn’t have lost those skills. And she was right. But the hardest part had been trying to keep her emotions balanced throughout the whole match. A slam to the shoulder was a Quidditch tactic, not a personal dig. Undercutting her was just another tactic. She had to keep telling her that, over and over again, until she had the Snitch firmly in her hand. Her lightning focus had meant that she hadn’t noticed the Bludger or that it had knocked Erin clean out of the air until she was on the ground again. She’d touched down beside the referee, and handed them the Snitch before jogging over to catch up with Markus. She had a feeling that things were going to turn bad; and just as she got there, she was proven right. Erin’s snap about her and Markus being friends caused something to snap in Georgie.

“Hey!” She called, storming after Erin. “HEY!” She yelled again, causing a few heads to turn. “Who the hell do you think you are? He was literally just trying to be a good sportsman and help out a fellow player. You don’t get to speak to him like that,” she called as she caught up to Erin, putting her hand on Erin’s shoulder and pulling her around to face Georgie. Erin might have had the slightest advantage in height, but Georgie had pure rage. “Besides, who’s fault is it that he’s not your friend any more, hm?” She retorted more quietly, making sure it wouldn’t be heard by the whole pitch. “So how about you fix your superior ass attitude, go shake his hand, and stop being a sore ass loser?” She stared Erin dead in the eyes as she spoke, ten years of anger and hurt bubbling up.

One second, Luc was happily talking to Eden about music, and then he spotted something over Eden’s shoulder and went white again. “Oh for fu…” He trailed off as he remembered the company he was in. “Uh, I mean, Merlin’s moustache. I gotta go deal with this before somebody ends up on the front page of the Daily Prophet.” He started off at a light jog towards the argument.

“So, we’re all in agreement there was something up with that Bludger, right?” Nova remarked as he left. Eden turned to look at her with a frown, and she shrugged. “It hit Erin in the shoulder. If it was really aimed for Georgie, it probably would have hit Erin in the head due to how close together they were and their speeds.”
“That’s a good point. But… it doesn’t make sense. Unless they were trying to deliberately take out Erin? And I mean, I’ve got problems with most of my family members, but it’d have to be pretty major for me to aim a bludger at them while they were travelling at the speeds Erin and Georgie were and at the height they were. So there’s only actually like two of them I’d consider doing it to, and my grandmother wouldn’t manage to get on a broom at her age.” Tig replied. The last part was said more quietly, almost just to Jessie.
“Do we wanna go see the fallout of this fight?” Eden mused, and Tig nodded.

As Lucian caught up to the small group of players, he found himself silently thanking whatever forces dominated the universe that Georgie didn’t have her wand on her, or else he was almost certain she would have been demonstrating why half of Slytherin house had feared her and her bat bogey hex when she was in school. She was almost rigid with fury, and when he put his hand on her shoulder, she swatted it away and turned around to face him.

“I’ve got this under control, Luc,” she said, her anger straining her voice.
“Nope, you’re not starting a fight today of all days. Not at this match,” he warned her.
“She yelled at Markus, I thought you of all people would be on my side,” she snapped. He turned to glance at Markus, making sure he was okay, and in that moment, he felt Georgie turning to pull away, and he had to grab her wrist again.
“Georgie. This is your first match with the Bats. Don’t have everyone talking about you for the wrong reasons. Let her go. It’s her problem, not yours,” he said quietly. She stared him down, before relenting and turning and storming towards the Bats tent. He sighed, and turned to Markus. “You okay?”

Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41 - & Erin
Monaghan -#8c8787 - & - Markus Vasco - #324363

Jessie had been so laser focused on making her way over to the players tent, that she had only been regrounded to reality when she felt someone bump her hand, looking up to meet Antigone's eyes. Jessie should have known better that there really was no hiding emotions or really anything from her, they just knew each other too well. Without even saying a word, there was a common understanding, Jessie only giving a small nod. That would have to be enough for now. But thankfully an actually welcomed distraction came as Lucian walked up to the group of students. Jessie managing to throw a genuine smile his direction, listening as Eden rambled on about how well the show went. It was true, getting to watch Lucian perform was always going to be something special, he just had that quality about him. And for Jessie, it always felt somewhat more personal for her, and she could never exactly explain why. Maybe because the two had a surprisingly long history? Not only was he an old friend of her cousins, yes, that much was true, but even before he came back to Hogwarts to teach, through exchanging letters over the years, Jessie having asked Lucian on advice for several different topics, some which were rather more obvious than others. But it always just felt like something more than a student and teacher, he truly was her friend and mentor, even if Lucian didn't realize it still yet. Jessie owed him more than what words could ever express, at least that's how she felt about the whole ordeal over the years.

Oddly enough it was Haylen that managed to catch the small dip in Lucian's expression when St. Mungo's was brought up, catching Cas's eye. The two exchanging a small, uncertain shrug. It was only then that the group managed to spot the apparent scuffle that was slowly begining to brew across the Quidditch pitch. The three cousins exchanging an uncertain, nervous look between them as Lucian excused himself to go and intervine before things went south.

Haylen was the first one to pipe up after the other's brought up whether or not it was just some accident that Erin had been taken out by the Bludger of her own team, "Yeah, didn't you notice?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Notice what?" Jessie questioned, a raised eyebrow of her own. Cas forming the same expression as well as the group now slowly walked.

"You mean you didn't notice how Niall clearly aimed it towards her?" they went on to further explain, their tone rather lax and casual. As if talking about the weather, and not how possibly troublesome that revelation actually was. Blunt as ever, it seemed.

"What do you mean he did it? Like on purpose?" Jessie snapped, holding Haylen by the shoulder. Her eyes locked on them.

"Yeah. It seemed all pretty intentional. I'm surprised you didn't see it, Jess." they said with a shrug.

Cas gently slapped Haylen on the back of the head, "And I'm surprised you could take your eyes off of anything that wasn't Georgie." they chided playfully.

"Hey now," he chided back, "-as a fellow Beater, it's only right I would be paying attention. I need some pointers anyway. And I'll have you know, I watched Fleur plenty. She's absolutely mad out there, I'm telling ya." he said with a grin. Cas only rolled their eyes, hands up in a defensive manner.

"Well, even if he did-" Jessie began, "Nothing good can come of that." she continued, "Niall is...how do we say...trouble?" she glanced at Haylen and Cas, who gave small nods of their own. "My advice with that one? Stay away. He's more trouble than he's worth. Nothing good comes with Niall Monaghan." she said with a shake of her head. While she may have been downplaying it slightly, choosing her words as carefully as she could, Niall always was more trouble than he was truly worth. Not only due to his affliction and everything that came with it, but with a mix of his views of blood status, and his overall arrogant prick attitude, Jessie couldn't have helped the impending dread when she had read the line up for the Montrose Magpies when the event was first announced. He may have been family after all, and family was above everything, he was one of the members she and many others could have easily done with or without.

Erin had every right of mind to continue making her way to Magpies tent, just ignore them and press on. Everything will mellow out in a few minutes- that was until she heard a very certain, all too familiar voice behind her. Her stomach already began twisting itself into knots. It was only when she felt a hand on her shoulder, a grimace look spread over her face before returning to a more neutral one as she felt herself being forcefully turned to face the woman in question. Georgie Webb. Erin's face was initially one that couldn't have been read for whatever emotions she was feeling, her eyes anchored on the slightly shorter woman. After all these years, and she still practically looked the same, except for the pink hair. That was new. Erin's expression flickered from neutral and hard to read, to a more softened expression, eyebrows knitted together slightly, the corners of her mouth turning into more one of guilt than anything else. Georgie was angry, it was never a good sign when she was angry. But now? Now Georgie was angry at her. She was angry because of her. The pit in her stomach was beginning to form more and more the longer time went on. There was so much Erin wanted to say, to do to help explain all of this. But she couldn't. Not right now. Not here out of all places. Not when there were certain few that made, well, everything so damn complicated. Made everything become what it all was now. Everything else was all muddled out as only her focused was on the woman that stood right before her,"Georgie..." was all Erin was able to get out, barely above that of a whisper, before her expression changed once again. But only if one had managed to catch it. One of pure, complete fear, then returned to that of unreadable.

Jessie was the first to notice the shift in Erin's overall attitude. She was careful like that. Always managing to pick up on the slightest of inflections and changes in people's attitudes. It was something she had to do, than wanted. It all came with being a part of her family name, and that included everything that came with it. Jessie wanted to say something, maybe help ease the growing tension in the air with every passing second. Especially as it was clear that there really was something that happened all those years ago between the four adults. What caused such malice and anger? Jessie couldn't remember ever seeing Georgie this upset over anything.

Markus gave Lucian a small nod in response to him being asked if he was okay. So much just happened in such a short amount of time, so much was said, he couldn't help but feel like it was all his fault. Maybe if he didn't continue to try and help Erin, then maybe this whole altercation wouldn't have happened...That was until he managed to look over and see what, no, more specifically who caught Erin's attention. An all too familiar figure was making his way over to the group of adults and students. Markus was only able to awkwardly avoid the gaze of the other man that walked right up to Erin, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. That all too familiar toothy grin on his face all the while, This wasn't going to be good..

"Well, well, well." he barked, eyeing the group that stood opposite of him and Erin. He continued to have that iron clad grip on her shoulder, whether it was intential or not, it was hard to say. "If it isn't the Ballycastle Bats." he chimed, peering over at Markus. "Surprised to see you already up and walking again so soon, Markus." he beamed. Markus grinned sheepishly in response.

The man's eyes darted over to Lucian, "The man, the myth, the legend, huh? Here in the flesh." his voice carried a seemingly upbeat and cheery tone, but it was clear what he was really trying to do. Anyone that knew him at all knew his old ways. "I must say, for a Muggleborn, you really are something, Lucian Mitchell." his eyes beamed. His eyes scanning over the group of students, before landing on Erin, "But really, where is she, huh?" he chuckled, "-The one that made my darling sister here look like an absolute fool on the field." his grip tightening around Erin, who only forced out a clearly awkward chuckle of her own, doing a poor attempt at trying to hide the evident pain she was in with the shoulder injury.

"Taking a break in the Player's Tent, Niall. Just like you and the others should be doing." a completely new voice piped up from behind the two. This one seemed to cause Niall to tense up slightly. A forced grin forming on his face as he unraveled his arm from around Erin, as he turned on his feet.

His eyes landed on the figure, "I was only congratulating Markus and the others on their win, is all." he feigned ignorance. "Like all good sportsmen do." he slapped Erin on the shoulder once again.

"I'm sure you were, Niall." the older woman responded, hands clasped in front of her neatly. Her long blond hair hung well passed her shoulders. "Or else I may have to get your uncle to have a word with you, hm?" she said with a tilt in her head as she said the last bit, that came off as more of a statement than a question. A threat was what it really was.

"Right, aunt Guinnevere." Niall forced a smile, turning to look back at the others, "I'll see you around." he gave a small wave before turning on his feet and made his way to the Magpies tent.

Erin's posture evidentally shifted after Niall made his way back to the tents, and her aunt arrived on the scene. She looked back towards Lucian and Markus, "I'm sorry, for earlier." her eyes darted towards Markus, "I truly mean that." she said with a small nod, looking towards Lucian. Her expression seemed to change slightly, "However, I just thought maybe a letter or two in response would be easier than you just making a whole damn song, Luc-" her eyes anchored on him, "But I guess that was asking for too much." she gave a small shake of her head, before turning on her heels.

The woman stopped Erin with a gentle touch to her other, uninjured shoulder, "I'll stop by shortly to make sure it's not too severe, hun. You go rest up now, you have a busy next few days." she gave a small smile to her niece, before turning to the others. "Well, I apologize for my dear niece and nephew." she said with a chuckle, "They certainly are...Something." she mused. Her eyes scanning over the other students, before landing on Markus, "Markus Vasco." she said cheerily, stepping forth as she gave him a hug without a second thought, as if it was merely second nature to her, which in truth it may as well have been. "I was so thrilled when I got the news you were going to be playing tonight. I'm glad everything is going well for you, dear. And I heard from some of the students here, " she said as she eyed a certain trio of them, "That you're also now the Ravenclaw coach? Is that right?" Markus beamed proudly, "That's wonderful, Markus. Truly." next she looked over to Lucian, a genuine smile, however concerned etched across her face, "I'm so glad to see you here, Lucian. You're looking well." she beamed, knowing full well he wasn't exactly one for physical effection, she decided to still give him a gentle palm to the cheek as she looked up at him.

"Aunt Guinn!" Haylen piped in, rather inapprorpiately timed, "What are you doing here?" he beamed. Genuinely surprised to see her here.

"Well, it only makes sense that I would be, Hayl." she gave a small chuckle, "Seeing as I'm one of St. Mungo's nurses. Or did you get a hit to the head again and you merely forgot?" she teased, messing with his hair. Haylen gave a rather unamused look at her.

"I think you forgot one of us had to be born a bit dim whitted, while the other smart, aunt Guinn." Cas chimed in playfully.

"And what? Which one would be you, Castiella?" she shot back. Cas looking feignly offended, before a large grin formed on their face. Their aunt always did know how to not only ease tension with a single touch or word, magic involved or not, but she always knew how to fire back with some sass of her own.

"I think we all know the answer on that one, mum." Jessie piped in.

"Oh don't even get me started on you, Jess." she started, Jessie immediately putting her hands up in mock surrender. "Anyway, I merely came here to say hello and make sure you were all getting on well, but uhm...Clearly other matters were taken care of as well." she chuckled awkwardly, "But, if you will excuse me, there's lots to be taken care of." she gave a small nod, "But if any of you ever have any questions or need help with anything, anything at all, just come and find me. I'm more than happy to lend a hand or whatever else you may need." she gave a gentle squeeze to Jessie on the shoulder, before making her own way to the Player's Tent, much work to do indeed.

As the woman walked away, Jessie couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh, turning back to her friends, "Well now you've all met my mother, I guess." she chuckled awkwardly, "She always did to seem to have a special knack for certain things." she grinned a bit awkwardly.

"That she has." Cas chimed in, reenforcing said sentiment. Looking back in Lucian's direction, "So you really wrote that song about her, huh?" they asked with eyebrows raised.

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eden and nova and antigone and lucian and georgie
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964 and #0B7a75 and #F44174

Haylen’s agreement that it seemed to have been deliberate made Nova beam and smile a little to herself. Haylen was a stellar beater, so for them to agree with her assessment confirmed it as complete truth in her mind. She laughed as Cas brought the topic back to Georgie by slapping Haylen upside the head. She thought that would be it for the serious talk; but Jessie issued a serious warning about Niall and to stay away from him. Nova shrugged. “Eh, he’s always seemed exceptionally unpleasant even in interviews, so good to know that it’s not just an act.”

Their attention was drawn back to the conflict in front of them when Georgie began yelling. Eden frowned. “Has anyone else ever seen her actually yell?” They asked, their voice hushed. “Because I sure as hell haven’t, even when she was playing for the Harpies and someone nearly killed their keeper.” This wasn’t anger. Anger would have been downplaying it. It was pure fury and hurt, bottled up over years.

Lucian dared to breathe again as Markus nodded that he was okay, and Georgie disappeared beneath the flap of the players tent. In the five and a half years he’d spent in school with Georgie, he’d seen her lose her temper exactly once, but he’d never forgotten it. She’d been in detention for a month after it, and Nott’s face had never been right afterwards. He’d also never dared use the term mudblood in Georgie’s presence again. So avoiding her completely losing her temper again was for the good of everyone in the vicinity, not just her and Erin. But before he could say much else, a voice came from afar, one that made him freeze.

If he’d had a chance, if he hadn’t been distracted, maybe he would have been able to catch himself before things got bad. But he didn’t. And he felt that familiar cold dread sink in, starting behind his eyes and slowly trickling downwards until it filled his whole body and seeped through his feet to make sure he was rooted to the ground and couldn’t go anywhere. Later, he’d wonder exactly why Niall Monaghan’s voice had had such an effect on him, but right then, his brain was filled with voices muttering and murmuring about what they would do with Lucian’s body when he was dead. His left forearm was burning, like somebody was carving the words in again and again and again. He was there, he was back there, they’d gotten him again-

And then a voice cut through it. A familiar voice that was firm but not harsh. One that hadn’t been there. One that they hadn’t turned against him. And he blinked, and there stood Guinnevere Carter. The only one who’d been able to get through to him when he was at his very lowest. He still felt rooted to the ground, and could hear the voices still hissing and his arm still burning, but he could manage a smile at her at least. And he could hear Erin’s departing words.

“I… I did,” was all he could manage to say. He’d written her a letter in St. Mungo’s; to one of the bravest people he knew. It had been Guinnevere that had told him to do it. But Erin hadn’t responded. He’d waited for a response that never came.

Guinn’s hand on his cheek was a welcome, grounding touch. This time, the smile he gave her was genuine and unaffected by the shadows screaming in his head. “Thanks, Guinn,” was all he said in response. It wasn’t the time for him to say all the things he wanted to say to her; he’d written them in a letter to her, but now he wondered if that had all been in his head, if him turning his back on the magical world meant his letters had never gotten to their destinations, or maybe, just maybe, if she had gotten it.

Eden, Tig, and Nova trailed behind the Chambers and Carter to catch up to Guinn, letting them have the reunion before they joined in. They called their goodbyes in a chorus as she left, and turned their attention back to their teachers.

“She seems fantastic, Jessie,” Tig remarked. “I’m just disappointed she got to that prick before I did, it’s been too long since I got to Bat Bogey a grown man,” she continued, before remembering that she was in the presence of school staff. “That was a joke. I’m an upstanding student who would never do such a thing.” She didn’t think she was convincing anyone, but at least she’d said it.

Cas quickly turned the attention back to Lucian, who had suddenly become a little worse for wear. When he lifted a hand to brush his hair out of his face, it was shaking. “I, uh… it’s a very long story and… I do not feel like telling it right now,” he admitted. Even just thinking about how and why it had been written was at risk of making him feel like he was stuck in that hospital room all over again. “If I’d known she was going to be here, I wouldn’t have played it, though. I’m not… I didn’t want to hurt her like that.” Was it their imagination, or had the shake in his hands moved to his voice now as well. “I’m gonna go check on Georgie, make sure she hasn’t eaten all the sausage rolls.” The brightness in his voice was weak and forced, and the smile was empty and hollow.

“That must have been some falling out for Lucian to react like that,” Nova mused out loud once he'd disappeared. “Imagine, a full library of songs about leaving behind your unrequited love, and he ends up playing the one song about a bad friendship breakup in front of the person it’s about. He should have gone with the love songs, they would have been a safer bet,” she continued.

“Not as good to open a Quidditch match to, though,” Tig remarked. “Everyone would have just been bawling their eyes out and the players would have been flying into each other before the match even started. Pure chaos.”

“Worth it, though,” Eden concluded. “Although we did get to meet… four players from the match within five minutes, so maybe our brand of chaos was also worth it. What do you think, Professor Vasco?”

Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41 - & - Markus Vasco - #324363

Neither of the twins could help contain the smirks that formed on both their faces, in sync as ever it seemed. Only that it was somehow Cas that was able to recover first, clearing their throat as they attempted to look around and act as casual as they could once again, Haylen miserably following suit only moments later. Nice save, dumbass.

Jessie grinned alongside her cousins, giving Antingone a small shoulder bump, "I would have liked to have witnessed that one, actually. I think we all would have." she basically whispered to her friend as Cas managed to gracefully as ever swap topics and derive any possible disaproving look Markus could have given them. But with a small look in his direction, Jessie noted he still seemed shaken up from earlier, somewhat lost in his own little world, no matter how well he may have tried to at least act present. Maybe things really had been worse between those four, than she had feared. Sure, Jessie really did have her suspicions on what it could have been, she was good at playing dumb, never letting the 'actual adults' catch onto the fact that she was paying attention to everything that had been going on in that house, even back then. She may have been only a child back then, but even then she wasn't stupid. No one could truly afford to be stupid in that house. Not with a family like that anyway. And after everything that has happened since? Well...It was safe to say Jessie had her thoughts, even if she didn't want to think about that right now.

Cas couldn't help the small, genuine look of displeasure that scrawled across their face when Lucian confirmed that if he had known Erin was going to be there, he wouldn't have chosen that song to be the opening one. They were already regretting actively choosing to poke the bear, so to say. Even if Cas was somewhat dimwhitted in the grand scheme of things, they could tell when something upset someone. And it was all too obvious their allbeit harmless question upset Lucian, something they wished they could have taken back and maybe have asked something else. Retrospect and all that. Especially as they saw Lucian's hand shake as he brushed his hair back, taking note of the ever so small tonal change. They did indeed fucked up...

Haylen raised his hand, as if wanting to speak up, as if they were all still in a class room, but before they could even attempt, Lucian was excusing himself to go and check on his friend. Haylen bit the inside of his cheek, awkwardly putting his hand down. "Okay, maybe later.." he grumbled, looking down at the ground as he poked at the dirt with the tip of his shoe.

Jessie's eyes darted back to Markus as Nova stated how awkward of a falling out it must have been, somehow even she had forgotten he was still there, even however brief it may have been. She noticed the small twinge in the older Ravenclaw's brows, the twitch in his cheek before his eyes darted to the group of young students. His eyes scanning them over, as if he was trying to reground himself once again. As if his mind had been...elsewhere. "Oh." he chuckled awkwardly, "Yeah." he nodded, "Last thing I think we would have needed was for both teams to be ugly crying on brooms." he chuckled, even if it was a bit forced. He really was trying to be cheery again, he didn't need to be such an obvious mess at the moment. Markus rolled his shoulder a bit, "I do think it would have made one hell of an interesting headline in the daily prophet though." he mused, "But uh...yeah..." his voice dipped for a moment, "I should probably go get out of this uniform and into something more comfortable." he nodded, as if more to himself than the students, "You guys should go and have fun, that's what this whole trip is about." he nodded again, as if trying to reassure himself just as much as them, "Go and find the rest of your friends, make yourself comfortable on the FairGrounds, go play some games, meet some of the other players, whatever you guys wanna do, yeah?" he gave the group a small smile before making his way to the Ballycastle Bats tent and disapeared from sight.

Jessie waved Markus off, before looking back to her friends. Finally it was just them, "Sooo..." she started, "...Do we go and cause some grade a Hogwarts mischief...oorrr-" she looked around, "Do we go and meet some of the others? Unless any of you have any better ideas?" she grinned.

eden and nova and antigone
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964

Jessie’s murmured comment that she would have loved to see her jinx Niall made Tig smile proudly to herself. Cas managed to divert attention away from her with ease, meaning that Professor Vasco didn’t get a chance to think too hard about what Tig had said, and that Tig got away with it. Rather unfortunately, Cas’ change in topic was a diversion straight into a wall. Lucian became even paler than usual, and he wasn’t looking at any of them in the face. The shake in his hand made Tig feel sick to her stomach. Because she recognised it. He wasn’t just upset over a falling out; there was some form of trauma there, one he hadn’t healed from after all that time.

She caught Hayl’s eye as they slowly lowered their hand in disappointment. “Don’t worry, Hayl, we’ll catch up to him again, once the safety of the sausage rolls has been established,” she said quietly with a small smile. As if that whole scenario hadn’t been bad enough, Nova decided to verbally follow a train of thought that could have ended somewhere even more awkward. And honestly, Tig was pretty sure if it had been anyone other than Nova, it probably still would have done. But with Nova, it was always crystal clear she didn’t mean any harm by it, and they all knew Markus had a soft spot for her anyway. Markus’ recovery showed that much, before he managed to gracefully excuse himself.

Markus finally managed to escape the situation, leaving the students to conspire by themselves. Eden waved goodbye, and turned his attention back to the group. When Jessie suggested causing mischief, his face lit up immediately. “I vote the former. I’ve met everyone I wanted to meet, I’m dying to cause some mischief.” Tig’s face lit up with a grin that Eden immediately recognised as being dangerous.

“Oh, yeah, it’s gotta be mischief all the way. It’s just not a field trip without one,” she said, but her grin screamed of an itch to try out some new unpleasant jinx on the nearest dickhead. Eden caught her eye and grinned even wider, before turning to look at the others and raising his eyebrow. Nova shrugged, her own grin starting to appear.

“Mischief does sound like far more fun than just trudging around the pitch talking to people we don’t even really know,” she mused. “So, what exactly should we do? It’ll have to be pretty special to follow up to that match. But also I do want to try some of those games. I want to see how many of them are rigged and how many of them I can outsmart.” Her favourite part of dumb carnival games was usually the plushies that came as prizes, but her second favourite part was, without a doubt, the look on people’s faces when she managed to do something that the odds were mounted against, and when she made it look easy. Even on the Muggle ones, she never needed to use magic, and she knew these ones would be enchanted to stop magic from giving her an advantage. So it would rely entirely on her using her wits and her brain; which was just fine with her.

Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41

To be completely honest, Jessie was rather surprised her friends all agreed to go continue more mischief on the fieldgrounds, but on another hand, she was entirely relieved. They had already sturred up some trouble with some people they really shouldn't have, and the last thing she wanted was for things to get even worse. And Merlin knew it could so very easily go even more south than things currently were. Especially if they continued to poke and prod at matters they didn't have any business with. Jessie managed to catch Cas's eye once again as their friends started to talk about what to do once again, the two cousins understood each other without a word being said between the two. They'd talk later, good. At least that much was understood in the moment.
Cas cleared their throat, "I'd suggest checking out some of those games too? Even though we know full well they're not entirely worth it, it'd be a good time spender until then, yeah?" they gave a hopeful understanding nod.

Haylen tilted their head at Cas, "What do you mean not entirely worth it? I love those little games with the Kneazles." Haylen gave a slight pout, arms crossed.

Cas shook their head as they shouldn't help but chuckle, "Oh, I know you do, Hayl. You have far too many of the damned prizes at the Hovel." Cas retorted, as the group started to walk back off the Quidditch Pitch and back to the FiendGrounds.

Haylen gasped playfully, "Excuse me-" a false sense of offense overcame Haylen's expression as they spoke, "I'll have you know there is no such thing as too many mini-Kneazles." Haylen remembered the first prize they ever won when they were little. Their father had taken the family to an old Quidditch game, and won several prizes that night for the children, and since then Haylen took it upon themself to always try to carry on what he considered to be an old tradition.

It was Jessie's turn to finally but-in to the conversation at hand, it was a good subject changer and distraction anyway,
"I'm sorry to break it to you, Hayl, but to some people-" she gestured to the others and herself, "-there may be such a thing as too many." she chuckled, gently proding Haylen.

Haylen rolled their eyes,
"Just you wait, Carter, there will come a day when you'll take back those words. I can almost guarentee it." he said proudly, crossing their arms in mock rebellion. "So where to first then, hm?" he asked, "There's far too many games to play...I just don't know where to begin." Haylen rubbed his hands together eagerly, a certain glint in their eyes as the group walked around.

eden and nova and antigone
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964

For Nova, the question of where to start was an easy one. She started at the game nearest them. The moment she stepped into the line, her only focus was on the game. Watching it and how it worked, spotting the players’ weaknesses, studying how the game was set up to play into those weaknesses. By the time she reached the top of the queue, she had a strategy all planned out. She handed over a sickle and received three small, wooden balls decorated like golden snitches. They were enchanted to fly in what seemed like an entirely random pattern, but wasn’t actually random at all. She threw the first one, and counted silently in her head, watching the chaotic path of the one she'd just thrown. Then, after a few seconds, she threw the second, and began to count again, before throwing the htird a few seconds later. They swirled in their meaningless patterns, around and around. Nova began to fear she'd mistimed it. But then the collisions started, the fake snitches crashing into each other and losing their momentum. This continued for a few seconds. And then they fell heavily into the cups, one into each, and Nova turned around to the attendant with a large smile. “I’ll take the mini unicorn, please.”

And thus began Nova’s conquest of the carnival games. At some point, she’d actually developed something of a crowd around her, following her as she won prize after prize, all muttering to each other, theorising how she did it. By the time she reached the last one, she had two bags of various plushies and was still holding enough in her arms that she could barely see over the top of them. Unfortunately, she’d lost her friends somewhere along the way. Fortunately, as she decided to go off in search of them, she literally ran into one of them.

“Merlin’s beard, Nova, that’s some stash of plushies. Do you need a hand?” Eden’s voice came from somewhere behind the mountain.
“Yes, please. Actually-” She said, juggling the mountain for a few seconds, apparently looking for something, until she produced an orange cat plushie. “This is for you! Because it looks like you! Now, that’s one less for me to carry.” Eden laughed, tucking the plushie carefully under their arm. She eventually handed them a few more as well, at least enough that she could safely see where she was going.

““I would ask if you’d seen any of the others, but I think you’ve been a bit preoccupied,” They teased, and Nova smiled a little awkwardly and shook her head.
“Who were you looking for?” She asked.
““Any of them, really. I splintered off to get popcorn and when I came back I’d lost everyone,” they said, glancing around them. ““They can’t have gone too far though, I’m sure.”
“Hopefully not. We should probably stick together though. I would have said it’d be pretty difficult to lose either of us, but the two of us together definitely make a distinctive enough pair that they’d have to be blind to miss us,” she said with a beaming smile. Eden nodded.
““That’s an excellent point.”

Tig’s separation from her friends had been a far more deliberate one. She’d noticed the shadow on her tail almost immediately. But she’d waited to ensure that it was somebody following them intently, and not just somebody following the same route as them. Once her suspicions were confirmed, she declared that she wanted to get some chocolate covered fruit, and headed off in that direction. Her plan had been to loop around and get a look at the person following them; but instead, when Tig separated from the group, so did they. Chills went up her spine. She had a really, really bad feeling about it.
She took a moment to stop and root through her bag, slipping her wand up her sleeve in the process. She wanted to have it close by just in case. And then she took off again, a wandering, meandering path through the festival. The shadow only started to get closer once she found herself in the less populated part, where there were fewer crowds to notice. Her heart was pounding in her throat, but she kept her head down and watched. She stopped at a jewellery stand to look through their wares, and also to see how the person following her would follow. They stayed at a stand a few metres away, showing an unusual amount of interest in some scarves and gloves. Tig handed over the money for the pair of earrings she bought without saying a word, before silently making her way over to the stand the person was at. The minute she stepped up to the counter, they slunk away, turning away in such a manner that she couldn’t get a good look at their face. She bought a Magpies scarf and slung it around her neck.

They were still following her. But they were getting closer and closer. They weren’t lurking any more; they were trying to catch up to her. She made a split second decision to try and get back to where there were more people, where they’d be more limited in what they could do. But she took a wrong turn, and that was when she found herself being grabbed by the scarf and dragged away, over somewhere quieter. The tightness of the grip on her scarf shocked her, and so it took a couple of seconds for her to react. She went for her wand, and the minute the figure let her go, she had the wand pointed level at their face. At his face. Of all people, it was Niall Monaghan. She remembered Jessie’s warning, about how he wasn’t somebody to be messed with, and so took the opportunity to let loose one of her perfected bat bogey hexes. He stumbled backwards, and Tig took the opportunity to take a few steps back herself to put even more distance between them.

“Are you gonna tell me what the fuck you want, or would you like me to try out a few more hexes on you?” She asked, her wand still levelled at his head.

Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41

If Jessie had to be honest with herself, getting wrapped up in the chaos of the plethora of fair grounds games wasn't exactly her plan for the evening. But it did help keep her mind at bay, and off of certain things she didn't exactly want to be thinking about. Not while she was with her friends and family, after all. Well, certain family members anyway. There were some here that she could have happily done without, truth be told. And thankfully, she hadn't seen him anywhere after that more than awkward interaction at the Quidditch Pitch. Thank Merlin for that, she thought. Last thing they all needed was the trip being called off for everyone, all because two damned siblings got into it, again. Instead, Jessie had all but more than happily found herself following Nova around like a lost puppy. All too enthused and curious for how her friend was going to go at the next game and then the next. Not that Jessie couldn't afford to play any of the games, of course she could, but they weren't exactly to her interest. She preferred watching the others play and how they went against them. That, and the fact that they were more of a scam than anything else, even in the Wizarding World, these prizes that could be won were far too expensive for a possible chance at getting what the player wanted, than losing and getting nothing in return. Except for a somewhat more lighter wallet than when they started. So she continued to follow Nova about, a smile on her face all the while. Giving Eden a small smile as he approached the two, stepping closer as she offered to help carry some of the plushes as well.

Haylen on the other hand had found themselves at one of the booths, lips were pressed together so tightly it looked like he would burst at any moment. An all too strong expression of focus was present, as evident by the tip of his tongue poking through his lips, "Aannnddd-" Haylen mumbled, a dull thunk sounded as the dart missed the target by mere centimeters. "Dammit." an exasperated tone escaped his lips. His head hanging low in defeat. It was already the sixth try at this one booth. Haylen dug into his pocket to retrieve yet another two gold galleons, slapping them onto the counter. "Again." Haylen said with a fervent nod. They would win the damned Hungarian Horntail miniature, money be damned.

"I thought you already had like...twelve of these, Hayl?" a voice suddenly spoke up, causing Haylen to throw the dart a bit too wide and missed the board entirely. Someone having to quickly duck down low as they managed to see the dart aimed their way. A frown aimed at Haylen, from the young witch in question. Haylen gave the young girl an apologetic attempt at a smile, and wave, before turning to look at the one who ruined his current go at darts.

"Thirteen, actually. But this one isn't for me. It's going to be a gift." Haylen said, rather proudly and matter of factly. Crossing their arms, as if further to prove their point. A large smile soon forming, "But also thanks for ruining that next attempt, sis." a playful chuckle escaped them, as Haylen quickly wrapped one arm around the woman in question, the other arm still holding a clutched fist-full of darts. "You did amazing in the match earlier, by the way, as usual." Haylen beamed.

The dark haired woman returned the hug in kind, both of her arms wrapping them around Haylen. She noticed she had to now look up in her younger sibling's direction, "Why thank you, Hayl." she gushed, "Someone has to carry the team, I suppose." she playfully mused, before messing up Haylen's hair once again with her hand. "Where's your other half, anyway?"

As if summoned right on cue, a certain blonde haired individual squirmed their way through a group of people, an annoyed look on their face. "If I have to yell at another drunk adult tonight one more time, I may actually lose it, Hayl-" they grumbled, before looking up. "-Oh shit- I mean dang; hi Fluer." Cas grinned, stepping forward to give their older sister a hug of their own.

Their sister giggling in reply. "Oh please, it's just me. Not like it's Chrys." she continued, "You two know how she cares more about the curses than I do-" she paused for a moment, "Well, swears, really. Not those kinds of curses. But you two already knew that." she gave a small shrug. "Anyway, I thought you two had a whole pack of friends earlier? Where'd they all go?" she looked around, hoping to find the rest of the group, there were some she had hoped to meet.

Haylen gave a small shrug, turning back to the dart booth, "I don't know, but I need to get this one before-"

"Over here, guys!"
Cas suddenly shouted, waving their hands above their head as they could see three familiar faces only a few feet away, and an overly comical amount of plushies in one of the member's arms.

Haylen let out a small curse, "Dammit Cas." he groaned, missing the target once again. "I thought I was going to have it this time..." Haylen grumbled. Setting down the rest of the darts and made his way back over to reconvene with the others. It took Haylen a moment as they scanned over the others, "Hey...Where's Tig? Is she not with you guys?"

A sudden look of confusion, swiftly followed by concern etched itself over Jessie's face when she heard Haylen's question, "Wh...what?" she stammered, "We thought she was with you guys?" an eyebrow raised further. Panic began to set in, if she wasn't with Jessie and that part of the group, and she wasn't with the other two...Then...Where was she?



Monaghan - & - Niall Monaghan

Hidden eyes prowled from the darkness as a figure loomed behind. Always managing to be just out of sight, or at least a few steps behind. Never bringing attention to oneself, or making much noise for that matter. Blending in with the surroundings and with plenty of people and crowded areas, it was no wonder it managed to go undetected for as long as it did. Or at least that was assumed anyway. Maybe a few steps had been a little bit louder than intended, maybe he just wasn't exactly quick enough with getting away without causing a scene. Or, maybe, just maybe she was a little smarter than he had expected. Nor anticipated. Just as soon as the figure closed the distance when the two were alone and out of eyesight and hearing range, the figure found himself on his back. A small groan escaped his lips, wiping his nose as he slowly pushed himself up on his elbows, keeping himself propped up on the ground. "Bloody hell." he bellowed, a small chuckle escaping his lips shortly thereafter. His eyes slowly trailing up towards the young girl with the wand directly aimed at him. He had to play this cool. He couldn't cause any trouble. Not with the kids...But-

Slowly getting to his feet, hands raised in a none threatening manner, attempting to make himself as small as he could, even if he was nearly a whole foot taller than the girl that stood before him. "I was just making sure you didn't get lost, that's all." he mused, "You can ease up, alright?" he said with a small shrug, never once taking his dark eyes off of her. "Antigone, right?" he questioned. "Good friends with my cousins?" an eyebrow raised, "...Especially Jessie?" he grinned, taking a few steps forward. Stopping about halfway midstep, "Hey now...I won't hurt you." he kept his arms raised, open palmed. "Pureblood don't hurt Purebloods, remember?" he grinned. Such an expression was short lived, as he not too long after rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh.

A different figure seemed to appear out of thin air, stepping out from the darkness as well. This time however, from behind Niall. "I was only making sure she didn't get seperated from the herd for too long. That's all." he mused, his tone suddenly shifting to one that held a more friendly and upbeat tone. Rather contrast to the one he had been using only moments prior.

A soft sigh sounded as the other figure stepped in between the two, momentarily blocking Antigone from Niall's eyesight. "We both know that's not completely true. So cut the bullshit already." this time a feminine voice spoke up. Niall's eyes were anchored on the woman.

"What? I couldn't bare the thought of what could have happened if she was left alone. Especially seeing as how she is a student, after all. No?" he mused, feigning innocence.

The woman chuckled, clearly forced all the while, "From the looks of things? She can clearly take care of herself. Seeing as how she hexed you so damn quickly." Erin mused, keeping her footing strong, a stiff arm by her side. "But I think she's got things from here. I'll make sure she gets back to the others without any further problem. I was just heading there anyway." her eyes equally anchored on her brother as she spoke. There was an all too clear tension brewing with every passing moment, it was practically palpable in the air.

Niall let out a small sigh, his head tilted to the side, "I was only messing about, Erin. You know that-" she raised her hand, cutting him off from finishing the sentence.

"She is a student, Niall. Or do I have to remind you of that?" there was an unreadable bitterness in her words that were aimed towards him, her wand slipping from inside the sleeve of her jacket, aimed down towards the ground. The source of such emotion towards ones own blood wasn't exactly common. Or was it? No one could be so sure. "So it's best if you bugger off. Now." her words were just as firm as her stance, feet rooted to the ground. She wasn't going to move unless she was physically forced. That much was evidently clear.

Tension and silence hung in the air, it was so thick someone might have been able to cut through it. After a few more moments, Niall awkwardly nodded his head, before putting his hands up in accepted defeat. "I'll see you around, brave girl." he peered over Erin's shoulder, aiming his gaze directly at the slightly shorter girl that stood behind his sister. Slowly turning on his feet before he dissapeared back into the night.

Erin remained in her stance for a few moments longer, before letting out an ever so slight kurt breath. Her shoulders slouching forward, for but a moment, before she re-corrected her posture. Turning on her heel to finally face the girl she had been standing in front of. Her eyes scanning over Antigone for a few moments before she finally spoke, "Are you alright?" her voice was low, not in an angry or upset tone, nowhere near such emotions, if anything, it was a tone of worry and concern. "I want to say I'm sorry for my brother's actions but..." she let out a sigh, "He's uncontrollable half the time. As you can clearly see." she shook her head, eyeing the young student again. Craining her neck to the side, Erin managed to see a slight red mark beginning to appear on Antigone's neck. She had managed to take note of the scarf that was on the ground, kneeling down she carefully picked it up. Noticing how there was already a slight tear in the material, it didn't exactly take a genius to put the pieces together as to why, knowing her brother, actions told her enough.

Standing back up straight once again, Erin stepped back closer to Antigone, without a single word, the scarf appeared to mend itself back together again, any sign of damage was nowhere in sight now. Erin gingerly placed the scarf back around Antigone's shoulders, grazing the open palm of her hand on the side of the girl's neck for a moment, before taking a step back. "There, like it never happened." eyeing the now missing reddened mark on Antigone's neck. The last thing they needed was for questions to arise for why a student had been potentially physically harmed. Even though she wished she could have done more. Maybe she would, not like words alone would ever fix her brother, the scars were evidence enough of that. Giving a small, however forced smile, "We should probably get you back with your friends now, huh? Before they realize you've been missing for too long." her tone remained just the same all the while, soft and kind, a rather stark contrast with how she had been acting only a few hours before with Markus and Lucian. Maybe she had been attempting a show, or maybe her tone truly shifted so quickly. Who was to say? But all she did know, was that she needed to get Antigone away from here, and back with her friends.

Tig raised an eyebrow as Niall said she was making sure she didn’t get lost. It felt like a pathetic attempt at a lie, and she was almost offended that he seemed to think it would work on her. He said she could ease up, but she just raised an eyebrow, mentally deciding that she wasn’t going to do that. She recognised his type, the type that could play dashing hero all too well before turning around and jinxing you in the back. The moment he mentioned Jessie, Antigone’s hand tightened around her wand. Threatening her was bad enough, but if he dared try and hurt Jessie, Antigone would make that bat bogey jinx seem like child’s play. His next statement sent a chill down Antigone’s spine. She’d heard that before, muttered so many times around her grandmother’s mansion, usually followed by something like “... but that little shit deserves it.” She was older now, better able to defend herself, but there was a little kid somewhere inside her that just wanted to run and hide at that.

The appearance of a second person made her panic a little. She could take on one grown man with ease, but two? Two, she wasn’t so sure about. So when it was a familiar voice, she frowned a little. She wasn’t sure who to expect, but it sure as hell wasn’t Erin Monaghan. Judging by their earlier interaction, there wasn’t a whole lot of love lost between the two siblings. And Tig knew as well as anyone that family meant shit when the family member was a dickhead. Especially the breed of dickhead that said things like “purebloods don’t hurt purebloods.” If it had been Eden he’d caught, would it have been different?

Erin’s remark about Antigone jinxing Erin made Tig smile with pride. She still wasn’t properly dropping her guard; Erin could have just been playing good cop. But she felt a hell of a lot better about being left alone with Erin than Niall. The longer their interaction went on, the more sure Tig became of that. When Niall shot her a look over Erin’s shoulder, Tig returned it, mustering all the fire she could manage. Once he disappeared, she finally dropped her hand and exhaled heavily.

“I’m fine. Men like him don’t scare me any more,” she said in response to Erin’s query about whether or not she was okay. She knew that there was still plenty of adrenaline coursing through her veins and keeping up her mental defences to the whole thing, and that she’d probably feel everything later on. But she was fine with that. She just needed time to get back to safety first. She saw Erin eyeing her neck, and rubbed it out of habit. She watched warily as Erin picked up the scarf and repaired it, before wrapping it back around Tig’s neck. She knew that Erin healing up the small bruise could be attributed to Erin wanting to cover her own ass, stop people from asking any questions and finding their way to Erin herself. But nobody else had ever patched up Tig’s wounds. When she’d had visible wounds as a kid, it had been presumed that she’d done something to deserve it, and so was forced to wear them visibly. Somebody else patching her up, making sure that prying eyes wouldn’t see and ask prying questions, was a first, and one that made her glance away from Erin to give her a moment to recover. When Erin suggested they get back to her friends, Tig nodded.

“I kinda feel like a dick for dressing in Bats colours now, after it was a Magpie that came to my rescue,” she said with a small laugh. "But in my defence… I’m gonna support an Irish team when it comes down to it, ya know? At least I got this,” she continued, holding up the scarf. “You played really well though. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a game where the seekers have been as closely matched in talent as you and…” Remembering the apparent bad blood between them, she trailed off, and decided to move on quickly. “It’s always cool to see other Seekers play and learn from them. And the chasers, seeing as that’s my main position. I’m Slytherin’s reserve seeker, though. Don’t stand a chance of replacing Jessie any time soon, though, she’s brilliant. But I think what a lot of people tend to forget is that the best players learn from all of the positions and use techniques from all of them.” She was well aware of what she was doing. Talking to fill the silence, make sure that neither of them had to acknowledge what had happened. Make sure that she didn’t even have to think too hard about it.

She was relieved when she spotted the group again, and for a second, was tempted to just sprint off to them. But instead, she looked at Erin. “You should come say hi to them. We only got to talk so briefly earlier,” she said with a small smile. Given how things had gone earlier, she figured Erin might want a second chance at redeeming herself and showing the side that Tig had seen to the others. “I know we look like a bunch of Bats fanatics, that’s mostly thanks to Hayl’s hat, but Eden and Jessie are at least in Magpie colours? So you can be seen talking to them, anyway. If you want,” She added. As if summoned by the mention of their name, Eden looked over, said something to the others, and started making their way over to her, followed closely by Nova.

“Jesus, Tig, we were starting to wonder if you’d gotten lost in the haunted maze or something,” Eden said as they caught up to her.

Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41 - & Erin
Monaghan -#8c8787

Upon the reassurance that Antigone was in fact alright, Erin gave a small nod, a small amount of relief began to fill her, but the addition of how men like that didn't scare her anymore, caused Erin's stomach to clench a bit. What exactly did she mean by that? Not that Erin didn't know what was being implied about her brother, if anything, she knew all too well about that topic. But what other men was she referencing? Who else had at the very least threatened her, if not worse? The thought nearly made her sick, and thankfully things were swiftly being moved along. A small chuckle sounded as an unexpected apology came her way, about not wearing the colors that belonged to the Magpies, black and silver. She didn't mind that the young student was dressed to support the Bats, all things considered. As surprising as it may have seemed, she took no offense. They could support whatever team they so wished, even if she didn't say it aloud, allowing Antigone to continue talking. She herself wasn't much of a talker anyway, she merely kept her hands in the pocket's of her jacket and walked alongside Antigone, listening to every word. Nodding along.

Erin couldn't help but awkwardly chuckle at the compliment thrown her way about how the game went, "Oh I'd actually have to disagree on that part." she awkwardly fidgeted with one of the rings on her hand, "I think I royally made a fool of myself with how it ended. Least in my favor. Getting thrown off your broom like that because of a damned Bludger..." she shook her head, "If it wasn't for that though?" she raised an eyebrow, "I think it would have indeed been a closer match." she gave a small nod, however, at the mention of Georgie, she momentarily froze before recovering. Georgie...That name rattled around her brain like a stray golden snitch. It caused a different sort of pain in her chest she never exactly knew how to feel about it. So she didn't. At least Erin tried not to. "She's a mad woman on a broom though, to be fair. And considering she's on the Bat's?" Erin chuckled and shook her head, "One of the best." she paused for a moment before stooping low, "Promise to not repeat that to her, yeah? Don't think she needs to get a bigger ego." she chided, "That's a joke, by the way."

At the mention of her cousin, Erin perked up a bit, a bigger smile overtaking her face for a moment. It made her genuinely proud to hear how well her cousin was doing at school, especially with Quidditch. Sure, she had gotten the letters from them all, but it was reassuring to hear the true success from other people, and not just sugercoating from a younger cousin. Erin grinned, "That sounds about right for my cousin." she beamed, "Considering how many of us in our family were Quidditch players?" she paused, there were a lot of them actually. "I'm proud of her, really. All of them. They deserve to do well, and I'm glad they're not just bullshitting me in their letters." she chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck. "I was about to ask, actually. I thought I recalled that Jessie mentioned you were one of the Chasers. Which.." she paused and looked around before continuing, as if someone could overhear, "I heard she actually didn't make it as Chaser when she first started Quidditch, and got put on as Seeker after a few more try-outs." she said with a chuckle, "Which, I'm actually surprised cuz her mother was a Chaser on the Slytherin team back in the day, if that says anything about our family." she gave a small nod.

When a few familiar faces started to come into view, Erin slowed her pace a bit, she'd consider leaving it there and let Antigone run off to her friends, but she was rather surprised when the student said she should stay and talk to them for a bit. She wants to be seen with me? Erin couldn't help as that thought crossed her mind for a moment, taking her out of the present before she shook her head.
"I don't care who I'm seen talking to, never have." she gave a small smile and nod in Antigone's direction. Erin's attention was quickly diverted to the two students that made their way towards the two before the others did. Erin had only seen them briefly before back on the pitch. She took a moment to take the two in. If Erin recalled correctly, from all of the letters, she knew who the male one was, a fellow Slytherin and close friend of her cousins, especially Jessie. "Sorry, she kind of got lost earlier. So I have gracefully come to return her." she mused, looking at Antigone for a moment before looking at the other two, "Eden Thomas, right?" she said pointing at the one in question, "I've heard from my cousins that you're one of the other talented Chasers for Slytherin, right?" she beamed, "I've heard all about you. I'm glad my totally lame cousins were somehow able to make friends with such delightful company." she said with a playful tone, it was clearly a teasing jab at her family. Erin paused however, when her eyes landed on the other student. The girl in question was average height, fair skin, but the aspects that stood out were what caused Erin to pause. The dark curly hair that was nearly a main of curls, and dark eyes. Even if she hadn't known the girl's name from before, she would have been able to piece it all together from looks alone. She looked so much like... Erin blinked out of her lost thoughts, "Nova Morrison? Ravenclaw?" she pointed, "I thought I recognized you, from name alone." she beamed, "Your name is practically legend in the Ministry. Or so the stories go according to your father." she chuckled, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you face to face. Now I can properly put a face to the name I've heard so much about."

There had been barely enough time for Erin to have reacted, before she found herself being knocked off her feet, but thankfully she was able to anchor her feet in the ground and steady herself, as two bodies practically slammed into her. This time a genuine chuckle came from Erin as she steadied herself fully and focused on the two others that had joined the small forming group, in a less than polite manner. "Well it's good to see you guys too." she beamed.

"We searched everywhere for you." Haylen beamed, a large grin was all too evident on their face as he spoke. Erin couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.
"Okay, even I know that's a bit of a lie. Hayl was too busy with games and the rest of us didn't want to disturb you right after the match." Jessie continued.
"What I'm trying to say is, I've missed you, 'Rin." Haylen finished, letting his older cousin free of the hug.
"You know what she's about to do, right?" another voice called out, as a third presence made itself known.

Without much of another warning, Erin had wrapped her free arm around Haylen's shoulders, taking his head in the crook of her arm, and brushed her hands through his hair, making a complete mess of it, much to Haylen's dissapointment. "Why's it always the hair?" Haylen huffed.

"Cuz you make it such an easy target?" Erin quipped, before letting her cousin go. Finally giving Jessie a proper side hug before stepping back. Haylen gave their signature annoyed look in response, Erin merely shrugged. "What? No hug for me?" Erin chided in Cas's direction.

"I was getting to it, alright?" they huffed, "I just didn't wanna dog-pile you." they gave a small shrug, before embracing Erin in a tight hug before stepping back. A small mhm was the only response to their blatant sarcasm.

Erin looked back at her cousin's friends,
"So...Aside from me being the awkward adult supervision for you lot, apparently...What else were you guys getting up to?" she paused briefly, "Or is that against my need to know basis? Cuz ya know, I'm so lame." she quipped playfully. She truly did miss this troup's shenanigans.

eden and nova and antigone
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964

The idea that Jessie had wanted Chaser, but hadn’t gotten it, was a laughable thought to Antigone. Not because she didn’t believe it; in fact, when Erin mentioned it, she could just about remember their tryouts, and how they’d quickly spotted Tig’s aptitude as a Chaser, but it had taken them longer to figure out what to do with Jessie, and so, they’d been put on try-outs together. It had been the start of their friendship, really, but it had gone on for so long that they’d both forgotten exactly how it had begun.

Antigone also didn’t miss how Erin spoke about Georgie. The sheer fury that Georgie had held when she was talking to Erin… it didn’t match up. Erin spoke about Georgie with respect, and something like fondness. Georgie was a Gryffindor, and Gryffs tended to be hotheaded, sure, especially when their friends were involved. But that hadn’t just heated feelings after an intense game or protectiveness over her friends. The question about what exactly had happened was on Tig’s tongue, but the arrival of her friends sent the question to the back of her mind. It was a question for another time; not one that was to be asked around other people.

Eden beamed as Erin acknowledged them. Her compliment about their quidditch skills made them blush a little, but made their smile grow all the wider. It was a strange feeling for them, that they were discussed when they weren’t there. That they existed outside of their own head. They knew they were pretty okay, but the thought of… well, anyone really talking about how good they were, and telling a literal professional quidditch player about them… it wasn’t a feeling they were used to. But it was a good one, something like pride burning a little in their chest. They shot a look at Hayden, and shot them a grin. “Honestly, it’s my pleasure. I don’t know where I’d be without these losers,” they said. They played it off lightly, but knew in the depths of their soul that they’d be irretrievably lost without their friends. Through all the pain, all the shitty experiences, it had been their friends that stood by their side, even when they tried to isolate themselves and push them away. So they’d take any given opportunity to say as much.

Nova nodded as Erin pieced together who she was, smiling a little as Erin mentioned her father. Nova had practically been raised in the Ministry, and to this day, some of her parents’ colleagues still sent her birthday cards. But up close, better able to see Erin’s face, a few pieces fell into place for her. Why Erin had always looked somewhat familiar to her. She’d put it down to being related to basically all of her friends, but now that piece had clicked. She’d met Erin before, when she was very young. Only once or twice, but she’d met her. In her mother’s office, when Nova would sit under her mother’s desk and make paper birds that actually flew. Did Erin remember that too, Nova wondered. She didn’t get a chance to ask though, because the cousins made their presence known in the form of a few aggressive hugs.

When Erin asked what they’d been up to, Eden turned to look at Nova and tilted his head towards the pile of prizes still clutched in her arms. “Trying to win a few prizes, but somebody cleared them all out before we could,” he teased.
“Oh, which reminds me!” She said, sorting through the pile with a skill that was almost admirable. And then one by one, plushies emerged and were thrown at respective people. A small wolf for Haylen. A racoon for Jessie. A black cat for Tig. A fox for Cas. “Honestly, I was worried I couldn’t find a racoon or a fox. I know it’s not a flying fox, but I only had so much to work with.” She adjusted the still rather large pile of plushies in her arms again and looked around. “I’ve done everything I came for anyway,” she concluded.

Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41 - & Erin
Monaghan -#8c8787

Erin gave Eden a small smile and nod as they said it had been a pleasure to be friends with her cousins, that was something new. Sorta. From her own personal experience, her younger cousins had been nothing more than troublesome goofballs that she had managed to hear occasional stories about from her aunt Guinn, or the occasional letters sent her way from the trio. And if there was anything that Erin knew about them, it was all how they always managed to somehow leave out certain details, or dumb down the exact level of just how much chaos they had been causing on the school grounds. Maybe she could visit soon and see for herself just how true it all was. Erin was brought out of her short lived thoughts, when Nova had started to hand out small animal plushes to the other members of her friend group. It took Erin a few moments, looking at them, and then each member of the group for it to make sense to her, a small smile formed on her lips as she made the connection. Some things never truly change, do they? She couldn't help but muse over how similiar this group of young students were, to how Erin and her own friends had been. It all seemed to similiar, just as chaotic and fun filled as it was for her and the others all those years ago, but there seemed to be another layer of it all. A genuine sense of child-like wonder and joy. They were still just kids at this point, they didn't have to know everything that was happening in the world around them. Just how truly sad and dark it all was. Well, at least not all of them, everyone knew of what some considered a curse about their family. How tragedy seemed to strike at every corner, and at any moment. But at least now, in this very moment, there was none. No danger. Just children being friends, living the life she had hoped for them. And she couldn't help the small ache in her chest, before steeling herself just as quickly.
"I thought I sensed some fellow trouble makers amongst you lot." Erin finally spoke, beaming at each member of the group.

"What do you mean?" Haylen asked, an eyebrow raised. He continued to clutch his newfound plushie in his hands.

"Considering I know you all? And considering we're all of the same blood?" she looked them all over, "Figured you'd be Animagi as well by now."

"That's right,"
Jessie piped in, "You were an Animagus at our age, right?"

Erin paused for a moment, "Yes but no?" a confused look overcame the others, "I was about a year or two younger than you when I did it." she chuckled.

"Oh how original." Cas groaned with a roll of their eyes. A chuckle of their own soon erupted. Haylen gave an odd look before giving a shrug.

"I'm not that surprised though?" Jessie raised an eyebrow, "Weren't you and your friends always getting into trouble back then?"

Erin couldn't help but the faux offended shock, "I'm not that much older than you, for Merlin's sake." she mused.

"You're deflecting from the question-" Cas chimed in, grinning.

Erin raised her hands in mock defense, "Okay okay...Yes. We were. And yet somehow I feel like that trait didn't fall too far from the tree, huh?" she looked amongst the group. Noticing how some of her cousins feigned innocence at the mere speculuation that was thrown out. "Speaking of falling from the tree..." she paused, before looking around as if making sure the coast was clear, "A little birdy told me that I may, or may not be in the presence of some of the newest selection of Champions for the Tournament?" she grinned, taking a moment to look at each of the students to ensure it was true, as if she didn't already know the answer.

Haylen practically surged forward, the excitement was nearly palpable, "Yup! There's actually a few others that are in it as well, they're just..." they looked around, "Well I don't know where they are." Haylen said with a shrug, "But they're all brilliant witches and wizards. You should have seen us all in the first task." he beamed.

"Says the one that got knocked into the water in the first five seconds and we couldn't see what actually happened..." Cas gave a stout look at their twin. Haylen looked off in dejected defeat.

Jessie couldn't help but give Haylen a gentle pat at the shoulder, before looking at Erin again, "Got any potential pointers? Considering you won yours?"

There were a few moments of silence, as Erin evidentally pondered her answer to the question. There were a few bits of advice she could give, and some she maybe shouldn't. Finally she decided on an answer, "Learn as much as you can from whoever your opponants are, their skills and weaknesses. Exploit them and use it to your advantage. Use your strengths against another's weakness, and visa versa if someone is stronger than you." she paused for a moment, taking a deep breath, "But, by the end of the day? It's just a game for bragging rights for a few weeks. It's nothing so serious outside of the school grounds. Just have fun in the moment, but don't get yourselves killed over it. Step out if you need to. But don't forget to help one another out in the end, momentary glory isn't worth losing someone, whether a friend or rival, over something as trivial as a trophy, ya know?" she looked them all over, "I thought your mentors would have given you this speech already, let alone useful advice." she raised an eyebrow, "Did McGonagall not drill that into you lot? Ya know, with being Headmistress and everything?"

eden and nova and antigone
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964

The banter between the cousins made something inside Tig ache. It came so easily to them, it was clear that they were so comfortable around each other. She had one family member she could trust, and even still, there was always that distance between them as they tried to figure the other out. The rest of her family? She’d rather go for a swim in the Black Lake with giant squid bait tied to her than have anything to do with them. But it was times like this that she ached for a family. A family tied together by blood, but which chose to be together, which chose to solidify those bonds. And Tig wasn’t a fool. She knew things weren’t perfect there either. Hadn’t she just witnessed it with Erin’s own brother? But still, she mourned what she’d never even had the chance to have.

Nova joined in with the headscratching as Erin mentioned her cousins getting into trouble. She was the brains behind so many of those hare-brained schemes and pranks, but Erin didn’t need to know that. Nova’s excuse was that the idiots were going to do it anyway, so she may as well join in and provide some much needed strategy and occasional damage control. At first, she’d been able to get away with it by feigning innocence; she was such a good, if awkward and clumsy, student; surely she couldn’t have been too deeply involved? Yeah, that had lasted until the end of first year, before teachers had quickly realised she was wholeheartedly involved. At first, there had been some relief and blind eyes turned as they were happy to see that she was fitting in and making friends. And then after the great hair dye incident of second year… She’d gotten a lot better at covering their tracks since then. Everybody still knew they were responsible, it was just harder to pin a detention on them when they had plausible deniability.

But when Erin started giving them advice for the tournament, that was what got Nova’s attention. She’d won it, after all. Markus had been somewhat elusive when she’d tried asking him about his experience, so she’d figured that he just wasn’t allowed to be seen favouring one student over any others, or even one house over another. Then she frowned as Erin finished speaking, glancing at the others.

It was Eden that spoke first. “We… don’t have mentors. And McGonagall’s not headmistress any more. She’s still in the school, but took a step back for some reason,” he said, frowning. “And what’s more, I don’t think the teachers are allowed to give us any advice. I tried asking Prof Mitchell - sorry, Lucian, and he just completely dodged my questions and changed the subject at lightning speed.” He’d written it off as one of Lucian’s idiosyncrasies, although had noticed since that Lucian seemed extremely averse to any discussions or even mentions of his own tournament. Eden had done some investigation, but all he’d been able to find was that there’d been some trouble at the Yule Ball that year. Clearly there was more to the story, but he’d had to go to Potions before he’d had time to find out what it was.
“Yeah, it was the same when I tried to ask Markus about it. I mean, he kinda just rambled some generic advice, but when I tried to ask him more, he just got vaguer and vaguer,” Nova added.

“Kinda shitty that you guys got mentors and we didn’t,” Tig said, her frown deepening. “Did like… something happen that they got rid of the mentors? Because it kinda seems like when they have kids trying to steal shit from literal, pissed off dragons, and also taking dives under the water, they should probably have a grown adult helping us out.”
“It was worth it for the pretty tiara though,” Nova added, and Tig nodded in agreement.

Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41 - & Erin
Monaghan -#8c8787

It was at times like these, that Jessie appreciated her natural ability to read people and their emotions. No Legilimency needed there, she didn't need magic to be able to understand how people were feeling. If she had well, Jessie had doubted she would have made it this far in life if she had to rely on magic for that, all things considered, especially with her father. But this wasn't the time for that, quickly shaking the thoughts away just as quickly as they came. Jessie had been able to notice the ever slight change in Erin's deminour at the mention of not having any mentors in the tournament, nevermind McGonagall having stepped down. It was the small furrow in her older cousin's eyebrows, the over all exceedingly pensive expression she now bore. As if what the students had told her the most outlandish things, which they may have. But no one would have thought it was so strange, well, Jessie had, at first. But she learned not to ask questions where they didn't belong, so she didn't press for it, no matter how badly she may have wanted to. She had all the time in the world to ask those questions later, she thought.

Erin blinked in apparent surprise before speaking again, "What do you mean McGonagall stood down??" her voice seemed more vapid this time around, a slight tinge of confusion strung along with it. Erin couldn't help but pinch the bridge of her nose for a moment, taking everything in that was said, it was clear how that was more of a rhetorical question than anything else. "You don't have mentors either?? And who the bloody hell is Raywood?" clear shock and something even close to slight anger was starting to well up in every passing moment. It was like she had been hit with a bus with all these answers. None of this is making any sense...Why wasn't I made aware- Erin was snapped out of her quickly growing spiral before she gave a small nod in Haylen's direction, "Yes, Hayl? I'm not your professor, you don't need to raise your hand." she somewhat more playfully quipped this time, but was still evidentally taking it all in at the same time.

Haylen awkwardly chuckled in embaressment, before rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke, "Well, as said before...we don't exactly know why she stood down from being Headmistress." he began, "But she did...About what? Two years ago?" Haylen looked around at the others, who all gave an agreeing nod, "So we were only in fifth year at the time, it seemed somewhat abrupt but...She's still working there, Head of Gryffindor." he seemed to beam with something akeen to pride as he looked at Erin, seeing as she was once in that same Hogwarts house at one point. "Asmodeus Raywood took her place instead he...He's a bit uhm..." Haylen's voice somewhat trailed off as they tried to think of the best way to explain their new Headmaster.

It was apparently Cas's time to speak up as they took somewhat of a step forward, "He's somewhat of a total prat, to be honest." they stated, rather plainly. "I don't know what it is about him, but I never exactly got the best of feelings from him, all things considered." Cas gave a small shrug, as if they were still not entirely spilling the truth, "I don't know, maybe I'm just the impartial asshole that doesn't like grownups. But Raywood? Not my favorite."

"Well, not to speak bad about our Headmaster, of course, but yeah, none of us were exactly thrilled when he took over. McGonagall was great as Headmistress, and still an amazing Professor. It's just a shame that she got replaced with someone that's less...well...Kind?"
she cringed slightly at the use of the last word before recovering, "I mean he's not mean or anything, he's just not as openly comfortable with us students. He takes the job a little too seriously at times and...Things just sort of changed after he became Headmaster." Jessie gave a small shrug, before looking back at Erin, "Anyway, you mentioned us having Mentors?" she quirked an eyebrow, "What's that all about? We never heard mention of those as an option?"

There was apparently a lot more that was going on than Erin could have anticipated, and everything that had been said, was somehow even more unnerving. Especially whoever this Raywood Twat that her cousins and friends were talking about. She had only a brief idea of who it may have been, and even then, she wasn't sure. But she trusted her cousins judgement on people. They may have been a lot of things, but being bad judges of character and people weren't one of them. She had that much faith in the children, at the very least. And that's what concerned her the most. These were children after all. And even then they deserved to be listened to and believed. After a few moments she finally spoke, "I have...No idea who Raywood is, actually." she admitted, a sort of bashful energy erupted in an awkward laugh, a clear indication of her admitance. "But he sounds like a less than stellar bloke, if you lot are anything to go by, and I trust your judgement." she looked the small group over before continuing, "And yeah...Mentors are supposed to be a thing for this tournament. That was something they had drilled into us so very harshly back in my time-" she paused for a moment, as if a thought had hit her, "I think mentors were so advised and needed because of something that happened back in the mid 90's? I could be wrong though." she gave a small shrug, "But you should have Mentors. Each team is supposed to have at least one. They're meant to give advice and help whenever they can, and if you can't make a decision, for one reason or another, they make one for you." she gave a small sigh, what the bloody hell was going on over at that damned school?? it was only when the topic of pissed off dragons and diving into water that had finally reminded her of the next thing, "You lot said you also had to deal with magical creatures, right? That is the exact reason why Mentors had been so important. If something goes wrong in that arena, they are meant to be the ones that help you. Hell, we got Mentors right after the second task for me. A student who had been in Slytherin had nearly drown, and the only reason why she didn't was because I decided to go back in and help her, possibly having lost my spot in the tournament." her voice seemed to shake somewhat towards the end of her long spiel, as if having to bring back those memories were a less than ideal wish for her. Erin took a deep breath again, "But, I'm not your mentor, nor am I any of your professors...I just don't want you to make any of the same mistakes I did back then...Those will carry on with you for years." she said with a small nod, as if trying to remind herself than anyone else.

Cas gave a small nod, taking in every last detail and word of advice that was being thrown all of their ways. If Cas was to listen to anyone, and the advice they could give on this matter, it would be their cousin. They couldn't help but have a small pit form in their stomach as Erin finally came to an end of such a long monologue, they understood a bit more of what she may have been trying to imply or not, at least Cas and their cousin and sibling did. They all had nearly grown up in the same household, anyway. "Just one more question, what about the things we got? They all had little writings on them, well...most did. But not mine." they gave a small grumble.

Erin couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow yet again as Cas spoke up, it only took her a moment to have connected what they said, back to what Nova had mentioned earlier about a tiara. Giving a small nod, accompanied by a sigh, "Yeah, your tokens." she started, "They're meant to help you figure out what your second task will be. And I'm going to assume none of you have figured that out yet, have you?" she scanned over the small group once again, "As much as I would love to be able to help, and I really would, seeing as apparently no actually properly equipped adult at that school is willing to help you, I don't endorse cheating." she gave them all a knowing look, "But I'm sure in well due time, you all can and will figure it out, you lot seem smart enough in my opinion." she gave a small shrug, "Either way, I'm sure that things will well enough for you, as long as your willing to take a dip into some more potential danger, again, sooner or later, this is."

eden and nova and antigone
#8E6C88 and #246A73 and #785964

Tig was about to voice her take on Raywood, but the others bet her to it and phrased it far more diplomatically than she did. She was just planning on calling him a dick. She couldn't put her finger on what exactly it was about him that made her dislike him; he'd never been anything but professional towards her. It wasn't even like he'd ever caught her doing something she shouldn't have been doing. But there was something about him, something that made her skin crawl. And she wasn't going to fight against that gut sensation. Her gut had yet to lead her wrong, and the fact her friends also weren't particularly fond of him spoke volumes in her eyes.

Eden looked between their friends at the discussion about mentors. "Wait, wait, wait. You're telling me, that we should have had grown adults to help us prepare, and instead, we just got told, 'here's a huge ass bird that can shoot lightning, go fight it'? I nearly died!"
"For once, that's not them being melodramatic, they actually plummeted from a few hundred feet in the air. It was equal parts thrilling and terrifying to watch," Tig added.
"Honestly, at the time it was more terrifying, but if I knew what I was getting myself into, I'd do it again," Eden agreed.
"But it's not just the fact we don't have assigned mentors. It's the fact our teachers seem to have been expressly forbidden from telling us anything about it. Even the ones that were in it themselves can't give us any advice. And like, this is when I was asking in front of the whole transfiguation class, it wasn't like I was asking for an advantage everyone else wasn't going to get," Tig continued.
"I mean, it was you asking Markus of all people, even if he could have told us, I don't know if he would have told you- OW!" Eden exclaimed, rubbing their arm from where Tig had hit them, and hard.

When Erin gave them the cryptic clues, both Eden and Tig couldn't help but turn to look at Nova. Nova already looked to be a few steps ahead of them, lost in thought as she figured something out. Admittedly, it was Nova, and so she could have just been figuring out what possible answers they were going to get on their potions exam and working out the answers, but the smile on her face when she came back was almost triumphant. "I think I have... something. Working off a theory from years and years ago, admittedly, but it's a start."
"That's my girl," Tig said, wrapping an arm around Nova's shoulders and leaning her head against Nova's momentarily. "Always have a Ravenclaw friend around, because they will never fail to impress you when you need it most."
"I mean, I don't know about impressing you, but... hopefully it'll help."

"Hey, kiddos!" The voice that rang across the field was familiar, and one that made Eden glance at Jessie with anticipation in his eyes. It was Georgie, sauntering towards them with the remnants of a bag of toffee popcorn in one hand. "C'mon, we're leaving. Gotta head back before the Headmaster locks us all... out." She stopped abruptly as she spotted who they were talking to. There was a moment, where a series of emotions flickered across her face, before settling on raised eyebrows. "Of course you lot would manage to track down yet another star quidditch player to talk to. Two of us teaching you aren't enough?" She teased lightly. "Although, you guys know Erin won her tournament the year we competed? I hope you pestered her about that." Georgie's fury from earlier was gone. Had it really just been a heated post-Quidditch argument? Eden had had a few of those in his time, but none of them quite as fuelled as whatever had happened out on the pitch earlier. Had they talked it out?

"How did you do in it?" Nova asked.
"Second. By like. Three points, but... the other team deserved those three points."
"What about Markus and Lucian?" Eden asked. Georgie's expression darkened a little.
"Markus was actually my teammate, believe it or not. Brains and brawn, we made it through. And Luc... Luc was... injured. Don't ask him about it, it wasn't pretty, and having to drop out... almost killed him." Was that a glimpse at Erin? Again, not in anger, but in some completely unreadable emotion not meant for onlookers eyes. And then, she was back to the usual old Georgie. "Alright, come on, you guys, we really have to go. Trust me, I'd rather stick around and get more popcorn, but apparently I have to be the adult and keep you guys safe." She spread out her arms as if to usher them back in the direction of the carriages. "Good to see you, Erin. Good game," she said.

Jessie Carter - #53966E - & - Haylen Chambers - #691307 - & Cas Chambers - #BF9C41 - & Erin
Monaghan -#8c8787

If anyone were to have ever guessed that Haylen was the first one to notice the look on his cousin's face and knew exactly what it meant, well, no one would have been able to admit that. But, in all of his years, Haylen knew the look on his older cousin's face all too well, it was pure bewilderment and confusion as the others explain that they didn't have any mentors, nor did they really get much help in advice or even overall help with this tournament. Something that even Haylen was surprised about, but no one ever said anything, so who was he to dig too deeply into it? Well, truth be told, he normally would, but the idea of it all had terrified him and for once they didn't go looking where their nose didn't belong.

Erin only blinked in surprise as she remained slack-jawed, mouth still agap as the students explained how they received barely anything in terms of information, and how they were basically going off of pure instinct and immediate knowledge. Erin knew her cousins, and she'd like to believe she knew them very well, and from what she was hearing, she could barely believe it. But, considering certain things, this wasn't too far fetched of an absolutely absurd and dangerous plan. She couldn't help but tense her jaw for a moment as a million thoughts ran through her head, as a creeping, tingly sense of static crackled across the back of her neck, pinching the bridge of her nose as she could feel the start of a headache coming, taking a long and deep breath before sighing heavily. Waiting for the students to finish chatting amongst themselves.

"You mean to tell me, that not a single adult at that school, took a moment to think of how bad of an idea any of that was?" Erin finally spoke with an exasperated tone, looking at her cousins. "What are they doing at that school?" safest place in the world, my ass-

Jessie looked between her friends before looking back at Erin, "Honestly? No idea. We just thought maybe some rules were changed or something? But considering we didn't really get told much of anything, I suppose we didn't know any better? Otherwise we would have brought it up, ya know?" Cas and Haylen nodded in agreement before clearly looking like they were going to say something, before another voice spoke up, causing the three to look in the direction of where it came.

The twins gave a small nod and wave in unison as Georgie made her way over to them, before looking at Erin. Jessie had managed to catch Eden's eyes, and returned the look in kind, clenching her jaw slightly in response.

Erin had opened her mouth to respond back, before stopping as she seemed to tense up as Georgie approached. Swallowing hard, her initial gaze was brought down to the ground and away, before looking back up at the other woman as she spoke. Giving a small, but genuine side smirk as Georgie spoke, awkwardly rocking on the back of her heels at the slight praise thrown her way. It seemed like those years had happened so very long ago, but on one hand it felt like it was only yesterday that Erin was a student just like the children were, running down one of the halls late to Potions class or racing away on a broom in the courtyard after playing a prank with her friends on some seventh year Slytherins. A soft sense of warmth filled her chest as the memories came flooding back, but a pang of hurt filled her just as easily. How much time we lost...

"Well, I don't deserve all that praise, honestly." Erin stammered out, before awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck. "It was teams after all. Everyone played their parts beautifully." she looked over at Georgie for a moment before looking back at the kids, "You should have seen her, using an illusion spell as a distraction in the first task? The look on the Slytherin kids was absolutely worth every second." Erin said with a chuckle, the memories were clear as day, as if it had all happened but moments ago. At the slight indication of what had happened to Lucian, Erin's expression visibly shifted to that of discomfort, awkwardly shifting on her feet as she looked down before looking up. "Yeah..." she started, before taking a deep breath before continuing, "There's reasons why a lot of bullshit purity nonsense got cracked down on more..." Erin took a deep breath again, Jessie managing to notice how one of her fingers seemed to twitch, was she in pain? Jessie and Cas managed to send the other knowing looks, before glancing about to see if anyone had noticed, and thankfully no one did, but if they had, they didn't show any indication.

Erin clenched her jaw for a moment, before licking her lips looking back in Georgie's direction when she said it was time to go, "Uhm...Actually?" she started, before looking down and then back up, "There was actually going to be this huge firework show in just a few hours, me and Fleur had come up with it, as like...a way to properly send you all off and maybe hang out a little more? It was going to be a secret, cuz we thought you guys were going to stay a little longer, but...If you don't want to stay until after then, I'd get it...But we'd love to see you all, just for a little longer?" Erin's eyes barely flitted over to Georgie, somehow she felt just like that damned foolish girl she used to be back when they were kids, every time Erin was around the other, she always got this strange fluttering feeling in her chest.

"Oh come on, we gotta." Cas interjected, trying to clearly help lighten up the mood a little, eyeing Georgie, "We wouldn't want to accidentally offend our gracious hosts, would we?"

"It would just be a little while longer anyway, right?"
Haylen chimed in their vote.

"I'd be fine staying out a little later, actually as well." Jessie added. The three now looking off in their teacher's direction, with knowing, hopefully looks.

Erin raised an eyebrow at Georgie as well, "...Just a little more? For old time's sake?"

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