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Fandom Hogwarts: The Aftermath (Out of Character Chat)

You can age up your characters, but characters of all ages will be able to interact in the rp most of the time. So I wouldn't worry about that.
Well I guess I'll age him up by a year, fifth year with all the OWLs and stuff should be pretty interesting

I see. Would anyone like to adopt a half giant girl of around 16 with an interest in healing so Potions and Herbology, was a keeper for a house time but had to give it up when she became to big?
Left as a baby on there doorstep. Or more likely her father was a friend of the adopting family who gave her up to them feeling unable to take care of her and/or didn't want to be known to have slept with a giant.
I don't think that would be too easy, considering everyone already has their character's backstories and I'm sure having an adoptive half-giant sister would make them change their already established backstory...
Just wondering, but when is the RP going to start? If we have an even amount of characters for each house or...?

Sorry I'm just excited lol

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