• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (cs)


hello and welcome to the CS thread for the reboot of Hogwarts! You can use any form you want to for your OC(s), and you are free to use a fancy code but it is not required!

For those who need a premade form, below you will find the form for students and another one for professors!

Image Goes Here
Full Name

Do They Play Quidditch?
If Yes, What Quidditch Position Do They Have?
What Hogwarts House Are They In?
What Year Are They In?
Blood Status

Personality (traits or paragraphs)
Backstory/History : optional!

Are they a Parseltongue?
Are They An Animagus?
Animagus Form (If they're an animagus)
Least Favorite Class
Most Favorite Class
Are They in any Clubs?
Role (example would be them being a prefect)

Sexuality Orientation
Romantic Orientation
Crush/Romantic Interests



Image Goes Here
Full Name

Wand Type
Do They Sponsor Any Clubs?
Are They a Head of House
Blood Status

Personality (traits or paragraphs)
Backstory/History : optional!

Are they a Parseltongue?
Are They An Animagus?
Animagus Form (if they are an animagus)
What Do They Teach?
What Hogwarts House Were They In?

Sexuality Orientation
Romantic Orientation
Crush/Romantic Interest

Echo Leiber
We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence then is not an act but a habit
Get Stupid || Dig the Crazy || Courtship Dating ||Masquerade || Panic Attacks in Paradise || Dolls

  • NameEcho Leiber
    NicknamesE, Leibe, Lea
    Weight119 lbs || 54 Kg
    Hair ColorDirty Blonde
    Eye ColorHazel
    Blood StatusHalf-Blood
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Name: Artemis Heroux.
Age: Sixteen years old.
Birthday: June 9.
Blood status: Pure-blood.
House: Ravenclaw.
Year: Sixth.
Role: Prefect.
Special ability: Seer.

Unicorn tail hair; Applewood; 13 inches long, quite flexible.

A unicorn.

That changes - but at the same time remains consistent. When he has a bad dream that seems even remotely possible, the boggart reminds him of it - taking the form of the thing he fears might happen.

Favourite classes:
Divination, Arithmancy, Ancient Magic, Study of Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures. While those are his favourites, he's one of those people that are just naturally good at all of their subjects - and though he doesn't feel the need to flaunt it, his marks definitely reflect that, always putting him at the top of the class... A feat that got him the prefect title.

Disliked classes:
Herbology, mostly. It's not that he's bad at it - not at all - and he definitely enjoys learning about different plants, and just being around them... But getting dirty while taking care of them is not exactly his favourite way to spend an hour or two.
Beyond that, back during his first year, he considered flying lessons a waste of his time - though he understood why they were necessary in general. He dropped them as soon as he could.

Technically, he has three, but only one that he brings to the castle with him, while the others stay at home. The one that gets to come along is Nyx, a large, black, fluffy Maine Coon. He likes having a pet named after a powerful deity. It's amusing to think about Zeus fearing Nyx when she keeps meowing for food or attention.

Knowledge-driven - as his House would suggest. He likes to learn, and the harder it is to obtain a piece of information, the less people know about it - the better. He wants to discover and rediscover secrets, the strange and the powerful ones, though not necessarily to use them; it really is about knowing, about this hunger inside him, and the fascination with what the unknown brings. While he wouldn't exactly set the world on fire to figure out how it would burn - it's more fun to speculate about that anyway - he is willing to take calculated risks. He just has enough common sense to know when he really needs to stop. There are bridges you don't cross.
His relationship with his dreams - and other related abilities - is complicated. He fully believes in them, that's for sure; that becomes a problem when even a completely normal nightmare might potentially be - in his mind - a vision of the future. Generally, he seems rather flippant about it, and has no qualms about lying to someone without even trying to make a reading for them - to scare them a bit, to tease them, to make them feel better about something - but inside? Oh, he cares. He's very meticulous while cataloguing the things he suspects to be true, and thankfully he has great memory, so he usually manages to save most of the details.
He's generally a peaceful enough person and doesn't look for conflict on his own... Until someone starts it with him or with someone around him that he decides to defend. It doesn't even need to be a friend of his, to be honest; he might try to help out of boredom, for example. Even then, however, he remains outwardly calm and in control, slightly amused, and stays away from actual violence if he can help it; his weapon of choice is his tongue, his main strategy - embarrassing the enemy. That doesn't mean that he doesn't genuinely like to tease people, though - without aiming to actually hurt them.
Flirting - he considers acceptable, though it's almost never serious. He doesn't even want serious. He doesn't deal with emotions well enough for that, doesn't enjoy physical contact - not with humans that aren't his family - and, to be honest, it makes him uncomfortable to watch open displays of affection happen near him. Hugging someone? No, thank you. Bringing them a gift they need and making sure they either don't know it's from him or don't think it's a big deal? Yes, that works for him.
He does like people in general, though. He just... Doesn't like being close to them, physically and emotionally. It's different with animals - especially horses. Specifically, winged horses that his family breeds and raises. He has one as his own, back at home of course, named Sigrun. Then there is his cat of course - and a horned owl called Orpheus that is not technically only his, but does bring him letters from his parents from time to time... Yes, animals are nice.

Despite having once attended Hogwarts themselves, Artemis' parents left England many years ago. They settled down in France, making use of the fact that they had family and estates in various parts of it. Artemis was very young at that point and his sisters were all born already there - so France was really their first home, even though they travelled quite a lot.
Since the magical education in France begins a few years earlier than in the UK, Artemis went to Beauxbatons for a while - before a letter from Hogwarts made it obvious that, technically, he could still be accepted there. After some serious discussion, his parents decided to move back, since they had already been thinking about doing so before and simply lacked a good enough reason to go... Not that they had to completely abandon France, of course.
Still, Artemis got to switch schools - and the new one was... Exciting in some ways, for sure, but also not all that engaging for a person with some previous experience and a lot of knowledge brought from home. He didn't really connect with other children, part of the reason for that being the fact that the things he knew from Beauxbatons probably made him seem like a know-it-all even in Ravenclaw... And then there was the other stuff he knew. No, it wasn't easy at first.
With time, he learnt to care less about it and to focus more on loose acquaintances and House solidarity - than on trying to make actual friends or forge bonds. At least Ravenclaw, as a place full of individualists, suited him just fine.

Family situation:
Artemis' family comes mostly from Germany and France, though by this point branches of it have spread around the world... Well, mostly around Europe. Currently, his parents switch between England and France, and so the same goes for him - when he's home, at least - and his younger siblings.
Because of the above, his family's influence is the strongest in Germany and France, though - as rich pure-bloods - its members are considered relatively important everywhere. Furthermore, his family is known for its talented seers; of course not every single relative he has can see the future, but it does happen often enough to be a pattern. There is usually one for each generation, sometimes skipping one or two. Those seers are one of the reasons why the family is so wealthy; it's easy to make the right financial decisions when you or someone close to you can foretell their results, after all.

Hobbies and interests:
Uncovering secrets is not Artemis' only hobby... Though it is one of his favourite pastimes. Reading, of course, counts among them as well, but he actually prefers writing over it. What might come as a bigger surprise to people that don't know him well is that he enjoys drawing and painting even more - especially in the magical ways - as well as several other artistic activities.
When it comes to sports, he's mostly interested in his horses - flying horses, to be exact, the ones that his family keeps. He can use a broom, but it's just not his first choice, and besides he doesn't care about Quidditch at all; if he had to choose anything to do with brooms, then it would be racing. Or, better yet, casual flights. Swimming is relaxing enough for him, so he likes it... Other than that, he's fine with general gymnastics, but not a huge fan of it.
Outside of all of that, Artemis was taught a couple of things that were simply... Expected of him. Those include - but are not limited to - calligraphy, for example, literature and poetry, languages, playing piano as his main instrument, and singing, but also dancing - ballroom dancing - which he despises. He can do it, but he doesn't. It just feels too... Undignified to him.
Since his natural ability allows him to see visions of the future - both in dreams and while awake - as well as actually receive true signs and omens through means like cartomancy, crystal-gazing, tessomancy, and so on, he was also taught Occlumency... Which is something most of his family goes through.

Six feet tall, slender, with lean muscles, Artemis is clearly built more for speed and agility than brute strength... Which should not be surprising to those that know his preferred sports. His skin is pale - and occasionally scratched by his cat, which he doesn't really mind. High cheekbones, straight nose, big blue eyes, elegant clavicles, and long fingers - among other features - are all his mother's gifts for him. His hair is blond, slightly wavy, and often pushed back; kept not short, but not too long, either, reaching maybe about halfway down his neck or a bit further.
His left ear is pierced and he usually wears a simple golden hoop earring in it. Other than that, he almost always has the family ring on the little finger of his right hand, generally accompanied by many less important silver rings. Most of the time, he dresses in black-and-white monochrome, excluding the obligatory blue and bronze accents of his Ravenclaw robes.
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  • FzAOtTM1zjOWPZj70mCpaahS289W9XwYuU4rwAyHWAgSXWl2xYZMQjaIGIyDUzyrRI11-s0NYWqUeanRYCg3bKM7hMl4bDxdTRnidG3o5lFSX1TGwnwUHKIpFgapTMe9uKdbJUAA9toe5l0jbioASiVPMSFLfzIPT21JLVrprxKfait-Kynue7vupnEENQ

    Full Name: Nova F. Garnett.
    Nicknames: Novie
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Pronouns: He/him
    FaceClaim: Daniel Choi

    Do They Play Quidditch? No.
    What Hogwarts House Are They In? Gryffindor.
    What Year Are They In? 6th
    Patronus: Bunny
    Boggart: A boring world in which he does everything 'correctly' and is a vanilla Muggle like his parents
    Blood Status: Muggleborn

    Virtues: Humorous, loyal, strategic, creative, charming, bluntly honest
    Vices: Distrustful, clingy, jealous, quiet after a bad night’s sleep, bluntly honest
    Likes: Jokes, pranks, brutal honesty, loyalty, hard-working people, colorful things, change, unexpected events, playing devil’s advocate, challenges, dinosaurs, outer space, aliens, spaceships, sharks, Muppets, musicals, karaoke, blackmail, cuddling, bike rides, roller skating, bubble baths, game nights, slapstick comedy movies, hanging out with people, trying new things, attention, debating.
    Dislikes: Boring things, mundane work, repetition, studying, rules, snobs, overly serious people, rom-coms, sit-coms, liars, traitors, snitches, the color yellow.

    Nova is brutally honest, with a tendency to crack jokes on instinct to lighten the mood. A cynic towards more conventional things like school, social etiquette, and not discussing taboo topics, he enjoys proudly displaying his eccentricities, and debating things. He’s more patient than most, opting to think through a situation strategically rather than acting without thinking and possibly messing things up (most of the time). He can (occasionally) get carried away by fun things or new ideas, but always listens when someone he cares about reminds him to get back on track. He has reserved a special portion of his (usually) terrible memory for things his friends like, and never forgets a birthday or a favor. He will also never back down from doing what he views as just in any situation. Despite his social front, he isn’t quick to trust or let people in, and few ever make it past his hyper exterior…

    Backstory/History : "Wouldn't you like to know?" Nova winked, erasing all the information I'd written.

    Pet: Two Pygmy Puff named Harold Bawls and Richard Balls
    Wand: 13 3/4 inches, sycamore, dragon heartstring, sturdy
    Are they a Parseltongue? No.
    Are They An Animagus? Yes.
    Animagus Form: Bunny
    Disliked Classes: History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbology
    Favored Classes: Potions, Flying, Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts
    Are They in any Clubs? "Not yet."
    Role: Student
    Sexuality Orientation: Demisexual

Name: Pierre Lois Guerrer
Blood Status: Pureblood
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Birthdate: 23/05
Year: 6th

House: Slytherin (formally of Beaubaton Wizarding School)
Personality: Soft spoken and good-natured with a dry sense of humour, he generally appears calm letting little rattle him able to take insult with calm word and sharp tongue. There is only a few things that he presents a strong emotion from him and when he does get angry, he really goes at it and maybe resorting to violence. Otherwise, he is gregarious, fun-loving, flirty and helpful to everyone, caring little for houses, class or anything like that if he is shown the same courtesy. He is a pit proud and stubborn thought, rather sorting out things on his own rather than accept advice or help though he is quick to give his.
+Potions, quidditch, tea
-Blood purity, family meddling, coffee
Pierre is the youngest of four siblings and only son from a premier French magical family. His status as the only son and heir to the family name meant his parents spend considerable effort in his upbringing, ensuring he met the exacting standards required for the role. The main instigator for this was his mother Marguerite . Known as Madame De Fer, among other less flattering nicknames, she was known for her strict conservative views as a tough and fiery character and ability to play the political game. Her skill was enough for her to be considered as the next French Minister of Magic. Her legacy and beliefs were central and her son was important for both, so she had strict control over Pierre. Especially as h his sisters eventually rebelled and fled from the family, almost causing irreparable embarrassment.

Pierre under her tight grip therefore had few option to gain experience outside his mother's control, even at Beauxbaton where her influence was considerable. He grew up believing in pureblood supremacy, might make right and muggle subhumanism. In his first three years in Beauxbaton, he was a capable student but also known as a bully, joining eventually leading the supremacist clique at the school. Frequently known as a bully and agitator, with her families influence preventing him from getting into trouble.

However, during the end of his third year, things suddenly changed Madeleine's enemies managed to get one over on, persuading the current French Minister to assign her to a new role: French Ambassador to the English Ministry. The role was meant to get her out of the way from French politics and add insult to injury force her to go to England, a place she though uncouth. To twist the knife further, Pierre was volunteered as part of a student exchange between Hogwarts and Beauxbaton. Something Madeleine had to accept, despite fighting it fiercely.
It was a certainly a culture shock for Pierre, inexperienced with the ways of Hogwarts and being out of her Mother's protective influence. Though, he tried to continue with his old ways, terrorizing several students and using his family to avoid getting into trouble. However, some tough love and gentle hand from facility, as well as some help from Pierre's sisters and his colleagues, Pierre eventually began seeing the light.

Pierre changed, becoming more open and accepting, and learning from every new sources that were around him. He slowly managed to gain more friends, becoming more popular. The main sticking point still remained his mother who tried hard to revert him back but he resisted, yet he did not cut ties. He wanted to change his mother as well, hoping to do more than his sisters and actually change the family from within.
• Madeleine Mirabellle Gurrier - Mother, matriarch and French ambassador to the english ministry
• Louis Jean Luc Gurrier - Father
• Anna Albert Sophia Guerrier - Eldest Sister
• Elleanor Mirabelle Julia Guerrer - Sister
• Charlotte Aurélie Reine Guerrer - Sister
Relationships/Pre-existing Character history: TBD
Patronus: Silverback Gorilla
Boggart: Him appearing as a Voldormort esq figure, blood soaked want in his right hand and coins in his left and leash around his neck.
Strongest Subjects: Potions, Charms, Transfiguration
Weakest Subjects: Care of Magical Creatures, herbology, Divination.
School Clubs: Slytherin Quidditch Team, Chess Club, Duelling Club

Wand Wood: Poplar

Wand Core: Dragon Heartstring

Wand Length: 10 3/4

Wand Flexibility: Very flexible
Animagus: N/A
Quidditch Position: Chaser
Pet: Snow Owl named Madam Frou-Frou
Full Name: Hazel Fern Woods
Nicknames: If you think of one go for it!!
Age: 17 (Birthday - September 1)
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
FaceClaim: Josephine Langford

Do They Play Quidditch?: No
If Yes, What Quidditch Position Do They Have?: N/A
What Hogwarts House Are They In?: Slytherin
What Year Are They In: 6th
Patronus: Fox
Boggart: not sure
Blood Status: Pure-Blood

Sarcastic at times
Can come across as rude
Blunt at times

Backstory/History : hahaha no
Pet: Maine coon named Raven
Wand: 10.5 in Acacia wood, Dragon Heartstring, Flexible
Are they a Parseltongue: No
Are They An Animagus: Yes
Animagus Form: Black and Red fox
Least Favorite Class: Study of Ancient Runes
Most Favorite Class: Care of Magical Creatures
Are They in any Clubs: Nope
Role: Student

Sexuality Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation: Pansexual
Crush/Romantic Interests: None…. As of right now

Has Astraphobia (Fear of Thunder and Lightning)
If not around people when it's storming, she will have a panic attack
Sleeps with a stuffed animal
Does impulsive things at times
Loves the color purple, and pretty much all purple colors
Secretly keeps a journal and writes about her day, and scribbles down ~Secrets~
Cries when she’s frustrated
Her love language is physical touch and words of affirmation
Hates Brussel Sprouts
Loves sweets
Has what people call “blonde moments”
Full Name: Prudence Moira Chase
Nicknames: Prue
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
FaceClaim: Raven Lyn Corneil

Do They Play Quidditch? No
What Hogwarts House Are They In? Hufflepuff
What Year Are They In? 7th
Patronus: Elephant
Boggart: Her as drooling mindless giant
Blood Status: Half-Giant
Height: 8ft 5in (and growing)

+dueling club

-her own agression and anger

Quick to anger

Backstory/History : Prue does not know much about her past, like her parentage or even her date of birth. She was left in the middle of the street at Hogmead on night as a baby. There were questions for a while about what to do with her even handing her over to the Ministry before the propriatest of the local tea shop. offered to take her in and raise her as her own. Growing up she was topic of a lot of gossip in hogmead, either getting into fight and trying to be a hero or being glimsy and wrecking something. This translated in her schooling in Hogwarts, she took no crap from elitist and always tried to help the bullied people, this earned her constant detention thought otherwise she was known as a capable student.

Pet: Turkish Van Cat name Bella
  • Wand Wood: Poplar
  • Wand Core: Phoenix feather
  • Wand Length: 12
  • Wand Flexibility: flexible
Least Favorite Class: Transfiguration, Potions, Magical History
Most Favorite Class: Herbelogy, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures
Are They in any Clubs? Hufflebuff Quidditch Team Formally, Cooking Club, Duelling Club

Sexuality Orientation: Bisexual
Romantic Orientation: Lesbian
Crush/Romantic Interests TBD

  • Was given a choice to join Ravenclaw and Gryffindor but chose not to because of a bad experience when she was growing up in Hogsmead and felt she could do more at Hufflepuff.
  • Has little to no experience of the muggle world and is a complete technophobe despite her interest to learn.
  • She is considered a troublemaker in hogmead for causing fights with bigots.
Full Name: Erik Larsen
Nicknames: N/A
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
FaceClaim: Travis Fimmel

Quidditch: No
Quidditch Position: N/A
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Year: Sixth
Patronus: Raven
Boggart: A weak, emaciated, and pitiful version of himself.
Blood Status: Half-blood (Muggle on his mothers side)

Personality: Erik could usually be called a "big brother" figure. He is always quick with a smile and laugh for everyone who he interacts with. He constantly will speak with the lower years to make sure they're getting the hang of everything and is quick to lend a helping hand. A lot of people usually come to him if they need an ear to listen, help with some work, or just to have some fun. You can find him playing games with the younger kids, hanging out in the library with a book on subjects that pique his interest, and for those who know - working out in an unused classroom that he has dubbed his to keep his body in shape.

Erik is extremely adventurous, ambitious, clever, courageous, and family-oriented. People have made jokes about him adopting all the younger students. Although, no one has gotten him to his tipping point yet, to some who are more keen, they can tell that there is an underlying anger, a beast, that stirs beneath the surface. He can also be impulsive, a trait that he gets made fun of, due to it's "Gryffindoorish" nature.

Backstory/History : Erik was born, and raised, as an only child. His birth took place on the small island of Bjornholm, Denmark. Where he would spend the first ten years of his life, under the heavy hand of his father, Marcus Bones, and the gentle yet firm words of his mother, Frida Larsdottir . His father was a pure-blood that hailed from the British Isles, however, he was the youngest male sibling of his four brothers, and had such little magical ability that he was though to have been a squib. Following his graduation from Hogwarts, Marcus was cast from his family, and stricken from his families line. His father would wander all of Europe, trying to settle down, but never being able to until he met Erik's mother. From there he would take up the name of Marcus Larsen, both enjoying life until Erik was born.

It was then that Marcus's anger, that he had buried underneath the surface, would rear it's head when it was shown that Erik had a wealth of magical energy, being able to summon books and toys from across the room to him. So as he was growing up he was constantly belittled by Marcus, out of jealousy, and he would spend a few years wondering why his father didn't love him. His mother was always there with her soothing words, firm encouragement, as well as her infinite stores of love and pride. Instead of learning things from his father, Erik would instead latch onto his Grandfather, Lars Larsen, where he would learn of his culture, how to survive, such as to track, hunt, fish, carve wood, and also how to fight.

As the years passed, Marcus became a stranger in his own home, eventually leading him to disappear without a trace, causing Erik to gain a deep hatred and resentment towards him- resulting in him taking a vow to never become the man his father had been.

At the age of eleven he would receive his Hogwarts letter, causing his mother to move with him to the British Isles, as she thought that he might be able to make connections to the other side of his family if he were to attend there instead of Durmstrang.

It was here that he would discover his passion for Ancient Runes, never before realizing that they could be used magically, and would lead him to trying to innovate and discover all of their secrets.

Sycamore wood, with a dragon core, 13" and slightly springy flexibility
Parseltongue: Yes
Animagus: Yes
Animagus Form: European Brown Bear
Least Favorite Class: Divination
Most Favorite Class: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and History of Magic.
Clubs: Dueling club
Role: Student

Sexuality Orientation: Straight
Romantic Orientation: Straight
Crush/Romantic Interests: TBD

  1. Loves the sound of thunder and rain - can be found on his usual rock near the Black Lake at those times.
  2. Will spend a lot of his free time on his passion of Ancient Runes and trying to apply them the body for physical enhancements.
  3. Trains with the various weapons that his grandfather taught him, to maintain his form, and to prepare himself for whatever may come.
  4. Often ventures into the Forbidden Forest, where over the years, he has gained an extensive knowledge of it's layout and what lies in wait within it's boughs.


  • Alenia Lyrei




    December 15


    Bruny Island



    5 feet 3 inches
    95 lbs.

    blood type
    star sign

    Pureblood - part nature elf


    Due to her creature inheritance, Nia has extremely long knee-length ebony black hair with an inky blue sheen. It is silky smooth and soft to the touch, while her hair texture is wavy and lightly curled. She has dark indigo streaks through her wavy locks.


    Her eyes are unique because she has piercing silver mercury-dipped blue orbs, which are almond-shaped. Nia has long ebony eyelashes and often wears eyeliner, enhancing their exotic shape.

    body type

    Alenia has a lithe body type with an athletic build. She is feminine by far, with an hourglass figure and a lightly muscled build. Her ears are pointed, though she prefers to hide them under her hair which is in braids most of the time or half-up, half-down. She has sun-kissed tanned skin. Her teeth are extremely white, and she slightly has longer fingernails than ordinary people. She is petite and only stands at a slight five foot 3 inches. She has a foreign accent - coming from her home island just off the coast of Australia.

    body mods

    Alenia has a cheetah tattoo on her shoulder and vines swirling around her wrist with three dots under each eye. The tattoos are colored in a garnet-like color with amazonite turquoise and fawn tan.

    body style

    While Alenia doesn't appreciate her abilities all the time, she adores the more feminine look she can appreciate now. She wears long skirts and tank tops and is often barefoot, though she will wear her robes when needed. Most don't realize the girl has a more exotic look to her until they really look at her. She wears styles that are seen more in Africa, Australia, and Asia. Her skirts tend to have slits up to her knee, allowing her movement, though she also wears leggings from time to time. Floral designs with mandala designs swirl around her fabrics, as well as most of her clothing are jewel-toned. She has her ears pierced and wears a necklace of amazonite and ruby gemstones with a ring to show her status as the heiress of the Lyrei Family.

    face claim

    Jessica Green - Actress

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */
© weldherwings.
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    Full Name: Boreas Armon Winterborne
    Nicknames: Bo, Borry
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Pronouns: He/Him
    FaceClaim: Jordan Fisher

    Do They Play Quidditch? No

    Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
    Year: 6th
    Patronus: Great Horned Owl
    Boggart: His father
    Blood Status: Half-Blood

    Backstory/History : TBD

    Pet: Fridgid- Snowy Owl
    Wand: 12 1/2 in, Alder wood, Dragon heartstring core

    Animagus: Yes
    Animagus Form: Great Horned Owl (calls this form “GreyWing”)
    Least Favorite Class: Potions
    Most Favorite Class: Transfiguration
    Are They in any Clubs? Dueling Club
    Role: None yet

    Sexuality Orientation: Bisexual
    Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic
    Crush/Romantic Interests: None yet

    Excellent duelist

    Spells: he has studied numerous spells for both dueling and everyday life, his favorite dueling spell is the wind charm “ Ventus “

    Intellect: while not the smartest of the raven claw house, he makes up for it by being naturally gifted at charms and has a very good memory for spells

    +food (eats a lot)
    +dueling club
    +listening to music
    +collecting books on charms and curses
    +studying transfiguration (working on the bird-conjuring charm)
    +the owlery
    +teaching charms to new students

    -tight spaces
    -losing a duel
    -blood purity fanatics

    Random facts:
    *calls his Animagus form “GreyWing”

    *likes to have races with frigid

    *speaks a little French from his fathers side of the family.

    *plays a little piano, has a keyboard gifted to him by his maternal grandmother.

    *huge music lover, loves introducing people to new songs

    *hides a record player in his room to go along with the huge record collection under his bed
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**Full Name:**
•Angelique Bellamy Chimere
**Name Meaning:**
•Angelique - messenger of god
•Bellamy - good friend
•Chimere - dream
•December 6th
•Beauxbaton transfer. Now a Hogwarts Student in Slytherin.
•Bellefeuille/Now Slytherin
•Ebony flexible with an impressive length of 14”. The core is a Veela hair(the hair strand belonged to her childhood friend who died protecting her.)
•A black cat named Pumpkinpie
•The werewolf who bit her
•Yes seeker and captain.
**Positive Traits:**
**Negative Traits:**
**MBTI Type:**
**Moral Alignment:**
•Chaotic Good
•Bats loves them thinks they are the cutest ever
•Sketching animals and dresses
•Reading in candle light
•Stuffed animals
•Magical creatures
•Transfiguration class
•Enjoys seeing new plants
•Making floral arrangements
•When people let flowers die
•Seeing people abusing magical creatures
•Someone trying to touch her wand
•Those who judge Veela
•Not being able to dance
•When her crocheting project gets messed up
•People touching her stuff without asking
•People making fun of her hair
•When people talk on her right side knowing she can’t hear them
•Not being able to hear on her right side
•Twirling her hair around her finger when nervous
•Biting her lip lightly when upset
•Staring at her wand with a sad expression
•Covering her mouth when laughing
•Her wand breaking
•Not being good enough
•Seeing another friend die
•Pitch black dark
•Making different coffee flavors
**Mental Disorders:**
•Beau Chimere
•Caliste Chimere
•Paris, France
When Angelique was a child along side her family they would visit a small town located in Bulgaria. During these visits she became friends with a Veela girl who was around her age. Angelique couldn’t believe her luck having such a beautiful friend plus it was great fun having someone to adventure with during her families holidays. The two soon became insuperable friends each taking turns to live with the other learning about one another and just enjoying each other’s companies. Her friends parents also adored Angelique who didn’t judge their daughter for what she was. One day when their parents were busy the two snuck away wanting to go on another exploration bored from listening to their parents babbling. They slunk deep into the woods not knowing a danger lurked within as a full moon shown brightly through the trees. That night Angelique’s world turned upside down when a werewolf attacked them suddenly. The beast was much larger then them the two only being ten at the time they were no match for a grown rabid werewolf. The two took off trying their hardest to escape what they thought would be their deaths as they screamed for their parents to help. The beast easily outran them an went straight for Angelique it lunged leaving her paralyzed with fear staring into its huge yellow teeth and bright crazed eyes. In that moment she knew her life was over that was until a body hit her hard knocking her onto the ground. It was her friend Petia who had taken on her true Veela form with a harpy like appearance and long scaly wings which had engulfed them both. Petia held Angelique tightly as the werewolf attacked them forcing Petia to take the brunt of the attack. Her friend never once screamed out in pain despite Angelique herself screaming until she was hoarse trying to make her friend let go so the werewolf wouldn’t focus only on her. The sound to foot steps and shouts gave her hope as their parents made it. Though her relief was short lived as she turned towards her friend about to tell her they’d be ok. Her friends eyes were dull and lifeless but a smile was still upon her sweat and blood soaked face. That day everything changed nothing would ever be the same for Angelique. The months passed afterwards in a blur she did nothing wanting to just die. Then the day came for to receive her wand she didn’t feel happy or excited about it at all. That was until Petia’s parents showed up with a small wrapped package. The package contained one strand of Veela hair that had belonged to Petia. They offered it to her to use as her wands core that way Petia could continue to watch over her friend like the day she had in the woods. Angelique was beyond moved as tears flooded down her face now she could continue on she’d make Petia proud. So from that day on she studied hard and worked to learn more about magical creatures. Her hopes are that one day she can make a cure to help werewolves fully have control so nothing like what happened to Petia would ever happen again. She’s no longer afraid of death but embraces it as a friend knowing one day she will see her friend again.

•Pansexual- Polyamorous
**Relationship Status:**
•None currently
**Past Partners:**
•A few none worth mentioning
•Taller then her or same height
•Can lift her up and swing her around in a hug
•Likes romance and just being able to talk with one another
•Will help her if she’s ever in danger
•Likes to sit by a fire and enjoy the heat.
•Tries in the relationship not just depends on her for everything
•Can’t choose anything for themselves
•Is unclean or a slob.(a messy room is fine as long as there’s no rotting food)
•Makes fun of her
•Tries to flirt with other people despite being in a relationship when boundaries are set. (Meaning they are trying to cheat on their partner with her.)
•Is cruel to others or magical creatures
•Acting tough then not being able to do what they were just boasting about
**Dominant or Submissive:**
•Is a werewolf

Adding soon

Adding soon
Integra Amantem
And Once You Are Awake, You Shall Remain Awake, Eternally

Goosebumps || Bad Things || I Can't Decide ||Demons || Don't Stop || Colors

  • NameIntegra Amantem
    NicknamesTerra, Manny, I, First
    Weight150 lbs || 68 Kg
    Hair ColorBrunette
    Eye ColorBrown
    Blood StatusHalf-Vampire
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michelle crozier
just for the day, we'll pretend i'm made of money, let's make a fool of ourselves and crash a party!

𝑭𝒖𝒍𝒍 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆
Michelle Crozier
Cis Female
Sabrina Carpenter

Quidditch - Chaser (doing some plotting for captain shenanigans. )
𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔


✦ Text


✦ Emeric Crozier meets Miranda Dwyier at the Quidditch World Cup while she worked her dead end bartender job. He would go to her pub specifically to avoid the avid fans of the tournament. Every night. He easily wooed her with his French charm although he wasn't sure if it was just what she did to get big tips from him. It worked of course as she agreed to go on ONE date with him. She was definitely wooed after a scenic walk and picnic on a hill.

✦ After he won the Quidditch World Cup for France for the fourth year in a row, he asked Miranda to run away with him for the holidays. A holiday turned into two... then three. They were in love, even if Miranda kept a secret. I mean- is it a secret if she's just waiting for him to tell her he's a wizard too? Oh what a surprise he had when she finally let him meet her parents, an eccentric Ministry of Magic employee and his reserved clean freak of a pureblood.

✦ Almost as quick as they fell in love, they got married. A small one that inevitably plastered all over all magazines and newspapers. "French Quidditch Heartthrob Marries Unknown Beauty!" This started an uproar as Miranda was indeed beautiful and the couple turned into "relationship goals". She no longer needed to bartend as the Magical world put her on a pedestal almost as her husband. Then, Emeric and Miranda has their baby girl, Michelle.

✦ Coming into the world on July 29th, Michelle altered Emeric's life forever. When she was only two years old, during that year's entry into World Quidditch Cup, Emeric had a devastating broom accident in the clouds. Many say foul play was involved as he has never spoken about why or how he fell from his broom so high up. His almost death and new injury made him retire after that match, causing France to lose their winning streak. Quidditch fans were in an uproar but once they saw the father's love and care for his toddler, how can they still be mad?

✦ With Emeric retired, Miranda's career as a loved celebrity wife turned into a whole brand even if Emeric had enough money to keep them afloat. She was the face of makeup, kitchen gear... anything and everything. Image was important and it was something Miranda instilled into Michelle at an early age. She taught her how to braid her own hair into intricate designs, put on makeup and eyelashes by age 10, and always wearing the most fashionable clothes.

✦ While Michelle stayed a girly-girl for her mom's approval, her dad was quick to notice her skills in flying naturally. He was excited to teach his little girl the one thing he was best at, and she was excited to make him proud. She loved how freeing being a broom felt and even more when she started to play Quidditch, dedicating her adolescence to being the best chaser and captain while her dad was her #1 fan.

✦ Michelle and her relationship with her mother was rocky for most of her childhood. She was forced to always look well kept and be part of her mother's tv and marketing shenanigans.

✦ Miranda signed on to take part in a lovely docu-series about the muggle and wizard world coming together. She gave Michelle a lavish speech about how it would change the world for good - noting all the places she'd visit and all the trinkets she'll send back to her. Of course, Michelle only passed this as a passing fad, knowing her mother once talked about the way her hair style was going to be the talk of the town... Her mom's travels started normal, doing exactly as she said with letters and gifts to her little girl. Suddenly, it all stopped. One thirds of the magic in the Crozier house seemed to stop, that's when Emeric knew something was terribly wrong.

✦ Miranda and the film crew disappeared. It's been a whole year and the wizard authorities are yet to find evidence find what happened to them all. Emeric has now withdrawn to stay indoors, accepting himself as a widow, while Michelle believes her mother is still out there.

✦ So now she's single. Head high and prideful. She only had one more year in school before she could try out for professional Quidditch teams. Michelle was skilled enough, smart enough, and determined enough. Who needs a boyfriend when she's got a bright future ahead.

10 inch Holly with Veela Hair Core (stained in a dark red)
𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔
𝑴𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔

𝑺𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉/𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔
[insert your character here ]



nyu @ dining hall

professor + bennett


i'm so tired right now.

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lauren finley
There is happiness, past the blood and bruise, past the curses and cries. Beyond the terror in the nightfall, Haunted by the look in my eyes.

𝑭𝒖𝒍𝒍 𝑵𝒂𝒎𝒆
Lauren Finley
Laury, Laurie
Masc Non-binary
Matty Healy

Thunderbird (Ilvermorny)
Agonizing screams from afar
𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒔


✦ Text


✦ Born in South California and raised in Seattle, Washington.
✦ Father's side comes from money

Bear (cub)
11 in redwood with a dragon heartstring.
𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔
𝑴𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒔

𝑺𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑶𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉/𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔



nyu @ dining hall

professor + bennett


i'm so tired right now.

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