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Fandom Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Death

"No the schools showing up. We get to see new magic and try new food. And I can prove the snorkack exist." Said Lysander grinning. "Hey the teachers have had worse. Like when they had it those years ago. This is probably nothing to them.

@Soul OMU
[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery]"No the schools showing up. We get to see new magic and try new food. And I can prove the snorkack exist." Said Lysander grinning. "Hey the teachers have had worse. Like when they had it those years ago. This is probably nothing to them.
@Soul OMU

Garrett shrugs. "I suppose but not all the teachers here are the ones from those years ago.. Except maybe Professor Longbottom."
Lorcan laughed. "Mom has told us about the time they dated. Funny stories, sometimes I can't look st him the same way. Ah. So will you be entering?"

"I won't. Don't really feel like juggling quidditch and school with it. Besides I think we can learn a lot by watching."

"It is fine. It just hurts sometimes is all." Said Mortimer as he felt Alissa lean on him. It brought him comfort and he wrapped his arms around her. He could smell her hair, which had decided to go up his nose. Aside from his mother he had never had someone comfort him. "Thank you."
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Rebecca shakes her head as she looks away from them. "Idiots the lot of them..." She muttered while stalking off, does like Albus but has no idea how to tell him or if he even likes her back. Scorpius notices her leave and raises a brow as she slinks off after her quietly.
Rebecca walking swiftly down the halls, "im such an idiot... Such a bloody idiot. Why would he like you of all people when he could probably have anyone?" She muttered unaware of Scorpius following right behind her and putting a hand on her shoulder and twirling her around. "Becca... Calm down... Honestly... That was just a show..." He said while Rebecca looked at him before sighing.

Opal shook her head, rolling her eyes as James sat down next to her and slung his arm and her shoulders. "You are such a flirt James." "Correct." James agreed slinging his other arm around Marley's shoulders. Opal noticed Rebecca leaving looking upset, and gave Albus a look telling him to follow her. Albus jogged outside slowing down as he approached behind Scorpius and Rebecca. "Becca, are you alright?"

(@Soul OMU )
Rebecca scoffs and turns away. "I'm fine Albus... I'm sure that will really impress those Beauxbaton bimbos." She muttered while heading off towards the dorms, fuming and upset at the same time. Scorpius sighs and shakes head while putting his hands in his pockets.

Bella reading her book while thinking deeply about the spell it's talking about, not noticing when someone walks up to her. (@anyone.)
Flossie was watching as people put their names in the goblet and wondering what must be going through their minds right about now. Was anybody regretting putting their name in? Anyone at all? After all, once you put your name in, you couldn't take it out again. But, if anything, she was more interested in the age line. That was some very good magic. She stood up and hurried forward, stopping abruptly outside the line around the goblet. She knelt down and looked at it, wondering how it worked.

That was when she made the mistake of touching it. It was like be shocked. Flossie was thrown backwards and she hit the wall. People giggled. She didn't notice. She edged closer to the line again. It would take someone very clever to cross the line, if they were underage. Now, she kind of wanted to cross the line, just to prove that she could.
Albus looked at Scorpius in confusion as Rebecca stormed off. "What did I do Cory?" He asked rubbing the back of his hair.

Leo walked over and sat next to Bella with a smile. "So, from the look on your face when we put our names in the goblet I'm guessing you think this is stupid?" He asked turning to look at her briefly. (@Soul OMU )
LuckyANDKitty said:
Albus looked at Scorpius in confusion as Rebecca stormed off. "What did I do Cory?" He asked rubbing the back of his hair.
Leo walked over and sat next to Bella with a smile. "So, from the look on your face when we put our names in the goblet I'm guessing you think this is stupid?" He asked turning to look at her briefly. (@Soul OMU )
Scorpius sighs and shakes his head. "She saw that show you and your brother put on for the goblet... Even though you had just told her last night you weren't going to enter.... Plus then there was that thing with Opal as well..." He said slowly.

Bella reading her book as she doesn't spare him a glance yet. "Absolutely. These things are stupid and I don't see why anyone would want to risk there life in something like this just for some glory..." She muttered while turning the page.

Cassiopeia sitting on the bleachers outside at the Quidditch pitch, deep in thought about something, since her chin is in her palm.



@Johnny R McAvery[/URL])
"Are you better now?" Asked Mortimer as he broke away from the hug to get a better look at her. He wasn't used to comforting or trying to comfort someone else so he wasn't sure what else he was supposed to do.

Lysander saw Flossie, the girl from last night, get zapped by the age line. Thinking she'd try to force herself in he went over to her quickly. "Hey hey hey. You don't want to do that. Trust me. We had a neighbor who out up an age circle around his house. didn't know about so when we lost one of our balls over his property we ran to get it. It hurts like hell."

"That is a big work load. Surprised they made you both captain and prefect. Must look odd to see both badges on you at once." Asked Lorcan who was puzzled why this boy would get both. Normally it was one or the other. But if the headmaster had decided it who was she to say he was wrong.

@Soul OMU

@Fallen from Heaven
"I'm not trying to get past." Flossie said, "I have no interest in losing my life this year. I'm just trying to figure out if there is a way to cheat it. I mean, people have got past before, right? I'm just trying to understand how they did it. What spell do you think they used? Most ageing spells and potions would be useless against this kind of magic." She flopped onto her stomach in front of the age line and stared at it.

"Do you think if a brand new object- say, a broomstick- was to be thrown over the line it would be rejected?" She was curious now.
Mortimer gave her a smile and replaced his glove and let his sleeve fall back down."Let's get back into the great hall. If we are going to put our names in now would be a good time. I'm going to enter." Then without really thinking about it he took her hand and lead her back into the great hall.

"Huh. Well maybe you should have been put in my house if they think you can handle it. It must mean you are smart enough to handle all that and your schoolwork." Lorcan smiled at the boy and continued to watch the proceedings.

"No. Like I said we lost a ball. It was really new actually and it went in just fine. I also think animals have no problem getting in. Just people. Which makes some sense I suppose." Lysander said while he placed his hand on his chin, thinking about the situation.
"Intriguing." Flossie chewed her cardigan sleeve. She stared at the age line a little longer, as if looking at it would explain everything. Then, she leapt up and began out of the hall, brushing past a pair of students on her way out. It only occurred to her when she was half way out the door that she'd left midconversation. She turned around and glanced back at Lysander, before heading down the corridor.
((I thought Garret was in Gryffindor. My bad.))

Lysander was baffled at the girl but shrugged as he went back over to were Garret and Lorcan were standing. "There is something wrong with that girl. She's cool though. So I miss anything?"

Mortimer nodded. "Yeah it isn't meant for everyone. But I want to money to help me buy a shop somewhere so I can sell and make wands when I get out of school. I always thought it'd be nice to do that. Who knows maybe I'll take Olivander's place, keep his name on it but sell my own wands."
[QUOTE="Johnny R McAvery]((I thought Garret was in Gryffindor. My bad.))
Lysander was baffled at the girl but shrugged as he went back over to were Garret and Lorcan were standing. "There is something wrong with that girl. She's cool though. So I miss anything?"

Mortimer nodded. "Yeah it isn't meant for everyone. But I want to money to help me buy a shop somewhere so I can sell and make wands when I get out of school. I always thought it'd be nice to do that. Who knows maybe I'll take Olivander's place, keep his name on it but sell my own wands."

(Lol its fine.)

Garrett shakes head. "Not much really. And you do realize she's like two years younger then you right?" He said while sitting back and watching people out there name in the cup.

Alissa holding his hand still as she follows. "That sounds nice... Seems like you have your life planned out..." She said softly while looking down a bit.
"Yeah. But it is the only thing I know about my future. I don't have anything else planned out." Said Mortimer as he got into the line and he was still holding her hand. Why was he so comfortable around her? They had only just meet properly the day before but it felt as though he had known her a long time. He cleared his voice but the nervous tone was obvious in it as he spoke once more. "Hey this might be a bit in advance. Probably too early but when the dance comes do, I mean will you be my date to it?"

"Really? Huh. Still odd in a good way I suppose. So Garret when are you holding tryouts?" Asked Lysander. He was determined to be ready for them and do the best he could.

"Yeah good question. We got to prove we are worthy." Lorcan added in.
Mortimer smiled as well and gave her hand a light squeeze. "Thanks. You are very enjoyable to be around." He then mumbled his next part. "And cute." As he finished saying it his face and ears turned bright red, almost matching his hair.

"Aw look at Alissa. She seems happy with that guy. Isn't he the one we shared a carriage with?" Asked Lorcan. She didn't know Alissa well but knew her a little.

"Yeah he is. Real quiet though. Then again he probably didn't want to get involved with our debate."
Aurelia walked into the room with the goblet and stood off to the side, observing the other people in the room. She furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at the goblet. What if I entered? She suddenly had an overwhelming urge to write her name on a piece of paper and throw it in. "What have I got to lose?" She muttered, setting her things on the floor and pulling a slip of parchment out of her bag. She tore off a bit and scribbled her name before standing back up and walking to the goblet. Aurelia bit her lip. Are you sure you want to do this?

(Would anyone care to interact with Aurelia?)
((Got a play so I wont be on for a bit bye!!))

"I never said I wouldn't enter, I just wasn't so sure about it." Albus replied rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't want to be forced to do it because my dad did it Cory, I wanted to do it for me, and that's what I did." He confirmed confidently looking at his friend. "James and I were playing around to help release any nerves or fears. We both have faith in each other whether we get picked or not, and Opal and I do stuff like that all the time Scorpius, as you see even James played along."

Leo shook his head laughing softly. "It's not just that though..." "It's kind of hard to explain.

(@Soul OMU )

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