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Realistic or Modern Highland General Hospital - Reboot of sorts


Blood of the Dragon



Highland General Hospital is located in Northern Montana, in a moderately sized city called Highland. The largest hospital within 100 miles, it is the main medical center in the area. Equipped with 10 ORs, a fantastic trauma center, helicopter pads, a psychiatric center, and a large ER, it is one of the leading hospitals in the country, and ranks number 10 of the country's teaching hospitals.

The characters of this roleplay will be a group of incoming surgical interns, as well as their teachers, the existing attending surgeons and residents. Loosely, and I mean loosely, this is based on Grey's Anatomy. Perhaps it would be better to say that it's inspired by it. Though there are only five spots currently, if there are additional applications that are acceptable, I will add more spots, and the same goes for the Attendings and the more experienced residents. 

I created this roleplay a couple months ago, but then a bunch of stuff happened, and so my roleplaying went to the wayside. However I liked this idea so much I decided to come back to it. Those interested were @Aio @Snowflower @NemoTheSurvivor @Quiet Is Violent @Lacuna


1. Respect all site rules.

2. Romance is allowed and encouraged but fade to black when needed.

3. I will dictate all cases, if you have an idea, DM me about it and I will decide. There's no huge incoming trauma without my okay, or even a minor appy. Everything needs my okay.

4. No reservations. I will accept your character as I see fit, and I have the right not to.

5.I can and will kick you from this RP if necessary.

6. No overpowered characters. We're interns, people. Ya'll can't do a whipple by yourself.


Cardiothoracic Attending | Unavailable 

Neuro Attending | Unavailable 

Pediatric Attending | Open

Orthopedic Attending | Open

General Surgery Attending | Open

Additional specialties will be added if we have more characters.

Intern 1 | Unavailable 

Intern 2 | Unavailable 

Intern 3 | Open

Intern 4 | Open

Intern 5 | Open

More Intern Positions Available

Resident 1 | Open

Resident 2 | Open

Resident 3 | Open

Resident 4 | Open

Resident 5 | Open


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@giraffesarebetter Are we limited to only one character or could we have an additional one, once we are comfortable with the role play? 

How often would you require/prefer posting? 

Do you have a designated posting length you prefer? 
@giraffesarebetter Are we limited to only one character or could we have an additional one, once we are comfortable with the role play? 

How often would you require/prefer posting? 

Do you have a designated posting length you prefer? 

I'll allow two characters per roleplayer typically. 2-4 posts per week, per roleplayer, not per character, and in the best situations posts should be at least a paragraph, though I understand the struggles of writer's block, so as long as you let it be known that that is, indeed, the issue, then I'll normally let it slide. 
Awesome. That's very reasonable and well within what my schedule allows. I am interested. 
No rush, all I am worried about is getting the character sheet layout so I can start building a character. It sounds like a lot of people already have characters built. 
Alright so there was a lot of BBCode in the old rp (rip I miss you bbcode) so I had these in accordion slides but I'll make it work. I also was looking at @Snowflower and @NemoTheSurvivors characters and the neuro and cardio attending spots are taken, so I'm going to update that rn


Image: (realistic or drawing, no anime pls)

Age: must be realistic to your position!!!!!





Brief Description:









Why You Became A Surgeon:


Position: (add specialty if attending)

Any Additional Information:

@Manic Muse

Are we waiting to post our characters until the thread is up? 

I wanted to snag the Peds attending and wanted to make sure no one else did first 
Ummm, is it just me? I have no join option for the group. 

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