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Fantasy High School of the Prim

Melissa looked at both girls who had just spoken to her. She was baffled by their bravery to talk to a stranger. Her mother always told her never to speak to people she didn't know, but these seemed to be friendly. Besides if they were in school with her how bad could they be. Melissa stood up and turn towards both girls. Giving a slight curtsy before speaking with a elegant voice "My name is Melissa Blomsten. Pleased to make an acquaintance with you."
Her black leather boots clicked on the floor as she made her way towards her first period class. Ash made another glance at her grey skinny jeans and black T-shirt that stated "Bite Me". "Irony at it's best." She joked with herself, picking up her pace as she spotted the classroom down the hallway. She was late, as usual not that it crossed her mind even to care. If the teacher had a problem with it then they could stick it where the sun don't shine. Tearing her thoughts away from being late, she stood in front of the classroom door. 'Art 1' pasted onto the wall beside the door.

Ash let out a sigh, taking her glasses off, her red eyes staring at the door handle trying to decide if she wanted to go in or not. With a sudden boost of courage, she pushed open the door. Closing it behind her, she looked around the class as the chatter from the other kids in the room seemed to stop. Ash shifted uncomfortably from being noticed by a large group of people. It took her a few seconds to make her legs move towards the back of the classroom. She found an empty seat in the corner and claimed it, not paying attention to who she was sitting by and who was looking at her, well at least she tried not to pay attention. She was sure it was painfully obvious that she was uncomfortable with not knowing anyone and it irked her.
Altira was shell shocked. So many non-dorky conversations at once. And one girl even promised to showcase some skills Altira had only read about. Wow. So much going on at once. She almost wanted to learn everyone's name.

Wait, has class started yet?! Her head swiveled to the front. The teacher was there rustling papers on their desk.

Oh, ho ho. That was close. Altira almost missed something.

'Is everyone on the right page now?'

Oh my word! What page?! What book?! I missed something! Altira looked around. Her new acquaintances couldn't help her. They were talking among themselves when it happened. She leaned over and looked at the books of others around the room. Okay, I can do this. I can talk and pay attention right.
"It's page fourteen..." Arcus whispered over to the clearly panicking Altira, as she was an elf she had higher intelligence and senses than normal human beings and other creatures, so she had no problems hearing what the teacher had said. She quickly went back to her book, to not draw any unwanted attention to herself and began reading and taking notes, she didn't want to get into trouble on her first day, but helping a fellow student couldn't be so bad could it?
Altira sighed.

"Thank you...Arcus." She smiled remembering her name. I could use more friends like her. Altira continued to smile as she turned the page.

Oh, we are doing color theory first...Okay. She nodded as the teacher went through the book on tints, shades, and the color wheel.

And then it was time.

'For you first assignment, I am going to have you paint tints and shades for your assigned color. Use the book for a color guide.' And then she smiled like that was a good thing.

"P-paint. Already?" She could feel the uncoordination already. Slowly she pulled her watercolor set closer to her and stared at it.

This might be fun though. Altira nodded grabbing her brushes.

"Have you ever painted before, Arcus?" She thought she might ask.
Peach sighed, already assignments. Her assigned color was purple, so she started with the purple and yellow combination and began watering that down. The painting part was easy because she was already taking outside classes. It was quite weird, she had already met so many new faces in one period!
Altira bit her lip and started scanning the room again. Her eyes locked on to peach, and so Altira picked up the same size brush peach was using.

Okay. What she is doing with purple. I can do with orange! Altira nodded to herself as a little congratulation to herself for expanding into the field of art.

On one end of the paper she painted her orange in the little square provided. Then she skipped down to the next row of squares and painted her orange on the other side of the paper. Picking her brush of the table she nodded. Yes, yes, now she was getting the hang of it.

First, I'll make the tones. Altira stared deeply into the book then the orange paint, then the white paint and then again to the book. Ever so slightly she dipped the tip of her brush into the white. And then she sneezed. The brush was now coated with paint.

No! No! Everything will be fine. I am sure it would change the orange to much...Nodding to herself she mixed the white into the orange anyway.

"oh.." She said as the color came out several tones lighter than where she was starting. "I'll just paint it there then, and then add more orange to paint the ones before it, then later add more white to make the tones below it." Altira nodded to herself again as if this were a good plan.

She spent the rest of classes zigzagging around the paper filling in the tone squares. The shades would have to wait until next class.
Peach looked over to Altira, oh how she wanted to help. But if she did the teacher was sure to have her hind. She went back to her work and tried not to think of Altira's problems, but it was so hard. It was the first day and Peach's mouth was about to get her into trouble.

"Altira, to get a lighter color water it down," she whispered across the walkway.
"A lighter color?" She looked down at her paper. "But we're supposed to be doing shades and tones of one color per person. If I used a light color wouldn't that change the color..." Altira trailed off looking back in the book.

"...Oh my I have been doing shades and tones this whole time. We're supposed to be doing shades and tints!" Her eyes darted from her paper to the book, back and forth over and over.

"Wait. I think I might have done it righh...t." Putting down the brush she picked up the book. "'In color theory, a tint is the mixture of a color with white, which increases lightness, and a shade is the mixture of a color with black, which reduces lightness.' Okay...so..." After a moment of staring at her paper, she raised her hand.

"Can I start over?" She asked sheepishly.

((Stopped getting notifications. .__.))

Ryke stared at the page of the book. He had a very, very, very, very, VERY, stupid secret. He had NO idea how to paint. That's the reason why he picked Art class. To learn about it. But of course, they had to start with painting. PAINTING. He doesn't even know how to
draw something! "..." He stayed silent as he tried to understand what was written on the page but the information just went through his head. "Well, looks like I'm gonna fail this already." he muttered to himself whilst running a hand through his hair. Ryke debated on whether asking Peach or Arcus. Or Melissa. Or Sil. Or--

He was broken out of his thoughts when he heard someone say, "
Can I start over?" Ryke looked to his right to see Altira raising her hand. Well, at least she knew how to do the activity. Ryke then sighed and summoned his paintbrush and a paper. "Um..." he started slowly.

Can somebody help me? I have no idea how to paint."

Altira blushed and apologized as the teacher gave her a new sheet lined with squares. Asking for another worksheet was beyond embarrassing, and Altira hoped never to do it again.

The teacher sighed and put a hand on her shoulder. "I can tell you are one of those geeky perfectionist types. Art is not about perfection. Don't beat yourself up so bad when you have to start over." With pitying pat on her shoulder he went elsewhere in the class.

"Okay, so expect to mess up...That's a tall order, but okay." The nodding began again.

"Can somebody help me? I have no idea how to paint."

Altira looked over at Ryke and laughed sheepishly. "I just watched Peach and copied how she painted and until I got the hang of it."

Abbreviating her sentence she pointed at Peach. "See, she appears to paint well."
((I know how you feel Wolf... -.-''))

Arcus grabbed her paint brush and closed her eyes, thinking of which color she should chose. She grabbed a green color along with a blue one and began to water them down, before she began painting on the canvas. This wasn't the first time Arcus had painted, as the next heir to the throne this was maybe what she had spent most of her time with. Learning craftsmanship in the forest, and elegance was important. This was no exception. She smiled when Ryke seemed confused on what to do, and smiled even brighter when it seemed as the art teacher knew a bit about art herself. "Let your thoughts wander from the brush to the canvas, and then don't think about how it looks. It's almost better to paint with your eyes closed. I learned this from my mother," Arcus said to both Altira and Ryke as her eyes were closed as she was carefully painting with a certain elegance on the canvas.
Altira smiled at Arcus' pleased expression and enraptured expression. She couldn't help but laugh a little.

Altira eventually had to tell her though.

"Arcus. Arcus." She whispered at first and then in a normal tone. "Arcus, we are supposed to be using our assigned color to paint shades and tints. Using our book as a guide. I mean if you can do that with your eyes closed then I am really impressed, but I just didn't know if...you knew what we were doing or not...I am sorry to correct you! I just thought you should know." Her voice got smaller as she spoke, afraid that maybe somehow she was doing everything wrong.

After all, the only thing geeky Altira knew about art was what other scientist said about it: a rule-less, lawless, ruthless practice of abstraction. And the way Arcus painted reminded her of that formless practice.

No...but the teacher said this was an exercise right? We are just learning about the nature of color. Like the teacher said.

Even now she was wondering what she was going to do. What the teacher said do, or what Arcus said do.

When in doubt, however, Altira always did what the teacher asked.
"I am doing what the book says. Look at your book on page sixteen," Arcus whispered back, still happy as this was as easy as pie for her. She had painted many things with her eyes close, with and without instructions. It was good to get a reminder though, she was dangerously close to go off and paint something completely different. "Thanks for the reminder though Altira," Arcus thanked her, continuing to paint the tints and shadows with her colors, still with her eyes closed.
Altira nodded, all thumbs and smiles after helping out someone herself, rather than being helped.

She started over with relish and finished her tints in order this time, of course she was out of white paint at the end, but who cares she finished her tints! And she was doing a little dance in her seat as she brought out the black paint and then very carefully opened it and put it down. She was happy, but not crazy enough to get that on her clothes.

((Is it time for next period yet?)
Kat who was really late ran down the hall to her Art2 class. "Omg I am soooo late!" She yelled to herself she bursted into the class room and sat down breathing fast.
Finally halfway done with her shades, Altira sighed and sat back from her paper.


Altira laughed to herself, she would have to stop playing video games if she was ever going to start respecting real titles, but it was too easy to battle through a tower and walk around in game as CRUSHER OF TOWERS, and much more fun than following behind her father in those pathetic parades the give minor royalty.

Lord Kaneev, Baronet of Dalton - was hardly as interesting as the title he got last week, by smashing five of my records on Castle Crashers. LORD KANEEV, DESTROYER OF DAUGHTER'S HOPES AND DREAMS.

Again she laughed when she thought about how he went around the house for a week and every time she saw him she had to kneel and spew his title.

That was funny- Altira jumped in her seat when someone bashed aside the door to the room and sat down. Her heart practically skipped a beat.

She was not used to so much monkey business in the middle of class. Usually, people in her classes arrived on time and stayed to the end.

She sighed as she realized she was not in geekland anymore. She was in open territory; Altira could come across any type of person now.

Not to be rude, Altira looked at the new girl and introduced herself anyway. Using some of that newfound courage she had gleaned from Peach.

"Hi. You are quite late aren't you." Altira gave herself bonus points for that tidbit of conversation there. "My name is Altira. What is yours?"
Feeling out of breath she but her head down on her desk taking a breather. Then she looked realizing someone was talking to her. "oh!" She sat up fixed her hair smiled and said" Hi I'm Kat. It's nice to meet you."
Arcus finished her painting, almost accurate to what the picture showed on the side. Painting in the forest is extremely hard, so painting after memory is a bit easy. However, the teacher weren't exactly as pleased with her closing her eyes. She smiled as Kat suddenly ran into the classroom, sitting down, extremely late for her first class. It wasn't exactly easy to get around, and perhaps she had gotten lost on her way. "Hello~ My name is Arcus Elhromane. It is a pleasure to meet you," Arcus whispered to her, hoping the teacher didn't notice her.
After saying hi she she heard someone else whispering to her. "oh Hi" She smiled. 'oh' she thought to her self 'she's an elf cool.' "It's uh pleasure to meet you to."
Altira sighed. Is it always this tiresome being with other people or is it just this way when you meet new people?

"It looks like you are meeting all kinds of people today, Kat." She smiled reassuringly.

"I met a lot today myself." Altira laughed nervously while snatching the tip of her nose absentmindedly.

"Well, I don't suppose it is a bad thing to make new friends as long as you don't forget your old ones."

The teacher glanced over the class from across the room and shook their head when they laid eyes on Altira.

With the 'sweatdrop' look on her face, Altira pointed to herself when the teacher made eye contact with her. The teacher nodded then pointed to their nose and over to the sinks on the side walls of the art room.

"Ah, I think I may have gotten some paint on my face. I'll be back after I wipe it off." A much more nervous chuckle accompanied the sentence.
Joshua soon entered his first class, not knowing what to do. He froze at the door way, seeing it Art 1 class was already in fold. "How... how late am I?" He asked with a sweaty forehead as he shook, obvious signs from a fever. But yet, it wasn't the exact thing. He was going through a stage of homeostasis his race had, a form of intense emotions and excerting wastes through the process, such as loaded up magic or energy.

He took a step further, not knowing what to do as he looked up to the teacher with a nervous stare, his hands shakily meeting eachother behind his back as he stood tall, a false position for his current state.
After saying hi to Arcus. Altira said to Kat "It looks like you are meeting all kinds of people today, Kat." And Kat aswered back "Yah seems liked it." she smiled. Then Altira said "I met a lot today myself." "oh yah" said Kat "that's cool" she said. Then she kept talking Kat being somewhat interested in what she was saying. Then Altira got up to wipe some paint off her face. 'She seems alright' Kat thought to her self. Then a guy busrted through the door. Looks like i'm not the only one late Kat thought to herself.
Upon that time, he wore a thin leather undershirt under his coat tails, getting in trouble before for his "Innapropriate" dressing. He eyed the area, slowly taking steps over to a seat next to a girl, wondering for a while if he should interact or not. But ratherly he looked around for the materials, not knowing they were on the table in front of him. Every now and then, he'd look over to the girl, seeing it her the closest one near him. If she looked at times, he'd exchange a shy smile and look back onto the matter at hand, trying to understand what was going on at the time.
She looked over at the guy next to her and gave her a shy smile. He didn't look like he new what was going on. "Hey" She whispered "Do you need any help?"

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