hi i'm a mess how's your night going


New Member
well... i made an account here ages ago and then.... never did anything with it. oops.
i decided to come back to it and i guess this is probably the best place for a first post.
anyway, hi, i'm frakncheese and you can call me pretty much whatever you want, just know that retribution will be swift if you misstep. i use Spicie Memes to cope with my crippling anxiety and depression :D tumblr trash tbh. aspiring game writer / creative director with the sensibilities of a literature student. am aware of how hopeless that is. i am writing my thesis on interactive fiction like a fuckin nerd. yes, my username means i love battlestar galactica, but i will probably stare at you blankly if you try to talk to me about pretty much any other space scifi. except firefly. firefly is my shit. i like dice. i don't like to write longer posts - less due to inability, more due to lack of time or energy. by same token, will nope the fuck out of rps that update a dozen times a day.
so, uh.... that's me i guess. ask me questions? or just like... wave me along. i don't know what i'm doing

homestuck, middle english literature (am kin with marlowe), rpgs, imported sodas, high proofs, board games n card games, night vale presents, dumb alternative bands
i lied, idefk what constitutes a spicie meme, but i am good for absurdist humor and regular memes and being broke
well... i made an account here ages ago and then.... never did anything with it. oops.
i decided to come back to it and i guess this is probably the best place for a first post.
anyway, hi, i'm frakncheese and you can call me pretty much whatever you want, just know that retribution will be swift if you misstep. i use Spicie Memes to cope with my crippling anxiety and depression :D tumblr trash tbh. aspiring game writer / creative director with the sensibilities of a literature student. am aware of how hopeless that is. i am writing my thesis on interactive fiction like a fuckin nerd. yes, my username means i love battlestar galactica, but i will probably stare at you blankly if you try to talk to me about pretty much any other space scifi. except firefly. firefly is my shit. i like dice. i don't like to write longer posts - less due to inability, more due to lack of time or energy. by same token, will nope the fuck out of rps that update a dozen times a day.
so, uh.... that's me i guess. ask me questions? or just like... wave me along. i don't know what i'm doing

homestuck, middle english literature (am kin with marlowe), rpgs, imported sodas, high proofs, board games n card games, night vale presents, dumb alternative bands
Okay then.

If your looking for and rp there's always what remains available (fandom rp), we have a few open spots. Try to get into a place thats frequently active though, one that includes Bloke or me at the very least.
Should I welcome you or welcome you back? I dunno, so I'll do both.

Welcome to the site and welcome back! I hope you have a great time here, free of worry (we're all nerds here buddy :P ) and I'm sure you'll find just the right roleplay for you! So bring on those spaceships and their spicy memes cannons, cause RPN welcomes you with open...arms, fins? Code?

Regardless, enjoy yourself and if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask! ;)

PS: For yoru enjoyment
death star destroys wallet.gif

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