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Hetalia axis powers


New Member
She wound up at another world meeting, shocker right? Don't even know what a country like Czech is doing there. She really didn't want to go but France convinced her. She spent the next few hours loathing the dumb arguments, fighting, and trying to get things back into order when it happened. She wasn't even sure who she was sitting next to!! She turned her head to get a good look at them "So, is it like this all the time?"
Britain mumbled under his breath for a moment sitting beside her with his head on the table trying his best to ignore France, who was obviously annoying him. He was tired of trying to get his point across to someone who wouldn't listen anyways. He lifted his head and looked at her. "Well, um..." he started, but there was really no hiding it. "Yes to is." He shook his head and tried to keep track of what issue was even being discussed.
She had been forced to listen to constant bickering and yelling and quite honestly, she was getting a bit tired of it. Czech had been listening to constant arguments in her ear and it was giving her a pounding headache. She calmly stood up and took a deep breath, to then yell aloud "If you don't mind, I would like to discuss normally without you hlupák's (idiots) screaming in my ear like a bunch of děti (children)!!" She sat down and the room went quiet for a bit. She earned a couple looks of surprise from Russia and Japan, but nevertheless it returned to normal and she put her head on the table with an audible thump and quietly whined "They didn't even listen...."
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