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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

"I only seek to destroy those who hurts planets. This is the call that I have answered. You will be spared for helping me. You are also the one who can control this ship. I did say I was willing to serve your army. Therefore I do not wish to hurt a part of it."

((*Anne has gained an ally*))

She picked the flower with an amazed smile "Well, I used to go to church... but honestly I don't know if they exist anymore in the future" She smelled the flower and then looked at the knight, she felt a bit weird, something that made her heart rush, but she couldn't tell why. "Humans are flawed but there are a lot of good men in this world, it's just a matter of time before you find one" She said with a smile, then she looked at her wristwatch "Heavens! It's so late... uh, do you know how to go back to the city? I'm kinda lost" She laughed.

Tiagirl001 said:
"I only seek to destroy those who hurts planets. This is the call that I have answered. You will be spared for helping me. You are also the one who can control this ship. I did say I was willing to serve your army. Therefore I do not wish to hurt a part of it."
((*Anne has gained an ally*))

Anne smiled sadistically and then nodded "Very well! We'll be heading back to Earth!... I'll say to my superiors that we're in the middle of... a contract!" She jumped at the controls of the ship and began tapping on the dials "Make yourself at home in my ship, Madam, You'll be destroying this filthy planet in no time" The alien had to restrain herself from a roaring laughter, but then she couldn't help but look at a blue little dot in space "Home... You can wait... I have a mission" She said sadly while touching the screen.
God grabbed her hand before vanishing and appearing back at the warehouse. "Here you are, would you mind if I come in. You....interest me," that was the best she could say, still holding her hand. Even when she was young around the other reapers she never knew how to show emotions of affection. 'Maybe humans are. Maybe you could show me the good,' she thought to herself.

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Ray nodded "Sure! And the straight jacket stays, we've been through so much together." She jumped off her seat and looked up at Hibiki "Can you carry me?"

Jane was left amazed, the knight was a super just like her! She then nodded with a smile "Sure! Come, I'll show you the HQ, It's not the Cesar Palace but it's confy enough." She grabbed her by the hand and walked togheter to the living room "This is the living room, this is where we relax and calm down... and that big black box over there is a television... but I don't know how to use it and they always cast shameful things in these days anyway" She said while blushing, the memory of her first encounter with MTV was still fresh in her mind.

"Oh, mind if I call you Barb? Y'know, Barbarous is a mouthful!" The astronaut said with a smile.
"You can call me whatever you wish child. May I get your name," she asked while letting go of her hand. "I've seen that before, I use to work in a pizza place. They had those up on the roofs," Barb said with her hands rested on her sword. "Why are your cheeks red," she asked placing her armored hand against Jane's cheek.


Ray looked over his shoulder. "Are you reading the thing they call hentai?" She asked hearing the word around school but never really knowing the meaning.

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Siegmund (aka The Liberator) Stumbles onto the scene, his boots caked with mud. He takes a moment to regain his balance and check his surroundings and inventory. Siegmund pulls a water canteen out of his bag and shakes it to observe the water content left, hardly any water was stored in the canteen,"I guess I'll have to start rationing." The liberator mumbles as he wanders the area.

((Little thing to make you wait with.))

Ray looked over his shoulder. "Are you reading the thing they call hentai?" She asked hearing the word around school but never really knowing the meaning.

Jane's cheeks turned into a brighter shade of red when the knight touched her "O-Oh U-Uuuh I-I still remember the last time I-I watched the T-Television... There were women in bikini! Can you believe it!?!" She stuttered awkardly then smiled shyly "You can call me Jane... Oh! come, I want to show you my room! I bought a record player and it came with a Frank Sinatra Long Play too!" She said while dragging Barb by the hand.

Tiagirl001 said:

((Little thing to make you wait with.))
(Don't forget the cheesy 50's Tv Show and the label "Now with more vitamins!" xD )
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God was a bit surprised by being dragged everywhere, she sighed and kept following the woman. "I can believe it. You really are from out of time, I can make us go faster." She picked Jane up and walked to her room, she kicked the door down. "I'll fix that later."

@Damacyn (Great! Now we are sponsored by Mercury O's xD )

Ray yawned "Do I have to sleep on the couch? I'm tired," she said trying to stay awake. She started drooling on Hibiki's shirt.

@Damacyn[/URL] (Great! Now we are sponsored by Mercury O's xD )

Ray yawned "Do I have to sleep on the couch? I'm tired," she said trying to stay awake. She started drooling on Hibiki's shirt.

She was left a bit speechless by the taken down door but in that momement Jnae felt even weirder, it was something she usually never felt for another woman, and thinking about it, it was something she felt more with Grissom... Her face turned red when she realized what that weird feeling could be.

"W-well... If you say so..." She grabbed the few vinyls on her bed and showed them at Barb "Pick one!" She said with a smile, The songs were Fly Me To The Moon, Summer Wind and, ironically, I've Got A Crush On You. Jane realised too late her music choice.
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Barb studied each vinyl like it was a new dinosaur. She randomly grabbed one "What is 'I've Got A Crush On You?" She asked before her eyes widened, the face on this woman. "That is the face I saw on a close friend of mines. When he confessed his love, same day he died."

"Wh-What? Don't be silly! W-We're both women! A-and also I just met you, people don't fall in love so easily!" She said while grabbing the vinyls back and looked down shyly "I... Too lost a friend which I had a crush... The sad thing is that he probably thought I was dead..." She opened her wardrobe, there was her space suit there and took a black and white photo from a pocket "That's him... Gus Grissom" She pointed at a smiling man clad in a space suit on the left. "He... was brave and a good man... But ironically I don't know how and when he died... Everytime I ask about him people never answer me..." She sitted on her bed, she had a sad look on her eyes and was restraining herself from crying "Sorry... I... Promised myself to don't cling too much to the past.." She sniffed, then looked at Barb "How.. was your friend? Was him a good man too?"

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Ray woke up and began to cry "Mommies dead! Mommy come back to me," she said weakly, curling up on the bed.


"His name was Sansy. Good man, usually slept but knew when to fight. He.....My father crushed his skull in. He became another stain on the floor...just like the rest." A single tear streamed down her face, she sat down on the bed which creaked under the weight of her armor.


"His name was Sansy. Good man, usually slept but knew when to fight. He.....My father crushed his skull in. He became another stain on the floor...just like the rest." A single tear streamed down her face, she sat down on the bed which creaked under the weight of her armor.

Hibiki would calmly embrace her as a means of comforting her. "It's alright. Just let it out." It would only be better to let things out than bottle it in.

"His name was Sansy. Good man, usually slept but knew when to fight. He.....My father crushed his skull in. He became another stain on the floor...just like the rest." A single tear streamed down her face, she sat down on the bed which creaked under the weight of her armor.

Jane hugged Barb tightly, she said nothing and she just sat on the bed with her new friend holding her tightly. She too had to restrain herself from crying, but she had to be strong, for both of them.
Ray continued to sob "I miss my mommy. The way she loved to joke with me. How she took care of me," she said softly while shaking.


Barb was surprised, so surprised that heat radiated from her body. The armor grew hot as she sighed and started taking it off. If revealed boxers and a grey shirt. Barb was never into female things so this felt comfortable. "Sorry it's very hot in here."


Barb was surprised, so surprised that heat radiated from her body. The armor grew hot as she sighed and started taking it off. If revealed boxers and a grey shirt. Barb was never into female things so this felt comfortable. "Sorry it's very hot in here."

"I know," he said as he would just hold Ray gently. "Somethings you can't replace easily." From there it would become quiet.

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