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Fantasy Heroes of Might and Magic

You can do that, I can't respond till tomorrow though. The Arcmage (me) is about to leave with 2 others
Inheritance said:
You can do that, I can't respond till tomorrow though. The Arcmage (me) is about to leave with 2 others
I have A post written out... I then looked back at the other posts and came to a conclusion... I don't know who are the other two people and what's the Arcmage's name...I may have missed it but I couldn't find it. It's usually best to NOT write posts at 2 a.m in the morning...I'm smart. I'll be sure to pump out a post before tomorrow.
Sparkstorm1000 said:
I have A post written out... I then looked back at the other posts and came to a conclusion... I don't know who are the other two people and what's the Arcmage's name...I may have missed it but I couldn't find it. It's usually best to NOT write posts at 2 a.m in the morning...I'm smart. I'll be sure to pump out a post before tomorrow.
Alright kid, so the Archmage is Solymere Dragonheart, and traveling with...eh... @Raikou Kaminari @Zelda18
Inheritance said:
Alright kid, so the Archmage is Solymere Dragonheart, and traveling with...eh... @Raikou Kaminari @Zelda18
Yeah... figured that out now... sorry 'bout that. I was going off of around 27 hours of no sleep, so I wasn't exactly with it. I'm fully rested and ready to make that post! As soon as I get off from work. Yeah...
Quillicious said:
Is it required to have a nation to be loyal to?
Depends, if you wanna be a renegade you'll be unwelcomed everywhere, but if you live in Erathia you can be there without really wanting to fight them
Inheritance said:
Depends, if you wanna be a renegade you'll be unwelcomed everywhere, but if you live in Erathia you can be there without really wanting to fight them
What about having a neutral relationship with all countries?
Quillicious said:
Well, excluding that rule, he's neutral with all those who accept/tolerate humans.
...I like your character...I was going to do something similar...make a more serious character than the current one I have....TOO LATE NAO!!!!!
Sparkstorm1000 said:
...I like your character...I was going to do something similar...make a more serious character than the current one I have....TOO LATE NAO!!!!!
You can make more then one
Sparkstorm1000 said:
...I like your character...I was going to do something similar...make a more serious character than the current one I have....TOO LATE NAO!!!!!
Yoink! Haha, sucker!

Seriously, these types of chars are fun. I wouldn't blame you for wanting to make one. Sorry for stealing your thunder...
Quillicious said:
Actually, there a group of nobles Arlech can ((attempt to)) hold up?
What in Rockwarren? Sure if you want we are going to retrieve the herb. And fightin orcs soon.
What I could do is just...redo it, or we can try to spark something more? I'm open to suggestions, what do you guys think?

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