Hero Time: The start of the Hero Project.

Name : Taylor Sibaki

Age : 26

Gender : Female

Powers/Special Abilities : Out of this world. Nothing like it. Never seen but only a tall, powerful looking creature. She is in contact with an alien force just right above the Earth's atmosphere. No one can detect them, and no one can see their massive ship that's the size of the Earth. They call these aliens CyberDragons, and they are 8ft. tall, croc-like heads, and have several advantages. She turns into this thing. They have green epidermis, and a metal called Ssypher metal are her claws. Ssypher metal cannot be broken, chipped, or bent but only by CyberDragon technology. Their armor is made of this metal, especially her special armor.

Weapons/Special Items : Her unbreakable claws, CyberDragon plazma knife, and a rifle.

Appearance :

Team/Group: No, not at all. She comes and goes if the world needs her.

History/Bio: Long story. An artifact called the Vetnus was a power source from the CyberDragon race. it fell from the sky, so she went to investigate. And in a blink of an eye, she became one with another alien race. The CyberDragons told her that the first transformed one was the strongest, and the smartest. And should be called "Sia'Bek" Which meant "Cyber". They also gave her special armor, with inprinted symbols on it. You will be in grave danger if you come across her.
TechnoDragon : Ok. you're profile's interesting. However, there are a few things I'll need to discuss with you about it. Sadly, I'm not going to be online this weekend. So I'll get back to you then.

In the mean time please read all of this OOC board and perhaps the RP so that hopefully I won't need to explain some of the things in this RP that I've had to explain to others when they've first joined the RP. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you're still interested when I get back.
TechnoDragon : ok. I'm still a little under the weather. Anyways, Ok, first off. Will your character be joining the Hero Project or show up at some point to help?

Second, How much of an impact will that alien thing effect the storyline. and could you tell me more about it? I may have something for it. You can pm/vm me about it if you don't want the others to know about it yet.
Thank you.

Name: Taryn Kleida

Gender: Female

Powers/Special Abilities: Electricity. Something that she can control mentally. She mostly uses the electricity in technology for her support of fighting and help, because she is half robotic, and half human. She can summon this robotic creature in any form, either a mechanical cat that could be 10x larger than the Empire State Building, or 10x smaller. Maybe a mechanical dragon? Or turn into something like Iron Man? Her choice. But the technology she transforms into, can either spawn with weaponry or not if she wanted too.

Weapons/Special Items: None.


Team/Group: Nope. :3

History/Bio: A secret Metallic Corporation facility took her in to experiment a new evolved human to control electricity in certain things. A device called "S56" Was placed near the brain. The brain had access to this device, and used it when it wanted too. But, this also caused some side effects... She would spazz or 'freak-out' over nothing.
TechnoDragon: 2 things. 1) could you further explain to me "She can summon this robotic creature in any form"

2) could you change " A special Government facility" to a secret Metallic Corporation Facility? Because it'd fit this universe more. No she doesn't have to work for the Metallic Corporation.
JCKane 1st: Well, she doesn't really put other individual robotic creatures in front of her. She becomes this robotic creature in any form she pictures in her head. But when you see her become this mechanical beast, ribbons of electricity start to outline the shape of whatever she's becoming. Is that good enough?

2nd: Changed it to "Metallic Corporation Facility." c:
JCKane : I am pleased to tell you. c: If she becomes a creature that is weaponized, then she only has 2 hours to fight/kill/use this creature. If she does not become one with weapons, then she has less quality/metallic plares to protect power cords and such. And usually when she is done being whatever she is during the day, she spazzes out a little during the night.

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