Hero Time: The start of the Hero Project.

Name: Anton Yozhov

Age: 18 years old

Gender: Male

Powers/ Special Abilities: Hydrokinesis(Controlling Water), Aerokinesis(Controlling Air), Electrokinesis(Controlling Lightning), Water breathing(Hydrokinesis Special), Super high jumping(Aerokinesis special)

Weapons/special items: None


Team/group: Team Mega

History/Bio: Anton was born into a Russian family but lived in America. When he went to school, he never paid attention as he was often staring out into the clouds. They seemed to call for him. A few years later, Anton found out that he had a few special powers. The first one, Hydrokinesis, was found when he lifted his hand up and water rose out of a bucket. Next, Aerokinesis, he found he had was when the P.E. teachers said jump as high as you can, and Anton jumped 40 feet into the air, and sort of.. floated down. Other times were when he blew over the entire living room with a blast from his hand. Finally, Electrokinesis, Anton discovered when he and his Dad were working at the power grid and some electricity escaped. Anton absorbed it in one hand and shot it out the other. This also allowed him to call down lightning and blast it wherever he wanted. He tried to control his powers, and he succeeded.
Name: Kanjo Nashi

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Powers/ Special Abilities: Apathy. Enhanced agility. Enhanced swordsmanship.

Weapons/special items: A katana.

Appearence: Tall with dull-orange hair and blue eyes. He wears pants and a sleeveless shirt with a ragged cape, hood, and shoes, all the same shade of black.

Team/group: None.

History/Bio: He was born without emotion. His father trained him to be an assassin, which was helped by the clarity of mind that apathy brings. When he became a teen, he left and became a sellsword. His name literally means "without emotion."
Character profile:

Name: Rika Yuki

Nick/Super Name: Bubble Girl

Age: 12

Gender: female.

Powers/ Special Abilities:

Bubble magic: She has the power to use bubble liquid to create Large bubbles big as people. Each bubble she makes is enchanted with a different Kind of Magic. The bubbles can be upto 7ft wide while creating bubbles there is a halo of rainbow light around her hands, or around her bubble wand.

Air Bubble: This bubble Allows the person inside to fly, the bubble centers on the subject and moves with them. It doesn't react to nor stop magics or melee attacks. This bubble appears perfectly clear with white spirals floating around aimlessly

Aqua Ward Bubble: This bubble Provides the target with Protection from fire magic, the outside of the bubble is extremely stretchy and hard to pierce with hands, bladed objects can pierce it though and a good slash from a sword would disrupt it enough to pop. The color of this bubble is a bright cyan color

Flame Ward Bubble: This bubble Provides the target with Protection from Water magic, the outside of the bubble is extremely stretchy and hard to pierce with hands, bladed objects can pierce it though and a good slash from a sword would disrupt it enough to pop. The color of this bubble is a dark red color.

Deflection bubble: This bubble acts like a reflector of melee attacks, any weapon that tries to slash or club the bubble is either defected or bounced back at the enemy, The bubble also contains a high level of bounciness and, bounces on the spot around 3ft, bouncing the user inside. This bubble is a dark green color

Sugar Bubble: This bubble allows the user inside to move at high speeds, its useful for a get away, maxing at 40 miles per an hour. The bubble remains centered on the user and piercing damage (such as bullets and daggers) are deflected by the rolling speed while its moving, slash attacks also get deflected, however, objects such as cars, ect. that do impact damage pop this bubble expelling the target at full speed. The bubble is hot pink

Healing Bubble: The target inside this bubble is healed over time. This bubble is pastel pink

Protection Bubble: This bubble will not move. The protection bubble prevents all attacks on the person inside, however anything passing though the bubbles walls will cause it to pop. This bubble is a dark blue colour

Cage Bubble: This bubble acts like a Deflection bubble but is targeted inwards rather than outwards, this is how she captures evil doers. This bubble is a steel gray colour

Slow Bubble: This bubble causes anyone within it to be slowed down, The max speed within the bubble is 5mph, but it works retroactively (the slower you try to move, the easier it will move).

Obscuring bubble: This bubble is only very limited in size, reaching a maximum length of 3' 11'' Things within this bubble Cannot be seen, the bubble cannot move either, attempting to move/leave it will pop the bubble.

Shocking Bubble: This bubble is her only Offensive bubble, the surface of this bubble deals powerful electric attacks, It centers on the target and moves with them, It is usually used in combination with an Air bubble and sugar bubble to take out the bad guys.

Bubble Wish: Though normally the bubbles follow the target she chooses, she can directly control them with her hands as well, if she does this, when she stops controlling it directly, it pops, this allows her to control upto 3 bubbles, though the targets of her hand bubbles are halved in size.

Weapons/special items: As a bubble Hero, she uses Loads of bubble mixture, each human sized bubble takes around a tube of normal bubble mixture, she loads her self out with bubble mixture to compensate. Without bubble Mixture she has no gifts she can use, so when she runs out she has to retreat. She doesn't need a bubble wand though, as it expands between her hands. This hasn't stopped her carrying a large bubble wand with her and channeling her powers though it for effect.

She is a small girl being only 3'7''. But she Makes up for it with her agility and flexibility. on her belt she has bubble mixture pots, 10 on each side, and a small sword length bubble wand bottle on either leg.

Team/group: Though not an Official member, Metalic Corporation Have been giving her home protection jobs every now and then, she struggles to be taken seriously though.

History/Bio: She was born into a lower class family, with a working mother and father. they had a simple life that was until she touched a bubble, the moment she touched a bubble as a young child, it changed color, and the bubble took on different effects. Because of this her parents refused to let her use bubbles for a long time. When they couldn't find an explanation, they took her to see a doctor.

Signing her away to him, He tried to work out what caused her bubble based powers, though he couldn't find any reason for her abilities. she was given back to her parents with some advice to contact Metalic Corporation, they did and Metalic Corporation helped her learn how to control the colors, to use her as both a play-mate, and home defense for rich families. Her parents however, rejected there job offers and right now she works in secret, going to bed after dinner, and going out at night to help.

Her school side of things is terrible, she doesn't have the time to study and isn't very bright. She is currently 2 years behind, the doctors and Metalic Corporation, making her fall behind. She doesn't care though, in her mind she would rather help the defenseless than sit behind a desk. she has started to hate her parents nature and desires to move away where she can be helpful.

She Loves watching my little pony and her favorite song is; [media]

[/media] the happy music makes her positively sparking with happy feelings
Wowzers, Sorry I didn't realize so many people have attempted to join. let me look over them.

@naga: Now I'm going to make you a normal Mega agent. Thus he'll be working with a team. All Mega agents have a team except the higher ups. (The Commanders and what not.) If you want you can be apart of Amy's Team. Discuss amoungst yourselfs who's the leader of the team. Each team has one. You can make a 3rd member if you want.

@thesmashbro : Accepted.

@Naomi-tan : Accepted
This Roleplay needs a villain. (we can make villains, right?)

Name: Inferno

Age: Chronologically 3, Biologically 18

Gender: Genderless, but considered male.

Powers/ Special Abilities: Pyrokenisis, intangible body.

Weapons/special items: none.

Appearence: A humanoid figure composed of pure flame.

Team/group: Standalone villain

History/Bio: The result of a scientific experiment. The fire that forms his body was created to use no oxygen, but the fire he can emit is regular fire.. After killing the scientists that created him, he began to cause some destruction. His mindset can be explained in one sentence:

"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Thesmashbro: This RP has a villian... we just haven't gotten to that point. So sorry your villain is rejected. However, hold on to it and perhaps you can bring it in at some point. But for now you can't add villians.

Let me explain a bit further incase you're confused. This RP will be the first in a series of Hero Time Rps. This particular one is based on how the Hero Project began. The plot is that the Hero Project is put into action because the government has found out about an incoming Robot invasion. So we allready have a villian... it's the Robot invasion. Right now we are at the phase where the people are being recruited to the RP. So far, Blitz and Thend(my characters) still need to come back to the base and be officially recruited. JC Kane and his crew was being recruited by GoddessOfGod's characters but she left/tempoarily left the RP. So I'm just going to say they've allready been recruited. Mitaku's character still needs to be recruited as well but that shouldn't take too long.

The main problem as been the amount of posts people have been doing per day. but we are close to be getting ready for the next part. Once Blitz and Thend and the people with them get back to Mega HQ.
Name: J

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Powers: J can manifest his soul in the form of energy, which he can use to power and supercharge nearby machines or people. His energy increases the brain functioning power of allies, increasing their physical and mental performance, as well as enhancing their powers. He can also attack foes by hitting them directly with manifested soul energy, or by supercharging his own body, turning himself into a living weapon. J's abilities are fueled by his emotions and soul, which in turn can be further fueled by music. For this reason, J is always wearing a pair of headphones wherever he goes. J's powers don't run out or expire, but his attacks can be predicted because his attacks are always timed together with the beat of his music.

Weapon(s): None

Team: None

Bio: J has had his powers from birth, but he never actually realized the true potential that lay within him until he received a pair of headphones for his birthday. When he switched them on, the pure soul of the music flooded his mind and body, and his dormant powers awakened with a brilliant burst of soul energy. After leaving his home and testing his powers, J learned that the only limits to his abilities were the freedom of his soul and the capacity of his heart. Hearing rumors of an organization for young people with powers, he set off for the big city, eager to help the world in any way he could.
Name: Luna

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Powers/ Special Abilities: Snow/Ice power

Weapons/special items: Icicle blades


Team/group: Mega

History/Bio: Abandoned by her parents, she lives alone with in the facility. She is specially awesome and is trained to kick some criminals off the streets. Only her power isn't the best, bust she makes the good out of it. She is also uneasily trusted.
Laney :

Team/group: Ace Mega
^ Do you mean on Ace's team in Mega? If so he can't have any more on his team. Let me say it this way. There's a group called Mega (As I've put in the first post) The agents in Mega are in groups of 3. Ace already has his team of 3. Thus you can't join Ace's Team. But If you ment for her to be a Mega agent. that's fine. But please edit the profile. and let me know.
JCKane said:
Laney :
^ Do you mean on Ace's team in Mega? If so he can't have any more on his team. Let me say it this way. There's a group called Mega (As I've put in the first post) The agents in Mega are in groups of 3. Ace already has his team of 3. Thus you can't join Ace's Team. But If you ment for her to be a Mega agent. that's fine. But please edit the profile. and let me know.
I got it
Laney: Ok that works. Start your character off in Mega HQ... Oh, do you want your character to be in the Hero Project. If so Just have it that she's allready in it/been asked to join. 
Laney: Accepted
JCKane said:
Laney: Ok that works. Start your character off in Mega HQ... Oh, do you want your character to be in the Hero Project. If so Just have it that she's allready in it/been asked to join. 
Laney: Posted
@Lany: The base is underground and most of the people are in the Rec room. your character should know where it's at.



Powers:Electrisity and indistructibility only weekness an ocean.

Weapons:Bolts of lightning and other electricity powers.

Looks:Brown hair.

Team:Good Guy.

History:Born on a planet called Electriciton.
Anthony: Ugh... i'm about to get off for tonight. I'll tell you more about it... but I'm going to need more information on the Indistructibility part.

Laney : Got nothing to go off on with your post. About to get off for tonight though
JCKane said:
FroggieJay : Ok... just one thing i need to know...
^ What organization are you refering to? hero project? it's not been advertised.
Yeah, but the information could have easily leaked out, maybe by someone on the inside. Maybe there are spies, you never know. You'd be surprised at how difficult it is to keep a secret. Maybe he was told by a kid who was in the organization? Does it really matter anyways?
FroggieJay: Ok. Accepted.


Powers:Electrisity and indistructibility only weekness an ocean.
Your going to need to give me more information than Indsitructiblity.

Also I need more infor in your bio... you say he was born in another planet... how'd he get to Earth? 
Laney, FroggieJay, Mitaku, Thesmashbro, Mouse, Naomi-tan , Anthony

Just a heads up... This weekend I'll be heading to Ogopie Fest (or however you pronouce that) So most likely I won't be on but may during the night in the room. But I say may because you never know what may happen.... may not even have any internet there :o

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