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Fantasy Help Wanted: Reward Upon Completion

"Then fix my leg." Buras growled, eyes straining to see that little bit further. It was still numb, joy of joys. He could probably awkwardly limp his way around, or even have somebody support him. But he'd be damned if he let them do that. He'd rather fight with a limp the rest of his life then have them carry him. "I don't hear yelling yet, he's fine."
Larry, along with the others, stood still as a pale blue light lit up before them which was accompanied by a deep voice asking who goes there. They stood fast and curious as the source of both the light and voice came closer. From behind him, another voice spoke up, reassuring the unseen person. Larry was a bit uneasy and looked at the others with him to see if they looked nervous too. They didn't. Although the old guy looked like he'd seen pretty much anything and everything by this point and was was likely way past his prime.

All of a sudden the light got close enough to consume them and forced Larry to put his free arm up to block the light. He squinted against it in an effort to see who was behind it. It took him a few moments to realise that wielder stood below him, a tiny speck of a creature that difficult to see. He'd never seen a gnome before, barely even heard of them. "What the heck is it?" He questioned curiously...
Those were the only words Dante needed to hear before he knees down at the same position he was in before and places his left hand on Buras' leg. He focuses his divine energy on that hand, he can feel the divine energy pulse in his veins. His left hand starts to glow a bright holy light, only lasting for a couple of seconds for he cures the poison in Buras, however it doesn't heal the minor wound in his calve, for healing and removing poison are two different things. He gets up and hears the large barbarian's thoughts.

"Yes, but if he does scream, we might be too late to aid him." he said, judging from what happened before in the room from before. He thinks this man has some sort of respect for the gnome. Either it be because he's a gnome or his age.
"I cannot say for jolly. But fat and offering ale and adventure, surely. Which was enough for this old sailor." He stroked his beard with his free hand, easing up his stance even more and stepping slightly ahead on his wobble. The peg making two noisy pokes that echo slightly against the walls. "As a man of the arcane, I don't suppose you know what any of these markings mean, they are of no dialect I ever came across. Same with the markings above the door."
Cilantro wasn't surprised that the young adventurer hadn't heard of his race, his people typically liked to stay hidden in their forest villages. When the old sea dog asked about the markings, the gnome extinguished his orange flames, pulled out the documents from his satchel and explained "Actually, it just so happens that this paper has the translations for a vision spell. Which I was about to go read before I ran into you guys."
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So, in the dark hall, our main group of adventurers quietly sit, allowing their eyes to wander around the darkness and slowly drawing their gaze towards the still-glowing archway at the end of the lengthy hall. The gnome-mage made the short waddle with his new-found allies towards The Story Room, his potions and flasks jingling and clanking in his satchel as he fishes the parchments out again. Slowly and forcefully, he begins reading off what he believes to be the spell of sight that has been carved throughout the walls. A slight blue glow begins emanating from the inscriptions as he continues to put magical force into the words. As the glow begins to spread into the walls themselves, the main group of adventurers begin to see thin intricate lines of magic light race along the carved cave-walls. As the light brightens to a stable semi-florescent glow, the group in the hall begin to see the floor more clearly, revealing what had tripped the trap to be a tile trigger. A tile trigger, almost exactly identical to the countless tiles that covered the half of the halls floor.

@Beowulf @Dutchmann @XxLuluxX @SimpleReading

Cilantro quickly became very tired from bringing new light to his companions, and stops putting effort into the spell after the glow becomes sufficient to see. Fatigued, he stows away the parchment in his satchel and begins to address his new comrades before noticing something occurring to the wall before him. The walls, displaying the story of the Mighty Wizard and the Wicked Knight who gravely wounded him. The fight was strewn out before him, but the carvings now moved. Imbued with a soft blueish light, the two carvings fought one another slowly making their way around the walls. When one carving would end, the next would start up, taking its predecessor's light as they continued an eternal battle in history. After one full rotation on animation along the curved walls, the story comes to an end. After a great battle, and the Mighty Wizard near-death, he opens a portal to an unknown location before him so that he may escape. As the portal opens, and the Mighty Wizard steps through, the section of wall that held the carving of the portal opens up, revealing a doorway. Upon further investigation, a statue of the Wicked Knight menacingly stands in the dark crevice, just far enough to be in the shadows of the now present blue light that shed upon the room.

@Accidental Tea @Guy @Archangel Emerz @GoodJobDino
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Casting spells of light always made Cilantro fatigued, it was why he typically carried around an alchemical alternative. Now famished and fatigued, the gnome turned to the three and said "Alright, how about I introduce you to-" Cilantro stopped abruptly as he noticed the inscriptions start to move. He watched intently as the wizard and knight duked it out, the knight's movement and swings were precise and professional and the wizard's castings were spot on. He followed the battle as it crossed the walls until he eventually got to the crevice. The gnome peered into the darkness and saw the statue of the knight, it startled him a bit before he started to ponder the tale's meaning and what it had to do with a spell of light.
Larry had sheathed his weapon and had been crouched down low, studying the tiny man. He was facinated. As he attempted to poke the diminutive creature out of curiosity it suddenly spoke out and Larry became astutely aware of a new light behind him. As he stood and rotated himself he witnessed the lights spread across the wall, all the way around the room, bathing the his surroundings in a soft bluish hue which was reflected in his eyes. As the walls became lit lit up, something amazing happened. Inscriptions on the wall, which seemed to depict two men fighting, began to move as if re-enacting a long forgotten scene. Larry watched on alongside the others, his mouth hanging wide open as the tale unfolded before them. He had no idea what it was all about...
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The tension faded as the gnome extinguished his flames. Tolderin stepped aside to let him thru and to the walls around them. An unfamiliar language echoed around them and within the cavern, suddenly sparking a sign of life and light around them. Slowly a glow illuminated the entirety of the cavern, giving sight where there was only recently blindness. As Tolderin attempted to take a chance and peer further down where the gnome appeared from, he was distracted by the lights beginning to dance before them. Even his old eyes were impressed with the show they were given. A great battle, seemingly between wizard and knight. Ending in the wizards near defeat. And then, another mysterious doorway opened before them. Tolderin strengthened his grip on the blade, as the image of the knight came into clearness within the opening.
Emmanuel was impressed at the battle he saw along with his other comrades, he's been quiet for a while as he still keeps an eye on everyones surrounding. Also gripping on his blade this time. (Sorry for the little typing here.)
As Dante gets up after treating Buras, he sees the light start to appear in this hallway, giving a nice sigh of relief as he drops his spell. Shaking his hand as he smiles.

"Looks like he's okay, hopefully." he grins at Bruas and looks down the hallway, only to see the countless tiles that cover the floor. Now, if only one of these tiles did that to this barbarian, all those could kill a man! His eyes widen, realizing what this means. This is going to take forever to get pass without one of us being injured. His mind about Cilantro faded as he continued to stare down the hallway.

"By the holy light!" he says, "How do we get past that!" Dante knew some spells that could help in this situation, but it'll take days for him and his party to get past that. He continues to stare as he tries to think ways of getting past this trap.

(Tags are good for the soul)

@Beowulf @XxLuluxX @SimpleReading
Anastasia was lost in thought when the sudden blue light of a spell caught her off guard. She jumped in surprise and looked around in awe at the magical beauty of the caves around her. Her smile quickly dropped as she realized the floor around them was identical to the trap they had just triggered. She recognized that all of them had registered this news and sat in the same moment of silence as everyone else, trying to think of a way out of their current mess. She opened her mouth for a moment, and began to speak before closing it again, abandoning her thought. "shit" She spoke to nobody in particular.

After several minutes of silence, she abruptly ended it, "Is it smart to try to find a way to trigger all the traps at the same time? It's risky but it looks like it's our only option."

She didn't like the idea of it, as it could result in their being crushed, drown, and ultimately crushed in a plethora of different, equally painful ways.



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