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Fantasy Help Wanted: Reward Upon Completion

"Oh boy", Tolderin thought to himself after the door had slammed shut. And not a moment after, instead of the echoes of silence, his ears were met instead with the sounds of squabbling. He had wanted a chance to study the walls and any markings, but pushed onward just to be sure it didn't involve one of the creatures mentioned earlier.

Luckily, as he moved on with another one of the brood he entered with, the noise subsided, contrasting the depth and darkness of the cavern. With what light gleamed through the eerie tunnel, he shook his head in grim disbelief at passing the body of an already fallen adventurer.

Not for long though, could he mourn the fool, a foul shriek echoed their way, extremely dim lights guiding them onward, but no figures. He reached back, and pulled out of his sheath, a grand broadsword. Pristine as though it had never seen the horrors of battle. An archaic inscription etched into one side of the blade. He brandished it readily, pacing gently forward to the origin of the sound.
Dante listens to the large man in front of him who informs him of a trap. He didn't feel anything, but to be safe, he inspects his own legs to see if anything is off. Not seeing anything, he sees the man take out what seems to be some sort of dart with green liquids on it. Poison? He can fix that for sure, depending what kind of poison it is. He gets down on one knee, he tries to keep his right arm up, which looks awkward and uncomfortable for Dante. Inspecting the area where he pulled out the pin, it doesn't look that bad that he can fix,

"I can fix that." he muttered as he was about to place his left hand on Bruas' leg. Yet, his hand recoiled and he looked up surprised again due to a large sound was created. Sounded like something big was slammed down onto the floor. He stays on his one knee, considering if he shouldn't tend to the poison. He's thinking that the poison isn't that strong if they don't seem to be affected, should stay on guard or take the time to care these wounds? He gets up and then hears the cloaked girl speak. It's dark, and whatever made that sound could be in here, light can help fix that problem. But that poison seems to affected the team, or the woman at lest. He looks from left to right thinking of an idea while keeping his guard up, he isn't some wizard, these spells take effort, he can do one or the other. Speaking to the rest of his group

"Do we need more light or do we want whatever hit your legs to be fixed?" he said, hesitating for a moment, thinking under pressure isn't his thing he can do easily. Plus, he doesn't know how bad the poison is, and this is the time were he can be useful, but Dante prefers the most useful option, so he'll just wait for a good response, prey to Pelor it's just fast enough before whatever made that noise is here.

(Note to self, don't over do it.)
Cilantro stopped dead in his tracks as the barbarian notified the party of the trap, he inspected himself to make sure he hadn't fallen victim to it, thanks to being in the back of the party, he was unharmed. He made his way to the front to inspect the barbarian 'Poison' the gnome thought before he face palmed 'Why didn't I ever take the time to learn some healing spells?' the bottles in his satchel clanged together and he remembered the vial he picked up from the chest. Cilantro pulled it out of his bag and held it in front of his face 'Could this be an antidote?' he thought 'Only one way to find out'. The gnome walked over to the human woman and raised his hand to offer the drink to her "Here, take this." Cilantro said, hoping the potion would have some affect.

Anastasia was completely unsure of what to do. Three of the group was practically useless, and judging from the growls, and the beast from the last room, something real nasty was coming for them, and fast. She sighed, but was surprised to see the Gnome hand her something which she identified as the potion from the chest. She wasn't confident about taking a strange potion, but from her state, she wouldn't last long anyways. She took it, eying the gnome suspiciously. She held it in her hand for a moment, wondering if it was worth the risk of it backfiring, and her exploding. She figured that everything else in the chest had been useful, most likely a reward at least of some sort. So, before her better judgment took over, she popped the cork, and drank it, trying not to think too much of the possible outcomes.

When she was finished, she handed him the now empty bottle, and spoke "That may have been the worst mistake of my life, but I suppose we'll find out in a moment." @Accidental Tea
The potion slowly crawls down Anastasia's throat, layering it in a thin layer of terrible tasting potion. After consuming the potion, she waits staring expectantly at the gnome before her. She soon jumped at a sharp pain in her leg, and then some prickling, as it began to gain feeling again. Rubbing her leg, the pain slowly goes away, and she finds that the potion worked. With all her movement returned to her leg, she stands up from the wall.

@SimpleReading @Accidental Tea

The second group of adventurers continue to hang back in the shadows, just inside of the first room. As they watch the people converse among themselves, and hear the odd noises coming from the other room, they debate whether or not approaching the strangers is a good idea.

@Archangel Emerz @Guy @GoodJobDino
Anastasia coughed, and wrinkled her nose at the potions taste. She hoped desperately that it wouldn't do anything bad, but after a moment, she couldn't help but notice a tingle in her left leg. She tested it, winced as the tingling exploded where her foot made contact, as if it had fallen asleep. She laughed in relief and rubbed the feeling back into her leg, bouncing enthusiastically on it when she had finished. "Looks like I won't regret a thing!" She chuckled, and finished by thanking the gnome very much, now revitalized with enthusiasm. @Accidental Tea
"Pssst, hey you two!" Emmanuel, whisper loudly just so only the two men from his group can hear, "Come here!" Emmanuel signaling them to come over to his position, while staring at the other group, it seems that they've hit a trap. 'I should probably give some a few sip of my health potion.' He looks over his shoulder to see if the two men are coming to his way.

@Guy @GoodJobDino
Cilantro was glad that the potion worked, he took the empty vial and set it next to the rest of his jars and bottles, when she thanked him, he responded with "No problem, but I only wish there was more to give to the others." Now that he'd solved one problem, he focused on another. Since there were no more potions and the priest was in distress about what to do, he decided that he should read the papers he found in hopes that they'll provide some useful information on the dungeon. The gnome pulled out the papers and walked closer to the priest's light so he could read the documents.
Dante turns to see what the small talk was going on the back, it seems that potion in that chest they found worked, that's good, less spells to cast. He's pretty sure the big guy can resist most of the poison can't he? He sees the gnome walk over to him with papers in his hand. He knees down again, looking at the gnome with a grin.

"Good thinking." he says softly, he lowers his right hand a little lower to aid the gnome in his reading. He looks back up trying to stay on guard. Using his left hand to grab onto his holy symbol, as he watches looks into the dark. Trying his best to prepare for the worst.

@Accidental Tea
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"I will survive." Buras growled as the paladin figure asked if he should cure him. The poison should leave his system eventually, given enough time. How long that would be he sure didn't know, but eventually was good enough for him. "Someone else that can fight, get up here. I don't want to be caught off guard." That, and they would take some of the burden off of him if a fight were to happen. He, as previously stated, wouldn't be able to really fight with the dead leg he currently had. At least, not the way he was used to fighting.
The gnome gazed upon the parchment he pilfered from the chest previously in the holy light. The papers had notes written on them on the walls, the way they looked and the story they tell, as well as the inscriptions in the walls and door. The walls were known to be a vision-based spell, linking through the walls of the dungeon, so that whoever used the inscriptions would be given vision of the dungeon, presumably, but the people writing were unable to use the spell for themselves. The distant torches crackled in the silence that now fell over the hall as the members talked among themselves, attempting to fix the poisonous wounds inflicted on some of their members. Very little is said about the vials or the chest, just that the vials themselves were to be stored in the chest and any adventurers going further into the dungeon.

@Accidental Tea
Cilantro skimmed over the details of the story, perhaps he'd read the tale later, but for now he was looking for something to help him. Eventually he came across the purpose of the carvings and was ecstatic to see that it would solve their light problem, he looked at the priest who was crouched down beside him and said with glee "It says here that the walls were enchanted with a spell that'll allow the user to see the entire area clearly." The gnome had always been excited about coming across a new spell or piece of knowledge. Cilantro walked up to the wall and read the spell aloud.
Dante stops and looks at the gnome when he starts to speak. Listening throughout his information, he looks up and gives a smile of relief.

"Thank Pelor, if you would do that, I would appreciate that." he said, not as soft as before, more in a rushing tone. He had to admit it, his right hand was starting to ache, keeping a hand in this position and holding a spell rather than casting one, it's tiring. He stood up again as he watched the gnome walk to the wall and speak. He looks around once more to make sure nothing changed, letting go of his holy symbol, or should I say, letting his guard down...
Larry turned away from the light and approached the other adventurer as he beckoned him over with hushed tones. The man made some suggestion about lending aid to those in the corridor ahead but Larry was unsure. "We don't even know who they are. They could be illusions created by this place!" He suggested "and even if they are real, they seem to have hit a trap, I'll bet this place is full of 'em. Perhaps it would be best to let them move ahead of us so they trigger the traps and not us"...
Tolderin did not hurry forward to his comrades, unsure of how noisy his prosthesis would be. Upon reaching them though, he listened intently before speaking his piece in a whisper. "I think the answer to this quandary is to wait, lads. We don't want to be judging them either way as friend or foe just yet. We don't know where they align, nor do we know of their powers. I say we keep a decent length between us and them for now. But we will need a plan of interaction sooner than later, would take them only to look back in proper light to know of our presence. We can't stay in the shadows forever." Still gripping the blade, he watched ahead as he spoke.

@Guy @Archangel Emerz
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Emmanuel respond towards the second adventurer who just came in "I highly agree with you lad, it's best for we to wait it out, however speaking of traps, I've have a couple experience in dungeons and I know how to bypass traps. If it's alright if you both, I want you guys to follow me, we will interact if they happened to be attack. We will help them out and introduce ourselves, hows that plan? Also, names Emmanuel, a pleasure to meet you both." Emmanuel also keep a keen eye on the other group, gripping his bow tightly.

@Guy @GoodJobDino
"Err...yeah sure" Larry responds. His nerves slightly relieved by the apparent confidence and experience of the other two and the thrill of the situation begins to re-assert itself. "Names Larry, Larry Longstone" he thought about using the name on the letter he had meant for somebody else but figured lying about who he really was would be moot at this point in. He'd already made it into deaths basement. Now he was keen to find a way out...
"Tolderin Grimmvy." The old man stated gruffly. As they began their slow march forward, Tolderin noticed a tense energy within the young Longstone. He gave him a slight nudge on the arm and warmly said, "don't you worry boyo, we're going to be just fine. I've faced the likes of large beasts while having to keep a ship afloat, keep yer wits, and hold tight your weapon." He offered a friendly smile before finishing, "besides, a weak link could be the demise of us all. But no pressure." He made a playful gesture raising his brows, then followed behind him. One leg or none, he would have the boys back. He figured there was no sense in an old man making it out alive at the cost of the young.
Cilantro, the magic-expert at hand, began the pace back to 'The Story Room' but quickly felt other eyes on him. As he walked back through the dark, a few soft thunks of wood could be heard before a long pause as Cilantro reacts to the sounds. Peering into the darkness reveals a small party of people, three exactly - all men - creeping along the walls of the hall. The sound, is now identified as one of the intruder's prosthesis, a wooden leg.

@Accidental Tea @Archangel Emerz @Guy @GoodJobDino
After he said the words, Cilantro realized that it'd probably be better if he were in the room that actually had the inscriptions on the walls. As he was walking back to the room where the paper originated, he could hear a wooden log clunking against something. Could it be a second group of enemies attempting to flank the party from behind? The gnome wasn't taking any chances, his free hand erupted with the magical blue flames of his energy. As he got closer to the room, the dim light of his energy was able to distinguish three humanoid shadows against the wall of the hall. Cilantro tucked the paper back into his satchel, his hands crackled from a soft blue to a blazing orange and lit the hall up a bit further to reveal the wooden prosthetic. "Who goes there?" he yelled "Friends or foes?"

@Archangel Emerz @Guy @GoodJobDino
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'Shit, the hell just happen!' "Friend!" We are just another group of adventurers.(really busy now, sorry.)
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As the three moved forward, Tolderin was cursing himself and "that dammed thing" in his head. In the darkness of the cavern it seemed as silent as the sun is black. As he was shaking his head, and putting some tinkering down on his mental to do list, a small blue flickering light formed out of thin air in front of them, "eeeasy lads" he whispered. Then suddenly the blue turned to violent full flames as it grew closer, making visible the form of a gnome, who immediately asked the group where they aligned. As the leader of the three seemed to hesitate and fumble his words, Tolderin considered what he knew to this point. Little to no detail was given about their current predicament, "magic door, enemies, in ya go" so he figured no one else could know much more at this point, he knew gnomes didn't shriek, and that this one had the upper hand on them.

So he spoke up from the rear of the pack, "can't rightly say 'friend', but certainly no 'foes' amongst us", he kept his voice lowish, just enough to reach the ears of the gnome, not trying to fully alert the rest of his companions, "we three arrived here on appointment from the Drumbling Stunk. And I can assure you we mean no harm that isn't instigated. Been in here only a short time and hardly had opportunity to get our bearings." He certainly didn't want to fight, but he also didn't want he and his two companions to become the pack mules for this other group just because they got the jump on them. In a show of good faith, he lowered his sword, and stood from the ready stance.

@Accidental Tea @Guy @Archangel Emerz
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Dante watches the gnome speak arcane words upon the wall, he looks around expecting something to happen, yet nothing happened. He notices the gnome starts to walk back into the room from where they previously came from. Assuming that it works in the room with all the carvings on the wall. So he waits, looking around, expecting light to appear. Again, nothing happened, however he hears echos of the gnome yell out friend or foe. Were we being followed? It could be a trap or ambush by bandits that the poor old gnome fell upon? There must be something bad happening back there. He stares back at the place where they came from, giving a worried expression.

"We have to check that out now!" he said, looking at his party behind him. He wants to go rushing to the gnomes aid, but he's the one carrying the source of light, so he has to stay near his group to provide that light.
Cilantro kept his stance as the small group explained themselves. When they said they came from the Drumbling Stunk, the gnome let his guard down and got closer to examine their features. First he cast his eyes on the old man who was slightly older than himself, just telling by his wicked beard and wrinkles on his face, he could tell the man had spent his life at sea. Cilantro was jealous of the man's beard, so long and white, shame all that he could muster was a measly goatee. He glanced over the young adventurer and shined his light on the cloaked figure, his mask and robes made him look like the kind of guy that Cilantro would be fighting. As he was looking the group over, he asked "Did a big jolly fat guy send you down here?"

@Archangel Emerz @Guy @GoodJobDino
"Oh yeah, he did." Emmanuel replied, keeping on his guard just incase any odd stuff happen to these other men. He looks around and keep a keen eye on everyones surrounding.

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