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Realistic or Modern [Help! I'm stuck with a bunch of needy gods/goddesses!!] C.S


She/They 🐑
Roleplay Type(s)
Joker987 Joker987 Queen_Liyah Queen_Liyah Gizaira Gizaira CoolGuy CoolGuy rubycats rubycats StrawberryDreamer StrawberryDreamer The Hero The Hero

Deity template:

Appearance: (drawn or realistic)


(If it is based on a god/goddesses state where it's mythology came from)

Age: (optional)


Sexuality: (optional)

Personality: (Post a link to an article about them)

Biography: (If your character is an already existing deity then give a link to an article about them.)



What they the God of:


Opinion of humanity:

Relationship with others: (For example are they like the big sister or little brother etc)


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Human template

Appearance: 3E72C01B-B8C0-4BB1-A127-E216011DC8AC.jpeg

Name: Adriana Morte

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Adriana is outgoing and carries herself in a very regal way, but she is a low key rebel. She is a bit of a flirt (that might be an understatement). She seems a bit emotionally detached. Adriana is one of those girls that doesn't take crap from anyone, she is very short tempered. But she has a nice side too. She can be very kind to those she trusts. She is also a bit sarcastic at times.

Adriana keeps common items such as rubber bands, paper clips, etc. on her person at all times, because you never know when you will need such items. She refuses to use contractions of words because she thinks it sounds "unclean and improper". She wouldn't force anyone else to do so though. She can be manipulative, especially when it comes to boys. She easily can wrap them around her finger.

Adriana was spoiled as a child. She grew up in a wealthy, privileged family, but it was hardly satisfactory. Her father was always busy, which was a given for a highly recognized business man. Her mother was completely absent from the picture. Her older brother was abusive, he never knew when to stop. Her younger brother had been missing for months at a time before coming home without explanation, just to leave a month later. She never really had a chance to live with much of a family at all. She wants to be good, but it's hard for her.

As an adult, Adriana was happy to live without the chaos of a large family. Until THEY came. God! It’s like having to live with the people from 19 kids and counting. Couldn’t they live with someone who actually liked people irritating them all day? Not only that but she has to go to the grocery store at least once a week to feed all of these free loaders! It’s like she never left home.

Likes: Cats, she has at least two at any given point in her life.
Being alone, never happening again.
Lavender, it smells nice, it’s a pretty color, it’s perfect in any form.

Dislikes: These entitled beings in her home.
Spiders, or just any bug.

Talents: She can multitask extremely well. Cooking simple things is easy, but if you want something more complicated than lasagna, you need to go somewhere else.
Sleeping through any noise might not be a talent to anyone else, but she considers it one.

Goals in life: To become successful in the business world, just like her father.

Extras: Adriana has three cats, a Persian named princess, a calico named Jasper, and a black cat named Luna.
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Deity template:


Name: Hector

(Greek mythology )

Age: He stopped counting.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight.

Personality: WIP

Biography: HADES (Haides) - Greek God of the Dead, King of the Underworld (Roman Pluto)

Likes: Drinking, fighting and causing trouble.

Dislikes: Order, boredom and authority.

What they the God of: King of the underworld and lord of the dead.

Talents: Lying, fighting and crime.

Opinion of humanity: He sees them as a source of chaotic entertainment and enjoys the darker side of humanity while he toys with them from the shadows. He finds their morals to be strange and has made it his side goal to try and figure out how they work, but his main goal is to stifle his boredom.

Relationship with others: He doesn't talk with his brothers seeing as how they stuck him with the boring role of watching over the underworld, but his sisters he has no problem with. When it comes to others out of the family he is can become a pain as he always seeks to cause some type of problem.

Extras: Hector has become rather interested in the human worlds type of music and will sometimes lose track of time as he listens to many genres.
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(Greek mythology)


"Was I suppose to be counting?"




"Anything humanoid is welcomed into my bed!"

Dionysus is one of the well known less serious gods. Instead of actually doing anything worthwhile or productive this particular god would more than likely be found drinking himself under the table or chasing after various men and women in an attempt to find a new bed partner. He's a natural flirt and takes pride in it too, finding no issues in his ways even if they have gotten him in trouble on multiple occasions in the past. If you're remotely human he'll more than likely attempt to get into your pants (y'know, unless you're not into men) with flattery and maybe even some terrible lines from movies he picked up while in the mortal world.

He's typically rather lax in attitude and somewhat courteous to those who he thinks deserves it. Parties and alcohol are pretty much the only thing on his mind so he isn't really needy. However, he isn't the most forgiving. He can be short-tempered at times and tends to inflict punishments that could be considered extreme on those who have really angered him.



Drinking unreasonably large amounts of alcohol
His satyr followers
The more interesting humans


Being told what to do
Serious atmospheres
Having to do a lot of work

What they're the God of:
Winemaking/wine, fertility, grape harvest, ritual madness, and theatre


"As the god of fertility, I feel like one of my talents doesn't need explanation."
Has a good eye for art
He's somehow able to tell when grapes are in perfect condition to be picked
God's tongue (which is basically that he can tell the quality of alcohol when he tastes it)
Does making innuendos out of everything count as a talent?

Opinion of humanity:
"Well, humans are kind of like little busy ants, yeah? So the only good use I find in them constantly is as personal entertainment for uneventful nights ."

Relationship with others:


He's a nudist, some say he's still stuck in the old Greek days but it's more like he finds it more comfortable

(More gods to be added)​
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I think for deities since some of their backgrounds can become kinda murky I'll allow you to just give me a link to a website that explains who they are. Though if you want to make a biography be my guest!


Name: Amaterasu

(Shinto Mythology)

Age: "However old they claim I am"

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Amaterasu is a rather haughty goddess. She doesn't look down on others perse, but she certainly carries a patronizing attitude towards others, especially towards her brothers. The goddess feels entitled to everything the sun shines on and is childish enough to throw tantrums when things don't go her way. Despite this, she would not hurt a mortal over her whims and treats them quite nicely when in the mood.
Although her actions portray her as spoiled, she can be quite intelligent and witty when needed. In the past, she has been shown to best her brother, Susanoo, in competitions, only to drop down to his level when he throws a tantrum. She enjoys a nice brain teaser or challenge once in awhile but gets terribly frustrated when unable to solve it.

Biography: Amaterasu

Likes: Food, The Day, Games, Luxuries, Warmth, Animals, and Competition

Dislikes: The Night, The Sea, Losing, and Opposition

What they the God of: The Sun

-Can cook "Better than Ra"
-She can sing quite well
-She's able to eat quite a lot

Opinion on humanity: She considers humans to be creative and strong, but they have become too arrogant and unfaithful. She, personally, believes that the girl won't pass the test and measures will have to be taken to correct that.

Relationship with others: She's like that annoying big sister that keeps trying to take your stuff.

* Has a rivalry with Ra over dominion over the Sun.
*She's really embarrassed of the time she was tricked by her own reflection.
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Deity template:


Name: Mayahuel (maya)

(If it is based on a god/goddesses state where it's mythology came from) Aztec mythology


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Maya's siblings might demand sacrifices from those who worship them, she on the other hand is alright without a blood sacrifice. She enjoys having fun, especially when it involves a good party, and adores children, mostly babies. She tends to become the mom of whatever group she is with and isn't embarrassed about it, she doesn't like needless killing and this has caused fights before. She doesn't like fighting and would much rather sit around and sew, or share a drink with others. Maya loves to talk and loves to hear about other peoples stories and their past, she can be a bit noisy when it comes to secrets and if she thinks your hiding something she will stop at nothing to find out what it was.

Biography:Mayahuel, Goddess of the Maguey

Likes: Drinking, having fun, bunnies, babies

Dislikes: Needless killing, being seen as nothing but a pair of boobs

What they the God of: Fertility and maguey plant

Talents: She can sew like no ones business

Opinion of humanity: She thinks they can be cute, yet also hideus in personality.

Relationship with others: (For example are they like the big sister or little brother etc)


Name: Persephone (Cora)

(If it is based on a god/goddesses state where it's mythology came from) Greek

Age: (optional)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Cora can be a bit naïve at times, often trusting others without getting a clear motive from them before hand about what they want. This has lead her through a lot of trouble, yet her mother has always been there to bail her out. Despite this she still tries to see the good in all things, even those who have wronged her in the past. Cora loves to socialize with others and will often times meddle in there lives without her knowledge. She tries her best but often messes up, and sees little wrong with it because there is always someone to clean it up after her. She's bubbly and warm and rarely has anything mean or rude to say. There are moments that she is calm and in control, and at those times you do not want to be her e

Biography:PERSEPHONE - Greek Goddess of Spring, Queen of the Underworld (Roman Proserpina)

Likes: Food, having fun, flowers, shipping people together, warmth, spring, summer

Dislikes: the cold, rude people, winter, snow, being taken advantage of

What they the God of: Spring, (queen of the underground)

Talents: Cooking, flowing arranging, pairing people together, making friends

Opinion of humanity: She loves humans and wants them to get along better

Relationship with others: (For example are they like the big sister or little brother etc)

Appearance: (drawn or realistic)



Age: (optional)
Depends. ~5000 years having this form, but as soon as the first animal was born is as far as his memories go.


He has male and female aspects, but is traditionally seen as a male.

Sexuality: (optional)

He's a child.

Personality: (Minimum 2 paragraphs)

Udemos is, obviously, incredibly childish. He's irresponsible, reckless, and a great prankster. He's also full of childish wisdom, incredibly clever, and unrestrained by the norms of society that he has yet to learn. He embodies childhood, innocence, and ignorance, with all the positives and negatives that may entail. He's quick to open up and become friendly, his own naturally optimistic outlook quickly engendering himself to people, but he's just as quick to be filled with a childish hate, even to someone he loved, over seemingly nonsensical reasons. But, he's also quite forgiving, so long as that person is genuinely sorry, which isn't always, given the often lack of reasons for him to be angry.

All this being said, he IS an actual god. Just because he's childish and ignorant does not mean he's unintelligent, or otherwise less powerful than most gods. He may not be an extremely strong god, but he is a god. An incredibly spoilt child god, but a god. He's often careless about the emotions of humans, and to a lesser extent gods, goading them and pushing their buttons on things they're very sensitive about. Not out of any malice, but more out of a curiosity on how long they'll last. Of course, he loves jokes, both practical and spoken. This part of him can be the most adult, though he considers sarcasm to be super unamusing. Hates Peter Pan with a passion.

Biography: (If your character is an already existing deity then give a summary of them and the usual minimum of 2 paragraphs)

Long ago, Udemos kind of existed. While something like him would always exist, as long as there were breeding entities, he only took his current form with the birth of the Mesopotamian society, though much different. With the birth of Mesopotamia, childhood became something to be enjoyed, to an extent. He stopped being a god punishing bad children and child abusers, and, formed by a combination of the perception of children and actual children, warped into a new, fun loving god, the one he is now. He changed, piece by piece, until he turned into what he is today.

Following this, he got a lot more active with his fellow gods, playing pranks and interacting with them often. Ironically, as a god of childhood, he never had any parents. He considered his fellow gods as some form of family. On a side note, he once took one James Barrie to his own playhouse on the promise that it was kept a secret.


Jokes, friends, playing, games, and children.


Child abusers, boring people, people being mad at him,

What they the God of:

Childhood, jokes, and games.


It's hardly a talent, but he is the absolute epitome of neoteny. If he were in a bus full of children, and someone could only save one, they'd certainly choose him. Unless their own child was on board, but things get a little more complicated around there.

He's pretty good at most games. He's not as great as you might think, given his domain, but it wouldn't be any fun if he always beat everyone.

Great with children. This needs no explanation.

Opinion of humanity:

They're a lot safer to play pranks on than his fellow gods, so he kind of likes them. At best, he considers them playmates, and at worst, toys.

Relationship with others: (For example are they like the big sister or little brother etc)

He's something like an adored (by some) younger sibling. Depending on their own personalities, he's anything from a protected child to an annoying pest.

Deity template:


Name: Ra

Egyptian Mythology

Age: Too Old to count

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...BzgQFgiAATAO&usg=AOvVaw1liZc0i7jAvEtiUxa6t7kb

Biography: The Egyptian God Ra | Sun God of Egypt | Eye of Ra - Ancient Egypt Online
www.ancient-egypt-online.com › egyptia...

• The Sun (cuz it's his Domain)
• Flying
• Cooking
• Fire
• Alcohol

° The Sea
° Moon (His opposition)
° Cold days

What they the God of: The Sun

* Cooking (cause he can)
* Identified when someone is lying.
* Knows his way when using a spoon (beware the spoon)

Opinion of humanity:
I don't like them, and that's final. (Actually thinks of them as useful people who should consider working on a way to fix the world destroy it)

Relationship with others:
Kinda hard to figure out. One day he can be the fatherly type, the next day as the Grandpa type. It just depends on his mood.

× Considers Amaterasu his rival. Mostly because he considers himself the True Sun God.
× Has a strong dislike for shirts. Is usually seen without one.
√ Has been known to steal wine from Dionysus.

James Hill




Easily satisfied and boring would be how many would describe James. He has no goals to move up in the company but expects to be able to afford a rather expensive house. He measures worth and life through material means. Confrontation isn't his strong suit, and he would rather die than start an argument. This leads to him being easily taken advantage of despite knowing when it's happening. And it's because of that, James can rarely be found angry or expressing much excitement at all.

Although, all that was not to say he has no redeeming qualities. He's incredibly responsible and an admirable mediator. In addition, the man is rather generous, usually paying for the drinks during company parties. He enjoys helping others and won't stop until told so. He also has an odd obsession with cats, being the only thing that can make him show considerable emotion.

He considers the gods an exciting addition to life.

Hills was born into a large, poor family. And, the one room apartment they shared didn't make the situation any better. He was the youngest of them all; so by the time he had reached maturity, his parents were well past the point of retirement and were living off the success of his other siblings. Because of that, they had no money to offer him, and he was too proud to borrow from his siblings. So, he worked part time until he could afford to go to college. Once there, he quickly graduated and found himself working a white collar job.

Likes: Cats, Card Games, Drinking, Working, Sleep

Dislikes: Confrontation, People who take advantage of others, Board Games, Dogs

Talents: He has a pretty mean poker face.
He has really nice penmanship and designing sense.
He can calm most arguments and think of fair compromises.

Goals in life: He wants to be able to afford a10,000 sq. ft. house

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Name: God
(Abrahamic Religions)

Age: Older than the universe

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Pansexual

Personality: Overbearingly loving.

Biography: Really just read the Bible I guess (i don't so i'm gonna be half-assing most of this haha oops)

Likes: Food, animals, music, good times

Dislikes: Demons, being confronted about his actions, talking about his family

What they the God of: Everything

Talents: He plays guitar i guess

Opinion of humanity: He likes them enough to not smite them all

Relationship with others: Father figure.

Extras: help


"I go by many names but please just call me....Nona. It's prettier than Clotho, yes?"
(Roman and Greek mythology)

"Well....I'm the youngest of the fates so not as old as my two sisters. That's all you need to know."

"Hmm? Oh, of course, I'm a male...Kidding~."

"If you have been living as long as I have you learn not to be picky with gender."

Nona is one of the more easygoing of the sisters. She takes life by the horns and doesn't seem to hesitate as much when it comes to indulging in her own desires.


Teasing others
Games reliant on luck (as an extent she enjoys gambling and quite addicted to it.)
Sweet foods
Being able to relax
Fun events

Spoilsports (*cough* Decy *cough*)
Self-centered humans
When work is piled onto her
Being mocked for sewing (people tell her she ''doesn't look like the type'')
When people constantly comment on her height

What they the God of:
"It's not a one-woman job you know."

She's good at most card games
Has mastered the poker face
Dancing (or she thinks so at least)
Getting work done in half the time she was giving

Opinion of humanity:
"Well, humans do have their good and bad parts like everything else but I'm not sure where I stand on them. I'm interested in seeing how these two will prevail though."
Nona has a neutral stance on this subject

Relationship with others:
More To Be Added

Demina/Lachesis | Decy/Lach, Old lady (only if she's teasing) | Older Sister, Friend, Coworker
(Description of relationship will be added later)

Tends to disappear often and show up randomly later​

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