Hello everyone!


Greetings! I've been rping for a long time, maybe as long as I can remember. Right now I'm in my mid twenties and though I enjoy all sorts of RP, at the moment I'm looking for something longer-term, with a group, I think. In any case, it's a pleasure to be here!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I've already put up the interest check for the RP I mentioned, it's under group- fantasy, if anyone's interested.
Thought I'd be a little humorous. Welcome to RPN, as I'm sure many others have said. I wish you luck in finding partners and the like. I'm an avid world-builder, so if you ever need a loreweaver, let me know.
Welcome! What setting do you write in? I always love adding new long-term roleplayers to my radar ;)!

For settings, I don't tend to go for any in particular, although the interest check I've sent up, admittedly, is using a rather obscure one called Glorantha. I tend more towards ideas, rather than settings when it comes to worldbuilding as well, though I have made a few in my time.
Pleasure to have you here Nova and it is great to meet you- welcome to the wonderful site of RPN!

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