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Fantasy Heavenly Beings Academy

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  • Julian watched as people began to fall, first his sister over a human then the son of Zeus over his sister. Instinctively he walked to them to stand over his sister, his jaw clenched as he glared at the boys that had made his beloved sister fall onto the floor. They were polite enough to help her but before she could be assisted by them, Julian grabbed under Shakuntala's arms and lifted her up to stand. Leaning down to her ear, "Flirting with the humans, sister? I guess I should be nice then?" He chuckled, merely teasing like he always did with her.

(So so sorry, i have been soo busy! Im getting a new pet AND im moving! Someone please play the secretary for this short moment?)

Joseph had woken up way later then he had expected, "Crap, I am so so late!" He got out of bed and put on an outfit that he loved. He ran out his door and ran as fast as he could to the school. He got to the front doors and opened them, breathing heavily. He had no idea where he was supposed to be nor where everyone else was. He walked up to the reception desk, and waved. "Hi, i'm Joseph, I realize im a little late. Could you please tell me where everyone is?" He asked in a very very polite tone, praying to his mother, that she would tell him quickly as he was already very very late.

Shakuntala squeaked as someone fell over her, and even more motified, she seemed to be trying to completely bury her face on her hands, more embarrassed then she had ever been in her life

"Just peachy" she replied, her voice muffled because of her hands "dying of embarrassement but other then that, wonderful" and then Julian was there, helping her up, and speak jnfo she managed to smile, but her face was probably as red as her hair. "I think even I can come up with better flirting then falling on my butt, brother" she said, taking those few precious seconds to control herself, "yes. Be nice Julian. I should have watched where I was going"

"I'm so sorry" she looked down, too embarrassed to meet either of the boys eyes "I'm Shakuntala..."
Ryan raised a brow at the sudden appearance of the famous Mr. Straddled. His gaze shifted over to the girl who had just been lifted up, "...I'm Ryan". The teen picked up his notebook from the ground and held it in his arm. Maybe the two people who tripped were getting help from Mr. Straddled? "Sorry for getting in your way" Ryan said to all three of them putting his other hand in his pants pocket. Then, a new word was brought up that kept Ryan curious. What was flirting? A blank facial expression was shown for a moment until Ryan snapped back to reality deciding to keep the thought for later. "I'll see you all around" The teen turned to begin walking away. Before he could take another step, his eyes wandered the area looking for something to do.

  • "Well, Belle, I'll see you at lunch!" She turns and sees Julian communicating with his sister, a human and Julian's cousin Tim. Walking towards them, her natural walk drawing every male's eyes this was why her father kept her sheltered, she was every bit her mother's identical offspring. Before Julian could stop her, she tapped the human's shoulder, "you don't need to apologize, it was an accident nothing more. I'm Aimee and the man there is Julian." Lowering her voice she whispered for only Ryan, "Might not want to be seen alone with Shakuntala by Julian and if you are then I'll distract him, they are siblings after all." She grinned and stepped back as Julian's hand grasped her shoulder, pulling her to his chest, she glanced up and smiled innocently.

Shakuntala frowned, slightly detered by Ryan's behaviour. Surely conversations were known here? Or was she to be an anomily, expecting to talk and discuss things? When Aimee walked up to Ryan, she could just imagine was she said to her. She nodded to Julian, "Sure, see you then!" She smiled, and turned to Ryan, and Zeus's son, "I'm really am Sorry Ryan. Perhaps you'd like to join us for lunch later as well? Don't mind Julian. Between Aimee and myself, we can stop anything disastrous happening" She smiled, as f it was the most natural thing in the world, and jogged off towards her next class.

When she got there, she slid into a seat, thinking that perhaps this wouldn't be so bad. All she had to do was continue falling over people. Someone normal would just go up to them and say Hi, But not her. She chuckled to herself, and settled down to listen to the teacher, preparing to take notes. She found Anatomy very interesting, and eagerly listened to what was being said.


Pakuna stopped at the door of the classroom, blinking at yet another strange scene. A girl had crashed into someone, and fallen down, and then someone had tripped over her. The boy tat had been straddled, was helping the girl up. The way he had stood over her protectively was either sibling or partner, and he guessed sibling. He looked back to the straddling girl, figuring it out quickly. She's Aimee then and then to the girl and boy, Then, reason stands, seeing as rumors have it he only care for his sister, and Aimee, that they are Julian and Shakuntala

He sighed when it all seemed to disperse without trouble, and headed to his next class, biology
Ryan looked at the girl who tapped him, "I'm Ryan". He raised a brow at Aimee's following words. What was wrong with him being alone with a new acquaintance? Wait, Aimee looked familiar. It was Ms. Straddler! He heard Shakuntala's offer but failed to respond to her before all three of them walked away. Ryan shrugged it off as if it was just a random encounter that would never happen again. Or was that normal in the outside world? Ryan's eyes met a piece of trash moving on the ground. It was a wrapper that held something called...Oreos. OH! Something to do! He picked up the wrapper and threw it into the closest trash can. That was good enough for him. At least he did something other than just walk to his room and classroom that day. Now, where was his next room? Oh right, it was that one class with a skeleton hanging in it....a class called Anatomy.
Joseph walked into his home economics class, "Miss, I am so so sorry!" He said looking a his teacher, he looked up at the clock. The lunch bell was going to ring in 10 minutes. "I woke up quite late." He looked around at everybody else in the classroom, the all seemed to be girls. He thought to himself that he had lucked out and winked. He then took a seat and waited for the bell to ring.
Tim accepted his hand up and smiled as he stood and rubbed his back slowly. He turned to see who he had tripped over knowing who it was and then he couldn't help but chuckle to himself when he saw Julian storm over as if there had been a crime commited. He turned away quickly wiping the smile from his face and he then turned back and saw Aimee walk over he had seen her and Julian multiple times during his time when he was out and about. As Ryan introduced himself he listened he had red that humans shakes hands with eachother as a greeting so time extended his hands. "Im Tim." He said to him shaking his hand quickly and before he even noticed the other three gods had gone. He was out the door himself towards his next class psychology.
Shakuntala looked about the classroom before the lecturer fully started. She saw one of the guys from before, Ryan, sitting in the classroom as well. She wondered if she should go over to him. The trouble was, at times, she was just awkward in these situations and it seemed even more awkward after crashing into him and landing virtually at his feet on her butt. Could she create a conversation about that? Like hey, Remember me? I was practically licking your shoes earlier. Is this what loneliness did to someone? Made you talk to yourself and imagine imaginary conversations? Or did everyone do that?

She hesitated some more, and then berated herself. She wasn't a little kid anymore. She was a woman grown. She shouldn't be acting so foolish. She should just get up and go over to him. She pushed out from her seat, gathering her things, and heading over to him.

Imagine her own surprise and embarrassment as what came out of her mouth was "hi, Ryan! Rembwr me? I was practically licking your shoes before!" As she registered what she had said, she lowered her head, her face reddening in utter embarrassement. She should just return to the seat she had been in, but her body wouldn't listen to her
After being introduced to Tim, Ryan walked into his Anatomy class and sat down in his usual seat. Before he could open his notebook, Shakuntala greeted him. The teen looked at Shakuntala not realizing who she was due to her lowered head. Ryan stood up and put his hand on her chin. He gently lifted her head up looking into her eyes then recognizing who it was. "Hello" Ryan smiled a little and took his hand away from her. The teen sat back down still looking at her not really knowing what else to say.
Joseph, was a bit disappointed. Were there no other "Godly" children who decided to take a cooking class? He thought to himself. Although he would give into it, there were some pretty hot human there and he loved it. But still he was watching the clock tick slowly, as he waited for lunch. He just wanted to see his sister and tell her about his wonderful first day. After all is that not what siblings are for?

  • Aimee peeked into the door of her Anatomy class, scared to go on her own without Julian. He gently pushed her forward, "See you at lunch, Aims. Don't be too nosey.", he then left her without a glance back. Aimee watched him leave feeling sad whenever they were apart, gritting her teeth she walked into her class. Ryan and Shakuntala were there chatting but Shakuntala was blushing profusely making Aimee tilt her head confused, Oh my gosh, Ryan used a flirting move! But he doesn't see to realize it, odd., shrugging she walks by them, poking Skakuntala's back on the way, hiding a smile at her embarrassment. She felt her brother's presence near, probably in a class beside hers, and decided to invite him to lunch with the new people she had met, once class was over.

Were all humans like this, Shakuntala wondered? He wasn't much of a conversationalist, and seemed to her to not know normal interaction. But then, what was normal here? She bit her lip, pondering what to do. When Aimee poked her, she nearly followed Aimee to sit with her.

No. You aren't here to interact with just Aimee and Julian. Its important to interact with the humans, no matter how strange they are.

"You know, typically after hello, there's a how are you or something" She said without thinking, and wondered if she had overstepped some sort of boundary. What was wrong with her? Had her brain simply turned itself off? Or did her mouth just want to say whatever it felt like?
Ryan's eyes shifted left and right to look at the other students talking to one another. Shakuntala was right. Whenever Ryan met someone new, (usually a mentor) he would introduce himself and attempt to start a small conversation with him/her with a "how do you do" or "where do you come from". However, his speech was always formal within the presence of his mentors and the other people he was always introduced to. His gaze went back to Shakuntala, "How do you do Miss Shakuntala?"
Shakuntala very nearly laughed at that. No wanting to sound hysterical, she didn't, but she relaxed. She didn't know if he was being so formal because that was his way, or if he was trying to relieve the tension.

"I am...well. I just wish i could stop my mouth saying whatev-" she cleared her throat and said "how are you? I didn't get to ask that after I crashed into you. I hope you are okay" she said genuinely. She smiled, her summer green eyes alight, as if she had finally decided to just go with whatever happened
"I am okay thank you" Ryan responded noticing Shakuntala stop herself from completing one of her previous sentences. The teen flipped his notebook open, "Shakuntala, where do you come from?" His mentors usually flew from over seas. His mother and father wanted Ryan to learn French from someone from France, Spanish from someone from Spain, and so on and so forth. Maybe the school consisted of international students? Honestly, Ryan did not even know the standing of the Academy. His parents just got him into the place.
Tim was nearly dieing of boredom in his class, it was no where nearly as interesting. Most were just listening to the teacher and doing their work. He sighed and rested his head on the desk for a moment before lifting his head again as he scribbled down notes as he looked around the room his eyes studying the other students in there and the classroom. He was able to do this and learn from the teacher at the same time and it lessened the boredom. A idea suddenly sprang to his mind as he changed the weather from a sunny day to overcast and cold as it began to snow.
So obviously he wasn't sure if she was human or not. Did he even know that there weren't just humans here? A thrill went through her at that thought-did that meant she was passing as a human? She smiled. "Ah. Well. From far away" she said, amusement dancing in her tone. Without waiting for an invitation, she sat down, and then glanced about quickly, aware that Julian might not see the fact that she was trying to be friendly, and just see a human boy chatting up his sister, and given that Ryan was involved in her early embarrassement she didn't think she would be able to stop him over reacting. She loved her brother to bits, but his overprotectiveness could get them all in trouble.

"What about you? We're are you from?"
Aimee watched Shakuntala chat with Ryan and even sit beside him, she had been following Aimee but stopped herself making Aimee a little sad. So here Aimee sat, at the top watching her friend talk to a human. Dont worry, I won't tell Julian, this isn't mine to tell, she sat up straighter as the teacher lectured about human bone density, this was new to her because gods didn't have a limit. Well they didn't have the strength of Ares the War God but they could still withstand a lot, herself on the other hand wasn't all that strong, like her mother she was petite and delicate though she hated to acknowledge it. Yawning she put down her head for a nap, Julian would find her and wake her if need be.
Hersey grabbed her things and stuffed them neatly back where they always were, then put them in her bag. Grabbing her bag that seemed to match her outfit, she started walking to the door. When she saw the huge cluster of kids and sighed 'I'm going to be late for the next class but the teacher never sees me anyway. I just want to see what humans learn, at any rate I should probably at least introduce myself.. later..' she thought as she squeezed through the crowd to get to the next class she had but she saw someone that she recognized. One of the students in the crowd was her roommate that she didn't talk to, she wandered if that made her roommate mad. Then shrugged, why would she care what a human felt? It wasn't her problem and she didn't care about humans anyway but occasionally she would get curious.

Stay differnt and remember that i will always love you.
Tim sat there in his class and he couldn't help but smile as it began to snow outside and it began to settle and build up on the ground. This sudden change in the weather was causing a commotion in his classroom everyone was so confused as to how it happened and he was thinking the same chaos was happening in the other classrooms too. He sat calmly at his desk as others stood by the windows even the teachers. His first day and he had managed to stop the class from learning with something very minor.
"Hm" Ryan responded at the vague response. "California" He added not pointing out his exact location in the state. The teen pulled out his pen from his pocket and started taking notes when the lecture began. "Is your friend from far away too?" Ryan noticed Aimee's silver hair color as well as her petite size. Maybe she was some kind of European? Shakuntala looked like one as well. The teen directed his attention back to the teacher explaining bone density.
Joseph smiled, and thought to himself. My sisters here all ready, wow probably the class behind me or maybe in front of me. They had been learning to make triple chocolate cheese cake. Joseph was fascinated by it, thinking it amazingly good and easy to make. His teacher was impressed by what he had done, and told him that he should keep on taking this course. Joseph assumed that was a good thing. Hr smiled a proud smile, after all he is a demi-god. They still need to be polite.
Shakuntala had heard of California. It seemed like an interesting place to visit, but she didn't ask any further questions. She looked over at Aimee and nodded, "Yes. We come from around about the same place" She said, falling silent, taking notes, curious about bone density. Humans had to worry about that? Shakuntala doubted she had ever been injured a day in her life. So this was fascinating. Humans led such short lives, and they had to worry about being injured severally enough that they might die?

It was interesting learning of this, and ut into perspective just how different they were from humans. And yet...humans seemed to make the best of things, and seemed to understand things to a different degree.

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