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Fantasy Heavenly Beings Academy

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The nudge was indeed enough to snap her out of it, and she looked at him and blinked a bit before quickly taking the chance to step back from the large group that was forming. "Oh, yeah sure, I want a bit more to drink. Lemme go with you."

She stood and started to walk over to the drinks, slowing so she could hopefully talk to Tim a little bit. She was most comfortable with him so far - he was approachable and patient, something she needed in a friend.
Ryan nodded and smiled a bit at Shakuntala, "Thank you". His gaze shifted to Pakuna, "How are you?" He didn't know the guy but decided to wing the discussion and eventually get to know him. The teen took the last bite of his bar and threw the wrapper a couple into the trashcan a couple of feet away from them. Why has he never seen any of these people in the pass month? He's seen Belle before, but only encountered the rest of them that day.
Tim slowly stood from the table after asking Belle if she wanted anything seeing she looked a little in comfortable. He began to walk with her away from the big group. "Don't do so well in bih groups?" He asked making sure she was fine, he didn't want to see his new friend uncomfortable. He could still here the chatter of what was just the two of them that quickly became very busy table. Tim thought Belle was kind and caring just from a quick glance, and the spacing didn't matter because a little tap or nudge soon bought her back to reality.
Julian smirked as he chewed his food, listening to Shakuntala and Ryan chat. He glanced at Aimee and her brother talking happily, Aimee normally only smiled like that around himself but Joseph was of her flesh and blood. Hearing Tim mention to Belle about getting more food, he became curious if Tim was being friendly or hitting on the human girl. He inwardly sighed, maybe it was time to let more into his heart like his sister had said. He was cold and callous to anyone that spoke one word to him except Aimee and Shakuntala, he never really cared for Joseph but he accepted the young God because of him being family to Aimee. Tim seemed cocky, being the son of everyone's Lord God but other than that Tim was decent and civilized, everything Julian was not. Julian sat up from eating deep in thought, he really was like his father, Hades had only Persephone before they had Julian and later Shakuntala, Hades had isolated himself from everyone even his own brothers because of his banishment to the underworld and having to literally deal with dead souls every hour. Sooner or later, Julian would have that duty, he didn't want to open his heart because of that and his sister didn't understand that fully, he wanted her to but all she wanted was for him to be happy. He sighed again as he looked back to his sister, smiling as she talked to Ryan, his baby sister was grown up and he needed to back off now.
"Ah, yeah." She shrugged up at him, dragging her feet a bit as she walked. She filled up her cup and began to sip at her drink, wanting to get a little breath of air before diving back into conversation. "Just that everyone seems to know each other is all. It's no biggie, just intimidating." She looked down at her drink, pausing for a moment.

She never figured Aimee to be ever so popular, and she figured that if she was going to be hanging out in their dorm then there wouldn't be much peace anymore. Though, at least the boys couldn't come to the dorms. At least not in bulk. No one really paid any attention to that rule, even the resident directors didn't pay much attention unless they were caught in the act or there's a noise complaint.
Tim nodded as he refilled his own drink and leant against a counter listening to her. "It's nothing to worry about, and besides you know me and soon you will know Aimee and the others too." He pointed out and smiled at her warmly trying calm her worries. "Well a lot of us from the table came on the same exchange program I guess you say it's like that." He said hoping that might help. "Shall we go back or do you just want to stay here for a little longer?" He asked as he put another burger and chips on his plate.
"Exchange program, huh?" She gave him a knowing smile, raising an eyebrow. She hadn't realized he was the son of a deity as well. "Sure, let's head back." She said, as she turned to refill her glass a bit more and then started walking back to her seat.
Tim smiled back at the knowing smile and put a finger over his lips still smiling at her. She was clever he liked that, he could probably ask her questions about the humans that he didn't know or maybe just a chance to talk to her. He refilled his own cup and walked back to the table with Belle.
Pakuna smiled in greeting, an replied to the guy. "Hello. I'm alright, I suppose. This place is very interesting, isn't it? How are you" he seemed to remember that he hadn't introduced himself. Most of the others would know who he was, but not the humans. "Sorry. I'm Pakuna" He said, "May I sit?" he didn't jut want to sit and intrude, so he thought it best to ask.


Shakuntala fell silent as Ryan turned his attention to Pakuna, recognizing him, at least by face value then anything else. She sighed again, and finished off her drink. She looked over when she felt eyes on her, and returned Julian's smile, trying to portray that she felt confident and felt like she fit in here, even if she didn't. And wasn't that her problem? That she didn't know where she fit in. What was she meant to do in years to come? She couldn't create a life here in the human world, because she would always stick out with her abilities. A normal human life just wasn't possible, and yet what was there for her to do back home? She glanced away, and pretended she was involved in the conversation with Pakuna and Ryan. "Of course" She said, "Sit"
He laughed, "Well, I was late I missed one class got here in the middle of my second, no idea where my room is or who my roomie is! But so far a lot of girls here are attractive!" He smiled looking around at some of the human girls, "Actually most of them." He gave a smirk to his sister, "Who you hitting on?" The his smirk turned into a big grin as he tried his best not to laugh.
Aimee blushed at her brother's question, "No one!", she glanced at Julian from the corner of her eyes, he was smiling and she couldn't help but smile as well. She looked back to Joseph and leaned toward to whisper, "I heard Julian mention a fated one, I've never heard of that before, have you?", she was curious about who her competition was. She then heard Shakuntala say 'sit' and looked at who she was talking to, nope never seen him before.
Ryan nodded as a reply to Pakuna's question. "I am okay. My name is Ryan by the way" He said standing up from his seat. " Please, excuse me for a moment" Ryan walked back to the food table and returned with an apple in his hand. The teen sat back down looking back at Shakuntala and biting his apple, "....". He nodded his head toward her food gesturing her to eat even a little bit.
Dean ran into the school, gasping for air. His backpack was falling and off before he could catch it. He stopped to pick it up and went into the lunch room after asking where everyone was, slamming the doors open. He saw people stop what they were doing and look at him. He awkwardly said, "Hi." And went to an empty table. He took out his backpack and took out a brown bag and started eating his sandwich.
Shakuntala frowned as Ryan stared at her, and then gestured to her food. She shook her head. She had eaten some of her food, but didn't feel in the mood to finish it. But then she sighed, took a fork full of her food, and put it in her mouth, making an expression of Are you happy now? before setting her fork down again, and swallowing the food. She did however give him a smile, but was clearly not going to eat anymore of her food, unless forced.

Pakuna sat down, glancing around at the others gathered around the table, wondering if he should speak up, or just fall silent. Most of them seemed intent on their own conversations, and he didn't want to be rude and interrupt.
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"Are you okay?" Ryan asked Shakuntala silently. "Did I do something wrong? If I did, I am really sorry" He added in a regular volume as he ate his apple. Ryan rubbed the back of his neck with his other hand then slid it down into one of his pants pockets. The teen tossed his apple an inch from his palm to turn it to the untouched side. Is hand grasped the fruit putting it to his mouth once again.
Shakuntala shook her head quickly, "You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just not hungry" She said softly, managing to smile genuinely, "Really. You don't have to worry about me. I had a good breakfast" She said, hoping to alleviate any worries on Ryan's behalf. "Did you enjoy anatomy? I had no idea about bone destiny and all of that! I've been lucky to not be injured throughout my life" She said, hoping she wasn't drawing too much attention to herself. She wanted to be able to make friends, without them suspecting she was the daughter of gods. Not that the other gods and goddesses children wouldn't know, but perhaps humans wouldn't.
"Anatomy was okay. I cannot wait until we have a project though...I am a hands on type of person" Ryan smiled a little. "I some of the information already. It was just never focused on this much when I was being taught" He said. It was a good thing she was never harmed. Wait, was that possible? Probably. Well, what would Ryan know? He had been stuck in his lot since he was born. Perhaps injuries seldom happened to others.
Shakuntala pondered that for a few moments, before nodding. "Something hands on would be good, reading and writing notes can be tedious at best. But then, I prefer to be outside, with fresh air and animals" She said, wishing she could be outside now, perhaps with a puppy, but any animal would do really. "I feel like I'll go through several notebooks before I even understand half of what goes on in bodies" She said thoughtfully
Julian finished his meal and stood up, his empty plate and glass would be picked up by the waitress or waiter on duty. He wanted to take Aimee and his sister with him outside but they both seemed happy where they were chatting away. He walked out without a word spoken to either of them, they would probably figure out where he was going. He didn't have anymore classes so he was going to the far side of the campus where no humans really traveled to.

Once there, Julian smiled when the grass grew flowers with each step he took, he was a dark godling but he liked flowers. Soon the entire field had bloomed, looking like the lower version of the Elysian Fields but it would do. Julian stretched out and closed his eyes, peace and quiet was his solace and he'd take it whenever he could.
"Hm. Not to sound nerdy, maybe we can perform appropriate experiments and little study sessions based on our lessons. Perhaps we can test out bone density by borrowing one of our lab bones and placing it in, salt, distilled, and tap water. Thus we are allowed to test it's bouyancy and have more of the willingness to understand what in particular within the bone makes it so light weighted. Then when we get to the skeletal system in general, we can look for items that resemble the different types of joints within the body for further understanding" Ryan said continuing to eat his apple. He paused then looked around, "I apologize from my sudden..outburst?" His gaze shifted back to Shakuntala.
Shakuntala listened raptly. She shouldn't have been so excited about all of it, but she was, and she smiled brighty, nodding, "That sounds awesome. We can test bone density? How does salt and water do that? Buoyancy? How it bounces?" Bones were light weighted? Of course, she berated herself, or humans wouldn't be able to move! Although she had some some rather...large humans who seemed to have difficulty walking. But clearly that had nothing to do with their bones. She shook her head, "No need to apologise. I like all this stuff" She said with another smile
He looked at her puzzled, "Okay so you like him." he points at him well saying quite loudly. Then turns and looks at his sister again. "Nope, I have never heard of that before... Maybe it has something to do with uncle Hades, or something like that. I mean hes always saying something messed up." He looked around trying desperately to figure something out.
Belle listened on to the conversation between Shakuntala and Ryan, growing more curious by the minute. She was smart, but she wasn't exactly into research. Time passed quickly, and she sipped at her drink idly as she listened. It occurred to her eventually the time must be getting slim until her next class, glancing up at the clock. She did a double take. 20 minutes until her next class!

"Whoa!" She shouted, so that the whole dining room must have been looking at her. "Hey, I gotta go. Tim, Aimee, uh, everyone..." she rambled, stuffing her books into her backpack that were next to her on the table, "...see you guys later!" She stood, almost knocking her chair over in the process and steadied it a bit before taking off out onto the campus to reach her next class for the day - this professor was a cranky one, and did not want to get on their bad side. She made her way to Writing Composition I and eventually the class started to begin.
Aimee watched Belle leave, "Seeya Belle!!!" She turned back to her brother, "Hades talks like that? I've never been around him because Julian always changes the subject when I ask about his dad." She laughs as her brother thinks on it, "don't hurt yourself, Joseph!" Aimee glances around seeing Julian had left and lunch time had ended about 5 minutes ago. "Do you have anymore classes today, Joseph?"
Tim sat there sort of lost in his own thought as he listened to conversations going on around him. He was brought from to his senses as Belle shouted. "Huh what? Oh okay see you Belle." He said and smiled as he watched her go. "Isn't there still quite a bit of lunch left?" Tim asked a little confused by her suddenly leaving like that, since he hadn't even realised the time yet and he still thought lunch was going on. He probably thought that because he had no other classes for the day.

"Does anyone here have no more classes for the day? If not I'm going go find something to do." Tim said as he began to get up from his seat. His mind ticking over in his head as he thought of what he could possibly do to distract himself for the rest of the day.

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