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hearts' detailed partner search ♡

mon dieu.

jeez-us loueez-us!


( header credit to anohanai  )


hello! my name is hearts, i'm nineteen years old and i've been roleplaying seriously (?) for about five years now. 'course i've been "roleplaying" since i was 11 or 12 years old but honestly... does anything we did when we were 12 even count anymore?

got started on quizilla, then roleplayed for a while on club penguin (please don't harrass me those were very dark times), then discovered the wonderful hellsite that is tumblr dot com and have been roleplaying there ever since. at least until recently. all in all, i'm still relatively new to forum roleplay so i hope to get things right. and what better way to practice than just a nice 1x1 thread?

well, honestly, i do not have any specific plots in mind - but i will roleplay just about any genre with the exception of anime, fandom, or completely romance-based roleplay. when romance is involved, i only do fxf and mxf. usually because most of the mxm roleplays are just downright fetishistic and serve to please straight girls rather than capture an actual gay romance and i want none of that.


high fantasy? fuck yeah man let me just don my pauldron and greaves before we start crossing swords with orcs. a down-to-earth realistic drama set in new york city with lots of sickly-sweet angst? i've got a few characters in mind that i would put through some emotional trauma at the expense of my own feels. a roleplay set in the 18th century at the height of the french revolution? let them eat cake! a cyberpunk space thriller ft. alien races and a cyborg crime boss? i can just feel the airlocks disengaging already.




- be 18+

- not mind making a thread as opposed to using the pm system

- be willing to communicate ooc, i'm quite the chatterbox and will probably comment on every little things our characters do because honestly it's fun just taking a step back and looking in on character interactions as muns

- be willing to take romance slowly if it is involved and not just make the entire plot turn to a big mushy romantic mess when our characters actually become involved, it's annoying and it's almost completely turned me off from rp'ing romance... almost completely

- be able to try and match my word wall of a response... i know that sounds bad but honestly my replies can collect a lot of words and they usually do sorry

- be able to post at least once or twice a week


and in turn you can expect;


- a reply once a day or every other day if the muse runs high

- an extremely detailed response each time

- a multi-faceted character that we will mutually develop as time goes by

- well-rounded plotting

- npcs that aren't just faces in the crowd

- a new friend !!!


so if there are any plots you've been itching to do, pitch them to me and i am 100% down to plot out just about anything !!!


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[SIZE= 12px]hello there darl'. I'm up for the challenge if you are. I've been lacking some serious high-fantasy RPs lately.[/SIZE]
Definitely up for the challenge! I want more rps anyway. High fantasy? check, sci fi? check. Plots in mind... Eh... Sorta check? Feel free to pm m. I will check again in the morning .

I want to sleep now xD
hello there darl'. I'm up for the challenge if you are. I've been lacking some serious high-fantasy RPs lately.

i'm kicking myself for not seeing this earlier. i'll pm you in the morning, it's getting late here but i am most definitley in the need for some high fantasy too <3

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