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Fantasy Heart of the Forest (Still Accepting!)


Interaction;; Xenosa (@Hiruka )

Action;; Lying on the ground in defeat.

Why must this happen? And happen to him of all people. What had he done to offend Nasci, who was now forcing him to offend this.... This beautious statue on a pedestal higher than the trees, one that was stooping low to ask him--

"Is... Everything alright?"

Well, now it was better. Slightly. Mmmmm.. Her flowing white fur, so pure compared to his, was close, his antlers near enough to comb it. But he must resist! He... Must... Resist...... Sol felt his muscles begin to go against his will, trying to drag his muzzle towards her fur, and fighting against it with all of his might, while also keeping it discreet. This would appear as a twitching in his face and neck.

"No, nothing is alright. And it doesn't matter who is near. They won't hear anything important, of that I am absolutely sure." And of course he was right, because they had nothing of importance to discuss! With the sad, depressed look still evident on his face, he moved his gaze to Xenosa's eyes.

"What did we come here to talk about again?"

Maybe he could win by confusing her, making soany false leads and new conversations that she just faints from pure confusion. Yes, yes. This new plan had promise!

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Imari was entirely determined, motivated by the wolf's words. He was about to speak, right up until the moment that the Alpha showed up with a rather firghtening stance and air about him. Imari almost immediately folded on himself, pushing his ears back, tail between his legs, crouching and avoiding eye contact. The Alpha barked, scaring Imari to where he felt even worse.

Up until the moment he started yelling at Kalo. Imari stood a little higher, ready to defend Kalo at the expense of himself. However, the Alpha instead pulled him to the side before Imari could do a single thing. Imari stood uncomfortably, waiting for some kind of outcome that would not result in Kalo hating him.

The Alpha quite gruffly inquired about his going on the hunt
, and Imari felt a sudden sigh leave his chest. The russet wolf was quite amazed that he had even considered it, and showed the thanks in his eyes. But, he would not be too grateful just yet.

"Well, Alpha... I'm not going to lie. I have no idea how I would do on the hunt, be it hinder or help the others. But, I would like tell you that I have kept myself hindered. I felt that I needed to hold the position of Omega to try and help the pack by hindering myself." He started, taking in a breath and keeping his humility.

"I've been telling myself that I was helping by doing this, by taking on a position which no one wanted. I was lying to myself all this time, and I had tried to make sure I was the Omega. But... I feel like I need to do this. To not only prove to all of you that I can do it, but also to myself. Never have I felt this way about something, and for that I need to make it up to the rest of you." he finished, pouring himself into his speech. He still had his submissive position, but it was not as cowardly.
@JokerValentine | Mood: A bit courageous, gracious, exerted, wishful



Nuru had quickly stood on all fours when he was acknowledged by Nyx's comment about his tardiness and where he rest his head every night. Her second remark had brought him to feeling a bit self-conscious, but not offended. He believed where he stays now, where he was born as a pup, is better than just any old two bit fox hole, his was quiet & spacious in fact, but in all honesty Nuru hadn't known of an Apprentice Den. He watched as Nyx began to fiddle with her blackened bones, seemingly to hot to touch with bare paws. She left them alone and changed the subject to her traveling to Fiik Grotto and bringing him with her, but finishing her sentence with one her remarks that made her seem like the rightful alpha. Nuru had smiled joyfully at Nyx and nodded."Yes ma'am." he replied beginning to feel an overwhelmed sense of leaping around in circles like a pup, but he contained himself. Nyx had always been a cranky lady, but it never bothered Nuru, he usually kept a positive outlook on things and never took the old Shaman's clever and/or cruel remarks personal. He respected her too much.

He had watched as Nyx slipped past Brimir and whispered something into his ear and continue to stroll towards him. He looked to the small she wolf and chuckled to himself.
"When are we departing exactly Miss Nyx?" he asked politely, while lowering his lower half to sit once more, patiently waiting for her to respond.



Location: Shaman's Den

Thoughts: "Fiik Grotto...my first visit."

Interactions: Shaman Nyx

Mentioned: None


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Turning to face him, she replied "Now. I would normally have to test you but we don't have time due to such a dire situation so this'll have to suffice. Go into the medicinal storage and grab the Kalva leaves, I won't be able to make the trip without something to calm the aching in my joints." Sitting and gesturing for him to go inside, Nyx rolled her shoulders and began to try and adjust her fur so it consealed the scars, muttering to herself all the while. This was the first time in awhile aside from her dream where the old Tikanni had actually felt afraid. She didn't know what Tsaghani had planned for them or how he was able to stave off the affects of aging unlike herself. The shaman's fur was thinning and always matted with grey beginning to creep it's way up her muzzle. Her voice was continue if to get raspy and hoarse by the day, bones and joins aching and sore sometimes to the point where walking was a chore. And even during the warmer season, there was always a chill she couldn't get rid of despite how much sun she soaked in or boiled water she drank. It had surprised many how long the old coot surived, but many of the elders could be heard whispering about if she were to fall I'll just once she wouldn't live.

But, Nyx was to stubborn to die. Not yet anyway. Many times during her nightmares, her heart had failed due to fright yet someone or even herself had managed to start it again. And on nights when those horrid dreams would leave her for a brief moment, Nunui would come to her asking if she felt ready to leave though there would always be a rough laugh before being thrown into a coughing fit and responding that she would have to claw her soul of her dead corpse. One of the main reasons she was reluctant to pass was her apprentice. He was barely trained and with what was approaching them they needed someone knowledgeable. Another, more important reason was her foe. If she still lived, he would have a very difficult time getting to the tribe. And Nyx would make sure of that.

@Cloud Nagasake
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Katalista had been silent for most of the time as the scene unfolded before her. At first she didn't say anything because she was rather nervous, then she let everyone else talk over her because she was waiting for a chance to ask the alpha, then she ended up not finding at opening to talk at all so remained silent to see how things played through with a rather awkward feeling in her stomach.

Seeing Imari, however, had changed her mood completely. He appeared to be calm again and almost radiating with a glow of confidence, something she had never seen him have before. This put a smile on her face. Whatever Kalo had said to him, had worked and that made her rather happy, probably because she didnt want to see him oushing himself down again.

Her mood was boosted even more as he poured out his words to the alpha. According to memory, that was the most she'd ever heard him say in one go and the very meaning of the words made her rather... Proud... Of him. Go Imari.

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Nuru listened carefully and quickly got back up and entered her den to retrieve the Kalva leaves she asked for. He looked to a small low hanging shelf that held numerous herbs, some flowers and small flask of fluids and spotted the Kalva leaves by catching their scent. It took him a minute to find them at first, because he had only seen Kalva leaves once in the past and didn't have an entire library of knowledge on different herbs and purposes. "There you are." He said, picking up the three leaves by their stems and carrying them back outside. He stood next to Nyx, feeling slight pity for her suffrage and her unkempt, grey and white fur. Her frame slightly trembling each and every time she rotated them.

Age seemed to catch up really fast with this one and with her joint pain getting worst it wouldn't be too wise to travel great distances away from the tribe.
"I found them Miss Nyx, but I must ask. Are you completely sure that you are capable of traveling to Fiik Grotto? Just judging by your aching I think you should wait until the Kalva leaves are taken for the best results in the future." Nuru pleaded in a soft tone, with the leaves still held tightly within his teeth awaiting Nyx to gesture him to release them in her care. Nuru didn't want Nyx overdose herself on work, and hated to see others in pain just as well.



Location: Shaman's Den

Thoughts: "I hope she will be ok."

Interactions: Shaman Nyx

Mentioned: None


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@MoltenLightning @Dominaiscna


Nothing to say for Katalista, it seemed. Not expecting the confident words from the omega, Brimir knew that he wished to hunt, but feared his phrasing to the alpha. "My dear omega," he addressed, "Kalo has moved me, and so have you. Kalo will be in charge of you. Without question you will listen to him. If anybody else steps in, you will also listen to them. If I hear anything of interference to anybody, if I here anyone complain of your behavior, then you will be punished and NEVER allowed to take part in an event. And Kalo, he is your responsibility. If he disobeys, you lose your rank. Don't disappoint me," the alpha said, his voice stern and serious. Of course, he had so many doubts about this allowance. But it must be done, it simply must. Imari was to be trusted, as all were family here. It did the tribe no good to have him sit and be nothing.

"Imari, I trust you, and that is the only reason I allow this. Don't disappoint. Be by the alpha's den when I call, or you will be left behind," Brimir announced, having said his piece. He now directed his attention to the female, patiently to the side waiting for him. "Katalista, is there another concern I must know about? You hover like a spirit, yet you say nothing. Speak," he asked softly.


Rolling her dark eyes, Nyx quickly pulled the leaves from his maw and chewed then slowly. This pained her and she felt a tooth beginning to come loose, lovely. This was the sole reason she didn't eat much, last time she had a full meal, she had to have 3 others help her gather the molars that felt out. The bitter, numbing taste was nothing to her as the herb began to calm the inflammation that had begun to occur. "Gah, I'll be fine. I've escaped death more times than you can count on both forepaws. Now come on, we don't have a moment to waste." And with that, she slowly rose to shaking paws and began to head out of the infirmary, into the commons area and out of the camp.

They walked in silence, the only noise being the ambiance of the forest that surrounded them along with the cracking and popping of ancient joints. Nyx had been internally arguing with herself, knowing it would take years to teach Nuru all he needed to know but the shortcut she wanted to propose was all but forbidden due to the results in the past. Most Tikanni had either gone mad and turned into deformities or had died on the spot with their mind unable to comprehend the influx of information they were receiving. But...it was the only way to prepare him...muttering a few inaudible words to herself, they continued along the trail.

She was to preoccupied with everything that the shaman was surprised to have already reached Fiik Grotto. A bit ashamed they had missed the small memorial she had created in honor of her mentor where she had been attacked, the old Tikaani shook her head briefly before walking down the its bubbling, toxic banks. "Get in. I'll be harsh at first, you'll convulse, feel as if your drownding and be unable to move but I'll pass quickly. I'll be there once you awake." Stepping I front of the apprentice, she said a few words in a language Nuru didn't understand before placing her nose on his forehead, which she had to stretch to reach. After this was done, she turned and waded into the banks before submerging completely. The warm water soothed her bones, and because she had done this so many times, it wasn't hard to simply to let herself drift away.

@Cloud Nagasake


Katalista handn't expected the alpha to address her and this surprised her for a second. "Dear alpha," she began with a light smile on her lips, "all that i wished to say has been said by my fellow brothers of the tribe. I too wished to ask for your permission in letting Imari join us. " the Aloha's decision was good for them, but they were risking quite alote, especially Kalo, for Imari and, though she knew it was not his fault, if he suddenly started panicking again... She hoped he didn't. He seemed alright anyway, and that was reassuring to her.

"If you allow me too, dear Alpha, " she said after a while, her gaze unconsciously drifting to Imari, " may i also take responsibility over watching over Imari as Kalo does?"

(Internet out, so I'm doing this on the phone)

Leonhart nodded at his mates request to gather food for the family. "Of course my love, I'll grab some food for all of us." He turned and made his way to the entrance, watching Nuru run by. "Oh hello Nuru..." Didn't really get to finish though since the blue wolf darted by while saying hello. "He must be late or something, he's really goin at it." Leon continued his way into the forest to find food. He immediately climbed up the nearest tree to look for the best vantage point. "Hmm maybe some Elk for today, or whatever really, fish sounds scrumptious as well." His mouth started to water at the thought of eating a nice arge salmon from the nearby river.

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Imari listened, ears to the side and in a more neutral position on his head. Though, they were still slightly backward in respect. Brimir's words, boasting large threats, caused Imari to feel slightly more ready. Somehow, he felt he had nothing else to lose. It was either this, or nothing at all! And even if he did not express this opinion of his aloud, the passion in his eyes spoke for him. He bowed in front of the Alpha.

"Thank you, dear Alpha, for this opportunity. I'm ready to take any risks involved in this, and to take the fall if I am the one to blame. I shall try my best not to let you, Kalo, Katalista, and the pack down." He stated graciously, feeling a new sort of pressure to succeed. This was something that he had to do, and he felt good about knowing that. This pressure... It inspired a new feeling of haste, and courage. The Alpha himself was trusting him with, and Kalo and Katalista were trusting him with too.

With this knowledge, he knew this was not something he could fail in the least. Keeping his head lowered, he looked over at Katalista and thanked her with his eyes. They showed a bit more than just admiration for her actions, with a bit of affection strewn into them. They sparkled with a new sort of bliss, now even more assured that he could help the pack on a larger scale. Imari also faced Kalo whom helped him become more optimistic, and nodded at him. He would help them in whatever way he could.

He would exert himself at the benefit of the pack, and this he could finally feel secure about and stand behind. "I would also like to thank you, Katalista and Kalo. I know it was a risk, and for that I am gracious. I shall not let either of you down, and if I do then I deserve such penalties." he exclaimed, keeping his posture respectful and yet his tail lightly wagged, excited. He managed to calm it down, seeing as it had a mind of its own, and keep his polite stance.
@JokerValentine @Dominaiscna | Mood: Excited, grateful, pleasant, reassured, amazed

@MoltenLightning @Dominaiscna


Kalo had just placed his rank, and that of his apparent friend, in jeopardy. Of course he had confidence for Imari, but truly one could never be too certain. The hunt was to be grand, a loyal pack-wide hunt to celebrate their togetherness. Kalo didn't pay a lot of mind to the religious aspect of the pact, although he probably should. Nasci keeps people as one. A family that prays together, stays together, it seems. But, perhaps Kalo ought to offer a sacrifice onto Nasci for deliverance in this hunt, and that Imari may not get into trouble. Perhaps another time.

With Brimir giving the permission, Kalo looked to the omega, and the other girl who would aid him. "Do you know anything about the hunt, Imari?" he asked one, and to the other, "and I do apologize, we haven't talked, my dear sister," Kalo said to Katalista, "but I know you are Katalista. Tell me, what is it that you do?" This was not the actual question Kalo wished to ask, as Brimir was quite close. If he were elsewhere, perhaps, he would ask if she was an amour of the omega.


As the alpha looked on with a sternful look, he eyed Kalo himself. Such ambition, for a wolf not born within the family alas. Did Kalo perhaps have a terrible past he needed to overcome? Did he seek to fake out this pack? Was he sent from Nasci to be a messenger of sorts? Why was it that he was accepted in the first place? The alpha looked down for a moment, deciding what to do next. The hunt was to begin in some time, when the tribe was fit to do so. So much was to be done. The Tikaani had not even had his daily washes! He must look less less than presentable, certainly. But the intriguing character of Kalo... so odd.


Katalista too had great confidence in Imari, but one could never be certain as fate tended to play cruel jokes on unexpecting victims... She had learned so the hard way... This broughts thought of Kaliyah whiched she shoved out of her mind. She must not think of the past, the present and the future were all that was imporant and all that they had.. So silently, she prayed that Nasci would protect them and bid them good will on the upcoming hunt, for Imari especially.

Kalo's question surprised her at first as she hadn't expected him to address her. "Katalista, it is indeed. Dear brother Kalo, I am but a normal huntress of the tribe, nothing more and nothing less, " she responded with a gentle smile on her face. She then turned to Imari, "I do believe we all know you will not let us down, Dear Imari!"

@MoltenLightning @JokerValentine

mood: excited, anxious, confident




Lora nodded tersely when Leonhart responded and turned to leave, only to be stopped by one of the pups. Lora stilled, not wanting to interact with the little whelp, but he spoke to her anyway, which was just her luck. The lead hunter's legs were stiff as boards as she tried backing up from the small creature, cringing inwardly but keeping her stoic appearance. Pups were not only loud and rambunctious, but also reminders of her own awful childhood, and she didn't appreciate that. Thankfully, Ammax's sister arrived, speaking to the pup in her place. After the younger female addressed the pup, she turned to look at Lora with a guarded expression, and Lora nodded.

Lora knew that the female would be protective of her brother, as she had her own protective sibling, Nokosi. Keeping the formal air, Lora nodded to Emetaly and Leonhart before speaking, "Thank you. I trust that the pups will all be safe in your care. I will make sure to keep one or two hunters stationed here, and I expect the lead warrior to do the same." Lora eyed Meynx after saying this, nodding at her with respect, then exited the den, shaking off any dirt particles that could have remained on her fur after her departure. Once she felt clean enough, she noticed the Alpha, the Omega, and two of her hunters nearby. She approached them silently, observing the situation.

"Will Imari be joining the hunt, Alpha?" Lora asked quietly, rather than questioning what they were doing or what they were talking about. She had evaluated the situation before she had arrived, seeing the Alpha's conflicted body language and the Omega's eagerness as if it was a tangible aura surrounding him. She glanced around, and before waiting for the Alpha to respond, nodded to all of them, smiling slightly at Imari, and then departed, in search of her brother. She headed back to their den, sniffing for him as she arrived, then called out for the younger male. "Nokosi! The hunt will begin soon!" She called, entering the den and blinking a couple times so her eyes could adjust to the darkness of the den.


@Falling Nebula @Lonelytaco @The Mechanist @JokerValentine @Dominaiscna @MoltenLightning @Javax Character's Mood: Irritated/Determined User's Mood: Nervous AF Location: Den Mother's Den -> Outside the Den -> Her & Nokosi's Den

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Oh my Nasci! He saw me looking at him! Ayola panicked inwardly as she looked away from when their gazes had met, her pink face flushed in embarrassment. Coeur jogged ahead of her, obscuring his face from her view, which made her heart heavy. Did I really bother him that much? I didn't know it would upset him...Although he was looking back at me, I think...is he mad...? Ayola began forming questions in her worrisome head, hoping that her crush was anything but angry with her. She had liked him for a while...but she was always covered in paint and hidden by tribal markings, she doubted he'd be able to see under her mask and like her for who she truly was. Her father was the only one who reminded her of how she truly felt each day, and that hurt her...but she wouldn't think about that when she had a job to go do at that moment.

"C'mon Ayola! It's almost midday, the hunt should be starting soon!" Coeur exclaimed ahead of her before picking up his speed, almost full-out sprinting ahead of her. She hurried to match his pace, but she was smaller, and that made his strides longer than hers, despite her being faster than him. Coeur, wait up! Ayola thought to herself as she hurried after him, cursing the berries in her mouth. However, when he arrived at the paint-making spot of the tribe's land, he halted, the young female almost crashing into him. She was able to stop herself before doing so, thankfully, and she hurried over to a large stone with a couple bowls placed on it. This location wasn't too far from the shaman's den, mainly because the paints were considered ceremonious - they decorated their bodies with parts of Nasci's forest to hunt under her protection.

As Ayola dropped the large mouthful of berries into two bowls, she glanced at Coeur, unsure of what expression he would be holding on his face. He seemed genuinely happy, so the younger female's feathered tail wagged slightly as she deposited the last of the berries. "Alright, since there are two bowls, you can crush one while I crush the other, but gently. Wash your paw with this first." Ayola nudged another wooden bowl towards Coeur, this one filled with fresh water. Everyday it was poured out and replaced with fresh water for the next day, since Ayola also often worried about cleanliness, similar to the Alpha. She dipped her paw in the water, removed it to shake the dampness from her fur, and began to crush the small berries in her bowl, preparing one bowl of paint for the warriors or hunters, whichever arrived first.


@Bobisdead123 Character's Mood: Worried/Amused User's Mood: Nervous AF Location: Den Area -> Paint Station Thingy


Health: 100%

  • nirrith_by_tatchit-d74tmgi.png

    Mood: Terrified Curious Irritated
It was late at night, sometime around the "Witching Hour". The forest was beyond dark, and the black Tikaani camouflaged perfectly with the shadows of his surroundings. A sense of foreboding and death was weighing down on the forest, and the avoirdupois was slowing the male down with each step he took. He couldn't see more than a foot or so in front of him because of the immense density of the darkness, but the Tikaani could feel at least one pair of eyes boring into him and peering into his soul. He wasn't alone.

Nokosi had lost track of time. How long has it been? Four days? Four weeks? Months?
Years? He couldn't tell; there was no point to keep track of time. How did he get here? Did he walk this entire way? What was he doing? Was he supposed to be here, or was he just wandering? He couldn't remember before; only the now, walking through the darkness of the forest with no defenses nor protection. The young Tikaani didn't feel safe out in the wilderness. He was afraid. Where was his sister? Where was Loraleigh?

A snapping of a twig behind him caused him to whirl around. Was something following him? Nokosi was terrified; he didn't know how to fight or protect himself. But what if it was Lora? He opened his mouth to call out to the unknown, but no sound escaped. He vocal chords weren't cooperating, hindered by the fear racking his body. There were small footsteps approaching him, the pitter-patter of tiny paws. He continued to stand there, petrified. The bushes were rustling as his pursuer approached him in the darkness.

A remit revealed itself from the brush, but the peculiar thing about the creature was the unusual glow is bore. It gave off a soft glow, partially illuminating its surroundings. Now mesmerized by this strange creature, Nokosi's fear began ebbing away. He neared the glowing remit, and it bounded back into the vegetation. He felt compelled to chase it, and so he did. The remit bounded through the forest with a quick pace, but allowed Nokosi to keep up. It led him down a hole the size of a Tikaani den entrance, but it led deeper into the ground. Large tree roots made the path difficult to traverse for the black Tikaani, but he was determined to follow the remit. It wanted to show him something, but what?

Nokosi followed it until he found a somewhat larger part of the tunnel. It seemed more like a room with a stone pedestal in the middle. On it rested... He couldn't tell. It was too bright and fuzzy, and he couldn't focus on the object. Eager to satiate his curiosity, the young Tikaani padded slowly up to the unknown object. When he got close enough, a white flash blinded him and his body was ravaged by a stinging pain. He opened his maw to scream out...

Nokosi!" The younger sibling's eyes jerked open and he jumped in surprise, his sister's stern voice ripping him out of the nightmare. He allowed his racing heart to slow for a moment and looked around the den he lay in. Everything was blurry and hard to see. As usual.

Nokosi lifted his gaze up to the fuzzy scarlet figure of his sister, and his face scrunched up in irritation. "
I'm up, I'm up," he snapped unintentionally. The brother got up off of the ground and stretched by outstretching his paws as far as they could go as he lowered his chest to the ground. A satisfying pop in his spine signaled him that the stretch was successful, so he moved back up into a sitting position, gazing at Lora with mild anger.

He didn't mean to seem so irritable, but the nightmares were just getting aggravating. The nightmare was one of many that he's had in the past few years. Each one was different, except for the fact that it always ended in the same way: a blinding white flash and unbearable pain. He remembered that from when he first lost part of his eyesight. He's been trying to recall what had happened that day ever since, but no luck. Instead, he suffers torturous and confusing stories that his mind makes up overnight as it tries to fill in the gap of his memory. Nothing seems right, though...

Anaxileah said:



Oh my Nasci! He saw me looking at him! Ayola panicked inwardly as she looked away from when their gazes had met, her pink face flushed in embarrassment. Coeur jogged ahead of her, obscuring his face from her view, which made her heart heavy. Did I really bother him that much? I didn't know it would upset him...Although he was looking back at me, I think...is he mad...? Ayola began forming questions in her worrisome head, hoping that her crush was anything but angry with her. She had liked him for a while...but she was always covered in paint and hidden by tribal markings, she doubted he'd be able to see under her mask and like her for who she truly was. Her father was the only one who reminded her of how she truly felt each day, and that hurt her...but she wouldn't think about that when she had a job to go do at that moment.

"C'mon Ayola! It's almost midday, the hunt should be starting soon!" Coeur exclaimed ahead of her before picking up his speed, almost full-out sprinting ahead of her. She hurried to match his pace, but she was smaller, and that made his strides longer than hers, despite her being faster than him. Coeur, wait up! Ayola thought to herself as she hurried after him, cursing the berries in her mouth. However, when he arrived at the paint-making spot of the tribe's land, he halted, the young female almost crashing into him. She was able to stop herself before doing so, thankfully, and she hurried over to a large stone with a couple bowls placed on it. This location wasn't too far from the shaman's den, mainly because the paints were considered ceremonious - they decorated their bodies with parts of Nasci's forest to hunt under her protection.

As Ayola dropped the large mouthful of berries into two bowls, she glanced at Coeur, unsure of what expression he would be holding on his face. He seemed genuinely happy, so the younger female's feathered tail wagged slightly as she deposited the last of the berries. "Alright, since there are two bowls, you can crush one while I crush the other, but gently. Wash your paw with this first." Ayola nudged another wooden bowl towards Coeur, this one filled with fresh water. Everyday it was poured out and replaced with fresh water for the next day, since Ayola also often worried about cleanliness, similar to the Alpha. She dipped her paw in the water, removed it to shake the dampness from her fur, and began to crush the small berries in her bowl, preparing one bowl of paint for the warriors or hunters, whichever arrived first.


@Bobisdead123 Character's Mood: Worried/Amused User's Mood: Nervous AF Location: Den Area -> Paint Station Thingy

Coeur the Hunter

As Ayola dropped the large mouthful of berries into two bowls, she glanced at Coeur, unsure of what expression he would be holding on his face. He seemed genuinely happy, so the younger female's feathered tail wagged slightly as she deposited the last of the berries. "Alright, since there are two bowls, you can crush one while I crush the other, but gently. Wash your paw with this first." Ayola nudged another wooden bowl towards Coeur, this one filled with fresh water. Everyday it was poured out and replaced with fresh water for the next day, since Ayola also often worried about cleanliness, similar to the Alpha. She dipped her paw in the water, removed it to shake the dampness from her fur, and began to crush the small berries in her bowl, preparing one bowl of paint for the warriors or hunters, whichever arrived first.

Coeur slid to a halt just as he reached the area where Ayola prepared her paints. It was a tiny portion of the den area, not too far from the Shaman's Den and south west from the Alter Stone. The paint making station consisted of a small, flat stone stained by years of paint making. On it and surrounding it where various bowls, some empty and others filled with colorful paint.

He looked glanced backwards to see Ayola lagging behind him, sprinting with all the speed her little legs could muster. As soon as she neared him she halted- or tried to. Her little legs could just barely keep up with her pace, causing her attempt to stop to end in a uncontrollable skid. She slid to a halt just behind him, a cloud of dirt and dust in her wake.

He let out a laugh, his tail wagging happily. Ayola sliding across the ground like a stun thrown across a river? Cute and priceless.

She glanced up at him, a momentary hint of nervousness on her face that dissapeared quickly, replaced by a berry filled smile. Her tail wagged slightly as she placed the berries down on the rock.

"Alright, since there are two bowls, you can crush one while I crush the other, but gently. Wash your paw with this first."

She nudged a water filled wooden ball towards him. Coeur used the water to wash his paw,s and then his face, glad to finally get the stick paint off of him.

He watched as she did the same and proceeded to crush the purple berries in her bowl, using the pads of her small feet to gently rub the berries until they turned into a thick paste.

Coeur turned to hsi bowl, stick his right paw in it and attempting to do the same. Apparently he was to rough however, as his berries quickly turned into a chunky goop.

"Uh, is this suppose to happen?"


Time: Almost Mid Day/Late Morning Coeur's mood: Happy Location: Paint Makin' Area

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Xenosa watched his face and neck twitched, waiting for him to answer her. Was he dozing off on her? She decided to note that Sol was a type of wolf that did more staring than talking.....an introvert maybe? Well, she guessed it didn't matter, she could sorta see why he would be good to have on a mission. Less talking would equal to getting work done, no questions asked. Plus, it would be easier to keep a secret, it's not like he was surrounded by people to talk to.

"No, nothing is alright. And it doesn't matter who is near. They won't hear anything important, of that I am absolutely sure."

Xenosa lifted her head, very willing to hear what he had to say. Her blue eyes filled anticipation and all of her attention given to him only. Her tail was stiff as she urged him to start,"Okay, go on."

Though that was soon replaced with confusion when he look at her with a depressed look on his face.

"What did we come here to talk about again?"

Her eye twitched,'What?'

Xenosa raised a brow, starting to think that Sol was a little absent minded. Did Sol intentionally tried to hide it from her or did he really forget? She couldn't really find a reason why he would lie to her. Xenosa said slowly,"We were....going to talk about the mission that involved you stalking a specfic Tikkani. A mission that was assigned to you by Krongrah."

She was starting to become a little nervous. It was like her gut was telling her that there was something wrong with this mission of his. What was it though? Xenosa's eyes narrowed a little as she gazed at Sol....something was fishy.


@Yaoke Saint


Since dawn, Meynx had felt rather calm and perhaps even a little happy, excited if a little uneasy. This changed when Loraleigh spoke her first words to the Lead Warrior, making silver gray eyes flash with temper. Meynx felt her muscles contract slightly, halfway raising the quills along her upper spine as her tail whipped to the side. She could not read what went on inside the mind of the red beauty, but her first words spoke for themselves.
“I will make sure to keep one or two hunters stationed here, and I expect the lead warrior to do the same."

Meynx, often observant, twitched her ears at the words that came from Lora’s mouth, a contrast to the neutral voice the vocabulary was spoken in, the words were commanding and the implication spoken of, insulting. Meynx did not take orders lightly or easily...she did not take orders at all from those who did not have the authority to give them to her. The Lead Hunter seemed to imply that Meynx would not attend to her duty, and that her warriors were not enough to guard the den despite the fact is was their job. Meynx was new to being Lead Warrior, yes, but she had worked hard for the position and knew what she was doing, good, bad, or risky.

It was the dip of the head, a sign of respect, that placated Meynx, she was still suspicious of the intent behind the words, but the respectful nod had opened up another option...that perhaps the red female was not trying to be insulting. Muscles loosening as quickly as they had stiffened Meynx returned Lora’s nod along with a few words.
“Perhaps we should consult the Alpha’s on the placement of hunter’s and warrior’s before we make any rash decisions. I am sure they have places planned out for this particular hunt. Alpha Nadie wished me to fetch you so that we could discuss the situation. I hope it is not much trouble to meet in the main clearing,near the food pile...I believe Alpha Brimir is almost done with his business, but I could be mistaken.”

Lora left a short while later, Meynx paused though, looking at pups, mentally poking at the strange, fiercely affectionate feelings, she harbored for them despite the fact they were not her own...wondered if that feeling would intensify if she ever bore pups, and promptly shook the fantasy out of her head. She was a warrior, a Lead Warrior, and already responsible for lives. Her rank was her first priority, despite personal wants. Besides, to have pups one needed a mate and Meynx sincerely doubted their was a male Tikanni with enough patience, enough fire, and enough skill to deal with her own opinionated ideas, sharp tongue, and all around prickly personality.

It also must be noted,and feared, that the title mother often came stereotypical ideals...one was supposed to be feminine, loving, patient, and soft spoken, etc. Besides the fact Meynx could never be all of those at the same time, nor perhaps, even one of them, there was nothing Meynx valued more than the ability to state her own opinion as loud as she pleased...she would not risk that right for the world.

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As the alpha sat in observance, he suddenly realized how late in the day it had become. Surely, if there were to be any hope of salvaging time for the hunt, it would have to occur now. Perhaps it would be best to summon the pack to the meeting area: the area outside of his den. Those who knew of the day's plans, which was everyone, knew of the purpose of the call. The Tikaani alpha had several calls, each ranging in pitch and tone. They ranged from a low "greetings" howl, to a high, alarming, "the forest is on fire and Nasci is sending waves of disease this way", to even a guttural, ear-piercing, "get to me now before I snap your throats." As one would probably tell, it was certainly typical that the last two were never used by the rather easygoing alpha. Nonetheless, would anyone come under a light howl?

The alpha exited the conversation, and made his way to his own den rather briskly. He knew how much his hunters loved to hunt. After all, who didn't? What was one to do, sit on his or her hinds and howl for Nasci all day? Certainly a noble idea in thought, but there were things to do. The world needed to survive physically if one were to survive spiritually. The alpha, standing at the ready in the area not too far from his den, lifted his head to the sky. The concept of staging a hunt so close to an alpha's den was a gesture of a long time ago, a way of implying the alpha trusted his pack so much, that he would allow them to see the place in which he lived. Though, now it was just the summoning area. Closing his eyes, Brimir dug deep and released his energy into the air.

A loud, distinct voice rang out among the treetops. The forest itself seemed to notice, as with the wind the trees swayed. The summoning had begun. The hunt would soon begin, and promptly. Tikaani were never late, especially for another Tikaani, and especially for the alpha.

It would not be a good day for those who chose to ignore the Howl of the Hunt.

@DemonKitten @Lonelytaco @Anaxileah @Hiruka @Yaoke Saint @Bobisdead123 @Supermegabrenda2 @The Mechanist @MoltenLightning @Cloud Nagasake @Mistory1997 @TYGERShrk

@Falling Nebula

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Ammax's eyes snapped open, hearing a dstinct howl. He lifted his head grogily, and stood, his large form casting a short shadow under him due to the position of the sun. He looked up. Surely he was not late, since the Alpha had just called. They had barely enough time, since leading a big group of wolves in a hunt is no easy task. Especially excited ones. He made his way to the Summoning area, spotting him amongst the rocks next to his den. His paws thundered against the floor, his tail swaying with the breeze. He realiszed there were not many wolves in his presence. Tightening his pace, he trotted over to the Alpha. He knew there would be consequenced to those who arrived late. As he entered the Alpha's view, he diverted his gaze down. Staring directly into the Alpha's eyes was seen as a challenge. He did not want that. He stood infront of the Alpha, and lowered his head to the ground.


He said, and stepped back, sitting down.

"What are your hopes for today's catch?" He said, looking at Brimir's paws. His leg twitched as he sat down, waiting for the other wolves to arrive. Ears twitching to every sound around them, he waited for the Alpha's responce. His mind lingered back to his thoughs. He unknowingly stared at the Alphas claws, analyzing every crack, every spec of dirt on it. What must be the stories behind them? He was almost sure it was something normal, like digging. But he found the simplest of stories entretaining.

| Where: Den Area --> Sumonign Area| Mood: Excited, Happy |​

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Ayola watched as Coeur mimicked her movements, washing the purple paint from his dark fur and any remaining dirt from his paws. The older wolf took his paw and placed it in the bowl of berries, just as she had, and pressed down with too much pressure, turning the paint into a thick goo before Ayola had a chance to warn Coeur. The female Tikaani laughed lightly, her paw still in her own bowl. "That's one way of doing things." Ayola spoke through her fit of giggles, then gestured with her own paw the same action he had just committed, then stuck her tongue out at him. "Either way, we get to make paint. Simply add some fresh water from the other bowl on the stone, here, and then mix." Ayola explained and took the much smaller water-filled bowl in between her teeth and gently poured approximately half of the water into her own bowl. She poured the rest into Coeur's bowl, leaning over his paw. She felt her fur brush against his and shivered faintly, his touch causing her to feel exhilarated.

Hoping Coeur didn't notice her shiver, she quickly leaned back and placed the bowl down on the stone table, then proceeded to mix her paw in the berry-water mixture. It soon turned into a liquid-like paste that resembled paint, and Ayola smiled at her handiwork. However, at that very moment, she heard the Alpha's howl, felt it in her bones and blowing against her fur like Nasci's wind. Startled, the female leaned down and grabbed the bowl of paint with her jaw, washing her paw in the water they used to wash their faces earlier. She spoke with the bowl in her mouth to Coeur, urging him to hurry. "Come on, Coeur! We have to get there to paint the warriors and the hunters that need paint." Ayola's voice was slightly muffled by the bowl, but she got her point across and bolted for the Alpha's Den, which wasn't far from the Shaman's Den, so luckily they were close by. When Ayola arrived, she noticed Ammax and nodded politely to him, then bowed her head at Brimir. "Alpha. I have the paints for the hunt prepared, thanks to Coeur." She told the Alpha with a smile before lifting her head to look back at Coeur.


@Bobisdead123 @Supermegabrenda2 @JokerValentine Character's Mood: Happy/Cheerful/Excited User's Mood: BUSY Location: Paint Station -> Alpha's Den




When Nokosi snapped at Loraleigh, she narrowed her eyes at him, slightly angered. She took a deep breath and looked back out at the den opening, disregarding his rude tone, since it often happens when he's just waking up. After gazing at the den entrance for a moment, Lora turned her eyes back towards Nokosi just as he finished stretching. She could see the dark male thinking, but she didn't want to question him about his dreams, not just yet. She'd save that for later, when he didn't look so irritable. The two siblings respected each other's space, as well as privacy, but sometimes Lora's concern for her brother outweighed her respect for his privacy.

"We will talk later, Nokosi. At this moment, I believe that the-" Lora was cut off by the sound of the Alpha's howl, which pierced the red and white female's very core. She let out a shuddered breath after his howl ended, closing her eyes tightly as she continued speaking to her younger brother. "The hunt is about to begin. Just in time." Lora gave her brother a once over and reached over with her paw, fixing a tuft of fur that was sticking up, much like their mother used to do when they were much younger. Lora retracted her paw and looked away apologetically, then walked towards the den entrance. "Don't forget to have your paint done before the hunt begins, brother." Lora spoke monotonously just as she had earlier that morning, not wanting to betray any of her feelings. On that note, the scarlet female adorned with white stripes exited the den with haste, running through the pack's land to get to the Alpha's den. She was a blur of red and white, and soon made it to the den, landing gracefully beside Ammax. She glanced at him and gave him a faint smile, but the smile did not reach her eyes, which were clouded with thought.

"Present, Alpha. I have decided that Sivix will remain, and suggested that Meynx choose a warrior to be stationed here as well." Lora spoke in that same tone, but corrected herself quietly. "Actually, I might have ordered her accidentally...I will apologize immediately." Lora's head was bowed towards the ground, her white nose almost touching a blade of brightly colored grass. The wind pushed against the small blade, but it barely wavered as it continued to reach for her nose. It tickled slightly, so the Lead Hunter sneezed loudly, then decided to look away from the Alpha rather than down, thanks to the irritating grass.


@Javax @JokerValentine @Supermegabrenda2 @Mistory1997 Character's Mood: Irritated/Conflicted User's Mood: BUSYYY Location: Her & Nokosi's Den -> Alpha's Den

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Ammax glanced at Ayola, and nodded back at her. Coeur stood behind her, both holding a bowl of paint. It was a sort of ritual that the hunters and warriors were painted before a hunt. He never fully understood why, though. He watched as Ayola spoke to the Alpha, glancing back at Coeur. He was pretty sure they were going to end up as mates one day. He saw the way Ayola looked at Coeur, and the way Coeur looked at her. His thoughs were interrupted when Loraleigh landed next to him. He looked at her, his head slightly tilted to the side. She shot him a smile, but he saw she wast hinking about something. Hard. He absentmindingly heard her comments to the Alpha.

"Present, Alpha. I have decided that Ayola will remain, and suggested that Meynx choose a warrior to be stationed here as well."

He also heard some of what she said under her breath, something about commanding Meynx, not telling her. He grumbled internally. Great. A hunt with fluffy. Yay. He knew she would judge anthing he did, and eventually use it against him. He loved his sister and all, but he did not like going on hunts with her. He heard Lora sneeze, and he snickered as she turned away The grass must have tickled her nose. He returned his gaze to the Alpha's paws, a little smile on his lips.

| Where: Sumonign Area| Mood: Calm, Happy |​

@Anaxileah @JokerValentine



Within the darkened twilight, where the sun had yet to kiss the land good morning, where her hopeful charm would soon awaken most of tribe Khàdzu ensured he would be the first before the dawn, awakening as the birds began to chirp to the chants to greet the morning light. He woke with eyes still closed in revolt for his declaration to move and shake his body awake, his eyes still reddened wounded as it was severed from the peaceful slumber, and his fur unkempt and disheveled as he struggled off of his Matt. He was careful not to wake his family, they deserving much more rest than he and quickly trotted away from their sleeping quarters and only then did he need to stretch and yawn, popping his joints and his spine to ready his body for the tasks of today. As much as his mind desired sleep, he disregarded it as a nuisance of a thought, today would be a very busy day for him being that it was time for the hunt to begin. Perhaps he would be able to join in on the hunt a change of pace from his everyday duties. or perhaps his duties lay within the tribe, either way today was to be as tiring as the last one, even more so perhaps. First things first however he needed to eat. And bathe.

Climbing out of his den he quickly turned his head upon the river deciding to catch two fish with one bite, hoping to shake away the drowsiness with a splash of frozen water and breakfast. He quickly trrodded to the riverside and began illuminating the morning darkness with his light, spores glowing from his body as his light sharpened his eyes a bit more. Upon reaching the water he focused on the fish that were swimming readying his stance to catch one of them. The light spores from his body spread daintily upon the flowing waters reflection almost like fireflies dancing upon a crystal stage, it worked well as a lure for the fish to distract them as they draw curiously close to the light.
With patience he waited for his chance, and soon after he whisked a fairly large one off the river shaking his fur from the cold wetness of the splash. He ate, dunked his head upon the cold water and shook awake. He returned to the tribe and now continued inward to his task. First he had to make preparations for the hunt, that involved looking into the food storage, ensuring there was enough space for additions, preparing the gathering circle for the pre hunt, and post hunt banquet, making sure to plot out distributi, ensuring enough tikkani in the tribe to manage the feast, and of course cleanup. He wasn't the only Tikkani awake at this hour, many others readied themselves and their dens for what was to come, and he was glad he wasn't alone in this task. He went to each objective on his list, speaking to any and every of his fellow tribe members about the necessary tasks, and helping out should they're be a problem. Thankfully no complications arose except for a few disorganized loads, missing materials that were eventually replaced or found, and a few lazy Tikkani.

Time passed on and the sun had shined upon almost all members of the tribe now, most of the work had been complete and with a word of thanks to his early bird tribe members he quickly left. Now he had to find the alpha to get things underway. There's sure to be alot of other hunters and warriors who would like to join in, and he wanted to know whom he'd choose and what's the next course of action. Asking around about his whereabouts he took himself near where the shaman was, wondering if he was consulting her about the hunt, either way he quickly ran towards him and from behind he spoke

"Dear alpha, the preparations for the hunt are complete, with your permission well start gathering the hunters"


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