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Healing Hearts

Mei's resistance was futile seeing that Elliot was much stronger than her. A wide smile grew across his face, this was amusing him.
Mei squealed again, squirming underneath his grasp. By this time they had rolled over so he was on top of her instead of her on top of him. She wiggled around, trying to avoid his grasp. 
Elliot continued to attack Mei with his tickles, not planning on stopping on his own terms.
"Then say it!" He said trying to sound intimidating, but in reality, Elliot was about as intimidating as a ladybug.

(Sorry that took forever to reply...)
Elliot stopped, an accomplished grin grew on his face. "As you wish." He said.
Elliot chuckled, moving her lightly as well. "And you swallow." Elliot was well known as the guy who would tell dirty jokes at any chance he got.
Mei smiled. "You do realize that you are the one who is sitting on me?" She said, looking at him.
(Hehheh.... Yeahhhhhh, I'm sorry about that too. If you want to restart this I'd be up to it.)
(Great! I think we should start from a whole new beginning rather than just picking back up from where we left off)

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