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Healing Hearts

Mei nodded. "Thanks. And if you need something to change into, you left a shirt and some sweatpants last time you where here. There on the counter." She said, walking to the bathroom to change.
"Thanks." Elliot said before leaving the room to grab his clothes. Since Mei was in the bathroom and there wasn't really anywhere else to change he decided it would be okay to get changed right there. He ripped off his wet jeans first then pulled on the sweats, after that he proceeded to take off his shirt to replace it with the other one.
Mei walked back out with her long ombre hair tied up in a bun and her baggy sweatpants and t-shirt on. She went over and hugged the now dry Elliot. "Thanks." She said, closing her eyes and staying that way for a while.
Elliot hugged Mei back. "No need to thank me, I'm your best friend. It's my job to do crazy shit like this for you." He said with a laugh. "So now what do we do?" He asked
Mei shrugged, wiping her eyes again. "I don't know, but considering that it's around 2 am, I would say probably sleep." She said, sighing. "I would be crying more but I cried myself out 10 minutes ago."
Elliot yawned before he spoke "oh yeah, I forgot it's late... Well early technically... And no you wouldn't be crying. I won't allow it. I'd force myself to do stupid things to make you laugh so you stop" he said.
Mei smiled. "And that's why you are my best friend." She said, smiling. "I am still cold though." She said, rubbing her arms a little. Her eyes where a bit less puffy now, but still very red. 
(Gtg to bed, night! See you in the morning!)
Elliot smiled and messed with the hair she didn't have up in the bun. "I'm cold too actually. Do you have any blankets?" He asked

(Night c:)
"Okay good, I'll go get them." Elliot said with a nod before going off to the closet. He grabbed the blankets and then brought them back with him
Mei smiled. "Thanks." She said, taking one and wrapping it around her shivering form. 
Elliot unfolded the remaining blanket and wrapped himself in it. It was a bit too small though, a bit being an understatement. It only covered up his torso and a third of his legs.

Mei laughed, taking her blanket and throwing half of it over his shoulder, making them stand closer together. "There." She said, her body pulling close to his. "Better?" She asked.
"Good, because I was freezing my ass off earlier." Elliot said with a chuckle. "Let's sit on the couch or something if were not going to sleep yet. Standing is for losers." He suggested jerking his head in the direction of the couch.
Mei smiled, shuffling with him towards the couch. She smiled, sitting down next to him. "This night has been the worst of my life." She said, leaning on his shoulder.
"Yeah, it seems like it." Elliot said with a sigh. "So, can tell me exactly what happened?" He asked
Mei sighed, recalling the story. "So I am guessing Jason sent a text saying come by tonight to me and his new girlfriend. So I showed up around 12, because he said to meet then, and I walked in on him and her making out. She was literally sucking his face. And of course I screamed, looking at them. The girl got mad and clocked me in the jaw, so I dumped him and left, and sat on that corner for 2 hours."
"Oh damn..." Elliot said under his breath. "I never liked Jason anyways, he didn't deserve you. You need someone much better than him." He added
Mei nodded, her vision clouding. "It's just we had so many promises, stolen kisses, beautiful moments." She said, sniffling. "And he threw them away for someone else."
Elliot leaned back into the couch and stared up at the ceiling. "Just try and forget about him, you'll find someone else soon enough. I assure you." He told her
Mei nodded, keeping her body close to his for both the warmth and the comfort. She closed her eyes, her breathing slowing.
Elliot quietly laughed when he noticed Mei falling asleep. "How cute." He thought before closing his own eyes and resting his head against the couch.
Mei silently fell asleep, her head resting on his shoulder gently. She snored softly, her eyes still puffy and her nose red and raw.

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