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Healing Hearts

Mei sat on the corner of the street, her head hung low as the rain poured over the back of her head. The night was dark and rainy. The rain masked the tears streaming down her face, leaving a salty trail down her cheek. She sniffed, hearing a car pass her, and not stop. As always. She didn't bother to check what time it was, she knew it was around 2 am. She sniffed again, another round of sobs wracking her body.

Mei had recently been cheated on by her boyfriend. She walked in on him with another girl. And she wouldn't by the 'She is just my cousin' crap. She was straddling him and making out with him. She ended up screaming at both of them, and getting clocked in the jaw by his new girlfriend. She still had dried blood on the corner of her mouth, but didn't bother to clean it. She just wanted to sit here, soaking herself till she was sick. 
It had been pouring rain for hours, keeping Elliot trapped inside the small apartment he shared with his roommate: a tall Norwegian man by the name of Sven who was almost never at home for reasons unknown. Lying on his bed with his music turned up nearly all the way Elliot scrolled through the pages of social networks and everything else people spent their time on these days on his laptop. Although it was keeping him occupied, it was failing to entertain him. He sighed and shut the laptop closed then set it off to the side deciding that maybe it would be a good idea to try and get some sleep.

Elliot turned down the volume of his music then covered himself in his blankets. Without the glow that came from his computer screen the room was pitch black, and the dark paired with the sounds from the rain made a very relaxing mixture to Elliot. It wasn't long before he found himself slowly slipping into sleep.
Mei wiped the corner of her mouth, dried blood coming off onto her hand. She took another shaky breath, getting up off the corner. She stumbled to the right, pressing her hand on the pole. She shuttered, walking towards her small apartment building. She opened the door shakily, her hands as cold as ice. She trudged up the stairs, stumbling up the stairs.
Elliot heard the notification sound go off on his phone, waking him right back up. "It's only 2:15, I can sleep later" he thought reaching for the phone. Soon he was completely immersed into the bright LCD screen, wasting his time and battery life on nothing important at all.
Mei stumbled again, her hand slamming into the door next to hers. Her body was shaking, her colored hair handing over her head. She shook, letting more tears stream down her face as she leaned against the wall.
Elliot opened up his messages since he had tons left without a reply. One of which happened to be from his best friend Mei. It just simply said 'hey', and that's exactly what he answered with.
Mei heard her cellphone big. She smiled a bit as she looked at the message. "Get to my house as fast as possible." Was the only thing she said, her frail and cold body collapsing outside her door.
'Its almost 2:30! What would you possibly want from me at this hour?!' Elliot sent back, he was thoroughly confused, Mei never did this.
Mei lifter up her phone, her hand shaking. "Bad break up, busted lip, can't move." 
Elliot's eyes widened at the sight of the text 'don't go anywhere. I'm on my way.' He sent back at the speed of light. Elliot jumped right out of bed and ran through the dark to the front door, after slipping on nothing but a pair of black vans shoes he left the apartment to run down the 12 flights of stairs he had to use every day since the elevator was broken and exited the building.

The rain hadn't gotten any better, in fact it seemed to be worse, and Elliot wasn't even wearing a jacket, but Mei's place was only a few blocks away. Within a few minutes Elliot was at the building.
Mei was still weak, her body slumped limply against the door. She had trails of tears down her face and her form was shaking, her clothes soaked though. She shivered again, more tears falling.
Elliot walked into the building, dripping wet and entered the elevator. He pressed the button that took him to Mei's floor and leaned back. He stared at his reflection in the shiny metal metal walls. "Oh god. Don't I just look beautiful..." He groaned to himself. Once the desired floor had been reached a 'ding' sound came from the elevator. Elliot's wet clothes had kind of stuck themselves to the wall and made ripping sound when stood up straight to get out.

Mei looked up dimly, smiling at him. "Nope, not him. His asshole of a new girlfriend." She said, her body still shaking. "Glad you could make it." She said dimly, the blood from her lip smeared over her face. She shivered, her tears still falling from her face. She looked back down, pulling her shaking knees close to her body.
It was a relief to Elliot to hear that it hadn't been her Ex that hit her, but he was still worried about her. "Okay good. But we need to get inside and do something about that lip. You look like shit" he said with a jokeish tone hoping his humour would help a bit.
Mei chuckled a bit. "Yeah, I know. I just sat in the rain for 2 hours." She said, her body shaking. "Might need help with that though. Last time I was standing, I hit a couple of walls and a door or two."
Elliot smiled and chuckled. "Yeah, I'll help with that. Don't worry." He said opening his arms to help.
Mei smiled sadly, getting up and wobbling into his arms, letting all of her sobs and tears into her friends arms. 
Elliot helped walk Mei over to her apartment door. "Okay, now we just need to unlock this and we will be good" he said
Elliot took the key and unlocked the door with it. "You're going straight to your bed. And I'm not leaving here tonight. I'll be on the couch if you need me." He stated before getting ready to help Mei again. "And I apologize for being so wet. I'm stupid and don't wear jackets." He chuckled
Mei smiled softly. "Thanks Elliot. And I didn't really notice since I am shivering and you are warmer than I am." She said.
"Oh, okay then..." Elliot replied before taking Mei into the apartment and over to her room. "You need to change your clothes since you're wet and sleeping like that could make things worse" he told her going over to her closet to get her something to wear.
Mei nodded, prying at her soaking clothes. She was still shivering from the rain and her eyes and nose where red and puffy. "Uhh, I feel like shit." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
Elliot grabbed a t shirt and pair of sweat pants for Mei and handed them to her. "Here, you can wear this..." He said with a smile.

It didn't look like it on the outside but Elliot was feeling almost as bad as Mei. He was freezing cold and how soaked he was made it even worse. But he didn't let it show so he didn't worry Mei, she was the one who needed help right now, not him.

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