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Fandom Harry Potter OOC

You know what would be funny? If Bella actually has a really soft side when it comes to the kids of the death eaters?
No of course she wouldn't spoil them, but I can imagine that she takes them somewhere when everyone else is busy?
Hmm, I don't know I think she'd be more concerned with trying to make sure Lileath didn't want to enact painful vengeance for not raising her all these years
Hmm, I don't know, Lileath might be angsty towards her but torturing your own mother half senseless is pretty extreme. If we were going to push her that far then she'd have to start torturing quite a few people.
She didn't feel like she needed to, but I was wondering if she said it in response to Lileath just basically barging in and having Malfoy help her
Well Violet's rude to strangers, but she's no idiot and she genuinely wants to get to know your character, she'll warm up eventually
Lileath might follow her out to apologize, but I haven't decided yet.

if her character sticks around she'll become part of the group without even noticing
That might be a little hard considering you just booted her out of the compartment and they're going to be sorted into different houses
Besides if there are three people and the other two won't mind then it's two against one

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