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Fantasy Harmony Boarding School

Jane saw the teachers and backed off Yakov, whimpering, lowering her head in submission feeling guilt and remorse as she laid on the ground, her head in her paws passively. Jane was scared, terrified even. She nearly killed a student and now she was most likely going to be expelled before school started.

@ZerRu575 @poutysunshine

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.627fd6d8802507ad4f98e83afc80e785.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148482" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/image.jpeg.627fd6d8802507ad4f98e83afc80e785.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jonathan Dunn

Seeing Gale blush made Nathan's heart race faster. His face felt warmer.
C-cute. He thought to himself. He opened his mouth to flirt but Gale turned her attention to erm… any was it? He didn't catch her name, he was busy looking at Gale. He turned to see Amy and gave a polite smile.

"I'm Nathan." He was more reserved but the redness on his face stayed. He rubbed the back of his head and looked down.

@poutysunshine @purplepanda288



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Yakov - Sitting up, takes a deep breath. Looks at the wolf next to him. You alright? Hope your not hurt... Looks stunned now, almost light headed as he rubs the back of his neck. Need anything to drink?
Stormie bit her lip to keep from grinning too wide at the girl's cheeks. It was just so easy to make her blush and Stormie at it up. She wasn't quite use to making people blush or anything without mal intentions. Her eyes went to the girl's lips when she bit them and she inhaled quietly. Her loss for words made Stormie extremely giddy to push Hazel with her actions but she held back. She tilted her head at the girl, giving her a curious look even though she knew good and well what'd it do to her. "You're cheeks are my favorite color. I wonder why though..." Stormie's voice trailed off a bit with fake curiosity and she bit her lip again. She held back for a moment anyhow. @OhFallenMars

(Going to wait for purplepanda but will go on if she doesn't reply in the next thirty minutes or so. @CharmyPie )

Ms. Gavin sighed as she looked at the pup. Her heart strings were pulled by the submissive and scaredness of the werewolf. She went over to the wolf slowly and pet her. "I can't promise you won't be in any trouble but you will still go here." She whispered slowly and softly but with a tone that told her thoughts to the wolf. She looked over to the other student, who she recognised as Yakov from a file, and smiled. "Are you okay darling? Do you need something?"

@ZerRu575 @TerrinX
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poutysunshine said:
Ms. Gavin heard the noise and jogged out there, the other teachers following behind without the same worry it seemed. She let out a scream when she witnessed the situation. "GET OFF THAT STUDENT RIGHT NOW OR I WILL BE FORCED TO TAKE ACTION!" The other teachers arrived and were now taking it much more serious. Mr. Johnson pulled out his taser which he had on him at all times. @ZerRu575 @TerrinX @Ryukaa Miura
Stormie smiled shyly for a moment at Hazel and looked at her under lashes. "I like making you blush." She mumbled it and bit her lip. She laughed a bit. "That kind of figures, I like light colors but red is my favorite. What's your favorite?" She couldn't help but feel like maybe for the first time she had a friend but also something that could lead to more. Her cheeks flushed at her thoughts and she went back to picking at non existent strings on the bed. @OhFallenMars

Gale smiled at the boy and her cheeks reddened at his reaction to her. He was cute in the kind of nerdy way all girls liked. "It's nice to meet you Nathan! Pleasures all mine." Her louisiana accent deepened on her last statement. Gale's attention was caught by the newcomers and she gave board smiles to everyone. "Hi Amy, I'm Gale!" She liked this girl's bursting personality and she looked at the friend beside her. "You are?" @CharmyPie @purplepanda288
CharmyPie said:

View attachment 328154

Jonathan Dunn

Seeing Gale blush made Nathan's heart race faster. His face felt warmer.
C-cute. He thought to himself. He opened his mouth to flirt but Gale turned her attention to erm… any was it? He didn't catch her name, he was busy looking at Gale. He turned to see Amy and gave a polite smile.

"I'm Nathan." He was more reserved but the redness on his face stayed. He rubbed the back of his head and looked down.

@poutysunshine @purplepanda288

Amy & Azazel

Amy gave the two little bow, properly giving them her respect. "Pleasure meeting you two, Azazel don't be so brooding and introduce you self." Azazel got a quick punch by his childhood friend, he groaned. All that he wanted was food, but that jorden guy seemed a bit on the jucy side to him. "I'm Azazel Assan, nice you meet you. Hey Amy I'll get some, food for us you just I don't know talk to them." He leaned in close to whisper to her. "I hate you." Amy gave him another punch to the arm, Azazle went to the fridge to get random articles of food."Sorry about him, he's a bit quiet when he meets new people. So just to break the ice, how old are you guys?"


Yakov - "I'll be fine"

He stands and starts walking to the dorms holding his head, the injuries on his back gone already. Goes up to his dorm and falls into a chair. His pocket watch on the ground infront of jane.
Gale looked back over to Nathan when he introduced himself to the others and noticed his flushed cheeks, making her smile bigger at the fact she wasn't the only one. "The pleasures all mine. Is it normal for him not to wear shirts?" She looked and the guy and held in her chuckle at him and the girls actions towards him. She could tell they were good friends. "I'm seventeen. What about you all?"

@CharmyPie @purplepanda288
Jane whined, nuzzling Ms.Galvin. She was still afraid of being in trouble. It wouldn't be the first time she's been caged and collared.

Licking her teeth and burying her nose in the ground.


Hazel Moss

Hazel chewed on her bottom lip, feeling her cheeks heat up even more. Honestly, what was happening to her right now. "It's because no one has ever flirted with me before." She pointed out, rubbing her hands on her cheeks to will away the redness. She knew it wouldn't work though. So, she dropped her hands back in her lap, her bottom lip pooted out a bit in a pout. "It's not fair." She mumbled.
Stormie shrugged and smile at Hazel. "It's only because you've been in your house." Her voice was matter of fact and she looked at her from the corner of her eye. She seemed genuinely frustrated with how she was feeling which made Stormie feel a bit bad for her. She watched as she rubbed her cheeks and smiled softly at how adorable it looked. Stormie raised her brow and was now confused a bit herself. "What's not fair Hazel?"

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Amy & Azazel

Amy smiled at her, they seemed really nice. Good thing she could find a little group friends here. "Well, about that. He likes to be 'free' from clothes, but since he can't exactly walk around with nothing on he just wears his jeans and boots." Azazle made a loud grunting noise, agreeing with what Amy had said. "I'm 16, Azazel as well, human. The fur ball over there is a werewolf, don't worry he's harmless." Amy let out a soft giggle, it's true Azazel is harmless.

@poutysunshine @CharmyPie
Hazel Moss

Hazel huffed. "It's not fair that I'm over here getting all flustered and you're just over there okay and not bothered." She told her, crossing her arms across her chest. Yes, she was being a bit childish over this, but she couldn't help it! It wasn't fair that other people had so much practice at hiding their emotions and Hazel didn't. The fact of it made her a bit irritated.
Gale thought Nathan's pouting was just too cute. She laughed at Amy's answer and Azazel's grunt in agreement. He was attractive walking around like that so she wasn't going to complain, it seemed most students here were attractive actually. She didn't think he would be but she wasn't one to underestimate a werewolf or human even. "I'm a vampire with no interest in drinking those who don't want me too. It's no fun." She shrugged softly with her blunt answer. @CharmyPie @purplepanda288

Stormie giggled at her silliness and irritation, finding it cute which would probably just spite Hazel. She cleared her throat and shrugged. "I think it's cute and for all that you're the only person in many years who has called me out on my act. I don't understand why you hate that you can't hide your emotions. I like it, like a lot. I'm just constantly acting around everyone so you should know you see more of me than anyone else..." She ran her fingers through her hair, sighing softly and trailing off. Stormie realized that after so many years of acting like a dumbass around others it was more difficult to express what you are feeling. She couldn't meet her eyes, not use to actually dealing with people upset unless she was going to use it against them. @OhFallenMars

Ms.Gavin held the wolf and stroked her. "Do you think you'll change back anytime soon?" The other teachers had headed back to the school after she said she had it. @TerrinX
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Jane was to depressed and worried to change back. She always had problems shifting when in emotional stress which she guessed was comon. Jane licked the teachers face and whimpered a bit more before standing up beside the woman obediently. Her male member hidden in her seath though it could still be seen she was a female without female genitalia. @poutysunshine
Hazel Moss

Hazel bit her lip, not exactly sure how to respond to the outburst. It was becoming apparent to Hazel, that Stormie didn't like the way she acted. It was understandable, Hazel could imagine she would be tired of it too. "Well, so far I really like the real you." She said, wringing her hands lightly in her lap. "You should laugh more often. Like your real laugh. I really like it." She told her as well, trying to make her feel better.

Stormie bit her lip at Hazel's sudden change and realized she might have thought the she was angry with her. If anything she was angry with herself if she was angry at all. She didn't have anyone like her for her. It didn't make sense to her. She her face wrung into a confused expression. "I.." She bit her lip, not knowing what to say to that. She ran her finger over Hazel's knee and leg just above, hoping it could show her she wasn't upset. She smiled softly at the compliment. Her eyes closed momentarily, enjoying the moment. "Well if you wouldn't mind dealing with me and all this I'd enjoy being your friend, like an actual friend. We can work out more later." Stormie spoke softly, getting softer towards the end and her heart speeding up at that. She wasn't sure what more was but she couldn't help hope a bit for it. She inhaled deeply at her thoughts and continued tracing Hazel's knee and leg right above. @OhFallenMars

Ms. Gavin nodded at the wolf's unspoken words. "Let's go for a walk until you get better darling." She walked towards the trail she often ran with the young wolf beside her. @TerrinX @TerrinX (here it is)
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Hazel Moss

Hazel didn't know what to do about the girl touching her. She was touching her. Was she supposed to touch her back? Was she just supposed to like...leave it alone? Ignore it? No, she couldn't ignore it, it felt nice. Hazel was having this short dilemma with herself when Stormie finally spoke, breaking her thoughts. "Yeah...yeah I'd like that too." Hazel said, biting her lip softly. She hesitantly let her fingers trail over Stormie's hand. That seemed like easy territory. It wasn't scary.

"What...what more?" She asked, after a moment of silence.


Jonathan Dunn

"I'd gladly have your lips on my neck…" Nathan mumbled quietly with a blush. He looked down to hide it. Stop talking, Nathan! You'll make it worse! He snuck a peek at Gale. She's so beautiful. He cleared his throat nervously and turned to Amy.

"So Amy, what's with you and unn… Azazel? You two seem awfully close."

@poutysunshine @purplepanda288

Stormie smiled and blushed as Hazel's hand touched hers. She continued what she was doing as Hazel traced her head, her stomach feeling more like a zoo than butterflies. The girl had no idea that she had about as much idea of how to go about this as she did. She always heard her friends talk about it but she never got into it much. She always pretended to like whoever went best with her act and she sure never acted on that without any feelings there, even her act wouldn't go that far. Again the look of confusion went over Stormie's face, "I don't know. More of this? More than this? I..I'm not sure. I'm sorry..." She spoke softly, the moment seemed too precious to have anything but soft and quiet words. @OhFallenMars

Gale couldn't hold the look of shock momentarily. One trait humans tended to lack, especially when first meeting, was being direct with what they wanted or thought. She wasn't sure what to say to that and watched him silently. He looked away embarrassed without even realizing that she very much liked it. He peaked a look at her and she smiled at him, hoping he'd realize she liked it. She twirled her a bit without thought and didn't take her eyes off of him. She wasn't sure he knew exactly what he was saying though so she wasn't going to give it much thought. Of course that was much easier said than actually done. Gale sighed and wished the others weren't there so she could at least explain to him what that actually meant. @CharmyPie @purplepanda288
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Hazel Moss

Hazel swallowed thickly at Stormie's words. She wasn't even sure what the girl was talking about, but she had a small idea. It was weird to think she had only met this girl hours ago, and yet it felt like she had known her for a lifetime. She agreed though. Friends first, and then maybe later they would figure other things out. Hazel lifted her hand away from Stormie's, and dragged her fingers through her short locks. She wasn't sure where to go from here, but as she placed her hand atop Stormie's again, she hesitantly laced their fingers together.


Jonathan Dunn

Nathan looked up at Gale when he saw her smiling at him.
Oh she heard me. She heard me. She heard me. She heard me. She heard me. She heard me. She heard me. Someone please kill me now. His face was flushed red, and there was no use denying it. He looked at Amy and smiled politely. Then back at Gale, he gave an almost shy smile.

"I- umm… I'm going to go, nice meeting you, see you around, bye!" He made his way to the kitchen door and almost banged his head. He lowered his head in embarrassment. What are you doing in front of Gale?! He hissed to himself. Part of him wanted her to follow him… the other part wanted to go jump off a cliff.

@poutysunshine @purplepanda288

Luna Williams

Luna walked into the school, she was greeted by most of the teachers which she smiled back. Walking through the rather large doors she looked up at the tall ceiling and smiled as she could get used to this. She found a map which she used to guide her over the dorms, finally finding her dorm which was four, she walked in and was surprised to find it empty.

She scanned the beds and saw that one top bunk was occupied so she decided to get the bottom bunk of that one. Placing her bags on top of the bottom bunk she decided to open the window to let in the cool autumn air, taking a deep breath of the new fresh air she decided to stuff her small luggage under her bed and decided to leave her duffel and messenger on the bed to let other's know it was now occupied.

After a bit of walking around the empty room, Luna decided to close the window and enjoy the air outside she grabbed her messenger bag and headed out the door and made her way outside.
Stormie worried the girl's silence was a bad thing but she figured she was just giving it all thought. Her heart practically stopped and she thought she had made a big mistake when Hazel took her hand away. She bit her lip and continued tracing the girl's legs for a moment, deciding not to take it if it was a hint. She couldn't help but sigh when the girl's hand intertwined with her own. "Hazel, what's your favorite animal?" She smiled when she looked up the girl, change of subject and not all at the same time. She wanted to know her and everything about her - maybe in time she'd tell her why she was the way she was. That thought made her realize that this, whatever they had, was only going to become more complicated with other people coming. She wasn't ready to completely change back, she wasn't sure if she even knew the other part of herself any longer. @OhFallenMars

Gale couldn't help but giggle at his ruby cheeks and shy smile. She was confused when he went to go, he was so blunt and then he was running away. She bit her lip so hard to keep from laughing at him that she was surprised she didn't taste iron. "Excuse me please Amy, Azazel. I'm going to check on him after I grab some ice." On that note she headed to the freezer grabbing what she needed and headed out after him. She found him rather quickly. "Are you okay?" She asked him without being able to hold her amused smile. @CharmyPie

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