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Fantasy Harmony Boarding School

Jane padded alongside the teacher, panting slightly. She felt at ease with this woman, though the thought of punishment later on still hung in the back of her mind. Eventually, Jane could smell a few animals and she had to work hard not to run off. Jane was technically still a pup and had a hard time controlling her urges. Especially having male genitalia, it only made her confused and shy.

Hazel Moss

Hazel moved over to sit more next to Stormie, her back pressing against the wall. She righted their hands so they were actually holding hands, and bit her lip. "Well, I really love foxes...but somethings telling me that wolves are about to become my favorite animal." She told her, grinning lightly at the girl. She was teasing, and yet wasn't at the same time. "What's your favorite animal, then?" She asked her, leaning slightly, just enough for their shoulders to touch.


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Jonathan Dunn

Jonathan was staring out the window when she found him. He turned around and gave her boyish smile. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I was rather silly, wasn't I?" He laughed lightly as he looked at her smile. "You have a really pretty smile." He admitted after a while. He found himself staring at her again.




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Ms.Gavin sighed looking at the pup. She wasn't that age long ago herself but then again it was long ago, besides that she understood what the pup was going through. Although she didn't know couldn't completely understand the situation that this wolf was going through. "Don't run off on me." Ms. Gavin spoke in a firm tone towards her. @TerrinX

Stormie smiled brightly as Hazel moved closer to her and their hands intertwined. She laughed at her teasing. "Well, I tend to like things that can bite me." She teased back and traced her thumb over Hazel's knuckle in her own. @OhFallenMars

Gale smiled broadly at him and put the ice pack to his head. "No more than I am probably." She laughed and made eye contact with him as he complimented her. "As do you." She looked back at the icepack on his head and tapped it softly on each cheek. "You stare at me a lot, like I'm a painting or something." Gale mumbled towards him as she put gently put her hand to his head feelings for any bumps. @CharmyPie
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Hazel Moss

Hazel playfully brought Stormie's hand up to her mouth, and nipped at her fingers. Her face heated up when she realized what she had done. She hadn't meant to do it on purpose. Hazel set their hands back down in her lap, her cheeks ablaze. "Um...Speaking of that, I'm quite curious as to what happens when a vampire drinks from a werewolf? I didn't know if it was like the same or.. I don't know. If you don't know that's okay too.." Hazel trailed off, her face still red.


Jonathan Dunn

Nathan looked down as she returned a compliment, a silly smile on his face. He peeked up at her again.

"What can I say, I like looking at masterpieces. Beautiful works of art." He said, referring to her. He shivered lightly at the feeling of the ice on his head and he enjoyed her hands on his head. "I appreciate what you're doing, but I got a hard head, don't worry 'bout it." He laughed lightly and took her hand into his, planning to just remove her hand. But he realized what he's done… he was holding her hand. He blushed and looked away again, not sure if she'd hate him for it or not.


Jane lowered her head submissively once again, standing close to Ms.Gavin, trying hard not to follow those amazing smells.

She whimpered slightly, nuzzling the woman's hand gently.

Stormie was shocked at first when Hazel nibbled her fingers. As soon as the girl lay her hand down she found herself giggling loudly at her action. She picked up Hazel's hand and kissed it, intertwining their fingers once again. She laid both their hands down on Hazel's thigh. "Well, it is different. It would give you a high, not sure how strong it would be really. I would tell you that but it really depends on the vampires, how much they have drank, how often they do...many things. If you ever want to..you know...try it then I don't mind." Her cheeks turned red, she had never been drank but heard from some others that it felt nice. Better than many things but she'd never met anyone she would even let kiss her, let alone drink her. @OhFallenMars

Gale's cheeks flushed at his words. She smiled shyly at him and it widened when he shivered. She enjoyed people having reactions towards her, especially physical. "You do, do you?" She laughed with him. His face flushed when he realized what he had done and she couldn't help but adore his overall boyishness. "Why so flushed dear?" She teased him and intertwined her hand with his, showing him she didn't mind it. In her world holding hands wasn't a big deal but she always enjoyed the innocent gesture. @CharmyPie

Ms. Gavin smiled at the wolf, she listened better than most and seemed to not rebel against orders. She stroked the wolf. "Are you feeling any better pup?" She knew some teachers find it foolish but she thought that the students feelings were important. It was hard being a teenager. @TerrinX
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Hazel Moss

Hazel smiled a bit when Stormie started laughing, and she was shocked, to say the least, when the girl kissed her hand. "I've never been high before so I wouldn't know what it feels like.." Hazel trailed, although her mind was on the rest of what Stormie said. Hazel bit her lip. "I'd like to try it...but later...after we've figured...whatever out." She said, taking in a deep, nervous breath. She had never drank from someone directly before, that thought alone was a bit thrilling to her.
poutysunshine said:
Gale's cheeks flushed at his words. She smiled shyly at him and it widened when he shivered. She enjoyed people having reactions towards her, especially physical. "You do, do you?" She laughed with him. His face flushed when he realized what he had done and she couldn't help but adore his overall boyishness. "Why so flushed dear?" She teased him and intertwined her hand with his, showing him she didn't mind it. In her world holding hands wasn't a big deal but she always enjoyed the innocent gesture. @CharmyPie

Jonathan Dunn

"Come on, Gale, who wouldn't get flushed if a beautiful person is holding their hand?" He laughed lightly and squeezed their now interlocked fingers. "My my, so eager, holding my hand like this, I haven't even asked you out for a date yet." He smiled at her.

Stormie's listened as Hazel spoke. The idea itself terrified her but excited her that she wanted to try it. She nodded her head in agreement. "I think that's a good idea. I've never been high either actually." She laid her head on the girl's shoulder and closed her eyes. She sighed as her thoughts went back to what they had, whatever it may be Stormie already had no interest in losing it. "Hazel darling? Will you be angry when I act around others? When I'm not myself, like will you understand? I have my reasons and you have to understand most aren't like you. When I'm that person I'm not nice at all. I'm awful." She said it quickly, hoping the girl would catch it all. She hadn't ever thought about just how awful she acted when was that way and in her eyes it was justified until now. It confused her a bit. @OhFallenMars

Gale couldn't help but smile at him again with his way for words. She had a feelings his boyish looks only helped with these words. She laughed. "Why, I haven't even said yes yet." She teased him and smiled. @CharmyPie
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Jordan smiled a small smile to him. "Yeah , we should go somewhere more private". He took ahold of Kaiden's hand a pulled him toward the dorms " We can go to my room , if that's okay with you ?" He didn't know what Kaiden was comfortable with so he thought it would be best if he decided where to go.

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Jane nodded. Jane stumbled forward, her from was shrinking, bones cracking, changing.

Now back in her human form, Jane stood up slowly and held her arm nervously. "I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt anyone...It was an accident...I swear..."




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poutysunshine said:
Gale couldn't help but smile at him again with his way for words. She had a feelings his boyish looks only helped with these words. She laughed. "Why, I haven't even said yes yet." She teased him and smiled.

Jonathan Dunn

"And here we are, holding hands." He put their hands down and pulled her closer in the process. "If I asked you out, would you say yes?"

Ms.Gavin bit her lip at the young girl and sighed. "Well, sadly, accident or not we have to deal with it but I don't see you being expelled. We somewhat expected an incident like this to happen at some point honestly. Would you like to walk some more before you go back?" She asked sweetly as they stood there. She figured the girl would like to prolong her freedom. @TerrinX

Gale giggled quietly at his actions. She tilted her head at Nathan and enjoyed their game, it'd be quickly ended if she were to simply yes. "What do I get out of it if I am to?" Gale liked hearing his responses and liked how direct but well he spoke. @CharmyPie
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poutysunshine said:
Gale giggled quietly at his actions. She tilted her head at Nathan and enjoyed their game, it'd be quickly ended if she were to simply yes. "What do I get out of it if I am to?" Gale liked hearing his responses and liked how direct but well he spoke. @CharmyPie

Jonathan Dunn

He pulled her closer and leaned in to her ear.

"The best night of your life."

He pulled away afterwards and gave another smile.

"Y-yes Miss..." She said looking away sadly. The normally fragile girl was on the verge of tears but held herself back.

"I-It's a nice night out.." she stammered shyly, "Thank...Thank you for taking care of me..." Jane held her hands in front of her skirt defensively.

Gale raised her brow at his words and a soft flush spread over her cheeks. If anyone was up for something like that it'd be her. "Then I am obligated to say yes for myself, aren't I?" She had a feeling his silliness lead to a belief of innocence that wasn't there. She couldn't quite size him up but Gale sure was going to try. @CharmyPie

Ms. Gavin bit her lip at the girls wavering voice. She laid her hand on the girl's shoulder. "It's okay and it's what I'm supposed to do as a teacher. I'm Ms.Gavin and you are Jane, aren't you?" She smiled sweetly and spoke softly to the student. @TerrinX
poutysunshine said:
Gale raised her brow at his words and a soft flush spread over her cheeks. If anyone was up for something like that it'd be her. "Then I am obligated to say yes for myself, aren't I?" She had a feeling his silliness lead to a belief of innocence that wasn't there. She couldn't quite size him up but Gale sure was going to try. @CharmyPie

Jonathan Dunn

Hearing her words made Nathan blush.
"I honestly thought you'd turn me down." He let out a sigh of relief. "Aren't I just the luckiest man in the world." He smiled. "So Gale, where do I pick you up, and at what time?" He grinned like a 5-year old whojust received the best gift in the world.

"Y-yes...I'm Jane Mesmer.." She said feeling a bit shaken then comfort from the hand on her shoulder.

"Mr.Gavin..I am really sorry...For being so..Shy.."

Gale laughed softly at this and took his other hand, swinging them softly. "You decide, you've been doing great so far." She watched their hands and looked up at his smile from under her lashes. He looked so thrilled, she couldn't help but love just how much he seemed to enjoy her. "I don't think you realize how attractive you are." She smiled, tilted her head at him and gave him a smile. @CharmyPie

Ms.Gavin shook her head at the girl's apologies. "Child, child it's okay." She took her hand off her shoulder and watched the young girl. She seemed so shaken. Getting these students to get along wouldn't be the only struggle she could see, it seemed they just couldn't cope with what they were and what they could do. @TerrinX
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Luna Williams

Luna walked around campus, she just loved all the scenery that the school had. She thought that she could get used to this as she found a nice view of the forest, she quickly sat down then dug through her bag. She found just what she has been looking for, her phone along with her small sketch book and pencils.

She put her playlist on shuffle as she opened up to a blank page as she began to doodle the wonderful view she had. Quick enough she began to colour all the beautiful colours that she saw from her little spot which were all reds, oranges, yellows and some brown.
Jane sighed. "I-If you say so." She said breathing a little bit harder to calm her nerves.

"Hmpf!" Jane squealed going wide-eyed, holding her hands on her skirt more prominently.

"U-uh..Ms.Gavin...C-can we go back now? I-I'ts getting cold.." Jane murmured trying desperately to hide her hiking skirt. She cursed herself for even wearing it, not to mention shut a short skirt..

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poutysunshine said:
Gale laughed softly at this and took his other hand, swinging them softly. "You decide, you've been doing great so far." She watched their hands and looked up at his smile from under her lashes. He looked so thrilled, she couldn't help but love just how much he seemed to enjoy her. "I don't think you realize how attractive you are." She smiled, tilted her head at him and gave him a smile. @CharmyPie

Jonathan Dunn

Hearing her words, Nathan blushed and looked away shyly.
"Most would say I'm overly childish and petty." He admitted. "And I guess I'll pick you up aaaat around 8?" He smiled and looked at her again, the blush still on his face.

Ms.Gavin nodded her head and smiled sweetly at Jane. "I do say so!" She heard the girl squeal and stopped. "You okay?" She shrugged at the girl's words, "I suppose so." They headed back towards the school and the girl seemed to continue to be a bit odd. Ms. Gavin noticed another student and smiled brightly as she headed towards her. "Why hello there! I'm Ms. Gavin and this is Jane!" She gestured towards Jane as she introduced her. @omgcaro

Gale couldn't help but shake her head at Nathan's comment. She never understood people's obsession with being mature or never being silly. She agreed with him, nodding her head. She couldn't help put the back of her hand against his cheek, liking the warmth. Gale's lip jutted out as the thought crossed the Jordan would be gone probably or be heading there with his friend so she didn't want to interrupt. She cleared her throat a bit awkwardly and licked her lips. "Do you mind, if maybe, we just hang out for a little longer? I don't really know that many people and don't want to just hang out by myself or anything ya know..." She started babbling without realization and still had her hand on his cheek, now palm resting there. @CharmyPie

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