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Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

She'd listen to Calliope's explaining her father's job. Whilst she didn't have much to add or ask, she did smile at how happy she seemed to be talking about it. It made her wonder if it was normal for beasts to have a natural fondness for only one of their parents, or if that was just Calliope's case, or if she misunderstood things altogether... but now wasn't the time to ask about any of that. There was one part Euthalia could reply too. “Dealing with nobles... He must truly be talented.” She chuckled, knowing first-hand how difficult those could be. “Did he grow up in the capital of Kuridan?” She'd ask, wondering what that place might be like.

For a moment, Euthalia just started straight into Calliope's eyes upon the words of encouragement, as if they took a long time to actually sink in. Then she laughed gently. “Thank you, although I'd never have gotten through it without you.” She leaned forwards and down a bit, then back again as if nothing happened. “Anyhow, I'll have to see how much will return to me. For now I should be grateful to have it back to begin with.”

Another chuckle escaped her lips upon Calliope's next confession. “So the rumours of a dangerous flower-thief sneaking through Rose Field at night are true!” She stated, pretending to be in shock, before her chuckle turned into a laugh. “Well, I can see that happen. It's good you were able to make it up to people.” Even if it was just flowers, risking a criminal title was never a good thing.

She raised an eyebrow upon the mention of the cat leaving herself mostly paralysed for three days. “I really should learn healing magic...” She once again mumbled, reaffirming her previous commitment. “I'm surprised flowers like that exists. Although...” she wondered silently for a moment “perhaps with my magic, I could make them less dangerous. Or perhaps what'd make them dangerous to you wouldn't even work on me.” Then again, perhaps that was better for another day.

As beautiful as this garden was, she knew the cat was likely eager to show her more. “Were there other places you'd wanted to show me?” She asked. “Not that I don't love it here, it's beautiful, but I'm also eager to see more of the place you grew up at.”
Calliope Dar'Maoro
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
The Felisian cocked her head in confusion at Euthalia's question before suddenly realizing where the mix up happened. "Oh, no, mmhhmm. My father was born in one of the Ryke capitals, mmhhmm. One of the lower ones, mmhhmm. Nightsdale... Night... mont?... hhhmmm? I can never remember their names, I just prefer to avoid large cities with walls, mmhhmm. I think this town is the farthest into Kuridan he's ever been, mmhhmm. Or wait, no, I think he went to Mom's clan grounds, hhhmmm? Yeah, cause that's where they got married, mmhhmm. But he knows hardly anything of life in Beast culture, mmhhmm. He didn't even have a Beast name when Mom met him, she bestowed his on him during their wedding, mmhhmm. That's why he does all his peddling in Ryke, mmhhmm. Pffft... Even his Felisian is rusty, mmhhmm." She held her hand to her mouth and giggled, knowing she shouldn't tease him.

Calliope simply smiled and gave Euthalia's hand another reassuring squeeze at the reply to her comment about the heartseed.

Calliope blushed at Euthalia's accusation of her being a flower thief, but chuckled nervously and smiled when she realized the Sylvari was teasing her. "Yes, I suppose a life of crime doesn't suit me, hhhmmm?"

"There are a surprising number of flowers with detrimental traits throughout the world, mmhhmm, if you know where to look. Though most of those types of effects can still have beneficial uses, mmhhmm. We just need to know what each ingrediant is capable and how to responsibly harness that effect, mmhhmm."
She enjoyed talking about plants with Euthalia.

At the mention of other places, she turned to check the sun's position. "Oh, yes, they should be setting up no actually, mmhhmm. The Market in town usually opens in the mornings, but they wait till later at certain times of year, depending on the weather, mmhhmm. Since it's too cold in the mornings, they become busiest shortly afternoon now, mmhhmm. We should be able to view the most vendors right now if we head over, mmhhmm. We'll probably bump into my brothers then, too, mmhhmm." She tugged lightly on Euthalia's hand ans she stepped backward and smiled, drawing the Sylvari back toward the gate.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario

The Bee Fields
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

“Oh! You mean one of Ryke's county capitals?” It suddenly clicked for Euthalia. “I know there's Nightshade County, but I've got no clue what it's capital is called, truth be told.” She nodded at the mention of walls. “I can somewhat understand why other species would want walls, but they always tend to make me feel imprisoned and caged-in.”

She was a bit confused by 'clan grounds' being a thing. “Are clan grounds like a barony or home-town of sorts?” She asked. Euthalia laughed a bit at the mention of the rusty Felisian, as she did notice what she perceived to be a bit of a lack of purrs and hisses between words. That did make her wonder... “What accents do my attempts at speaking Beastial sound like to you?” Perhaps she sounded more like a bird [beast] due to the Sylvan accent having a sing-song quality to it.

Imagining Calliope as catwoman as a criminal was an odd thought for sure. “It doesn't, but who knows, perhaps we can join the flower business together one day. I'm confident I can provide a steady supply of them.” She joked a bit at the idea of them becoming some flower venture capitalists.

Euthalia knew enough about nature to nod to Calliope's statement. “I'm always intrigued by how a bit of some of those plants might be healthy, whilst to much of it might be utterly poisonous.”

She smiled when she felt her hand tugged by Calliope. “Let's go to the market then~” Truth be told, she was a tad nervous. There would likely be more humans there. She also had no clue what to think about meeting Calliope's brothers, a her parents had already been fairly intimidating. Even so, with Calliope's leading her by the hand, she felt like nothing would be too big to face head-on.
Calliope Dar'Maoro
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Calliope smiled and nodded at Euthalia's response. "Yes, mmhhmm, exactly. I have never been there myself, but I have heard about it from father, mmhhmm. I tend to stick to farming and small market villages, mmhhmm." She made a face when Euthalia mentioned her dislike of the walls. "Mmhhmm, I agree completely. I like wide spacious towns with roads meant for full wagons and cattle herds, mmhhmm. Where wandering in any direction will take you to fields and plains of the region, mmhhmm. Walls are restricting, mmhhmm."

She realized Euthalia had likely never seen clan grounds. Technically, she hadn't either, but Calliope was familiar with the idea. "Clan grounds are like... an ancestral prrroperty, hhhmmm? I do not know Barony, but like a home town, yes, though their size and structure varies with the clan, mmhhmm. I believe the Dar' clan grounds are now mostly unused fields and caves, as much of the clan has moved on or integrated with others, but we still keep our claim to the lands, mmhhmm. One family is assigned as a care taker to prrreserve the land and our clan history, mmhhmm." She thought that got the point across.

She turned a little red however when Euthalia asked about her Beastial. "I-I do not want to lie to you, but please do not think my words to harsh, mmhhmm. Your Beastial is... a little wooden, mmhhmm." Her eyes went wide as she realized what she said and she covered her mouth with her hands. "Ah, no sorry, that is not, I mean, I-I just mean it is a little stiff, mmhhmm. But that is to be expected, mmhhmm. You still speak it quite well, mmhhmm. As I said, even my father has trouble and he's been speaking it since before I was born, mmhhmm. It is not an easy language to learn later in life, mmhhmm. There are many social and emotional emphasis that take many years to learn, mmhhmm. You are making wonderful prrrogress, and it means the world to me that you are making an effort, mmhhmm." She smiled at the Sylvari, hoping she could understand why Calliope would answer her so. The Felisian would definitely have to learn Sylvan eventually.

Calliipe laughed at Euthalia's suggestion. "A flower shop sounds lovely, mmhhmm. We could sell them along side my potions out of Refara's Sound, mmhhmm." Her face suddenly paled and she hung her head in exasperation. "I-I forgot about my potion shoppe, mmhhmm... How am I going to explain that to mother, hhhmmm...? She will not be happy, mmhhmm."

Muharriq-Lord Bara 1.pngAs Euthalia agreed to go to the market with her, the two travelled the dirt road back to town, reaching the start of the brick before long. They made their way back to the center of town, where the fountain continued to babble calmly. More covered stalls and display wagons and carts had been set up in the town square, bright colors littering the eye line in all directions. A gentle thrum of an instrument filled the air as the two approached, Calliope waving and shouting to the Felisian man they saw earlier, tuning his sitar. "<Greetings, Muirriq. How go the days earnings?>" The orange haired cat boy sighed and shook his head disapprovingly. "<It is not always about the earnings, dear sister, but I doubt your business oriented mind could ever grasp such a notion. And the coin could fall a little heavier...>" He smirked and lightly kicked his hat which had been set in front of him, showing the small amount of curency within. Calliope smiled and pulled a few coins from her dress inner pocket, tossing them into the cap. "<Well ,your business brained sister says sleep in a bed tonight, on her Ryke. Mom wants you home for dinner later.>" He placed his fingers together and rested his face against them in a bow like display at Calliope. "<Many thanks, Sister sister. Surely your good deeds will grant you favor in your own dealings. And I'll see you at dinner.>" Calliope gestured at Muirriq. "This is my youngest brother, Muharriq, mmhhmm. His name means 'Mom's Favorite', mmhhmm." She stuck her tongue out him teasingly and he laughed under his breath before smiling at Euthalia and giving her the same bow gesture as before. "It's true, I am Muharriq, but my sister is wrong about one thing, mmmm. I am everyone's favorite, not just my mothers, mmmm. And who might you be, maiden of the flowers, whom blesses my sister with her prrresence, mmmm?" Calliope turned bright red and her cheeks huffed at being bested in her teasing.
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

“Roads? Roads... I get that they are needed, but I don't like them. I like to feel the soil underneath my feet. Feeling the weird rocks in roads all the time just make me feel like I'm going to starve.” That was one reason she didn't like Humans. Their desire to put stones in the soil everywhere and make it impossible to root well. A culture difference that was tough to get over.

She thought a bit about the clan grounds. “The sounds a bit like a groves.” She eventually stated. “Although I doubt I'd be allowed to show you one.” She did wonder about another part. “Does your clan have any particular history? I mean...” She didn't phrase that well. “Are there any stories the Dar' clan is known for?”

She tilted her head a bit. “Wooden?” She asked, confused. Her body was all fiber, no wood, so it couldn't be that. “Ah, stiff. I see.” She wasn't the most surprised, as there were a fair few odd pronunciations. “Do let me know what I can improve upon, I'd love to learn more from you.” She ended up adding, returning Calliope's smile.

The matter of the potion shop wasn't really something she had an easy answer for. “Perhaps you can promise her to earn enough to use the portals and visit often? Or invite her over to see it for herself?” Those were the only two things she could think off right now.

As expected, the market wasn't exactly Humanless, but she was able to ignore them. She just made sure to stick a bit closer to Calliope as they walked through it all. She was a tad surprised they were discussing his lack of income so openly. Perhaps another cultural difference.

Upon being explained the name, however, she laughed, only to stop mid-laugh, a little shocked at her own action. “My humble apologies. That was exceedingly rude, it's just that the meaning took me off guard.” Considering how much complaining she'd heard from the mother, the sudden meaning of this name was just too unexpected.

As for the brother's own introduction, she wasn't sure how to respond. She'd normally put up her typical Fae charm, but ever since she'd met Calliope, she didn't feel like it. If anything, a better option occurred to her. “I'm Euthalia Apricot, although I can assure you, she's the one blessing me with her presence.”

Having figured out that counter, she would try to help out a bit with the previous issue she heard about, holding up a (Wealth F) fairly valuable coin piece. “It seems you are a bard? Would you do me the honour of letting me hear one of your clan's classics, if there are any?” She was still interested in the Dar' clan, if anything just to learn more about Calliope's background.
Calliope Dar'Maoro
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Calliope pondered the question Euthalia put forth. "Special history, hhhmmm? I don't believe so, though I am not really sure, mmhhmm, I was never good at paying attention to that sort of stuff. My father or mother might know more, mmhhmm."

She smiled at the Sylvari's request for language assitance. "Of course, mmhhmm. If anything comes to mind, I'll be sure to let you know, mmhhmm. But you are doing quite well as is, mmhhmm."

The Felisian tipped her head in thought as she wondered about Euthalia's solution to the potion shop issue. "I would be willing to offer, but I'm not sure she accept, mmhhmm. My mother has never left Kuridan as far as I know, mmhhmm. Even getting her to live this close to Ryke took a lot of effort on my father's part, mmhhmm. It was only the prrromise of the bakery that convinced her, mmhhmm. She is very stubborn and old fashioned, mmhhmm. But, I will try, mmhhmm." She smiled up at Euthalia, happy that she was trying to help find a solution.

Muirriq looked confused at Euthalia's apology for a moment, before letting out a small laugh and shaking his head. "No, no, no need to apologize, mmmm. My sister is teasing me,1714974077995.png for as she was named after father, I was graced with mother's name, mmmm. Our mother is Muir, and my name, Muirriq, roughly translates to... well, uh, Little Muir, mmmm." Calliope looked at him with a smug entertained smile on her face, holding in her laughter while he explained, as Muirriq couldn't help but smile back at his sister incredulity. "So no offense was taken, you were merely enjoying the joke along with us, mmmm."

Muirriq gave a quick glance to Calliope as Euthalia replied, the Felisian woman's face turning slightly red at the remark. "Oh really, mmmm? Seems my sisters travels are broadening her horizons, mmmm. Perrrhaps she would regale us with some tales later, mmmm?" He strummed his sitar playfully as he finished his sentence and Calliope stammered back in embarrassed frustration and mild pout. "Perrrhaps I shall, if the lot of you are nice to me for a change, mmhhmm."

Muirriq took the coin from Euthalia, again bowing his head and making the same finger joining gesture. "You honor me, truly, mmmm. A bard sings in the halls of nobles and relays great epics, mmmm. I am but a humble minstrel, seeking to learn the songs of the common man and bring them to places they are not often heard, mmmm." He looked at the coin, holding it up to the sun. "Is this from the See, mmmm? I've never seen one like it, though I tend to travel north from here, rarely south and never that far, mmmm. It is a gift I will cherish, for I am unlikely to see another of its kind, mmmm. Thank you, Euthalia Aprrricot, mmmm." Calliope frowned and leaned down to prod his nose gently. "Coins are for spending, mmhhmm. It's that attitude that keeps you a minstrel, mmhhmm." She smiled and tilted her head. "Though perhaps you could visit my new residence one day, mmhhmm. I have a feeling you would like Refara's Sound, mmhhmm. You would have the quite the stage there, mmhhmm." Muirriq pocketed the coin and nodded. "That sounds quite fun, I would love to, dear sister, mmmm. But for now, I have been given a request, mmmm." He turned back to Euthalia and smiled, settling his sitar in his lap and strumming slowly.

( I am not lyrically inclined, but when I have some free time I will come up with something. XP
So for now, here is filler paragraph. X( )
He plays a song and sings in Beastial about the clans conception, a tale of a woman who takes in and cares for a man she finds wounded, only to discover he is from a rival clan. Having no allegiance of her own, she hides him until he is well and lets him go. Upon his return to his people, he learns her village is next for attack. He returns to warn her to leave, but she refuses, as the villagers will require healing after. He stays and aids the villagers in fending off his own clan, and while victorious in driving them away, he is maimed in the fight. She treats him until he is able to function on his own again and the two leave together and start their own clan, Dar, the burning.

Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

“That's alright, perhaps I should ask them instead.” It sounded like the history and story to the clan might be a perfect topic to talk about in order to get in better with her future cat-in-laws.

She nodded at Calliope telling her she'd help her sound more natural. “Thank you~” With some luck, she'd eventually speak it as fluently as was physically possible for her to speak it.

“Perhaps we can come up with a way to convince your mother together. If we travel by portal, it won't take too long and I can cover the costs this time around.” She suggested, hoping to offer some promising ideas.

Glad that she hadn't offended one of Calliope's siblings, she nodded. “Well, once more, it's a pleasure to meet you, Little Muir.” She hoped she hadn't pushed things too far with that one, but couldn't abstain from trying it.

“Well, if your song is great enough, perhaps I'd become a return customer.” She stated, a tad surprised the coin was taken in the way it was. She'd have to agree with Calliope. He'd never earn a living if he stashed any earnings he made as souvenirs.

After the song wrapped up, she called her hands together. “That was a most interesting song.” She replied, not entirely sure how to comment on the 'singing' qualities of it, without having much experiences to judge with, but surely having been listening to the words and the story that was told through them. She figured that'd also answer her earlier question. She wondered if their parents would tell the same story. “Is sharing history through songs like these common around here?” She'd ask, somewhat curious.
Calliope Dar'Maoro
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Calliope smiled warmly as Muirriq played. While she couldn't see eye to eye with most of her family, she was proud of her siblings and their talents. She always enjoyed hearing her younger brother play and was quite certain he would be famous one day. The Felisian woman was quite happy that Euthalia and he seemed to get along well, though Muirriq was hardly the problem in the bunch.

As he finished, Muirriq smiled up at Euthalia and gave another bow. "Your words honor me, thank you, mmmm." Calliope nodded as well. "Your playing imprrroves every time I come home, mmhhmm." Muirriq grinned, a slight twinkle in his eye. "Then come home more often, it would do me wonders, mmmm. And bring your friend with you, mmmm." He turned and smiled at Euthalia. "She is most welcome here, as far as I am concerned, mmmm." He winked at the Sylvan and turned his attention back to his sitar as Euthalia asked her question. "Not so much anymore, but it was very common in older times, mmmm. I spend my days finding the forgotten songs of our people, in hopes they shall be re-remembered for many years to come, mmmm. And speaking of, as much as I enjoy an audience, I should return to prrracticing, mmmm. You are welcome to listen as long as you like though, mmmm." Calliope waved her hand in front of her. "Maybe in a bit, but I came to show Euthalia the market, mmhhmm. You were a distraction, mmhhmm. Oh, and mom wants you at the house by nightfall, she's prrreparing a celebration, mmhhmm. So make sure you're there or I'll get blamed for not telling you, mmhhmm." Muirriq chukcled and nodded. "Of course, dear sister, mmmm. I hope you both have a wonderful afternoon, mmmm."
Calliope gently led Euthalia in front of the stalls lining the market. They were loaded with all kinds of home grown or hand crafted goods. Spices and ready to eat meals, vibrantly colored patchwork blankets and robes, jewelry and pottery, produce and decorative pieces. The common theme seemed to be bright dyes and paints in a variety of colors, some might even call it garish. Calliope seemed quite proud of the display though. "Look at them, mmhhmm. Earning a living off their hard work, mmhhmm. Each a master at their particular trade, eager to share it with others, mmhhmm. I always dreamed of setting up a stall amongst them as a child, and I succeeded several years ago, mmhhmm. But since then, I've set up stalls and my wagon in many markets, met many amazing craftsman and tradesman, mmhhmm. And now I have my own store, on the other side of the continent, mmhhmm. I never imagined such a thing was possible, but since meeting you, many unbelievable things have happened, mmhhmm. So thank you, Euthalia, mmhhmm. I will continue to follow my dreams, mmhhmm. And I hope you are there for each one I achieve, mmhhmm." She smiled up happily at Euthalia, squeezing her hand gently once more. She was glad things had gone so smoothly thus far. The only hitch she still needed to worry about was-

"<Hey, tangerine head, I don't care if you've taken up gardening, but if you hold her hand like that in front of mom, she'll think you've gone vegetarian.>"
Calliope whipped around to lock her furious eyes with those of a tall dark haired Felisian in fine attire. "<Idiot! She can understand you! She speaks Beastial!>" The Felisian got a mildly shocked look on his face for only a moment before it returned to its previous stoic expression. He bowed dramatically to Euthalia. "Welcome to our lovely town. I hope you enjoy your time here and if you have a moment, might I recommend stopping by the Shy Maiden for a complimentary dri-" Calliope smacked his head repeatedly. "Just shut up, you're making it worse, mmhhmm." She turned back to Euthalia as the other righted himself. "This is my brother Noran', mmhhmm. He's harmless, despite..." She gestured wildly up and down at him. "everything about him, mmhhmm." The Felisian frowned with a hurt expression. "Your words wound me sister, I am nothing if not a humble, kind, successful, handsome welcomer for this town. A servant to the people." Calliope frowned and swatted at him again. "Then you are nothing, idiot, mmhhmm." He smiled and extended his hand to Euthalia. "It is a pleasure to meet you. Please, call me Jeremiah. At least when mom isn't around."

Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

She'd smile gently upon hearing the siblings get along, a tad flustered by Muirriq's comments, but otherwise focussing on Calliope for the moment. “Ah, that's a shame to hear.” She'd reply to his mention of the art of sharing history through song vanishing. “It is a noble cause, trying to revive it and bring it back.” She'd add, getting a bit more of an understanding that this brother was more than just another bard. “Good luck.” She'd finally reply, when he stated he'd go back to practising, as she'd wave him goodbye.

Looking around the market, she'd following along with Calliope. “It'd be my pleasure~” She'd smile at Calliope stating she'd wish for Euthalia to be there when she accomplished her dreams. “Now that my Heart's Seed is part of me and now that you're part of my life, it feels like I can start dreaming again as well... I can't wait to share whatever comes up with you.” She'd reply with a smile, gently returning the bit of a squeeze with one of her own.

“<That is certainly the most original introduction I've ever heard.>” She stated, turning around to face whatever comment she'd heard called out, speaking her most fluent possible Beastial to stress Calliope's reply.

As for the rest of their conversation, she honestly wasn't sure how to react. She recalled someone's tongue being ripped out for insulting her mother at the Fae court, but, well, that would be a tad much here. The other brother did seem like he didn't mean much by it. Perhaps it'd be better to try play along with his game. “After an introduction like that, you'd need to convince me that this Shy Maiden even has a <vegetarian> option.”

Upon his extend hand, she hesitated for a moment, before figuring she'd accept it. However, she did recall something, turning to Calliope. “So, what does Noran mean?” She sort-off hoped it'd be something embarrassing or odd, like 'Little Muir' a moment ago. As for the Jeremiah bit, she wasn't sure. “Perhaps I should stick with Noran to be safe. I'd rather not be made into compost.” She did learn that their mother liked to keep up tradition and not go the Common route, something she could appreciate.
Calliope Dar'Maoro
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Noran' smiled mischievously at Euthalia's reply, his eyes searching hers for weakness. "I assure you, the Shy Maiden has options to sate any appetite, you just need to ask for it." Calliope groaned in annoyance and hung her head. "Where do you think you work, some big city night house, hhhmmm? Ignore him Euthalia, mmhhmm, he's all talk." Noran's expression eased and he smiled defusingly. "My sister is right, I am little more than a bartender pretending his clientele are more interesting than any this town has to offer." The sinister control returned to his face as he smiled once more. "Pay me no heed."

At the question of his name, Calliope's ears twitched. "Oh, of course, mmhhmm. So Noran is the beastial word for silver, specifically the metal, mmhhmm. And when you put the emphasis on the ending, like Noran' , then you are talking about something made of silver, mmhhmm. He was named after his eyes, mmhhmm. It also is a way to say you find something beautiful, mmhhmm. Noran' is real proud of his pretty eyes, aren't you, hhhmmm?" She grinned at him as he smiled down at her as one might a child. "My eyes have come in quite handy in my line of work, so yes, I am rather happy with them. I assume they've done more for me than your height has for you? Ryke still letting children work?" He turned back to Euthalia as Calliope fumed, once again unable to best a brother in an attempt to impress Euthalia. Noran' turned back to the Sylvari. "A wise decision, staying on mom's good side. It makes life easier at the very least. So1716442818799.png where are you from anyway, and how did you manage to end up here with my sister? Find her begging on the side of the road and decide to bring her home?" He suddenly got a horrified look on his face and glanced between the two. "Oh, gods, she doesn't... she doesn't owe you money does she?"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Last edited:
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

ANY appetite, you say?” She asked, a devious smile forming. “It's been so long since I had a nice mixture of peat moss, perlite, compost and fresh garden soil. With that little bit of garden lime, soybean meal, rock phosphate and kelp meal to really finish it up. It'd have an acidity of exactly 6.3, of course. Needlessly to say, with a glass of fresh Paizu Mountain water to go with it.” She'd reply to him. “I'd be happy to visit if that's offered.”

“I see.” She'd reply to the topic of his eyes. That said, she wasn't too interested. Calliope's eyes were prettier, as she stared into them for a bit to confirm as much. It was such a pretty and vibrant blue that she felt like she could get lost in it for ages, like staring at the sky on a bright sunny day whilst rooting and photosynthesising. Realising what she was doing, she'd quickly look back at the brother. “It's an interesting name.” She'd eventually reply, trying to get back on-topic a bit.

It seemed the older brother was still going to tease on more, though on the topic of height, few were taller than her. She couldn't help wanting to point that one out. “You're not that much taller from my perspective, silver-eyes.” As if to emphasis, she stated it whilst she was looking down onto him.

The return questions were easier to deal with. “I spent most of my life in the See off Chearon. This is the furthest I've been from it. I grew up in Bishri, though I lived in cities and towns through-out most of the See. I travelled here due to wanting to learn more of Calliope's home-town. So far, it's been rather pleasant and interesting, I must say.” The only annoyance was the amount of Humans and the fact she couldn't squash them like bugs, but for Calliope's sake, she could deal with that.

The last bits of Noran's reply had Euthalia chuckle, in the typical sing-song like manner in which only a Fae could laugh. “I could say she stole something from me, but she also helped me find it, so I'd say she owes me as much as I owe her.” She'd cryptically reply.
Calliope Dar'Maoro
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Noran' frowned and lowered his ears in disappointment. "I see you have a sharp tongue and wit. You could find such better company than my sister here." Calliope smiled smugly and crossed her arms in a hardly earned victory. "You're just jealous my life turned out more interesting than yours, mmhhmm." The male Felisian snorted and returned the smile to Euthalia. "It's true. As for your request, I happen to have a crate of Water, bottled with the melted snow from the peak of Paizu. That or Gus paid top dollar for a half dozen bottles of pond water. Either seems just as likely."

Calliope looked back at Euthalia a quizzical look on her face as the Sylvari starred at her? "Hhhmmm? Is something the matter, hhhmmm?" She dropped the question as Euthalia got back on topic, but Noran''s lips lifted slightly at the edges at the exchange.

Noran' scoffed at Euthalia's comment on his own height, shaking his head dismissively. "Of course I'm not, you'd have to head to the tree line surrounding the town to find a living thing as tall as you." Calliope frowned and glared at her brother. "Hey, be nice, mmhhmm. She's still a guest of mine, mmhhmm." Noran' smiled warmly at his sister. "I am being nice, I'm rather fond of your friend. She's more interesting than anyone I've met in a while."

"I see. I've only left Kuridan a handful of times, but I have made sure to go far each time. I made a trip to the Western Empire, Widersia, and the Duchy. Each was rather impressive." Calliope stared wide eyed at the other. "I-I didn't know you had gone to any of those places, mmhhmm! Why didn't you tell me, hhhmmm?" Noran' kept his stoic demeanor as he replied. "I don't tell you everything, dear sister. And you never asked. They were for picking up stock for the tavern, but I made the most of the trip. Learned some interesting phrases and cuisine."

At Euthalia's final comment, Noran' grinned, having gained what he deemed enough evidence to support the theory he had constructed in his mind. "I see. It is believed, perhaps inappropriately, that those who steal from a Fae are spirited away. So I suppose I only ask that you take care of my sister. Guess this means I owe Titus 100 Rykes. I shouldn't have specified it would be Humans that would catch you." Calliope pouted, lookingup at her brother incredulously. "Why are you two betting on whether or not I would get caught, hhhmmm? And I wasn't caught, mmhhmm!"

Noran' laughed and bowed to Euthalia again. "As enjoyable as this meeting has been, I must finish shopping before the tavern reopens for the dinner crowd. It was an immense pleasure to meet you and I suppose I shall see you again later tonight. I hope you enjoy your time in our town. It isn't much, but it is rather comfortable. Good day to you both."

Mentions: Elvario Elvario
Euthalia Apricot


Heavily self-edited AI generated stuff.
Mentions: StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Languages: Common | {Sylvan} | <Beastial>

She scoffed a bit when Noran told her she could do better than Calliope. “That's where you're wrong.” She'd state. “I've already settled on the best.” She'd add, looking at Calliope with a smile.

A chuckle escaped her lips on the mention of pond water. “Do you want me to confirm that this Gus has been scammed, or would you prefer to live on in the illusion that he might not have been?” She'd ask, knowing already that a scam was far, far more likely to have occurred.

Upon realising she'd been starting, she got a tad flustered. “Oh nothing, just eh... thinking.” She tried to explain. Thinking was similar enough to getting lost in the cat's eyes, right? Right. Sure. That would work.

“Indeed you would, I've truly found myself in a land of shorties.” She couldn't help instinctively reply as such to Noran. Perhaps her Fae nature taking over. “Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment.” She replied to being called more interesting. She wasn't sure if it was a compliment, but she might a well roll with it.

“Oh? Those are indeed far places to venture towards.” She was a tad impressed. Most countries he mentioned seemed pretty different and possibly dangerous. None of them she'd wish to visit herself. Cuisine was far from her comfort zone, so she tuned out for a bit.

Noran's next comments got out a combination of a darker shade of green on her cheeks and an awkward laugh. “Don't worry, I promise I'll take good care of her.” She added, as that was something she'd set her mind upon long ago already. It was just a bit odd to admit as much towards another in public.

She'd bow back a bit to Noran, having enjoyed the conversation enough to remain polite. “Very well, good luck with that.” She'd state.

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